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Generic Module: BKN 2024 Rnd 1 Eliason(G) vs RG Robinson(A) Journal

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Entry # Time Turn Player Title Entry
208 12/21/2024 9:35:00 AM Turn 9 Jim Eliason Message 4 CP in 44: PAK/91(S) forward unit ret to 43.
6FS(D2) ret to 43. FA/91,101NW to S.
J9 G refit depots 9
A: SS corp to F
1: 2FLK;FA/711;762/346 to F. CA to S save 4
4: 858,FA/346;3FLK to F. save 6
12: FA/Lehr;4FLK to F. in 11: PAK/77 to F. save 5
27: 1050/77 in 37:32FLK in 23:1049/77 all to F. save 4
34: 752. in 44: 100a;920,922,FA/243 all to F save 0
43: PAK/91 in 44: 101NW;30;739/709;FA/91 all to F. save 0
res 11 + save 19 = 30 shorten 10th by 3
207 12/19/2024 9:12:00 PM Turn 9 RG Robinson Message well, it would seem I rolled for the assault after all!
I would have figured the assault at 14-8.
Over to you for CP assignments and 9GRefit.

206 12/19/2024 9:07:00 PM Turn 9 RG Robinson Edit Advantage Owned By BKN PBEM: from to
Jim Eliason: from to German has the advantage
RG Robinson: from has to
205 12/19/2024 9:07:00 PM Turn 9 RG Robinson Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from RG Robinson:
No effect.
Declare double impulse-advantage to the German
Area 50-the 8-12/4 lead the 501-502-506/101 with FA /4 firing in support in an assault into area 44 odds 14-?. Jim, please designate your forward defender and roll the assault.
Then Over to 9GRefit
204 12/19/2024 8:57:00 PM Turn 9 RG Robinson Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from RG Robinson:
Brit Air into area 12, tgt the 4FLAK, odds 5-3
203 12/19/2024 7:21:00 PM Turn 9 Jim Eliason Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 1


Message from Jim Eliason:
J9 G9 Meridon (2)
858/346 to 4
FA/346 to 3 to 4 interdiction
202 12/18/2024 10:18:00 PM Turn 9 RG Robinson Message Fails, day continues!
Over to 9G9
201 12/18/2024 10:17:00 PM Turn 9 RG Robinson Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 3


Message from RG Robinson:
Such efficient German Demo teams!
9A8-Sword Approach, 51XX with DiVarty and FA/7 land and move ->8 ->7 ->6 ->5. one unit attempts capture of the 5-12 bridge, (drm+2).
Last two die are end of day roll.
200 12/18/2024 6:22:00 PM Turn 9 Jim Eliason Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 3


Message from Jim Eliason:
J9 G8 Bretteville (16)
Blow 21(+3), 14(+3), 15 (+3)
199 12/18/2024 4:08:00 PM Turn 9 RG Robinson Message The 20-21 bridge is Allied.
Over to 9G8 under clear skies!
198 12/18/2024 4:07:00 PM Turn 9 RG Robinson Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 3


Message from RG Robinson:
Overrun, Place US control. Weather clears.
9A7 continues-attempt by the 1XX(-) to capture two bridges, 16-14 (drm+2) and 16-15 (drm+3). The 115/29 moves into are 20, attempts to capture the 20-21 bridge, (drm+2)
197 12/18/2024 3:50:00 PM Turn 9 RG Robinson Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from RG Robinson:
Traveling done-back to pushing inland!
Area19, 1XX(-) moves ->20 and assaults into area 16 with DivArty firing in support. Odds 9-5
196 12/14/2024 9:51:00 PM Turn 9 Jim Eliason Message J9 G7 Rouen (A)
3FLK to 4. 4FLK to 12
195 12/13/2024 7:46:00 AM Turn 9 RG Robinson Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 2


Message from RG Robinson:
The 20-29 and 20-16 repaired. the 20-28 bridge gets a construct 2 marker.
End of day roll
194 12/13/2024 7:41:00 AM Turn 9 RG Robinson Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 3


