Entry # | Time | Turn | Player | Title | Entry |
367 | 2/18/2025 8:40:00 PM | 209-207 BC | Rome | Play Strategy card as Operations |
#14: 2 / Ligurian Recruits (Carthage) Place two Carthaginian CU's with any General located in Liguria, Cisalpinia or Etruria. Message from Rome: Scipio Afr + 10 CU move to Mutina |
366 | 2/18/2025 8:39:00 PM | 209-207 BC | Rome | Give random Strategy card to Carthage |
Message from Rome: Messenger |
365 | 2/18/2025 8:10:00 PM | 209-207 BC | Carthage | Play Strategy card as Event |
#55: 3 / Messenger Intercepted (Both) Draw one Strategy Card from your opponent's hand and add it to your own. Message from Carthage: I’ll draw a card |
364 | 2/18/2025 3:45:00 PM | 209-207 BC | Rome | Message |
Oh, yes. remove Firmum Picenum |
363 | 2/18/2025 3:17:00 PM | 209-207 BC | Carthage | Message |
1 PC loss for political consequences? |
362 | 2/18/2025 12:08:00 PM | 209-207 BC | Rome | Message |
Hannibal loses 1 CU n11 with 1e Scipio Afr loses 3 CU and retreats to Ariminum, n23 |
361 | 2/18/2025 12:06:00 PM | 209-207 BC | Rome | Die roll request |
Request: 6-sided die x 2 4 1 Message from Rome: first die attrition, column 5 second die retreat |
360 | 2/18/2025 12:06:00 PM | 209-207 BC | Rome | Message |
CAnt match |
359 | 2/18/2025 11:36:00 AM | 209-207 BC | Carthage | Play Battle card |
#29 Flank Right Message from Carthage: r5 |
358 | 2/18/2025 11:36:00 AM | 209-207 BC | Carthage | Die roll request |
Request: 6-sided die x 1 2 Message from Carthage: counter |
357 | 2/18/2025 11:36:00 AM | 209-207 BC | Carthage | Play Battle card |
#14 Flank Left Message from Carthage: match r4 |
356 | 2/18/2025 11:34:00 AM | 209-207 BC | Rome | Play Battle card |
#13 Flank Left Message from Rome: round 4 |
355 | 2/18/2025 11:34:00 AM | 209-207 BC | Rome | Die roll request |
Request: 6-sided die x 1 1 Message from Rome: init roll |
354 | 2/18/2025 11:33:00 AM | 209-207 BC | Rome | Play Battle card |
#22 Flank Right Message from Rome: Match r3 |
353 | 2/18/2025 9:56:00 AM | 209-207 BC | Carthage | Play Battle card |
#30 Flank Right Message from Carthage: r3 |
352 | 2/18/2025 8:00:00 AM | 209-207 BC | Rome | Die roll request |
Request: 6-sided die x 1 6 Message from Rome: counter |
351 | 2/18/2025 8:00:00 AM | 209-207 BC | Rome | Play Battle card |
#25 Flank Right Message from Rome: match r2 |
350 | 2/17/2025 9:07:00 PM | 209-207 BC | Carthage | Play Battle card |
#23 Flank Right Message from Carthage: r2 |
349 | 2/17/2025 9:03:00 PM | 209-207 BC | Carthage | Die roll request |
Request: 6-sided die x 1 2 Message from Carthage: counter |
348 | 2/17/2025 9:03:00 PM | 209-207 BC | Carthage | Play Battle card |
#21 Flank Left Message from Carthage: match r1 |
347 | 2/17/2025 9:30:00 AM | 209-207 BC | Rome | Play Battle card |
#17 Flank Left Message from Rome: Round 1 |
346 | 2/17/2025 9:29:00 AM | 209-207 BC | Rome | Battle Hands dealt |
Battle 8 Carthage: 17 cards Rome: 16 cards |
345 | 2/16/2025 9:11:00 PM | 209-207 BC | Carthage | Message |
Counting 17 BCs for Hannibal, 16 BCs for Scipio — feel free to deal and start |
344 | 2/16/2025 1:18:00 PM | 209-207 BC | Rome | Message |
No reaction cards |
343 | 2/16/2025 11:24:00 AM | 209-207 BC | Carthage | Message |
