Entry # | Time | Turn | Player | Title | Entry |
654 | 1/5/2025 6:45:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Rome | Change Rome player | Rome player changed from Chris Trimmer to ' |
653 | 1/1/2025 6:45:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Carthage | Change Carthage player | Carthage player changed from Nathan Wagner to ' |
652 | 12/26/2024 1:47:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Carthage | Message |
can you end this game in ACTS? |
651 | 11/4/2024 11:51:00 AM | 203-201 BC | Rome | Message |
Yes, this game was a bit different. I don't know that I would have tried for the sack of Carthage in a tournament game, but it was fun to try. |
650 | 11/4/2024 11:50:00 AM | 203-201 BC | Rome | Play Strategy card as Operations |
#11: 1 / Balearic Slingers (Both) If you control the Balearic Islands, place one CU in any Port containing a friendly PC and no enemy CUs. Message from Rome: flip Panormus |
649 | 11/4/2024 9:57:00 AM | 203-201 BC | Carthage | Play Strategy card as Operations |
#58: 1 / Cato Counsels Rome (Carthage) Roman CUs are prohibited from moving to Africa until the Strategy Deck is reshuffled. This does not affect Roman CUs already there. Message from Carthage: 1 CU loss each. Flip PC in Enna. GG. Well played. One of the most different games I played. |
648 | 11/4/2024 9:56:00 AM | 203-201 BC | Carthage | Die roll request |
Request: 6-sided die x 1 6 Message from Carthage: attr |
647 | 11/2/2024 9:36:00 AM | 203-201 BC | Carthage | Message |
No match |
646 | 11/2/2024 9:10:00 AM | 203-201 BC | Rome | Play Battle card |
#5 Frontal Assault Message from Rome: rd1 |
645 | 11/2/2024 9:10:00 AM | 203-201 BC | Rome | Battle Hands dealt |
Battle 17 Carthage: 2 cards Rome: 8 cards |
644 | 11/1/2024 10:56:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Carthage | Message |
Let’s fight |
643 | 11/1/2024 8:03:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Rome | Play Strategy card as Event |
#62: 2 / Force March (1 or 2 rating) (Both) Move a General whose Strategy Rating is 1 or 2 up to six spaces. Message from Rome: Hanno thoroughly inspected Thabraca? If you only flipped one of those spaces, I suspect your last card is only 1 op as well. Longus to Panormus... (despite how much fun it would be to see if Marcellus could slip around Mago hoping for no bad weather). |
642 | 11/1/2024 9:59:00 AM | 203-201 BC | Carthage | Message |
Correction - Flip PC in Panormus |
641 | 11/1/2024 9:58:00 AM | 203-201 BC | Carthage | Play Strategy card as Operations |
#57: 1 / Hanno Counsels Carthage (Rome) Carthaginian CUs are prohibited from leaving Africa until the Strategy Deck is reshuffled. Message from Carthage: Flip PC in Enna. |
640 | 11/1/2024 9:58:00 AM | 203-201 BC | Carthage | Message |
I had 3 DEs in my hand, you had 4 cards, who would have thought you would have a DE. LOL I still had a 3rd General to move with my Major campaign. no need to undo anything. I'll just move Hanno to |
639 | 11/1/2024 12:29:00 AM | 203-201 BC | Rome | Play Strategy card as Operations |
#17: 1 / Surprise Sortie (Both) Remove 1 Siege Point from any one Walled City Message from Rome: flip Lilyb |
638 | 11/1/2024 12:26:00 AM | 203-201 BC | Rome | Message |
Roman army gone. Mago down to 1 CU. |
637 | 11/1/2024 12:25:00 AM | 203-201 BC | Rome | Die roll request |
Request: 6-sided die x 2 6 2 Message from Rome: attrition @ 4 retreat +2 |
636 | 10/31/2024 9:45:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Carthage | Play Battle card |
#44 Double Envelopment (modify retreat by +2, lose initiative) Message from Carthage: r4 |
635 | 10/31/2024 9:45:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Carthage | Die roll request |
Request: 6-sided die x 1 1 Message from Carthage: initiative |
634 | 10/31/2024 9:45:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Carthage | Play Battle card |
#36 Probe (modify retreat by -2) Message from Carthage: r3 match |
633 | 10/31/2024 8:39:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Rome | Play Battle card |
#32 Probe (modify retreat by -2) Message from Rome: Rd3 |
632 | 10/31/2024 6:38:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Carthage | Die roll request |
Request: 6-sided die x 1 6 Message from Carthage: ca |
631 | 10/31/2024 6:38:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Carthage | Play Battle card |
#37 Probe (modify retreat by -2) Message from Carthage: lol. of course you have a DE in 4 cards. R2 match |
630 | 10/31/2024 4:45:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Rome | Play Battle card |
#34 Probe (modify retreat by -2) Message from Rome: rd2 |
629 | 10/31/2024 4:45:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Rome | Play Battle card |
