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Empire of the Sun: 1942-44 Scenario Playtest - July 2023 Journal

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Entry # Time Turn Player Title Entry
405 10/6/2024 10:41:00 AM Jan-Apr 1944 Japanese Message Haha ok, let’s let this one go. It’s not far to keep making you come back to it after a 3-6 month hiatus! You had started to turn the tide in the CBI, but it’s all good. Hope the family visit is going well!
404 10/4/2024 10:42:00 PM Jan-Apr 1944 Allies Message I'm very confused here...
Didn't you have Northern India? How did i get Dacca back?
Have not played this one for awhile!
403 9/18/2024 11:26:00 PM Jan-Apr 1944 Japanese Play Strategy card as Operations #76: 2 / Operation Tsurugi: Japan Attacks a B29 Base with Giretsu Airborne unit
Activation: Any HQ Logistics Value: 1 Conditions: Any air or naval units may be activated, but only one brigade size ground unit may be activated. Bonus: If the Allied player has a B29 LRB unit within 8 hexes of Tokyo (3706) or in the China Air units box, the Japanese player rolls a die. On a die roll of: 0-4: Lose one B29 Air step* 5-9: No Effect *Japanese choice Remove from play if used as an event.

OC: 4 EC: 6

Message from Japanese:
Alright, look at us, back in the saddle! Time to run away.

OC on South HQ 1+2=3 acts

* 2212 (Saigon) : South HQ (Agreement) Activates.
* 2106 (Mandalay) : 15th Army Activates.
* 2008 (Rangoon) : 38th Army Activates.
* 2106 (Mandalay) : 11 AD Activates.
* 2008 (Rangoon): 38th Army moves to 2110 (Bangkok)
* 2106 (Mandalay): 15th Army moves to 2008 (Rangoon)
* 2106 (Mandalay): 11 AD moves to 2110 (Bangkok)

No battles or PBM, BTY.
402 9/16/2024 9:52:00 PM Jan-Apr 1944 Allies Message PBM
* 4020 (Kavieng): 7AF Air moves to 3626 (Cairns)

Baby good! Getting fat!
401 9/13/2024 11:33:00 PM Jan-Apr 1944 Japanese Message Rabaul flips, BTY for PBM, file 107 is up.

How's the baby??
400 9/13/2024 11:32:00 PM Jan-Apr 1944 Japanese Message I don't think anyone moved within my AZOI (common theme lately) so this is a surprise attack, which probably means you get 12 as an auto--34 (+1, +3)? I'm going to conclude that.
399 9/13/2024 11:29:00 PM Jan-Apr 1944 Japanese Die roll request Request: 10-sided die x 1


Message from Japanese:
IC Roll.
398 9/13/2024 3:09:00 PM Jan-Apr 1944 Japanese Message Gotta resolve this battle… I need to finish out this game, it’s disgraceful.
397 6/13/2024 10:02:00 PM Jan-Apr 1944 Allies Play Future Offensive card as Event #33: 2 / Quadrant Conference: Burma Offensive
Activate: Any HQ. Logistic Value: 3 Conditions: Only air and ground units may be activated. Bonus: This event ends a US inter-service rivalry. Flip the US Inter-Service Rivalry marker to its Strategic Agreement side. If the US Inter-Service Rivalry marker is already on Strategic Agreement side there is no additional effect. In addition, the Allies may immediately construct the Jarhat Trans Route for no cost. If Jarhat already constructed the either Ledo or Imphal can be constructed.

OC: 2 EC: 4

Message from Allies:
No, because no...
Event to end ISR. Build Imphal
* 2105 (Imphal/Kohima): 15 British Corps moves to 2005 (Dimasur)
* 2005 (Dimasur): 15 British Corps moves to 2105 (Imphal/Kohima)
* RobC (Allies) toggles Imphal Route
* 3822 (Lae) : [I Corps] Activates.
* RobC (Allies) toggles American ISR (Agreement)
* 3823 (Port Moresby) : XIV Corps Activates.
* 3822 (Lae) : IX Corps Activates.
* 4222 (Buin) : 5AF Air Activates.
* 4020 (Kavieng) : 7AF Air Activates.
* 4020 (Kavieng) : 11AF LRB Activates.
* 3823 (Port Moresby): XIV Corps moves to 4022
* 3822 (Lae): IX Corps moves to 4022
* 3822 (Lae) : [I Corps] Deactivates.
* 3823 (Port Moresby) : Aus Air Activates.
* 3823 (Port Moresby): Aus Air moves to 3822 (Lae)
* Allied ASP Marker uses 3/6 ASP
* Allied ASP Marker uses 4/6 ASP
* Allied ASP Marker uses 5/6 ASP
* Allied ASP Marker uses 6/6 ASP
* 4021 (Rabaul): 17th Army joins Battle A
* 3822 (Lae): Aus Air joins Battle A
* 4020 (Kavieng): 7AF Air joins Battle A
* 4020 (Kavieng): 11AF LRB joins Battle A
* 4222 (Buin): 5AF Air joins Battle A
396 6/13/2024 2:09:00 AM Jan-Apr 1944 Japanese Draw Extra Strategy card Message from Japanese:
For ISR, last one of the turn.
395 6/13/2024 2:09:00 AM Jan-Apr 1944 Japanese Play Strategy card as Event #11: 2 / US/British Second Front Conference - Germany First: US Inter-Service Rivalry
Flip the US Inter-Service Rivalry Marker from its Strategic Agreement to its Inter-Service Rivalry side. No additional impact if Inter-Service Rivalry is already in effect. Draw one Strategy Card.

OC: 4 EC: 0

Message from Japanese:
OK, I'll spare you further suspense. Hopefully it sticks...
394 6/7/2024 11:46:00 AM Jan-Apr 1944 Allies Play Strategy card as Operations #14: 2 / WAR IN EUROPE: Minor Allied Victory
Increase the War in Europe marker a number of spaces equal to the value associated with the year of the current game turn: 1942: 1 1943: 1 1944: 2 1945: 3 Remove from play if used as an event.