Hannibal will stand… no elephants. Any reaction cards? |
342 | 2/15/2025 10:25:00 AM | 209-207 BC | Rome | Play Strategy card as Operations |
#10: 2 / Macedonian Reinforcements (Carthage) Place two Carthaginian CU's in any friendly controlled port in Africa or Italy. May only be played while Philip V of Macedonia is allied with Carthage. Message from Rome: Scipio Afr + 10 CU to Falerii, Ariminum, then Mutina. Hannibal can react A. Paulus and 5 CU stay in Rome |
341 | 2/15/2025 9:31:00 AM | 209-207 BC | Carthage | Message |
you may go first |
340 | 2/15/2025 9:22:00 AM | 209-207 BC | Rome | Message |
No preempt |
339 | 2/15/2025 9:21:00 AM | 209-207 BC | Rome | Draw Strategy cards |
9 cards drawn. |
338 | 2/14/2025 9:29:00 PM | 209-207 BC | Carthage | Draw Strategy cards |
9 cards drawn. |
337 | 2/14/2025 9:29:00 PM | 209-207 BC | Carthage | Message |
Looks good |
336 | 2/14/2025 11:59:00 AM | 209-207 BC | Rome | Message |
Ok, let me know if it looks OK and we can then deal the cards |
335 | 2/14/2025 11:59:00 AM | 211-210 BC | Rome | End Turn |
Deck was reshuffled. |
334 | 2/14/2025 11:58:00 AM | 211-210 BC | Rome | Message |
Gaius Flaminius Gaius Flaminius goes to Carales A. Paulus to Rome |
333 | 2/14/2025 11:57:00 AM | 211-210 BC | Rome | Die roll request |
Request: 6-sided die x 1 3 Message from Rome: A Paulus second consul 6 sided die, l to r |
332 | 2/14/2025 11:56:00 AM | 211-210 BC | Rome | Die roll request |
Request: 7-sided die x 1 7 Message from Rome: First consul, 7 sided die l to r |
331 | 2/14/2025 11:56:00 AM | 211-210 BC | Rome | Message |
Marcellus remains pro-consul |
330 | 2/14/2025 11:55:00 AM | 211-210 BC | Rome | Message |
Roman reinf: 4 in Rome, n 15 1 in Carales, n 6 |
329 | 2/14/2025 4:13:00 AM | 211-210 BC | Carthage | Message |
Carthaginian reinforcements: 3 in New Carthage [n4] 1 in Carthage [n8 inc 2e] Mago to Carthage Hasdrubal to New Carthage |
328 | 2/12/2025 9:51:00 AM | 211-210 BC | Rome | Message |
Remove Narbo, Nemausus, Cannae, Hereclea |
327 | 2/12/2025 9:50:00 AM | 211-210 BC | Rome | Message |
lose 3 CU, Carales n5 |
326 | 2/12/2025 9:49:00 AM | 211-210 BC | Rome | Die roll request |
Request: 6-sided die x 1 6 Message from Rome: Attrition roll |
325 | 2/11/2025 9:30:00 PM | 211-210 BC | Carthage | Message |
End-of-turn: Longus to roll for attrition at Carales Counting 11 provinces for Carthage and 7 for Rome |
324 | 2/11/2025 9:29:00 PM | 211-210 BC | Carthage | Play Strategy card as Operations |
#25: 2 / Capua Sides with Carthage (Carthage) If the Carthage controls 3 or more Italian provinces Capua is converted to Carthaginian control and all Roman CUs inside are eliminated. Message from Carthage: Flip Sassari PC at Iberus |
323 | 2/11/2025 9:29:00 PM | 211-210 BC | Carthage | Message |
... makes it. Second, Hanno + 4 to Thabraca. No third activation |
322 | 2/11/2025 9:26:00 PM | 211-210 BC | Carthage | Die roll request |
Request: 6-sided die x 1 4 Message from Carthage: Gisgo's sail roll at drm -4 (-2 for New Carthage, +1 for Roman PC, -1 for 1 CU, -1 for Syracuse, -1 for Philip) |
321 | 2/11/2025 9:25:00 PM | 211-210 BC | Carthage | Play Strategy card as Event |
