Entry # | Time | Turn | Player | Title | Entry |
61 | 11/12/2024 4:12:00 PM | Summer 1861 | Union | Play Strategy card as Event |
#35: 1 / Elite Units Place an Elite unit marker in any space with an Army. CSA: Stonewall Bde or Hood’s Tigers. USA: Iron Bde or Wilder’s Bde. Cannot be played if all elite unit markers are in play for that side. Message from Union: Play Card # 35 como EVENTO. Iron Brigade placed at Fredericksburg com o Amy da Cumbrlnd. |
60 | 11/12/2024 3:24:00 PM | Summer 1861 | Confederate | Play Strategy card as Operations |
#128: 3 / Union Naval Supply Shortage The Union blockade level is decreased by one. Remove from deck if event is played. Message from Confederate: 3 OPS... 3 PC: St Joseph; Lexington Kansas City |
59 | 11/12/2024 3:17:00 PM | Summer 1861 | Confederate | Discard random Strategy card |
Operations - 2 / Bermuda Blockade Surge Message from Confederate: Cartinha malvada essa... descartando... :-( |
58 | 11/12/2024 1:57:00 PM | Summer 1861 | Union | Play Strategy card as Event |
#119: 2 / War in the West: Valverde/Glorietta Pass Randomly remove one strategy card from your opponent’s hand, which is discarded. Remove from deck if event is played. Message from Union: Play como evento. Ativação da minha da card #85 não está correta, conforme 5.42 , vou corrigir , a Divisão de McClellan volta pra Cincinnati- OH. |
57 | 11/12/2024 12:20:00 PM | Summer 1861 | Union | Die roll request |
Request: 6-sided die x 1 6 Message from Union: Roll pra General loss check: |
56 | 11/12/2024 9:03:00 AM | Summer 1861 | Confederate | Message |
rola p o seu... |
55 | 11/12/2024 9:02:00 AM | Summer 1861 | Confederate | Die roll request |
Request: 6-sided die x 1 6 Message from Confederate: Temos q rolar sim p Gen loss check... se der 1... |
54 | 11/12/2024 8:49:00 AM | Summer 1861 | Confederate | Message |
Ainda sobre a batalha... UNION venceu, mas sofreu 2 bx e é eliminado. Os atacantes tem q retrair. O gen Buttler vai pro game turn record e volta na prox reinforcement ph. Check. |
53 | 11/12/2024 8:08:00 AM | Summer 1861 | Confederate | Message |
Resultado da batalha @ Fort Monroe: Attackers result = 3 Defenders result = 2* atacantes sofre mais baixas e perdem. |
52 | 11/12/2024 7:49:00 AM | Summer 1861 | Union | Die roll request |
Request: 6-sided die x 1 6 Message from Union: Union roll pra Batalha em Fort Monroe. |
51 | 11/12/2024 7:24:00 AM | Summer 1861 | Confederate | Die roll request |
Request: 6-sided die x 1 2 Message from Confederate: BATTLE em Fort Monroe: MEDIUM BATTLE; UNION +2 (Fort) CONF +1 Gen Ofs Rating CONF +4 Force Ratio é isso... totais: UNION +2; CONF +5 rolando p CONFEDERADOS: check... dps rola p UNION... |
50 | 11/12/2024 7:07:00 AM | Summer 1861 | Confederate | Message |
Vc tem q ROLL DIE p retreat... mas... Butler é ZERO... Vai ocorrer a batalha... |
49 | 11/12/2024 6:56:00 AM | Summer 1861 | Union | Message |
Ataque Confederado ao Fort Monroe General Buttler com 1 SP, Retreat Naval pra Atlantic City-NJ, conforme 7.62. |
48 | 11/11/2024 6:02:00 PM | Summer 1861 | Confederate | Play Strategy card as Operations |
#31: 2 / Contraband of War Confederate removes two SPs (Union chooses), no more than one SP per space. Void after Emancipation Proclamation has taken effect. Remove from deck if event is played. Message from Confederate: 2 OPS. Ativo Beauregard Corps + Stuart Cav q ataca Fort Monroe... RETREAT? or BATTLE? |