Message from RG Robinson:
I am glad the bridge attempts failed! I would have been so disappointed! hope I have better repairs now.
@20 bridge repairs, 20-29 (drm+2), 20-28 and 20-16 (both drm+3)
193 12/12/2024 10:35:00 PM Turn 9 Jim Eliason Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from Jim Eliason:
If you keep rolling like that you'll be in Paris in a week.
J9 Borguebus (5)
FA/Lehr bomb 8/3 @ 4-1
192 12/12/2024 3:45:00 PM Turn 9 RG Robinson Message Both failed
Over to 9G6
191 12/12/2024 3:44:00 PM Turn 9 RG Robinson Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 2


Message from RG Robinson:
(Darn-if I was you I'd be thinking the dice were rigged!)
13 CP = overrun, place Brit control.
Attempt to seize the 5-12 and 5-4 bridges, both drm+1.
190 12/12/2024 3:28:00 PM Turn 9 RG Robinson Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from RG Robinson:
9A5 continues-27X leads the 3XX(-) thru area 6 and assaults into area 5 with FA/3 firing in support, odds 10-5
189 12/12/2024 3:17:00 PM Turn 9 RG Robinson Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 1


Message from RG Robinson:
Yes-and I wished I had done the assault instead!
Area 7, attempt to take the 7-1 bridge, drm+2
188 12/12/2024 11:26:00 AM Turn 9 Jim Eliason Message Yuck. I'd have much preferred those dice to have been reversed.
J9 G5 Isigny (33)
32FLK to 37
187 12/12/2024 7:09:00 AM Turn 9 RG Robinson Message 11AP reduces all one step.
Over to 9G5
186 12/12/2024 7:03:00 AM Turn 9 RG Robinson Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from RG Robinson:
I/Corps fires into area 5, tgt the 901/Lehr, odds 7-1
185 12/11/2024 9:42:00 AM Turn 9 Jim Eliason Message 5 AP in 1. No choice. 731,CA to D1, FA/711 to S
J9 G4 Rouen (A)
2FLK to 1
184 12/10/2024 3:53:00 PM Turn 9 RG Robinson Message 5AP starting with the 731st
Over to 9G4
183 12/10/2024 3:52:00 PM Turn 9 RG Robinson Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from RG Robinson:
XXX/Corp fires into area 1, tgt the 731st, odds 7-3
182 12/10/2024 10:03:00 AM Turn 9 Jim Eliason Message 6 AP in 44: 30,100a to S, 6FS to D2.
J9 G3 Le Hary (46)
922,FA/243 to 44
181 12/10/2024 9:39:00 AM Turn 9 RG Robinson Message 6AP starting with the 30X
Over to 9G3
180 12/10/2024 9:38:00 AM Turn 9 RG Robinson Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from RG Robinson:
9A2b-VII/Corp fires into area 44, tgt 30X, odds 9-3
179 12/9/2024 6:08:00 PM Turn 9 Jim Eliason Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 2


Message from Jim Eliason:
7 AP in 44: 6FS to D1. 920,PAK/91,739 to S
J9 G2b Bayeux (20)
blow 20/29 (+3), 20/21 (+3)
178 12/9/2024 3:45:00 AM Turn 9 RG Robinson Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from RG Robinson:
USN fires into area 44, tgt the spent 6FS, odds 8-2
177 12/9/2024 Turn 9 Jim Eliason Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 2


Message from Jim Eliason:
4 AP in 1: 762,CA to S
J9 G2a Houlgate (1)
blow 1/7 (+2), blow 1/6 (+2)
176 12/8/2024 9:10:00 PM Turn 9 RG Robinson Message 4AP starting with the 762nd
Over to 9G2a
175 12/8/2024 9:07:00 PM Turn 9 RG Robinson Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from RG Robinson:
9A2-Brit navy fires into area 1, tgt the 762nd Inf, odds 8-3
174 12/8/2024 7:36:00 PM Turn 9 Jim Eliason Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 1


Message from Jim Eliason:
J9 G2 Bretteville (16)
blow 16/17 (+3)
173 12/8/2024 6:32:00 PM Turn 9 RG Robinson Message fails, 4SSX moves ->9 arrives spent in @8.
Over to 9G2
172 12/8/2024 6:27:00 PM Turn 9 RG Robinson Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 1


Message from RG Robinson:
fails, place construct 1 marker.
9A1 continues- 4SSX moves into @17, tries to take the 17-16 bridge, drm+3
171 12/8/2024 6:21:00 PM Turn 9 RG Robinson Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 1