#34: 3 / Major Campaign (Both) MOVE ANY THREE GENERALS. Each General can move up to four spaces with 10 combat units. Message from Carthage: Firs, Gisgo + 1 attempt sail to Sassari |
320 | 2/9/2025 10:12:00 AM | 211-210 BC | Rome | Set Deck Reshuffle | Deck will be reshuffled before next deal |
319 | 2/9/2025 10:12:00 AM | 211-210 BC | Rome | Play Strategy card as Operations |
#64: 2 / Truce (Both) Neither player may enter a space containing an enemy CU or PC while the Truce lasts. The Truce ends when either player uses a Strategy Card as an event. Message from Rome: LOngus, Nero 8 CU to Carales |
318 | 2/8/2025 9:23:00 PM | 211-210 BC | Carthage | Play Strategy card as Operations |
#4: 3 / Celtiberia Revolts (Both) If your opponent controls Celtiberia, remove all his PCs in that province which are not stacked with his CU's. Message from Carthage: +1 with Hannibal [n12 inc 1e] |
317 | 2/8/2025 7:07:00 PM | 211-210 BC | Rome | Play Strategy card as Event |
#48: 1 / Allied Auxiliaries (Campania) (Rome) Place two Roman CUs with any General in Italy if CAMPANIA is Roman controlled. Message from Rome: 2 CU with Scipio Afr, n 11 |
316 | 2/8/2025 7:07:00 PM | 211-210 BC | Carthage | Message |
... makes it. |
315 | 2/8/2025 7:06:00 PM | 211-210 BC | Carthage | Die roll request |
Request: 6-sided die x 1 1 Message from Carthage: sail roll at drm -3 (+2 for Pisa, -2 for New Carthage, -1 for 1 CU, -1 for Syracusae, -1 for Philip) |
314 | 2/8/2025 6:42:00 PM | 211-210 BC | Rome | Message |
no reaction |
313 | 2/8/2025 5:58:00 PM | 211-210 BC | Carthage | Play Strategy card as Operations |
#30: 3 / Carthaginian Siege Train (Carthage) Place the Siege Train Marker with any Carthaginian General. A General with the Siege Train ignores the -1 die roll modifier applied against Carthaginian sieges. Message from Carthage: Gisgo + 1 to Cosa, then sail to New Carthage... reaction? |
312 | 2/7/2025 11:28:00 AM | 211-210 BC | Rome | Play Strategy card as Operations |
#59: 1 / Ally Deserts (Both) Draw one BC from your opponent's hand and add it to your own. Message from Rome: Scipio move w/ 4 CU to Rome, n9 |
311 | 2/6/2025 11:23:00 PM | 211-210 BC | Carthage | Play Strategy card as Operations |
#18: 2 / Traitor in Tarentum (Both) If you use this card as an OC to siege Tarentum, it comes under your control without a Siege die roll. Enemy CUs inside are eliminated. Message from Carthage: Gisgo + 1 to Pisae |
310 | 2/6/2025 4:40:00 PM | 211-210 BC | Rome | Play Strategy card as Operations |
#52: 2 / Pestilence (Both) One opposing Army currently besieging a city must roll on the Attrition Table with a +1 die roll modifier. Message from Rome: Scipio Afr. and 4 CU move Messana Rhegium Bruttium stop |
309 | 2/6/2025 1:45:00 PM | 211-210 BC | Rome | Message |
OK, got it, Numantia and Iberus |
308 | 2/6/2025 1:25:00 PM | 211-210 BC | Carthage | Message |
You’re right, apologies — I had Enna in my mind b/c the battle was there. Instead of Enna remove Iberus. |
307 | 2/6/2025 1:25:00 PM | 211-210 BC | Carthage | Message |
You’re right, apologies — I had Enna in my mind b/c the battle was there. Instead of Enna remove Iberus. |
306 | 2/6/2025 1:23:00 PM | 211-210 BC | Rome | Message |
Did you have a PC in Enna? I did not see it in the log. I might have missed it |