OC: 2 EC: 0

Message from Allies:
OC on SEAC (2+1)
* 2104 (Jarhat) : [33 British Corps] Activates.
* 2104 (Jarhat) : 15 British Corps Activates.
* 1307 (Columbo) : SEAC Air Activates.
* 2104 (Jarhat): [33 British Corps] moves to 2205 (Ledo)
* 2104 (Jarhat): 15 British Corps moves to 2105 (Imphal/Kohima)
* 1307 (Columbo): SEAC Air moves to 1905 (Dacca)
* 2105 (Imphal/Kohima) is now Allied controlled.
* Allies have captured 5 progress of war hexes
* 2205 (Ledo) is now Allied controlled.
* Allies have captured 6 progress of war hexes

no pbm, bty
393 6/5/2024 6:14:00 PM Jan-Apr 1944 Japanese Return Strategy card to hand #11: 2 / US/British Second Front Conference - Germany First: US Inter-Service Rivalry

Message from Japanese:
Will redraw this...
392 6/5/2024 6:13:00 PM Jan-Apr 1944 Japanese Discard Strategy card #56: 3 / WAR IN EUROPE: Minor Axis Victory
OC: 5 EC: 0

Message from Japanese:
This does nothing now.
391 6/5/2024 6:13:00 PM Jan-Apr 1944 Japanese Play Strategy card as Event #68: 2 / Japanese Army/Navy: Central Agreement
This event ends a Japanese inter-service rivalry. Flip the Japanese Inter-Service Rivalry marker to its Strategic Agreement side. If the Japanese Inter-Service Rivalry marker is already on Strategic Agreement side there is no additional effect. Bonus: If this card is played as an event, the Japanese have the option to discard a card of their choice and re-place it with any card from the discard pile (not those removed from play).

OC: 4 EC: 0

Message from Japanese:
Will try to make these guys get along...
390 6/2/2024 8:32:00 PM Jan-Apr 1944 Allies Message * 4514: CV Hancock, CV Essex, CV Intrepid, CV Franklin, CV Bunker Hill moves to 4415 (Eniwetok)
* 3814 (Guam): [7 AD] is eliminated

Yup, I thinks thats 4.
389 5/24/2024 3:06:00 AM Jan-Apr 1944 Japanese Message Brutal! JP gets *2 and kills 3 steps worth of Marines, but the reduced division takes Eniwetok. Is that 4 POW hexes?


* 3507 (Osaka): [7 AD] moves to 3814 (Guam)
* 3507 (Osaka): [8 AD] moves to 3615 (Ulithi)

BTY for PBM, and then don't forget to kill an extra step for the card bonus!
388 5/24/2024 3:03:00 AM Jan-Apr 1944 Japanese Die roll request Request: 10-sided die x 1


Message from Japanese:
BH(B) Ground

AP: 24 (auto)
JP: 9 (+3 AA)
387 5/24/2024 3:02:00 AM Jan-Apr 1944 Japanese Die roll request Request: 10-sided die x 1


Message from Japanese:
BH(A) is moot.


AP: 102 (+3, auto)
JP: 8 (let's get that crit!)
386 5/24/2024 3:00:00 AM Jan-Apr 1944 Japanese Draw Extra Strategy card Message from Japanese:
For Kamikaze.
385 5/24/2024 3:00:00 AM Jan-Apr 1944 Japanese Play Strategy card as Event #81: 2 / Kamikaze Attack
Play prior to one battle of the Offensive that is within 11 hexes of Tokyo (3706) and within extended range of a Japanese air unit. The Japanese player eliminates two Allied naval steps (Japanese player's choice, may not eliminate a unit unless there is no other option), while reducing the Japanese air unit whose range was used one step (even if this would eliminate the air unit). No more than one Kamikaze per battle, but more than one Kamikaze per offensive is allowed. Draw One Strategy Card. Remove from play if used as an event.

OC: 4 EC: 0

Message from Japanese:
Will play this to blow up the reduced Lexington. Mostly for the draw.

* 3709 (Iwo Jima) : [9 AD] suffers a step loss.
* 3907: [CV Lexington] is eliminated
384 5/24/2024 2:59:00 AM Jan-Apr 1944 Japanese Message Intercept.

CF HQ 3+3=6 acts

* 3814 (Guam) : [7 AD] Activates.
* 3615 (Ulithi) : [8 AD] Activates.
* 3615 (Ulithi): [8 AD] moves to 3507 (Osaka)
* 3814 (Guam): [7 AD] moves to 3507 (Osaka)
* 3507 (Osaka): [8 AD] joins Battle A
* 3507 (Osaka): [7 AD] joins Battle A
383 5/24/2024 1:16:00 AM Jan-Apr 1944 Japanese Die roll request Request: 10-sided die x 1


Message from Japanese:
IC Roll.
382 5/19/2024 8:40:00 PM Jan-Apr 1944 Allies Play Strategy card as Event #55: 3 / Operation Forager: Marianas Is. Invasion
Activate: Any HQ. Logistic Value: 6 if US Central Pac HQ, for all others: 4 The Great Marianas Turkey Shoot: Japanese aircraft carrier naval units have their attack strength reduced by 2 for the duration of this Offensive. In addition, at the conclusion of the Offensive, one active Japanese air unit or an air unit in a battle hex (Allied Player's choice) loses one step, which may eliminate the air unit.