#42 Double Envelopment (modify retreat by +2, lose initiative) Message from Rome: |
628 | 10/31/2024 4:19:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Carthage | Play Battle card |
#40 Double Envelopment (modify retreat by +2, lose initiative) Message from Carthage: r1 |
627 | 10/31/2024 2:44:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Rome | Battle Hands dealt |
Battle 16 Carthage: 9 cards Rome: 4 cards |
626 | 10/31/2024 2:32:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Carthage | Message |
lucky you. we have a battle. according to my count it's 9BC v 4 BC. If you agree, you can deal the cards. Also, if you like to play a response card |
625 | 10/31/2024 8:52:00 AM | 203-201 BC | Rome | Die roll request |
Request: 6-sided die x 1 1 Message from Rome: intercept in Azaila |
624 | 10/30/2024 11:21:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Carthage | Message |
end move for Gisgo. Activation 2 Activate Mago M1 Azaila. M2 Bilbilis Intercept? |
623 | 10/30/2024 8:20:00 AM | 203-201 BC | Rome | Die roll request |
Request: 6-sided die x 1 6 Message from Rome: intercept attempt |
622 | 10/29/2024 11:43:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Carthage | Play Strategy card as Event |
#34: 3 / Major Campaign (Both) MOVE ANY THREE GENERALS. Each General can move up to four spaces with 10 combat units. Message from Carthage: Removed a Carthaginian PC from Carthaginia - Thabraca * Activate Gisgo with 2CU M1 Enna. drop 1CU M2 Panormus with 1 CU. intercept? |
621 | 10/26/2024 10:14:00 AM | 203-201 BC | Rome | Message |
-2CU (1PC). No attrition losses. |
620 | 10/25/2024 11:49:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Carthage | Message |
I’m not in town. Please let me know what losses are. I should be able to make my next play on Tuesday. Gisgo Will retreat to agrig. |
619 | 10/25/2024 11:47:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Carthage | Die roll request |
Request: 6-sided die x 2 2 5 Message from Carthage: Attrition Retreat |
618 | 10/25/2024 11:47:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Carthage | Message |
No match. |
617 | 10/25/2024 11:46:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Carthage | Message |
No match. |
616 | 10/25/2024 10:55:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Rome | Play Battle card |
#3 Frontal Assault Message from Rome: Rd2 |
615 | 10/25/2024 10:09:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Carthage | Die roll request |
Request: 6-sided die x 1 2 Message from Carthage: Initiative |
614 | 10/25/2024 10:09:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Carthage | Play Battle card |
#6 Frontal Assault Message from Carthage: R1 match |
613 | 10/25/2024 8:46:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Rome | Play Battle card |
#10 Frontal Assault Message from Rome: rd1 |
612 | 10/25/2024 8:45:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Rome | Battle Hands dealt |
Battle 15 Carthage: 4 cards Rome: 8 cards |
611 | 10/25/2024 1:05:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Carthage | Message |
it would be nice to make a roll occasionally. Look like a battle 8 BC to 4 BC. Deal the cards if you agree |
610 | 10/25/2024 1:04:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Carthage | Die roll request |
Request: 6-sided die x 1 5 Message from Carthage: Gisgo will attempt to avoid battle to Agrrigentum. Success 1-3. |
609 | 10/24/2024 10:42:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Rome | Play Strategy card as Operations |
#12: 2 / African Reinforcements (Carthage) Place one Elephant unit (at strength level 2) in Carthage. If an Elephant unit is not available, place two regular CUs in Carthage Message from Rome: Longus 3 MP to Panormus then 1 more to attack Gisgo if no intercept. |
608 | 10/24/2024 10:40:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Rome | Message |
Very sorry for your loss. Had to deal with parental loss 25 years ago myself and not looking forward to it again as inevitable as it will be. I hope you have fond memories to look back on. |
607 | 10/24/2024 8:11:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Carthage | Play Strategy card as Operations |
#53: 1 / Tribal Resistance (Both) Remove any accrued Subjugation Points in any one Tribe space. Message from Carthage: Thanks for your patience. My mother was hospitalized and passed away. I'm back now. We'll finish this game. Although, in reality, it's probably done either way. Flip PC in Sicilia - Lilybaeum * |
606 | 10/13/2024 6:23:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Rome | Message |
Your email is bouncing what I send. |