Message from RG Robinson:
9A1-area 18, attempt repair of the 18-16 bridge, drm+2
170 12/8/2024 10:39:00 AM Turn 9 Jim Eliason Message bombardment was 5-1, not 5-2 but flip was right.
J9 G1 Rennes (E)
FA/77 to 14
PAK/77 to 11
1049 to 23
1050 to 27
169 12/7/2024 7:34:00 PM Turn 9 RG Robinson Message 2AP, PAK to spent
Over to 9G1
168 12/7/2024 7:31:00 PM Turn 9 RG Robinson Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from RG Robinson:
FA/29 fires into area 16, odds 5-2
167 12/7/2024 11:44:00 AM Turn 9 Jim Eliason Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 2


Message from Jim Eliason:
J9 G0 Troarn (6)
blow 6/4 (+3), 6/1 (+2)
166 12/6/2024 9:59:00 PM Turn 9 RG Robinson Edit VPs BKN PBEM: from 0 to 0
Jim Eliason: from 0 to 0
RG Robinson: from 2 to 4
165 12/6/2024 9:59:00 PM Turn 8 RG Robinson Change game turn Game turn changed to Turn 9
164 12/6/2024 9:57:00 PM Turn 8 RG Robinson Message note:1/LEHR (tank) regrouped to area 12.
* 2-38 moves from Omaha-Approach to A30-OmahaBeach
* 2-23 moves from Omaha-Approach to A30-OmahaBeach
* 90-359 moves from Omaha-Approach to A30-OmahaBeach
* 2-FA moves from Omaha-Approach to A30-OmahaBeach
* 90-FA moves from Omaha-Approach to A30-OmahaBeach
* 1-16 moves from A18-GoldBeach to A20-Bayeux
* 29-115 moves from A18-GoldBeach to A20-Bayeux
* 29-FA moves from A19-Port-en-Bessin to A20-Bayeux
* 1-FA moves from A19-Port-en-Bessin to A20-Bayeux
* V-Corps moves from A19-Port-en-Bessin to A20-Bayeux
* 1-26 moves from A30-OmahaBeach to A19-Port-en-Bessin
* UNDO: * 1-26 moves from A30-OmahaBeach to A19-Port-en-Bessin
* UNDO: * V-Corps moves from A19-Port-en-Bessin to A20-Bayeux
* UNDO: * 1-FA moves from A19-Port-en-Bessin to A20-Bayeux
* UNDO: * 29-FA moves from A19-Port-en-Bessin to A20-Bayeux
* UNDO: * 29-115 moves from A18-GoldBeach to A20-Bayeux
* UNDO: * 1-16 moves from A18-GoldBeach to A20-Bayeux
* 29-FA moves from A19-Port-en-Bessin to A20-Bayeux
* 1-FA moves from A19-Port-en-Bessin to A20-Bayeux
* V-Corps moves from A19-Port-en-Bessin to A20-Bayeux
* 1-16 moves from A18-GoldBeach to A19-Port-en-Bessin
* 29-115 moves from A18-GoldBeach to A19-Port-en-Bessin
* 1-26 moves from A30-OmahaBeach to A19-Port-en-Bessin
* 2-23 moves from A30-OmahaBeach to Omaha-Approach
* 29-175-spent moves from A20-Bayeux to A19-Port-en-Bessin
* 1-18-Spent moves from A20-Bayeux to A19-Port-en-Bessin
* 4SS-Ranger moves from A17-JunoBeach to A18-GoldBeach
* 56 moves from A18-GoldBeach to A17-JunoBeach
* 3-FA moves from A7-Merville to A6-Troarn
* 6-6 moves from A7-Merville to A6-Troarn
* I-Corps moves from A7-Merville to A6-Troarn
* 6-6 moves from A6-Troarn to A7-Merville
* XXX-Corps moves from A8-SwordBeach to A7-Merville
* 3-8 moves from Sword Fortification to A7-Merville
* 3-185 moves from Sword Fortification to A7-Merville
* 27-Armor moves from Sword Fortification to A7-Merville
* 6-5-D1 moves from A8-SwordBeach to A7-Merville
163 12/6/2024 1:59:00 PM Turn 8 Jim Eliason Message J8 G regroup
A: 762 to 1; 857,858,FA/346 to 2
C: 12a/12SS,654a to 4
1: SS corps to A
3: FLK/Lehr to 4
4: 901,101a(D2) to 5. FA/Lehr to 12
27: 2/30 to 23
33: 1/30 to 27
34: 32FLK to 33
43: 921 to 35
44: 752(S) to 34
45: PAK,FA/91 to 44
48: 922,FA/243 to 46
58: AOK7 to 54
162 12/5/2024 8:30:00 PM Turn 8 RG Robinson Edit Supply BKN PBEM: from 0 to 0
Jim Eliason: from 1 to 11
RG Robinson: from 0 to 21
161 12/5/2024 8:18:00 PM Turn 8 RG Robinson Message Bridge 30-29 bridge repaired
VLOG and VSAV attached
Over to 8GRegroup
160 12/5/2024 8:09:00 PM Turn 8 RG Robinson Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 1