OC: 3 EC: 5

Message from Allies:
Event CPAC (6+3)
* 4715 (Kwajalein): CV Hancock moves to 4514
* 4715 (Kwajalein): 6M Division moves to 4415 (Eniwetok)
* 4222 (Buin): CV Essex moves to 4514
* 4514 : CV Essex Activates.
* 4514 : CV Hancock Activates.
* 4415 (Eniwetok) : 6M Division Activates.
* 4222 (Buin) : CV Intrepid Activates.
* 4222 (Buin): CV Intrepid moves to 4514
* 4222 (Buin) : CV Franklin Activates.
* 4222 (Buin): CV Franklin moves to 4514
* 4322 (New Georgia) : 3M Division Activates.
* 4322 (New Georgia): 3M Division moves to 4415 (Eniwetok)
* 4020 (Kavieng): [CV Lexington] moves to 3907
* 4222 (Buin) : CV Bunker Hill Activates.
* 4222 (Buin): CV Bunker Hill moves to 4514
* 3907 : [CV Lexington] Activates.
* 4222 (Buin) : BB Washington Activates.
* 4222 (Buin): BB Washington moves to 4415 (Eniwetok)
* 3706 (Tokyo): [CA Mogami] joins Battle A
* 3706 (Tokyo): SS Bde joins Battle A
* 3706 (Tokyo): 1 SN Bde joins Battle A
* 3706 (Tokyo): [CA Aoba] joins Battle A
* 3706 (Tokyo): 61 AF joins Battle A
* 3907: [CV Lexington] joins Battle A
* 4415 (Eniwetok): BB Washington joins Battle A
* 4415 (Eniwetok): BB Washington joins Battle B
* 4415 (Eniwetok): [37th Army] joins Battle B
* 4415 (Eniwetok): 51 AF joins Battle B
* 4415 (Eniwetok): 6M Division joins Battle B
* 4415 (Eniwetok): 3M Division joins Battle B
* 4514: CV Bunker Hill joins Battle B
* 4514: CV Franklin joins Battle B
* 4514: CV Intrepid joins Battle B
* 4514: CV Essex joins Battle B
* 4514: CV Essex joins Battle B
* 4514: CV Essex joins Battle B
* 4514: CV Hancock joins Battle B
* Allied ASP Marker uses 1/6 ASP
* Allied ASP Marker uses 2/6 ASP
381 5/17/2024 2:27:00 AM Jan-Apr 1944 Japanese Play Strategy card as Event #71: 3 / High Altitude Interceptors
2 Air Replacements: The Japanese receive 2 air replacement steps. These steps may be used immediately or recorded as replacement steps for future use. Bonus: Add +1 to Strategic bombing die rolls until the Allies control a supply eligible airbase within 5 hexes of Tokyo. Place the High Altitude Interceptors marker on the game turn track as a reminder. Remove from play if used as an event.

OC: 5 EC: 0

Message from Japanese:
Apparently I'm also good at drawing these air replacement cards.

* Leningrad84 (Referee) creates High Altitude Interceptors Marker in Turn 8 (Jan-Apr 1944)
* Eliminated JP Air Units: 6 AD moves to 3009 (Taihoku)
* 3009 (Taihoku) : [6 AD] suffers a step loss.
* 3014 (Samar/Leyte) : 25 AF restored to full strength.
380 5/17/2024 2:25:00 AM Jan-Apr 1944 Japanese Message Yeah, we've been playing this 7-turn scenario for almost an entire year now thanks to my dithering, but IIRC I've drawn and played like every Weather card in the deck... This is one area where I seem to have good card luck.
379 5/15/2024 9:59:00 AM Jan-Apr 1944 Allies Message Crap! And it was the good Typhoon!
378 5/15/2024 12:22:00 AM Jan-Apr 1944 Japanese Draw Extra Strategy card Message from Japanese:
For Typhoon.
377 5/15/2024 12:22:00 AM Jan-Apr 1944 Japanese Play Future Offensive card as Event #64: 2 / Weather: Halsey's Typhoon
Allied Offensive is canceled. All units are placed back at their starting locations. The Japanese player may reduce one full strength Allied CA or DD naval unit (Japanese player choice) that was activated for the canceled Offensive. This can only reduce, not eliminate, the naval unit. If none of the specified naval units are available, there is no additional effect. Draw one Strategy Card. Remove from play if used as an event.

OC: 4 EC: 0

Message from Japanese:
It's okay brother, I'll save you the trouble! I'll probably wish I had held on to this, but oh well.
376 5/14/2024 9:37:00 PM Jan-Apr 1944 Allies Message Desperate times! Leave it like that, I'll fix with HQ move or something...

375 5/14/2024 6:58:00 PM Jan-Apr 1944 Allies Message Well I think it dies if it’s already reduced, and flips if full strength. But, damn, thought Okinawa was in range….
Will re-eval when I recover from flight…..
374 5/14/2024 5:51:00 PM Jan-Apr 1944 Japanese Message Well, I guess first they'd suffer a step loss, and then next turn they'd be fully eliminated if an HQ didn't move closer. I just want to make sure I've understood correctly how this all works.
373 5/14/2024 5:49:00 PM Jan-Apr 1944 Japanese Message Hey man, sorry my message could have been clearer. You're not attacking Taiwan, only Okinawa and Iwo Jima, and the move is definitely legal. My only question is what happens to the unit in Okinawa (or, hypothetically, Taiwan) at the end of the turn, since as far as I can tell that section of the map is out of range of either CPac or SW Pac HQs. My understanding is that if you're not within supply range of any Allied HQ then the unit dies at the end of the turn, is that right? This was my rationale for leaving Okinawa and Taiwan uncovered by AZOI.
372 5/14/2024 8:33:00 AM Jan-Apr 1944 Allies Message Will check when I get home. Long airplane ride this AM?
Am I attacking Taiwan? I thought Iwo and Okinawa. I think Okinawa in range?
371 5/14/2024 3:12:00 AM Jan-Apr 1944 Japanese Message Hey, help me out with something: aren't Okinawa and Taiwan out of range of all Allied HQs? In other words, that Marine division will be eliminated at the end of the turn unless you redeploy one of your HQs forward? Or am I missing something...
370 5/11/2024 8:58:00 PM Jan-Apr 1944 Allies Play Strategy card as Event #75: 3 / Operation Detachment: Iwo Jima
Activate: Any HQ. Logistic Value: 8 if US Central Pac HQ, for all others: 4 Conditions: An Allied ground unit must make an amphibious move to a hex within 10 hexes of Tokyo or this card may only be used as an OC.