605 | 10/10/2024 10:29:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Carthage | Message |
Can you please send me a picture/file of the map.? I didn't save a recent version of my vassal file, and my PC did a unscheduled restart |
604 | 10/10/2024 5:07:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Rome | Play Strategy card as Operations |
#27: 2 / I have come into Italy ... (Carthage) Play if Hannibal is in Italy. Convert two Roman non-walled PCs into Carthaginian PCs in any space in Italy which does not contain Roman CUs. Message from Rome: instead Longus 4MP to Rhegium |
603 | 10/10/2024 5:06:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Rome | Return Strategy card to hand |
#62: 2 / Force March (1 or 2 rating) Message from Rome: changing |
602 | 10/10/2024 5:05:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Rome | Play Strategy card as Event |
#62: 2 / Force March (1 or 2 rating) (Both) Move a General whose Strategy Rating is 1 or 2 up to six spaces. Message from Rome: Longus 6MP to Messina |
601 | 10/9/2024 11:45:00 AM | 203-201 BC | Carthage | Die roll request |
Request: 6-sided die x 1 3 Message from Carthage: naval roll |
600 | 10/9/2024 11:45:00 AM | 203-201 BC | Carthage | Message |
Activate Gisgo with 3 CUs sail from Dertosa to Agrugentum (naval modifier -2) then on to Lilybaeum, after picking up 1 CU. end move with 4 CU |
599 | 10/8/2024 7:07:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Rome | Return Strategy card to hand |
#62: 2 / Force March (1 or 2 rating) Message from Rome: |
598 | 10/8/2024 6:20:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Carthage | Message |
so, you want to take back your move? |
597 | 10/8/2024 5:33:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Rome | Message |
your reversal came through as I was typing my move |
596 | 10/8/2024 5:31:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Rome | Play Strategy card as Event |
#62: 2 / Force March (1 or 2 rating) (Both) Move a General whose Strategy Rating is 1 or 2 up to six spaces. Message from Rome: Longus 6MP to Messina |
595 | 10/8/2024 5:30:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Carthage | Message |
Gisgo will move differently all together. |
594 | 10/8/2024 5:29:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Carthage | Message |
scratch that last move |
593 | 10/8/2024 4:42:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Carthage | Message |
no pursuit Activate Gisgo with 3 CUs M1 Sagnutum M2 Segobriga, drop 1 CU, now 2 CU M3 Segovia, drop 1 CU, now 1 CU M4 Samantica end move with 1 CU. |
592 | 10/8/2024 4:39:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Carthage | Die roll request |
Request: 6-sided die x 1 5 Message from Carthage: pursuit roll |
591 | 10/8/2024 4:33:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Rome | Message |
to Iberus |
590 | 10/8/2024 4:33:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Rome | Die roll request |
Request: 6-sided die x 1 1 Message from Rome: Paulus flee attempt |
589 | 10/8/2024 4:25:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Carthage | Play Strategy card as Event |
#38: 3 / Minor Campaign (Both) MOVE ANY TWO GENERALS. Each General can move up to four spaces with 10 combat units. Message from Carthage: Activate Mago with 3 CUs, leaving 3CUs with Gisgo, moving to ilerda. Your option |
588 | 10/8/2024 4:00:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Rome | Return Strategy card to hand |
#17: 1 / Surprise Sortie Message from Rome: |
587 | 10/8/2024 4:00:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Rome | Play Strategy card as Operations |
#52: 2 / Pestilence (Both) One opposing Army currently besieging a city must roll on the Attrition Table with a +1 die roll modifier. Message from Rome: instead PCs Salmantica Arsa |
586 | 10/8/2024 3:59:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Rome | Message |
change that |
585 | 10/8/2024 3:58:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Rome | Play Strategy card as Operations |
#17: 1 / Surprise Sortie (Both) Remove 1 Siege Point from any one Walled City Message from Rome: flip Illerda |
584 | 10/8/2024 3:57:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Rome | Message |
so Rome loses 1 and Carthage retreats with 1 left to Empor PC losses Narbo Nice |
583 | 10/8/2024 3:56:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Rome | Die roll request |
Request: 6-sided die x 2 4 4 Message from Rome: attrition @ 5 retreat |
582 | 10/8/2024 3:55:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Carthage | Play Battle card |
#14 Flank Left Message from Carthage: r5 |
581 | 10/8/2024 3:54:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Rome | Die roll request |