47 | 11/10/2024 9:02:00 AM | Summer 1861 | Confederate | Message |
DUAS minor campaign cards!!! Que sortudo!!! :-) |
46 | 11/10/2024 7:28:00 AM | Summer 1861 | Union | Play Strategy card as Event |
#86: 3 / Minor Campaign Conduct up to two moves or conduct one special army-size naval move. No SP, general, or army marker may be moved twice with the same campaign card. You must move a different force each move. Message from Union: Play card # 86 como Evento. Ativo em Strasburg o G Banks(4SPs)e drop-off 1 SP, adentro em Stauton e drop-off 1 SP e finalizo o Movimento em Charlottesville. Ativo em Frederick o Army do Cumberland, adentro em Manassas e drop-off 1 SP, adentro em Culpepper e drop-off 1 SP , adentro em Wilderness e drop-off 1 SP e finalizo o Movimento em Fredericksburg. |
45 | 11/9/2024 1:48:00 PM | Summer 1861 | Confederate | Play Strategy card as Operations |
#76: 2 / Great Sioux Uprising Remove one Union commanding general at no SW penalty. Penalties for promoting a general with a lower political value still apply. OR remove ANY Union non-commanding general (even second in commands) from the game. Remove from deck if event is played. Message from Confederate: 2 OPS: Ativo Corps/Beauregard @Manassas q move: - Fredericksburg - Hanover - Williamsburg Stuart Cav Bde move junto. |
44 | 11/9/2024 10:03:00 AM | Summer 1861 | Union | Message |
Corrigindo:...e adentro no Resource Space Confederado de Strasburgo- VA. Strasburgo- VA , não é Resource Space,mas espaço do Shenandoah Valley. |
43 | 11/9/2024 8:12:00 AM | Summer 1861 | Union | Play Strategy card as Event |
#85: 3 / Minor Campaign Conduct up to two moves or conduct one special army-size naval move. No SP, general, or army marker may be moved twice with the same campaign card. You must move a different force each move. Message from Union: Play card # 85 COMO EVENTO. Ativo em Jackson- OH um Corpo do G. Banks e movimento (8) pra Parkersburg-WV, Charleston-WV e drop-off 1 SP, pra Weston-WV, pra Grafton-WV e drop-off 1 SP , pra Frankilin e Pick-up 2 SPs e adentro no Resource Space Confederado de Strasburgo- VA . Ativo em Cincinnat- OH, uma Divisão do G. McClelan e movimento(5) pra Falmouth, Lexington e Somerset-KY |
42 | 11/8/2024 5:02:00 PM | Summer 1861 | Confederate | Play Strategy card as Operations |
#14: 3 / Red River Campaign May not be discarded by the Union. Union must use this card as an OC. If at the conclusion of movement, a Union SP is not on or adjacent to Grand Ecore, LA, then the Union loses 5 SW points. If a Union SP is in one of the objective spaces then a Union PC marker can immediately be placed to convert the space or spaces. Remove from deck if Union plays card. Message from Confederate: Ops = 3; para colocar 3 PCs: Lebanon/KY Bowling Green/KY Greenville/MO. KENTUCKY controlado. SW=10 |
41 | 11/8/2024 9:46:00 AM | Summer 1861 | Union | Play Strategy card as Operations |
#24: 3 / Pre-War Treachery Confederate may place up to two forts in any friendly controlled spaces with a LOC free of Union SPs and forts. Remove from deck if event is played. Message from Union: Play card #24 como Ops. Em FREDERICK- MD crio o Army do Cumberland tendo como BUEEL o Commanding General. USA Strategic Will set to 98 (-2 penalty). -2 Strategic Will devido a Gs. Buttler e Fremont com 8 de Political Value. |