OC: 3 EC: 5

Message from Allies:
Event on CPAC (8+3)
* 4715 (Kwajalein) : CV Hancock Activates.
* 4715 (Kwajalein) : 6M Division Activates.
* 4715 (Kwajalein) : CV Wasp Activates.
* 4715 (Kwajalein) : CVL San Jacinto Activates.
* 4222 (Buin) : CV Essex Activates.
* 4222 (Buin) : CV Franklin Activates.
* 4222 (Buin) : CV Bunker Hill Activates.
* 4222 (Buin): CV Bunker Hill moves to 3710
* 4020 (Kavieng) : [CV Lexington] Activates.
* 4020 (Kavieng): [CV Lexington] moves to 3807
* 4222 (Buin): CV Essex moves to 3710
* 4222 (Buin): CV Intrepid joins Battle A
* 4222 (Buin): CV Intrepid moves to 4219
* 4219: CV Intrepid retires from Battle
* 4219 : CV Intrepid Activates.
* 4219: CV Intrepid moves to 3710
* 4222 (Buin): CV Franklin moves to 3710
* 4715 (Kwajalein): CV Hancock moves to 3710
* 4110 (Marcus) : 2M Division Activates.
* 4715 (Kwajalein): 6M Division moves to 3709 (Iwo Jima)
* 4110 (Marcus): 2M Division moves to 3209 (Okinawa)
* Allied ASP Marker uses 1/6 ASP
* Allied ASP Marker uses 2/6 ASP
* 4719 (Nauru) : SF Brigade Activates.
* 4719 (Nauru): SF Brigade moves to 4110 (Marcus)
* Allied ASP Marker uses 3/6 ASP
* 4715 (Kwajalein): CV Wasp moves to 3709 (Iwo Jima)
* 4715 (Kwajalein) : CVL San Jacinto Deactivates.
* 4222 (Buin) : BB Washington Activates.
* 4222 (Buin): BB Washington moves to 3709 (Iwo Jima)
369 5/8/2024 3:04:00 AM Jan-Apr 1944 Japanese Play Strategy card as Event #83: 2 / Invasion of Java: Battle of the Java Sea
Activation: South HQ only Logistic Value: 4 Long Lance Torpedoes: Japanese CA naval units add 2 to their attack strengths for the duration of this offensive.

OC: 4 EC: 6

Message from Japanese:
Sorry for the extreme delay, I really thought you were up for some reason!

EC on South HQ 1+4=5 acts

* 2212 (Saigon) : South HQ (Rivalry) Activates.
* 2105 (Imphal/Kohima) : [28th Army] Activates.
* 2008 (Rangoon) : 15th Army Activates.
* 2008 (Rangoon) : [25th Army] Activates.
* 2212 (Saigon) : 38th Army Activates.
* 2105 (Imphal/Kohima): [28th Army] moves to 2106 (Mandalay)
* 2008 (Rangoon): 15th Army moves to 2106 (Mandalay)
* 2008 (Rangoon): [25th Army] moves to 2212 (Saigon)
* 2212 (Saigon): 38th Army moves to 2008 (Rangoon)

No battles or PBM, BTY!
368 4/26/2024 10:52:00 PM Jan-Apr 1944 Allies Message No PBM, bty for next card...
367 4/25/2024 2:31:00 AM Jan-Apr 1944 Japanese Message File up!
366 4/25/2024 2:30:00 AM Jan-Apr 1944 Japanese Message OK, that all went about as well as it could have... 11th AF flips, no damage to JP.


* 2106 (Mandalay): 2 AD moves to 2212 (Saigon)
* 2106 (Mandalay): [1 AD] moves to 1813 (Medan)
365 4/25/2024 2:27:00 AM Jan-Apr 1944 Japanese Die roll request Request: 10-sided die x 2


Message from Japanese:
Even trade! Brits retreat to Jarhat, 28th Army flips, Imphal holds for the moment.


AP: 10 (+3)
JP: 24
364 4/25/2024 2:23:00 AM Jan-Apr 1944 Japanese Die roll request Request: 10-sided die x 2


Message from Japanese:
SEAC LRB flips, no damage to JP.

BH(A) Ground

AP: 36 (-2)
JP: 18
363 4/25/2024 2:21:00 AM Jan-Apr 1944 Japanese Die roll request Request: 10-sided die x 2


Message from Japanese:

AP: 4 (for crit)
JP: 20
362 4/25/2024 2:20:00 AM Jan-Apr 1944 Japanese Message Intercept.

South HQ 1+2=3 acts

* 2212 (Saigon) : South HQ (Rivalry) Activates.
* 1813 (Medan) : [1 AD] Activates.
* 2212 (Saigon) : 11 AD Activates.
* 2106 (Mandalay) : 2 AD Activates.
* 1813 (Medan): [1 AD] moves to 2106 (Mandalay)
* 2212 (Saigon): 11 AD moves to 2106 (Mandalay)
* 2106 (Mandalay): 2 AD joins Battle A
* 2106 (Mandalay): 11 AD joins Battle B
* 2106 (Mandalay): [1 AD] joins Battle B
361 4/25/2024 2:18:00 AM Jan-Apr 1944 Japanese Die roll request Request: 10-sided die x 1


Message from Japanese:
Sorry for delay!

IC Roll.
360 4/21/2024 9:17:00 PM Jan-Apr 1944 Allies Play Strategy card as Event #71: 2 / Victor Plans: MacArthur Liberates The Philippines
Activate: Any HQ. Logistic Value: 6 if SW Pac HQ, for all others: 4