Message from RG Robinson:
both failed, place construct one on each.
Use 2SP from Depot in area 19 to attempt repair of the 30-29 bridge, drm+2
159 12/5/2024 8:05:00 PM Turn 8 RG Robinson Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 2


Message from RG Robinson:
use 2SP to attempt repair of the 20-28 and 20-16 bridges (both drm+2)
158 12/5/2024 7:59:00 PM Turn 8 RG Robinson Message Placing an Omaha depot in area 19 and use one SP for automatic repair (drm+7) of the 19-20 bridge. 2d Omaha depot moves across repaired bridge into area 20.
157 12/5/2024 7:52:00 PM Turn 8 Jim Eliason Message correct. I forgot to list the depot in 1.
156 12/5/2024 7:46:00 PM Turn 8 RG Robinson Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from RG Robinson:
Noted:German placed depot in area 1-refit all, saved 0!
8ARefit-Air supply into area 6, 2 of 3CA and 2 of 50th drm+3
155 12/4/2024 10:49:00 PM Turn 8 Jim Eliason Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 1


Message from Jim Eliason:
2 AP in 1: 731/711; SS corps to D1
AOK7(S) Cherbourg supply
C: 12a/12SS; 654a to F
depots 6
4: FA.901/Lehr to F. in 3: FLK/Lehr to F save 2
5: 902/Lehr to F. 22a/21a to S save 3
28: FA/352 to F. in 22: 2a/Lehr to F.
in 32: 726/716 to S save 0
44: 6FS/91; 752 to S. save 2
44: 739/709;920/243;100a to F. save 3
res 1 + save 10. bank all 11
154 12/4/2024 10:17:00 PM Turn 8 RG Robinson Message 2AP starting with the 731st
day ends
Over to 8GRefit
153 12/4/2024 10:16:00 PM Turn 8 RG Robinson Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from RG Robinson:
I/Corp fires into area 1, tgt the 731st, odds 7-2
152 12/4/2024 5:18:00 PM Turn 8 Jim Eliason Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from Jim Eliason:
J8 G6 Bayeux (20)
blow 20/29, 28, 21, 16 all +3
151 12/4/2024 3:04:00 PM Turn 8 RG Robinson Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 2


Message from RG Robinson:
Dagnabbit! I gave the Rgt cmmdr written instructions with map annotation to proceed to bridge 20-29 and he still--ahh--(ugh)--(oh)--well!, he should have known what I meant!! 8A5-Area 17, Both DivArty units move to area 6. EOD roll and over to 8G6
150 12/3/2024 9:28:00 PM Turn 8 Jim Eliason Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from Jim Eliason:
Seizure of 20/28 auto failed since 3 fresh Ger units there.
J10 G5 Bayeux (20)
FA/352 bomb 18/1 @ 4-2
149 12/3/2024 1:55:00 AM Turn 8 RG Robinson Message Fails
Over to 8G5 as it begins to drizzle!
148 12/3/2024 1:52:00 AM Turn 8 RG Robinson Message Fails
Over to 8G5 as it begins to drizzle!
147 12/3/2024 1:51:00 AM Turn 8 RG Robinson Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 1


Message from RG Robinson:
20-28 bridge taken, now rolling the 20-21 bridge!
146 12/3/2024 1:48:00 AM Turn 8 RG Robinson Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 1