40 | 11/8/2024 7:14:00 AM | Summer 1861 | Union | Draw Strategy cards |
5 cards drawn. |
39 | 11/7/2024 6:33:00 PM | Summer 1861 | Confederate | Draw Strategy cards |
5 cards drawn. |
38 | 11/7/2024 6:31:00 PM | Summer 1861 | Confederate | Message |
REINFORCEMENTS ph: tudo no Log VASSAL. pegamos as cartas, agora... |
37 | 11/7/2024 2:43:00 PM | Summer 1861 | Union | Message |
TURNO 2 -STRATEGIC MOVIMENTO-PLACE GENERALS UNIÃO STRATEGIC MOVIMENTO, LIMITE de 15 SPs. 6 SPs move de WHASHINGON- DC pra Frederick - MD. 1 SP move da Philadelfia- PA pra Washington- MD. 1 SP move de Columbus- OH pra Cincinnati-OH. 6 SPs move de Cincinnati- OH pra Jackson- OH. 1 SP move de Indianapolis- IN pra Evansville-IN. BRINGING GENERALS in PLAY RANDOMIZED a stack of 7 Generals Place General em Frederick- MD Place General em Jackson- OH Place General em Cincinnati-OH Place General em Evasnville-IN. Place General no Cairo-IL Place General em Frederick - MD Place General em Whashington- DC REVELANDO GENERAIS. CAIRO- G.BURNSIDE EVANVILLE- G.HALLECK CINCINNATI- G. Mc CLELAN JACKSON- G. BANKS FREDERICK´s- Gs. ROSECRANS e BUELL WASHINGTON- POPE |
36 | 11/7/2024 12:56:00 PM | Summer 1861 | Confederate | Message |
Já faz todos os STEPS!!! Reinforcements, Strategic move, etc |
35 | 11/7/2024 12:41:00 PM | Summer 1861 | Union | Message |
34 | 11/7/2024 9:01:00 AM | Spring 1861 | Confederate | End Turn | |
33 | 11/7/2024 8:56:00 AM | Spring 1861 | Confederate | Message |
Agora vem... SUMMER 1861... REINFORCEMENT phase... UNION primeiro... STEPs A, B e C... check |
32 | 11/7/2024 8:50:00 AM | Spring 1861 | Confederate | Message |
ATTRITION Ph: Em Manassas, 3SP Div reduz p 2SP. |
31 | 11/6/2024 1:40:00 PM | Spring 1861 | Union | Message |
ATTRITION PHASE(continuando) If the space contains 3 to 6 SPs, it loses 1 SP. Em Washinghton DC, o Army do Potomac com 5 SP, perde 1 SP devido ao Atrito. Army do Potomac 4 SP. |
30 | 11/6/2024 7:31:00 AM | Spring 1861 | Union | Message |
ATTRITION PHASE União tem 2SP em Franklin no território NEUTRO da WV. 8.1-LOC: A unit is “in supply” if it has a Line of Communication (LOC). A unit has a LOC if it can trace a path of spaces to an ultimate supply source. All spaces of the path (except the space of the force) must be friendly-controlled or NEUTRAL, and free of enemy SPs or forts 9.1 If the space contains 1 or 2 SPs, it suffers no attrition. |
29 | 11/6/2024 7:13:00 AM | Spring 1861 | Confederate | Message |
Conf PC Phase... nada muda... Agora vem ATTRITION.. de volta p vc. |
28 | 11/5/2024 1:44:00 PM | Spring 1861 | Confederate | Message |
Revisei todas as cartas e gravei arquivo VASSAL... O módulo tem "bug", pq está dizendo q vc controla a WV, mas vc só tem 3 espaços... tem q ter 4... check... Os SW continuam em 100/100... check... |
27 | 11/5/2024 12:58:00 PM | Spring 1861 | Confederate | Message |
Ok, Francisco... checando tbm tudo... Os Logs tbm... |
26 | 11/5/2024 6:39:00 AM | Spring 1861 | Union | Message |
Message from Union: Play card # 118 como OP. Ativo em Pittsburg uma Divisão-2 strenght, pra Movimento( 5 espaços). Movimento pra Uniontown-PA,entro na West Virginia em Grafton, e adentro em Franklin, encerrando o 3-terceiro Movimento. |