305 | 2/6/2025 12:18:00 AM | 211-210 BC | Carthage | Play Strategy card as Operations |
#8: 1 / Hostile Tribes (Both) Play whenever an opposing army occupies (or enters) space in Gallia Transalpinia or Liguria. The Army immediately undergoes Attrition on the 5-6 column. Message from Carthage: Flip Cosa |
304 | 2/6/2025 12:17:00 AM | 211-210 BC | Carthage | Message |
Hasdrubal + 4 displaced, Africanus loses 2 [n4] remove PCs at Enna and Numantia |
303 | 2/6/2025 12:16:00 AM | 211-210 BC | Carthage | Die roll request |
Request: 6-sided die x 2 5 5 Message from Carthage: no match attrition retreat |
302 | 2/4/2025 1:39:00 PM | 211-210 BC | Rome | Play Battle card |
#23 Flank Right Message from Rome: Round 5 |
301 | 2/4/2025 1:39:00 PM | 211-210 BC | Rome | Die roll request |
Request: 6-sided die x 1 4 Message from Rome: init |
300 | 2/4/2025 1:39:00 PM | 211-210 BC | Rome | Play Battle card |
#16 Flank Left Message from Rome: Match r4 |
299 | 2/4/2025 1:36:00 PM | 211-210 BC | Carthage | Play Battle card |
#17 Flank Left Message from Carthage: r4 |
298 | 2/4/2025 1:32:00 PM | 211-210 BC | Carthage | Die roll request |
Request: 6-sided die x 1 1 Message from Carthage: counter |
297 | 2/4/2025 1:32:00 PM | 211-210 BC | Carthage | Play Battle card |
#47 Reserve (use as any other card) Message from Carthage: match r3 |
296 | 2/4/2025 1:31:00 PM | 211-210 BC | Rome | Play Battle card |
#24 Flank Right Message from Rome: Round 3 |
295 | 2/4/2025 1:29:00 PM | 211-210 BC | Carthage | Die roll request |
Request: 6-sided die x 1 4 Message from Carthage: counter |
294 | 2/4/2025 1:29:00 PM | 211-210 BC | Carthage | Play Battle card |
#27 Flank Right Message from Carthage: match r2 |
293 | 2/4/2025 1:11:00 PM | 211-210 BC | Rome | Play Battle card |
#26 Flank Right Message from Rome: Round 2 |
292 | 2/4/2025 12:55:00 PM | 211-210 BC | Carthage | Die roll request |
Request: 6-sided die x 1 6 Message from Carthage: counter |
291 | 2/4/2025 12:55:00 PM | 211-210 BC | Carthage | Play Battle card |
#30 Flank Right Message from Carthage: match r1 |
290 | 2/4/2025 12:10:00 PM | 211-210 BC | Rome | Play Battle card |
#25 Flank Right Message from Rome: Round 1 |
289 | 2/4/2025 12:10:00 PM | 211-210 BC | Rome | Battle Hands dealt |
Battle 7 Carthage: 8 cards Rome: 11 cards |
288 | 2/4/2025 12:07:00 PM | 211-210 BC | Carthage | Message |
looks correct to me |
287 | 2/4/2025 12:04:00 PM | 211-210 BC | Rome | Message |
Battle in Enna Rome 6 CU + 1 ally + 4 Scipio = 11BC Carthage 4 CU + 1 ally + 3 Hasdrubal = 8BC Let me know if this looks right |
286 | 2/4/2025 11:34:00 AM | 211-210 BC | Carthage | Message |
no reaction |
285 | 2/4/2025 11:30:00 AM | 211-210 BC | Rome | Play Strategy card as Operations |
#5: 2 / Native Guide (Both) If you use this card as an OC to move an Army, and the Army crosses a Mountain Pass, you may modify your Mountain Pass Attrition die roll by -3. Message from Rome: Scipio to Agrigentum, p/u 1 CU n6 move to Enna Hasdrubal can react |
284 | 2/4/2025 2:30:00 AM | 211-210 BC | Carthage | Message |
... no loss, Gisgo + 1 end at Cosa |
283 | 2/4/2025 2:30:00 AM | 211-210 BC | Carthage | Die roll request |
Request: 6-sided die x 1 1 Message from Carthage: Non-Alps roll at drm -2 |