Message from RG Robinson:
Overrun, place US control.
Weather overcast!
8A4 continues-
18/1 and 115/29 return to @18. 16/1 and 175/29 attempt to seize the (20-28) and (20-21) bridges, drm+3
145 12/3/2024 1:31:00 AM Turn 8 RG Robinson Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from RG Robinson:
Failed, place construct 2
8A4 continues-
1XX(-) and 29XX(-) move -> @18 and with both DivArty's firing in support assault into @20, odds 14-6
144 12/3/2024 1:23:00 AM Turn 8 RG Robinson Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 1


Message from RG Robinson:
Area 19, Attempt repair of the 19-20 bridge, drm+3
143 12/2/2024 8:19:00 AM Turn 8 Jim Eliason Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 3


Message from Jim Eliason:
5 AP in 44: 6FS,752 to D1, 100a to S
J8 G4 Troarn (6)
blow 6/4(+3), 6/2(+2),6/1(+2)
142 12/2/2024 5:43:00 AM Turn 8 RG Robinson Message 5AP starting with the (spent)6FS.
Over to 8G4
141 12/2/2024 5:41:00 AM Turn 8 RG Robinson Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from RG Robinson:
VII/Corp fires into area 44, tgt the (spent) 6FS, odds 9-2
140 12/1/2024 8:46:00 PM Turn 8 Jim Eliason Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 1


Message from Jim Eliason:
made it again. FA/Lehr to 12 to 4 interdiction
139 12/1/2024 8:42:00 PM Turn 8 Jim Eliason Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 2


Message from Jim Eliason:
also made it. FLK/Lehr to 12 to 4 to 3. interdiction
138 12/1/2024 8:39:00 PM Turn 8 Jim Eliason Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 1


Message from Jim Eliason:
made it. 902/Lehr to 12 to 5
137 12/1/2024 8:38:00 PM Turn 8 Jim Eliason Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 1


Message from Jim Eliason:
J8 G3 Aunay (13)
901/Lehr to 12 to 4. interdiction
136 12/1/2024 9:57:00 AM Turn 8 RG Robinson Message Fails.
Over to 8G3
135 12/1/2024 9:56:00 AM Turn 8 RG Robinson Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 1


Message from RG Robinson:
8A2c continues-
Overrun, place Brit control.
2CAX attempts to capture the (@6-@4) bridge, drm+3
134 12/1/2024 9:04:00 AM Turn 8 Jim Eliason Message no reroll. Adv to Allies
133 12/1/2024 9:03:00 AM Turn 8 Jim Eliason Edit Advantage Owned By BKN PBEM: from to
Jim Eliason: from German has the advantage to
RG Robinson: from to has
132 12/1/2024 8:59:00 AM Turn 8 Jim Eliason Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from Jim Eliason:
J8 A2c 11-3 assault in 6
131 11/30/2024 9:15:00 PM Turn 8 RG Robinson Message Finally got the fire missions correct after 2 rather poor days!-It will revert to the norm with a vengeance, I am sure!
Area 9, 2CAX leads 3CAXX(-) and 50XX(-) ->@8 ->@9 and assaults into area 6. odds are 11-?. Please designate your forward unit and roll the assault. If "NOT" an Overrun, then over to 8G3.
130 11/30/2024 6:25:00 PM Turn 8 Jim Eliason Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 1


Message from Jim Eliason:
You've won almost every DR/dr this day.
J8 G2c Bretteville (16)
blow 16/17 (+3)
129 11/30/2024 4:32:00 PM Turn 8 RG Robinson Message 8AP starting with the 6FS.
Over to 8G2c
128 11/30/2024 4:29:00 PM Turn 8 RG Robinson Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from RG Robinson:
USN fires into area 44, tgt the 6FS, odds 8-2
127 11/30/2024 11:13:00 AM Turn 8 Jim Eliason Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 1


Message from Jim Eliason:
yuck. J8 G 2b Houlgate (1)
blow 1/7 (+2)
126 11/29/2024 11:37:00 PM Turn 8 RG Robinson Message All three defenders to d1
Over to 8G2b
125 11/29/2024 11:36:00 PM Turn 8 RG Robinson Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from RG Robinson:
Brit air into area 6, tgt the 25/12SS, odds 5-1
124 11/29/2024 10:15:00 AM Turn 8 Jim Eliason Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 2