OC: 2 EC: 4

Message from Allies:
Event on SEAC (4+1)
* 1905 (Dacca) : 15 British Corps Activates.
* 1905 (Dacca) : 33 British Corps Activates.
* 1805 (Calcutta) : 4 Aus Corps Activates.
* 1905 (Dacca): 15 British Corps moves to 2104 (Jarhat)
* 2005 (Dimasur) is now Allied controlled.
* Allies have captured 1 progress of war hexes
* 2104 (Jarhat) is now Allied controlled.
* Allies have captured 2 progress of war hexes
* 1905 (Dacca): 33 British Corps moves to 2104 (Jarhat)
* 2104 (Jarhat): 33 British Corps moves to 2105 (Imphal/Kohima)
* 2104 (Jarhat): 15 British Corps moves to 2105 (Imphal/Kohima)
* 1805 (Calcutta): 4 Aus Corps moves to 2006 (Akyab)
* 1905 (Dacca) is now Allied controlled.
* Allies have captured 3 progress of war hexes
* 1905 (Dacca) : 11AF Air Activates.
* 1307 (Columbo) : SEAC LRB Activates.
* 1905 (Dacca): 11AF Air moves to 2006 (Akyab)
* 2105 (Imphal/Kohima): 28th Army joins Battle A
* 2105 (Imphal/Kohima): 33 British Corps joins Battle A
* 2105 (Imphal/Kohima): 15 British Corps joins Battle A
* 2008 (Rangoon): 15th Army joins Battle B
* 2008 (Rangoon): 10 AD joins Battle B
* 2008 (Rangoon): [25th Army] joins Battle B
* 2006 (Akyab): 11AF Air joins Battle B
* 1307 (Columbo): SEAC LRB moves to 1905 (Dacca)
* 1905 (Dacca): SEAC LRB joins Battle A
bty, file up (095)
359 4/21/2024 3:18:00 PM Jan-Apr 1944 Allies Message Ah! I had previously uploaded 93, so did not look for a 92. You know, the whole Arabic number system...
Will go back and load that one....
358 4/21/2024 2:55:00 PM Jan-Apr 1944 Japanese Message (I can't even tell if you're messing with me or not. New file is 094!)
357 4/21/2024 2:54:00 PM Jan-Apr 1944 Japanese Message Same old dropbox dude! You don't see it, 092.vlog?
356 4/21/2024 2:36:00 PM Jan-Apr 1944 Allies Message Where did you send that file?
355 4/21/2024 2:06:00 AM Jan-Apr 1944 Japanese Play Strategy card as Event #30: 3 / Flight Instructors: Japanese Improve Training and Maintenance.
3 Air Replacements: The Japanese player receives 3 air replacement steps that may be used immediately or recorded as replacement steps for future use. Remove from play if used as an event.

OC: 5 EC: 0

Message from Japanese:
For the Event.

* Eliminated JP Air Units: [8 AD] moves to 3615 (Ulithi)
* 3615 (Ulithi): [8 AD] retires from Battle
* Eliminated JP Air Units: [25 AF] moves to 3014 (Samar/Leyte)
* Eliminated JP Air Units: [7 AD] moves to 3814 (Guam)
* 3814 (Guam): [7 AD] retires from Battle
* 3014 (Samar/Leyte): [25 AF] retires from Battle

File up, dammit!
354 4/20/2024 11:38:00 PM Jan-Apr 1944 Japanese Message Dude, I know I've been screwing up left and right on the files, and my brain is mush thanks to jet lag and Covid, but this time I uploaded it! Check the folder, file 92 is my R&R.
353 4/20/2024 9:39:00 PM Jan-Apr 1944 Allies Draw Extra Strategy card Message from Allies:
For Kennedy...the good one, not the asshole...
352 4/20/2024 9:38:00 PM Jan-Apr 1944 Allies Play Strategy card as Event #23: 2 / PT Boats
Flip the Japanese ASP marker to its No Barges side. If Japanese Barges are not currently in play (Japanese card 73) that event is permanently superseded. Place the PT Boat marker on the game turn track as a reminder. Draw one Strategy Card. Remove from play if used as an event.

OC: 2 EC: 0

Message from Allies:
File up.
351 4/20/2024 9:33:00 PM Jan-Apr 1944 Allies Message I did it...
350 4/20/2024 9:29:00 PM Jan-Apr 1944 Allies Message Please update file. I know you have it there, you just didnt upload it.
Make an old man very happy, so i dont have to recreate the file.
Im so old...
349 4/17/2024 3:05:00 AM Jan-Apr 1944 Japanese Message Please go ahead!
348 4/17/2024 3:03:00 AM Jan-Apr 1944 Japanese Draw Strategy cards Drew 6 cards.

347 4/17/2024 3:02:00 AM Jan-Apr 1944 Japanese Change Japanese Divisions Available in China From 5 to 3
346 4/17/2024 3:02:00 AM Jan-Apr 1944 Japanese Message Alright, JP R&R:

* Japanese Reinforcement Schedule: CV Taiho moves to 3104 (Port Arthur)
* Japanese Reinforcement Schedule: 61 AF moves to 3706 (Tokyo)
* Japanese Reinforcement Schedule: 11 AD moves to 2212 (Saigon)
* Japanese Reinforcement Schedule: [29th Army] moves to 3014 (Samar/Leyte)
* Japanese Reinforcement Schedule: 62 AF moves to 2813 (Manila/Corregidor)
* 2008 (Rangoon) : 15th Army restored to full strength.
* Eliminated JP Ground Units : [25th Army] suffers a step loss.
* Eliminated JP Ground Units: [25th Army] moves to 2008 (Rangoon)
* Leningrad84 (Referee) sets Japanese Divisions in China to 4
* Leningrad84 (Referee) sets Japanese Divisions in China to 3
345 4/16/2024 9:25:00 PM Jan-Apr 1944 Allies Message OK, just flipped the brit guy. File updated, bty...
344 4/16/2024 3:26:00 PM Jan-Apr 1944 Japanese Message My fault for forgetting the file--that 9 was yours in BH(A), mine was in BH(B) against Indomitable. Take your time, I need to set up the Staff Game!
343 4/16/2024 10:02:00 AM Jan-Apr 1944 Allies Message No worries, thought u rolled a 9….
Flying, will fix later tonight.
342 4/16/2024 1:39:00 AM Jan-Apr 1944 Japanese Message Hey man,

1) I'm sorry for forgetting to post a file for the umpteenth time.

2) I think in BH(A) Dacca the A/N attack achieved an automatic reduction against JP 25th Army, which rolled a 4 and didn't reduce the British 33rd Corps, so I think you have an extra ground rep you can place.
341 4/14/2024 9:15:00 PM Jan-Apr 1944 Allies Draw Strategy cards Drew 7 cards.