Request: 6-sided die x 1 4 Message from Rome: CA |
580 | 10/8/2024 3:54:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Rome | Play Battle card |
#47 Reserve (use as any other card) Message from Rome: |
579 | 10/8/2024 3:52:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Carthage | Play Battle card |
#18 Flank Left Message from Carthage: R4 |
578 | 10/8/2024 3:52:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Carthage | Die roll request |
Request: 6-sided die x 1 1 Message from Carthage: CA |
577 | 10/8/2024 3:52:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Carthage | Play Battle card |
#45 Reserve (use as any other card) Message from Carthage: R3 match |
576 | 10/8/2024 3:50:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Rome | Play Battle card |
#7 Frontal Assault Message from Rome: rd3 |
575 | 10/8/2024 3:48:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Carthage | Die roll request |
Request: 6-sided die x 1 4 Message from Carthage: initiative |
574 | 10/8/2024 3:48:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Carthage | Play Battle card |
#4 Frontal Assault Message from Carthage: r2 match |
573 | 10/8/2024 3:47:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Rome | Play Battle card |
#10 Frontal Assault Message from Rome: rd2 |
572 | 10/8/2024 3:45:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Rome | Die roll request |
Request: 6-sided die x 1 3 Message from Rome: CA |
571 | 10/8/2024 3:45:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Rome | Play Battle card |
#15 Flank Left Message from Rome: |
570 | 10/8/2024 3:40:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Carthage | Play Battle card |
#21 Flank Left Message from Carthage: R1 |
569 | 10/8/2024 3:40:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Carthage | Battle Hands dealt |
Battle 14 Carthage: 13 cards Rome: 10 cards |
568 | 10/8/2024 3:39:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Carthage | Message |
I was expecting you to have the card. |
567 | 10/8/2024 3:36:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Rome | Message |
unfortunately not |
566 | 10/8/2024 3:35:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Carthage | Message |
Ok. We'll fight. Any further responses? |
565 | 10/8/2024 3:28:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Rome | Message |
Marcellus succeeds If a battle (without backing up) I currently see Carthage 7+2+4 = 13 Rome 6+3+1 = 10 |
564 | 10/8/2024 3:27:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Rome | Die roll request |
Request: 6-sided die x 2 2 5 Message from Rome: Two interception attempts" Marcellus Paulus |
563 | 10/8/2024 3:18:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Carthage | Play Strategy card as Event |
#39: 3 / Minor Campaign (Both) MOVE ANY TWO GENERALS. Each General can move up to four spaces with 10 combat units. Message from Carthage: Activate Gisgo with 2 CU M1 Dianium M2 Saguntum Activate Mago with 5 CU M1 Saguntum, pu 2, now 7k + Gisgo M2 Dertosa. Intercept? Bad Weather? |
562 | 10/8/2024 2:53:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Rome | Message |
make that 6 with Marcellus and 1 CU with Paulus in Illerda. Such indecision! |
561 | 10/8/2024 2:51:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Rome | Message |
In that case leave everyone in Tarraco with 7 CU. |
560 | 10/5/2024 8:11:00 AM | 203-201 BC | Carthage | Message |
2 CUs lost in naval move. feel free to adjust your move accordingly. |
559 | 10/5/2024 8:10:00 AM | 203-201 BC | Carthage | Die roll request |
Request: 6-sided die x 1 5 Message from Carthage: +2 attrition on 4 column |
558 | 10/5/2024 8:10:00 AM | 203-201 BC | Carthage | Play Strategy card as Event |
#60: 1 / Storms At Sea (Both) Play after your opponent moves an Army or CUs using Sea Movement. The force suffers Attrition and the die roll must be modified by +2. Message from Carthage: Play as event. |
557 | 10/4/2024 11:22:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Rome | Play Strategy card as Operations |
#30: 3 / Carthaginian Siege Train (Carthage) Place the Siege Train Marker with any Carthaginian General. A General with the Siege Train ignores the -1 die roll modifier applied against Carthaginian sieges. Message from Rome: Paulus sails with 4 (leaving 2) to Tarraco, drops 3 with Marcellus (n8) and then with 1 to Illerda. |
556 | 10/3/2024 12:36:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Carthage | Message |
Activation 2 Hanno with 1 CU to Thabraca. end move Not using the 3 General movement |
555 | 10/3/2024 10:54:00 AM | 203-201 BC | Rome | Message |
carry on |
Copyright 2005 Warhorse Simulations