282 | 2/3/2025 11:51:00 AM | 211-210 BC | Rome | Message |
No reaction |
281 | 2/3/2025 12:37:00 AM | 211-210 BC | Carthage | Message |
... makes it to Syracuse, drop-off 2 [n4] continue to Enna. Next Gisgo + 1 cross Apennines to Faesulae. Reaction before rolling? |
280 | 2/3/2025 12:34:00 AM | 211-210 BC | Carthage | Die roll request |
Request: 6-sided die x 1 4 Message from Carthage: Ouch! Hasdrubal loses 4 [n6]... next naval battle roll (drm -4) |
279 | 2/3/2025 12:33:00 AM | 211-210 BC | Carthage | Die roll request |
Request: 6-sided die x 1 6 Message from Carthage: Storms at sea (attrition at drm +2) |
278 | 2/1/2025 10:52:00 AM | 211-210 BC | Rome | Message |
You can do all of the die rolling and then continue with your campaign. Thanks |
277 | 2/1/2025 10:36:00 AM | 211-210 BC | Carthage | Message |
"naval battle roll" is the same thing as what we've been calling the sail roll |
276 | 2/1/2025 10:34:00 AM | 211-210 BC | Carthage | Message |
Yes, before the naval battle roll. Here's the card 60 clarification text: ". Storms at Sea: The Roman player may not observe how the Carthaginian fares in Naval Combat before deciding to play the Storm At Sea card - the card must be played before rolling the die for Naval Combat. The card seems to imply that CUs may move without generals, this is misleading--all naval movement requires the presence of a general. The attrition result has no affect on generals and if all CUs are eliminated in a storm at sea, then the general returns by himself to the port of embarkation." |
275 | 2/1/2025 10:29:00 AM | 211-210 BC | Rome | Play Strategy card as Event |
#60: 1 / Storms At Sea (Both) Play after your opponent moves an Army or CUs using Sea Movement. The force suffers Attrition and the die roll must be modified by +2. Message from Rome: Anyway, I will play this for the event |
274 | 2/1/2025 10:28:00 AM | 211-210 BC | Rome | Message |
So the attrition roll comes before the sailing roll? |
273 | 2/1/2025 2:14:00 AM | 211-210 BC | Carthage | Message |
According to the card clarification at the end of the rulebook it’s before Carthage rolls for naval battle |
272 | 1/31/2025 7:35:00 PM | 211-210 BC | Rome | Message |
Do I have to play Storms at Sea before or after you roll? |
271 | 1/31/2025 4:07:00 PM | 211-210 BC | Rome | Message |
Not yet. |
270 | 1/31/2025 1:54:00 AM | 211-210 BC | Carthage | Play Strategy card as Event |
#40: 3 / Minor Campaign (Both) MOVE ANY TWO GENERALS. Each General can move up to four spaces with 10 combat units. Message from Carthage: First, Hasdrubal + 10 attempt to sail to Syracuse (drm -4). Reaction? |
269 | 1/30/2025 8:58:00 AM | 211-210 BC | Rome | Play Strategy card as Operations |
#7: 1 / Hostile Tribes (Both) Play whenever an opposing army occupies (or enters) space in Gallia Transalpinia or Liguria. The Army immediately undergoes Attrition on the 5-6 column. Message from Rome: Flip Lilybauem |
268 | 1/30/2025 12:03:00 AM | 211-210 BC | Carthage | Play Strategy card as Operations |
#44: 2 / Allied Auxiliaries (Apulia) (Rome) Place two Roman CUs with any General in Italy if APULIA is Roman controlled. Message from Carthage: Hasdrubal + 10 to New Carthage |
Copyright 2005 Warhorse Simulations