340 4/14/2024 9:14:00 PM Jan-Apr 1944 Allies Message Subs hit, 6 cards, 2 ASP's, over to you for R&R and option to go first...
339 4/14/2024 9:13:00 PM Jan-Apr 1944 Allies Die roll request Request: 10-sided die x 1


Message from Allies:
338 4/14/2024 9:12:00 PM Sep-Dec 1943 Allies End Turn
337 4/14/2024 9:12:00 PM Sep-Dec 1943 Allies Message R%R
- AP makes POW
* Turn 8 (Jan-Apr 1944): 11AF LRB moves to 4020 (Kavieng)
* Turn 8 (Jan-Apr 1944): 7AF Air moves to 4020 (Kavieng)
* 1905 (Dacca) : [33 British Corps] Activates.
* 1905 (Dacca) : 33 British Corps restored to full strength.
* Eliminated AL Ground Units : [15 British Corps] suffers a step loss.
* Eliminated AL Ground Units : [15 British Corps] Activates.
* Eliminated AL Ground Units: [15 British Corps] moves to 1905 (Dacca)
* 4715 (Kwajalein) : [CV Wasp] Activates.
* 4715 (Kwajalein) : CV Wasp restored to full strength.
* 4222 (Buin) : [13AF LRB] Activates.
* 4222 (Buin) : 13AF LRB restored to full strength.
* Eliminated AL Naval Units : [CV Lexington] Activates.
* Eliminated AL Naval Units: [CV Lexington] moves to 4020 (Kavieng)
* 4020 (Kavieng): [CV Lexington] retires from Battle
* Turn 8 : CV Hancock Activates.
* Turn 8 : CVE Casablanca Activates.
* Turn 8 : 6M Division Activates.
* Turn 8 : IX Corps Activates.
* Turn 8 : 11 Abn Division Activates.
* Turn 8 : 4 Aus Corps Activates.
* Turn 8: 4 Aus Corps moves to 1805 (Calcutta)
* Turn 8: IX Corps moves to 3822 (Lae)
* Turn 8: 11 Abn Division moves to 3823 (Port Moresby)
* Turn 8: 6M Division moves to 4715 (Kwajalein)
* Turn 8: CVE Casablanca moves to 4715 (Kwajalein)
* Turn 8: CV Hancock moves to 4715 (Kwajalein)
336 4/14/2024 9:07:00 PM Sep-Dec 1943 Allies Message Ugh..
* 1905 (Dacca): 25th Army moves to 1906
* 1906: 25th Army is eliminated
* 1905 (Dacca) : [33 British Corps] suffers a step loss.
* 1813 (Medan): BB Warspite moves to 1812
* 1813 (Medan) : [1 AD] suffers a step loss.
* 1811 : [CV Indomitable] suffers a step loss.
* 1805 (Calcutta): 11AF Air moves to 1905 (Dacca)
* 1811: [CV Indomitable] moves to 1308 (Trincomalee)
* 1812: BB Warspite moves to 1905 (Dacca)
* 1805 (Calcutta): SEAC Air moves to 1307 (Columbo)
* 1805 (Calcutta): SEAC LRB moves to 1307 (Columbo)
335 4/14/2024 1:56:00 AM Sep-Dec 1943 Japanese Message Aaaand gets it! Wow, that's just a classic "what could go wrong?" EOTS moment. Not a very representative play-test.

HMS Indomitable flips, BTY for PBM and end of turn.
334 4/14/2024 1:54:00 AM Sep-Dec 1943 Japanese Die roll request Request: 10-sided die x 1


Message from Japanese:
AP scores *0.5, so looks like 1 AD flips but barely manages to hang on. Another lucky roll for JP. The reduced 1 AD shoots back, but needs a crit.

BH(B) A/N cont'd

JP: 10 (for crit)
333 4/14/2024 1:13:00 AM Sep-Dec 1943 Japanese Die roll request Request: 10-sided die x 1


Message from Japanese:
OK, that's a wipeout.


AP: 24 (+3 surprise)
332 4/14/2024 1:10:00 AM Sep-Dec 1943 Japanese Die roll request Request: 10-sided die x 2


Message from Japanese:
OK, I was being lazy, I'll resolve!


AP: 24 (+3) - automatically reduces the JP 25th Army, no roll

BH(A) Ground

AP: 20 (+2 air support)
JP: 9
331 4/13/2024 2:08:00 AM Sep-Dec 1943 Japanese Message I am powerless to oppose you; please resolve the attack and close out the turn.
330 4/12/2024 9:40:00 PM Sep-Dec 1943 Allies Play Strategy card as Event #13: 3 / Operation Watchtower: Guadalcanal Invasion
Activation: Any HQ. Logistic Value: 5 Intelligence: Surprise Attack Conditions: A maximum of one ground unit may be activated for this Offensive.

OC: 3 EC: 0

Message from Allies:
Event SEAC (5+1)
* 1805 (Calcutta) : 33 British Corps Activates.
* 1805 (Calcutta) : BB Warspite Activates.
* 1805 (Calcutta) : CV Indomitable Activates.
* 1805 (Calcutta) : SEAC LRB Activates.
* 1406 (Madras) : SEAC Air Activates.
* 1308 (Trincomalee) : 11AF Air Activates.
* 1805 (Calcutta): 33 British Corps moves to 1905 (Dacca)
* 1805 (Calcutta): BB Warspite moves to 1813 (Medan)
* 1805 (Calcutta): CV Indomitable moves to 1811
* 1406 (Madras): SEAC Air moves to 1805 (Calcutta)
* 1308 (Trincomalee): 11AF Air moves to 1805 (Calcutta)
* 1905 (Dacca): 33 British Corps joins Battle A
* 1905 (Dacca): 25th Army joins Battle A
* 1805 (Calcutta): 11AF Air joins Battle A
* 1805 (Calcutta): SEAC Air joins Battle A
* 1805 (Calcutta): SEAC LRB joins Battle A
* 1813 (Medan): 1 AD joins Battle B
* 1813 (Medan): BB Warspite joins Battle B
* 1813 (Medan): 1 AD joins Battle B
* 1811: CV Indomitable joins Battle B
329 4/12/2024 5:39:00 PM Sep-Dec 1943 Allies Message Those two guys are the best, no question. They both have used this Australia conquest thing, which makes it almost impossible for AP to hang on.
Anyway, don’t be discouraged, or you’ll end up like me, a broken wreck of a man lost in the bottle….
I digress. I was going to take Dacca back. I think? What are the victory conditions again?
328 4/12/2024 4:30:00 AM Sep-Dec 1943 Japanese Play Strategy card as Operations #45: 3 / Operation Sho-Go
Activation: Any HQ. Logistic Value: 5 if Combined Fleet HQ, otherwise: 4. Intelligence: Intercept. Bonus: If a Kamikaze attack reaction card is played in conjunction with this card, increase the effect of the Kamikaze reaction card by one additional Allied naval step loss in one battle. Remove from play if used as an event.