Message from Jim Eliason:
J8 G2a Bretteville (16)
blow 16/18, 16/17 both (+3)
123 11/26/2024 1:34:00 PM Turn 8 RG Robinson Message Appears all 4 units become spent!
Over to 8G2a
122 11/26/2024 1:31:00 PM Turn 8 RG Robinson Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from RG Robinson:
I think the day is proceeding nicely (KOW!:)
Brit Navy fires into Area 1, tgt the 731st, odds 8-3
121 11/25/2024 11:56:00 PM Turn 8 Jim Eliason Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 2


Message from Jim Eliason:
typo. AOK7(S) is in Cherbourg
J8 G2 Bretteville (16)
blow 16/17, 16/18 both (+3)
120 11/25/2024 12:17:00 PM Turn 8 RG Robinson Message All three units to spent
Over to 8G2
119 11/25/2024 12:16:00 PM Turn 8 RG Robinson Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from RG Robinson:
Note-My recon reports of Your Map shows the AOK7 in Cherbourg (area58), is that it's correct location, and not area 48??
8A1-@6, the XXX/Corp fires from @8 into @6, tgt 25/12SS, odds 7-2
118 11/25/2024 9:47:00 AM Turn 8 Jim Eliason Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 1


Message from Jim Eliason:
J8 G1 Aunay (13)
2a/Lehr to 23 to 22 interdiction
117 11/24/2024 3:50:00 PM Turn 8 RG Robinson Message good thing I used the big guns!
tgt to spent.
Over to 8G1
116 11/24/2024 3:48:00 PM Turn 8 RG Robinson Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from RG Robinson:
@20, V/Corp fires from area 19 into area 20, odds 9-2
115 11/24/2024 9:56:00 AM Turn 8 Jim Eliason Message AOK7(S) on my map is in 48 and should be.
no such thing as 726(D1). 736(D2) is in 15
101a is in 4. sorry for not listing it.
114 11/24/2024 9:46:00 AM Turn 8 Jim Eliason Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 2


Message from Jim Eliason:
J8 G0 Bretteville (16)
blow 16/18(+3), 16/17 (+3)
113 11/24/2024 7:58:00 AM Turn 8 RG Robinson Message I should not be doing regroups that late at night!Correction to 7ARegroup!
50-151 moves from A10-JunoBeach to A9-Douvres
* 50-69 moves from A10-JunoBeach to A9-Douvres
* 3CA-7 moves from A10-JunoBeach to A9-Douvres
* 3CA-8 moves from A10-JunoBeach to A9-Douvres
Corrected map sent!
112 11/23/2024 11:40:00 PM Turn 8 RG Robinson Edit VPs BKN PBEM: from 0 to 0
Jim Eliason: from 0 to 0
RG Robinson: from 0 to 2.5
111 11/23/2024 11:38:00 PM Turn 8 RG Robinson Edit Supply BKN PBEM: from 0 to 0
Jim Eliason: from 0 to 1
RG Robinson: from 10 to 0
110 11/23/2024 11:36:00 PM Turn 8 RG Robinson Message
82-505 moves from A50 to A51
4-FA moves from A51 to A50
4-22-D1 moves from A51 to A50-
2-Rangers moves from A31-Grandcamp to England
5-Rangers moves from A31-Grandcamp to England
V-Corps moves from A30 A19
29-175 moves from A30 to A19
1-FA moves from A30 to A19
29-FA moves from A30 to A19
50-FA moves from A18 to A17
6-3-D1 moves from A7 to A8
6-5-D2 moves from A7 A8
I-Corps moves from A8 to A7
3-FA moves from A8 to A7
2CA-Armor moves from A8 to A9
50-231-Spent moves from A10 to A17
3-8 moves from A10 to A8
3-185 moves from A10 to A8
50-151 moves from A10 to A17
50-69 moves from A10 to A17
3CA-7 moves from A10 to A17
3CA-8 moves from A10 to A17
8Dawn off shore to Omaha beach
8Dawn reinforcements to Omaha Beach
Over to 8G0

109 11/23/2024 10:39:00 PM Turn 8 RG Robinson Message Just to clarify-
1-(spent)AOK is listed in area 48 but map shows area 54?
2-The (d1)726th is not listed but map shows it in area 32?
3-The (d2)101st tank is not listed but maps show it in area 4?

Next 100 entries

Copyright 2005 Warhorse Simulations