25 | 11/4/2024 7:51:00 PM | Spring 1861 | Confederate | Message |
No seu último Log (correção), na carta MEXICAN SUPPLY PIPELINE vc moveu 2 SP... de Pittsburg p/ Franklin... ou vc colocou PCs? Só pode uma das ações. |
24 | 11/2/2024 10:22:00 AM | Spring 1861 | Union | Message |
3.4 POLITICAL CONTROL Fase Place PC marker in spaces with 1+ Inf SPs with LOC. Em Franklin-WV a União tem 2 SP, mas já tem um PC colocado por Event Card. Situação dos PC em estados Fronteiriços Neutros: 3 PCs na WV, 3 PCs no Kentucky e 3PCs no Missouri. |
23 | 11/2/2024 9:37:00 AM | Spring 1861 | Confederate | Message |
Agora vem... 3.4 POLITICAL CONTROL Phase Capitais não mudam... e... 3,42 political Control determination segment check rules |
22 | 11/1/2024 8:23:00 AM | Spring 1861 | Confederate | Message |
Com as cartas jogadas erradas (1 OP) coloquei 1 PC cada em Somerset/KY e Springfield/MO. Retificado. |
21 | 11/1/2024 8:18:00 AM | Spring 1861 | Confederate | Message |
E... os meus Logs 3 e 4 tem erro... vou retificar... |
20 | 11/1/2024 8:15:00 AM | Spring 1861 | Confederate | Message |
O 1º erro é o teu Log2/ Mexican Suppl Line... retifica no VASSAL |
19 | 11/1/2024 8:14:00 AM | Spring 1861 | Confederate | Message |
Vamos retificar os erros... mantém as cartas jogadas, retifica no VASSAL... |
18 | 10/31/2024 10:35:00 AM | Spring 1861 | Confederate | Message |
Acabaram as cartas... agora vem... POLITICAL CONTROL PHASE... |
17 | 10/31/2024 10:29:00 AM | Spring 1861 | Confederate | Play Strategy card as Operations |
#64: 1 / USS Kearsarge sinks USS Alabama Union SW increased by one. Message from Confederate: 1 OPS: 1SP/(Div) Little Rock -> Clarksville -> Fayetteville -> Springsfield -> Kansas City. |
16 | 10/31/2024 7:18:00 AM | Spring 1861 | Union | Play Strategy card as Operations |
#27: 3 / Choctaw Indians Confederate randomly removes one strategy card from the Union player’s hand, which is discarded. Message from Union: Play car # 27 como 3 OPs Place 3 PC no Border State Neutro do Missouri. em Jefferson City, Rolla e Ironton |
15 | 10/30/2024 6:28:00 PM | Spring 1861 | Confederate | Play Strategy card as Operations |
#43: 1 / Kansas Admitted to Union Union immediately gains one SP in any friendly or neutral space in Missouri free of Confederate SPs. Remove from deck if event is played. Message from Confederate: 1 OP, to move 1 SP/Division... No VASSAL, 1SP de DOVER, Clarksville, Bowling Green/FLIP*, Lebanon -> Somerset. check. |
14 | 10/30/2024 7:32:00 AM | Spring 1861 | Union | Play Strategy card as Operations |
#106: 3 / British Clydeside Shipyards Confederate immediately receives three SPs in any open Blockade Runner Port, no more than one SP per port, but more than one SP per Blockade zone is permitted. If insufficient ports are available, the excess SPs are lost. Message from Union: Play card # 106 como 3 OPs. Como o Border State do Kentucky continua Neutro, coloco 3 PC controls em: Frankfort, Lexington e Bowling Green |
13 | 10/29/2024 7:10:00 PM | Spring 1861 | Confederate | Play Strategy card as Operations |
#71: 3 / General Scott, The Anaconda Plan The Union player may either increase the Blockade Level by one or increase the Amphibious Assault modifier by two. Message from Confederate: 3 OPS pts: PC @ Falmouth. Louisville. Paducah. |