OC: 5 EC: 0

Message from Japanese:
OC on CF HQ 3+3=6 acts

* 3209 (Okinawa) : [CA Mogami] Activates.
* 3209 (Okinawa) : SS Bde Activates.
* 4017 (Truk) : 1 SN Bde Activates.
* 4017 (Truk) : [CA Aoba] Activates.
* 3209 (Okinawa): [CA Mogami], SS Bde moves to 3706 (Tokyo)
* 4017 (Truk): 1 SN Bde moves to 3706 (Tokyo)
* 4017 (Truk): [CA Aoba] moves to 3706 (Tokyo)

Will try to buff up Tokyo, just in case, but who knows what mayhem you're planning... no battles or PBM.
327 4/12/2024 4:29:00 AM Sep-Dec 1943 Japanese Message Haha, the one thing I have really learned from you is not to take EOTS or any other game too personally--though while I have absorbed the lesson intellectually it will take me a long time to reach your level of zen!

More than mere lack of interest, Philippe's post and Mark's follow-up re: the BPA final reminds me that at the highest levels players treat this game like chess or Go in the subtlety of their strategies, while I'm just playing toy soldiers. Little wonder nobody wants to help tinker around with a simple scenario, they are trying to push the limits of possibility within the system to win amazing games!

Anyway, I think we should press on, but the deafening silence isn't particularly encouraging. :)
326 4/9/2024 9:57:00 AM Sep-Dec 1943 Allies Message Sorry, forgot to page through it
The forum has been VERY quiet for awhile, don’t take it personally!
325 4/9/2024 4:52:00 AM Sep-Dec 1943 Japanese Message Hey chief,

For some reason your .vsav didn't include my previous move, so I posted a new file which includes the big fleet redeployment to Port Arthur. Still need to figure out what I'm doing for this last card!

Doesn't look like there's a flood of interest in this scenario on CSW haha...
324 4/8/2024 6:08:00 AM Sep-Dec 1943 Japanese Message No worries--at least you posted a file of some sort!

I still need to play my card, but with Mark's approval I have shared this project and this game on CSW.
323 4/7/2024 7:25:00 PM Sep-Dec 1943 Allies Message Sorry...vsav
If you want I'll redo as .vlog, but no battles, so thought it would be ok...
322 4/7/2024 7:23:00 PM Sep-Dec 1943 Allies Play Strategy card as Operations #62: 3 / Operation King II: A-Day - "I Have Returned" Invasion of Leyte
Activate: Any HQ. Logistic Value: 8 if SW Pac HQ, for all others: 6 Conditions: may only be played as an event if at least one battle hex is declared in a Philippine hex. Remove from play if used as an event.

OC: 3 EC: 5

Message from Allies:
OC on CF (3+3)
* 3823 (Port Moresby) : XXIV Corps Activates.
* 5100 (Dutch Harbor) : [CV Wasp] Activates.
* 5100 (Dutch Harbor) : 11AF LRB Activates.
* 5808 (Oahu) : 7AF Air Activates.
* 4121 (Green) : [I Corps] Activates.
* 5100 (Dutch Harbor): 11AF LRB moves to Turn 8 (Jan-Apr 1944)
* 5808 (Oahu): 7AF Air moves to Turn 8 (Jan-Apr 1944)
* 5100 (Dutch Harbor): [CV Wasp] moves to 4715 (Kwajalein)
* 4600 (Attu/Kiska) : [M Brigade] Activates.
* 4600 (Attu/Kiska): [M Brigade] moves to 4612 (Wake)
* 3823 (Port Moresby): XXIV Corps moves to 3822 (Lae)
* 4121 (Green): [I Corps] moves to 3822 (Lae)
* Allied ASP Marker uses 4/6 ASP
* 4612 (Wake) is now Allied controlled.
* Allies have captured 4 progress of war hexes
* 3822 (Lae) is now Allied controlled.
* Allies have captured 5 progress of war hexes
- no PBM, bty
321 4/7/2024 7:55:00 AM Sep-Dec 1943 Japanese Play Strategy card as Event #29: 3 / Combined Fleet: Battle of Santa Cruz
Activation: Any HQ. Logistic Value: 4 Conditions: Only air and naval units may be activated. Effective Aerial Torpedo Tactics: Increase Japanese aircraft carrier naval units attack strength by 2 for the duration of the Offensive.

OC: 5 EC: 7

Message from Japanese:
And I keep forgetting to post my file entirely, it appears--sorry about that.

Looks like the hammer is about to fall, will try to scurry out of the way...

EC on CF HQ 3+4=7 acts

* Leningrad84 (Referee) toggles American ISR (Agreement)
* 2813 (Manila/Corregidor) : CA Takao Activates.
* 3014 (Samar/Leyte) : BB Yamato Activates.
* 3014 (Samar/Leyte) : CV Shokaku Activates.
* 3014 (Samar/Leyte) : BB Hiei Activates.
* 3014 (Samar/Leyte) : BB Kongo Activates.
* 3615 (Ulithi) : SS Bde Activates.
* 3615 (Ulithi) : [CA Mogami] Activates.
* 2813 (Manila/Corregidor): CA Takao moves to 3104 (Port Arthur)
* 3014 (Samar/Leyte): BB Yamato, CV Shokaku, BB Hiei, BB Kongo moves to 3104 (Port Arthur)
* 3615 (Ulithi): [CA Mogami], SS Bde moves to 3209 (Okinawa)

No battles or PBM, BTY.
320 3/29/2024 10:08:00 PM Sep-Dec 1943 Allies Message Yes on victory conditions...no idea what they are..
Also, I forgot to end ISR on map...please do on your play.
319 3/29/2024 10:07:00 PM Sep-Dec 1943 Allies Return Strategy card to hand #13: 3 / Operation Watchtower: Guadalcanal Invasion

Message from Allies:

bty, file up
318 3/29/2024 10:05:00 PM Sep-Dec 1943 Allies Discard Strategy card #73: 2 / WAR IN EUROPE: Major Allied Victory
OC: 2 EC: 0

Message from Allies:
317 3/29/2024 10:05:00 PM Sep-Dec 1943 Allies Play Strategy card as Event #52: 1 / Roosevelt-Nimitz-MacArthur: End of US Army-Navy Dispute
This event ends a US inter-service rivalry. Flip the US Inter-Service Rivalry marker to its Strategic Agreement side. If the US Inter-Service Rivalry marker is already on Strategic Agreement side there is no additional effect. Bonus: If this card is played as an event, the Allies have the option to discard a card of their choice and replace it with any card from the discard pile (not those removed from play). Remove from play if used as an event.