12 | 10/29/2024 4:37:00 PM | Spring 1861 | Union | Play Strategy card as Operations |
#118: 3 / Mexican Supply Line Confederate player receives 2 SP in any friendly controlled Texas space (both SPs placed in the same space). The space does not need a LOC. The space may not contain Union SPs or forts. If no eligible space exists the SPs are lost. Message from Union: Play card # 118 como OP. Ativo em Pittsburg uma Divisão-2 strenght, pra Movimento( 5 espaços). 1 movimento pra Uniontown,´entro na West Virginia em Grafton e coloco um PC, +2 de Movimento e adentro em Franklin, encerrando o 4-quarto Movimento. Union controla a West Virginia com 4 flags. União ganha 5 de Stategic Will, vai pra 105 e os Confederados perdem 5 de Strategic Will, vai pra 95 |
11 | 10/29/2024 2:09:00 PM | Spring 1861 | Confederate | Message |
1861 Victory Conditions: The 1861 scenario ends at the conclusion of the Fall 1861 game turn. the Union player wins if he controls MO, KY, and WV of Confederate SW is < than 80. The Confederate player wins if he controls MO and KY or Union SW is < than 85. All other results are draws. |
10 | 10/29/2024 1:00:00 PM | Spring 1861 | Confederate | Message |
NORFOLK não pode receber 1 SP, pq o Forte é da UNIÃO. Mudo p Morehead City/NC. Abç |
9 | 10/29/2024 12:05:00 PM | Spring 1861 | Confederate | Message |
Espere um pouco p jogar o teu próx log/carta... Tô checando um detalhe qto aos BLOCKADE runner ports... Abç Gerson |
8 | 10/29/2024 11:25:00 AM | Spring 1861 | Confederate | Play Strategy card as Event |
#17: 3 / CSA Purchasing Agent Confederate immediately receives three SPs in any open Blockade Runner Port, no more than one SP per port, but more than one SP per Blockade Zone is permitted. If insufficient ports are available, the excess SPs are lost. Message from Confederate: Confederados recebem 3 SPs, um por porto "Blockade Runner"... no VASSAL: -> Norfolk; -> Wilmington; -> Charleston. |
7 | 10/29/2024 11:13:00 AM | Spring 1861 | Confederate | Message |
Interessante esse módulo VASSAL do FtPeople... percebeu? Ele controla os espaços em q se coloca PC, e já vai contando... legal! Gerson |
6 | 10/29/2024 7:34:00 AM | Spring 1861 | Union | Play Strategy card as Event |
#44: 2 / Western Virginia Place three Union PC markers in any West Virginia space free of Confederate SPs. If the space contains a Confederate PC marker, it is flipped. Remove from deck if event is played. Message from Union: Place 3 PC markers em :Franklin, Lewisburg e Parkesburg |
5 | 10/28/2024 9:02:00 PM | Spring 1861 | Confederate | Message |
Ok... UNION pode começar... primeira carta é sua... Abç (SEM PRESSA) |
4 | 10/28/2024 5:49:00 AM | Spring 1861 | Union | Draw Strategy cards |
4 cards drawn. |
3 | 10/27/2024 10:13:00 PM | Spring 1861 | Confederate | Message |
Enviei setup file confederado... Pega tuas cartas e salva p cima e me envia de volta... Abç |
2 | 10/27/2024 9:49:00 PM | Spring 1861 | Confederate | Draw Strategy cards |
4 cards drawn. |
1 | 10/27/2024 9:49:00 PM | Spring 1861 | Confederate | Message |
Iniciando o nosso jogo! Aí pegam-se as cartas no VASSAL e fazemos o setup! Abç! |
Copyright 2005 Warhorse Simulations