OC: 1 EC: 0

Message from Allies:
316 3/28/2024 9:19:00 AM Sep-Dec 1943 Japanese Play Strategy card as Event #16: 3 / Operation RI: New Guinea Offensive
Activation: Any HQ. Logistic Value: 4 Conditions: Only air and ground units may be activated.

OC: 5 EC: 7

Message from Japanese:
Sorry, I forgot to post the file, been a while since I've done that...

EC on SS HQ 2+4=6 acts

* 3319 (Biak) : [16th Army] Activates.
* 3720 (Wewak) : Tainan AG Activates.
* 3822 (Lae) : [ED Army] Activates.
* 3822 (Lae) : 18th Army Activates.
* 3319 (Biak): [16th Army] moves to 3219 (Vogelkop)
* Japanese ASP Marker (Barges) uses 1/3 ASP
* 3822 (Lae): 18th Army moves to 3319 (Biak)
* 3822 (Lae): [ED Army] moves to 3520 (Hollandia)
* 3720 (Wewak): Tainan AG moves to 3520 (Hollandia)
* 3820 (Admiralty Islands): [4 SN Bde] is out of supply.

No battles or PBM, BTY. After this turn we should do a VP roundup to see where we are, I barely remember the victory conditions I slapped together.
315 3/26/2024 9:37:00 PM Sep-Dec 1943 Allies Message PBM:
* Strategic Record Track (1): Japanese Drawn Cards Marker moves to Strategic Record Track (2)
* RobC (Allies) creates Allied Drawn Cards Marker in Strategic Record Track (0)
* 3822 (Lae): 6 AD moves to 3721 (Madang)
* 3721 (Madang): 6 AD is eliminated
* 3920: CVL San Jacinto moves to 4715 (Kwajalein)
* 3921 (Gasmata): CV Enterprise moves to 4715 (Kwajalein)
* 3920: CV Bunker Hill moves to 4222 (Buin)
* 3920: CV Franklin moves to 4222 (Buin)
* 3920: CV Intrepid moves to 4222 (Buin)
* 3920: CV Essex moves to 4321
* 4321: CV Essex moves to 4222 (Buin)
* 4715 (Kwajalein): CV Enterprise moves to 4020 (Kavieng)
* 4021 (Rabaul): 17th Army is out of supply.
bty..file up
314 3/26/2024 9:22:00 AM Sep-Dec 1943 Japanese Message I forgot to update Cards Drawn marker, I think this puts me at 2 for this turn. Please do the honors!
313 3/26/2024 9:22:00 AM Sep-Dec 1943 Japanese Draw Extra Strategy card Message from Japanese:
For JN-25.
312 3/26/2024 9:21:00 AM Sep-Dec 1943 Japanese Message It was not a crit! 6 AD eliminated, no damage to AP. BTY for PBM.
311 3/26/2024 9:20:00 AM Sep-Dec 1943 Japanese Die roll request Request: 10-sided die x 1


Message from Japanese:
SS HQ will activate the luckless 6 AD, but no one is coming to join the bloodbath.


AP: 78 (+1, auto)
JP: 8 (for crit)

Rolling JP only.
310 3/26/2024 9:17:00 AM Sep-Dec 1943 Japanese Play Strategy card as Event #69: 1 / JN25 Code Change
Intelligence: Intercept Draw one Strategy Card.

OC: 3 EC: 0

Message from Japanese:
Greetings from Imperial GHQ on Formosa!

Play this for Intercept.
309 3/20/2024 3:54:00 PM Sep-Dec 1943 Allies Play Strategy card as Operations #67: 3 / Curtis LeMay: Firebombing of Japan
Randomly remove one card from the Japanese hand if a B29 Long Range Bomber air unit is on a hex (not Air Units in China Box) within range of Tokyo. Remove from play if used as an event.

OC: 3 EC: 0

Message from Allies:
OC CPAC (3+3)
* 4715 (Kwajalein) : CV Intrepid Activates.
* 4715 (Kwajalein) : CV Franklin Activates.
* 4715 (Kwajalein) : CV Bunker Hill Activates.
* 4020 (Kavieng) : CV Essex Activates.
* 3823 (Port Moresby) : CV Enterprise Activates.
* 4715 (Kwajalein) : CVL San Jacinto Activates.
* 3822 (Lae): 6 AD joins Battle A
* 3822 (Lae): [ED Army] joins Battle A
* 3822 (Lae): 18th Army joins Battle A
* 3823 (Port Moresby): CV Enterprise joins Battle A
* 4020 (Kavieng): CV Essex moves to 3920
* 3920: CV Essex joins Battle A
* 4715 (Kwajalein): CV Intrepid moves to 3920
* 4715 (Kwajalein): CV Franklin moves to 3920
* 4715 (Kwajalein): CV Bunker Hill moves to 3920
* 4715 (Kwajalein): CVL San Jacinto moves to 3920
* 3920: CVL San Jacinto joins Battle A
* 3920: CV Bunker Hill joins Battle A
* 3920: CV Franklin joins Battle A
* 3920: CV Intrepid joins Battle A
* 3823 (Port Moresby): CV Enterprise moves to 3921 (Gasmata)

308 3/15/2024 2:12:00 PM Sep-Dec 1943 Japanese Message Hehe, given that we're playing FOQ cards and OC China offensives mid-turn I don't think there is too much urgency here...

Have a great time with the send-off, give them hugs for me!

P.S. Thursday evening it will be time for a real Pacific sojourn as we fly to Formosa for 2 weeks. I will have internet and my laptop there so I can keep playing, but I may be even more inconsistent than usual.
307 3/15/2024 11:28:00 AM Sep-Dec 1943 Allies Message Dude,
Fam heading out Sunday. Lots of travel today and tomorrow, so will be playing next card Sunday…
306 3/15/2024 2:11:00 AM Sep-Dec 1943 Japanese Message Close... close. BTY!

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