Entry # | Time | Turn | Player | Title | Entry |
230 | 2/18/2025 8:44:00 AM | 215-214 BC | Carthage | Play Strategy card as Operations |
#2: 3 / Sicilia Revolts (Both) If your opponent has control of Sicily, remove all his non-walled PCs in that province which are not stacked with his CUs. Message from Carthage: |
229 | 2/18/2025 8:44:00 AM | 215-214 BC | Carthage | Play Strategy card as Operations |
#63: 3 / Force March (any general) (Both) Move any General up to six spaces. Message from Carthage: |
228 | 2/18/2025 8:44:00 AM | 215-214 BC | Carthage | Play Strategy card as Operations |
#43: 3 / Two Legions of Slaves Raised (Rome) The Roman Player receives four CUs in Latium if it contains no Carthaginian CUs. May only be played if Carthage currently controls three or more provinces in Italy. Message from Carthage: |
227 | 2/18/2025 8:44:00 AM | 215-214 BC | Carthage | Play Strategy card as Operations |
#9: 3 / Philip Allies with Carthage (Both) The Roman must randomly discard on Strategy Card. Carthage receives a -1 die roll modifier for Sea Movement. Once Macedonia is at war, this event becomes playable only by Rome and ends the Macedonian alliance. Message from Carthage: |
226 | 2/18/2025 8:44:00 AM | 215-214 BC | Carthage | Play Strategy card as Operations |
#50: 3 / Adriatic Pirates (Carthage) If you use this card as an OC for Sea Movement and carry no more than 3 CUs plus a General, you do not have to roll on the Naval Combat Table if you embark or debark at either Brundisium, Croton or Tarentum Message from Carthage: |
225 | 2/18/2025 8:44:00 AM | 215-214 BC | Carthage | Play Strategy card as Operations |
#55: 3 / Messenger Intercepted (Both) Draw one Strategy Card from your opponent's hand and add it to your own. Message from Carthage: |
224 | 2/18/2025 8:44:00 AM | 215-214 BC | Carthage | Play Strategy card as Operations |
#18: 2 / Traitor in Tarentum (Both) If you use this card as an OC to siege Tarentum, it comes under your control without a Siege die roll. Enemy CUs inside are eliminated. Message from Carthage: |
223 | 2/18/2025 8:44:00 AM | 215-214 BC | Carthage | Play Strategy card as Operations |
#39: 3 / Minor Campaign (Both) MOVE ANY TWO GENERALS. Each General can move up to four spaces with 10 combat units. Message from Carthage: |
222 | 2/18/2025 8:44:00 AM | 215-214 BC | Carthage | Set Deck Reshuffle | Deck will be reshuffled before next deal |
221 | 2/18/2025 8:44:00 AM | 213-212 BC | Carthage | Change game turn | Game turn changed to 215-214 BC |
220 | 2/18/2025 8:44:00 AM | 213-212 BC | Carthage | Message |
Have to roll back turn again. Set to reshuffle. Play all our cards. Then end turn and draw new cards, |
219 | 2/17/2025 10:45:00 PM | 213-212 BC | Rome | Message |
if you agree i can play my hand one at a time, you do the same then we Reshuffle and draw cards for this turn. I guess the big thing is not to End Turn when we are done with our current hand. |
218 | 2/17/2025 10:43:00 PM | 213-212 BC | Rome | Message |
But the cards could not have been fully reshuffled, i still have cards in my hand. I agree with the play of the cards in our hands and then reshuffle deck and draw for 231-212 turn. |
217 | 2/17/2025 9:43:00 PM | 213-212 BC | Carthage | Message |
Well only thing is did it give us different cards? May not have. If not have to fake play all our cards and do that again. |
216 | 2/17/2025 9:40:00 PM | 213-212 BC | Carthage | Message |
That seemed to work. Campaign? Emailing you my map. |
215 | 2/17/2025 9:39:00 PM | 215-214 BC | Carthage | End Turn |
Deck was reshuffled. |
214 | 2/17/2025 9:39:00 PM | 215-214 BC | Carthage | Set Deck Reshuffle | Deck will be reshuffled before next deal |
213 | 2/17/2025 9:39:00 PM | 213-212 BC | Carthage | Change game turn | Game turn changed to 215-214 BC |
212 | 2/15/2025 8:59:00 AM | 213-212 BC | Rome | Message |
Geez, forgot about that too… If there anything I need to do let me know. Also if you have a vassal save of game could you email me My PC restarted and the last file I had saved was at start of turned |
211 | 2/14/2025 11:08:00 PM | 213-212 BC | Carthage | Message |
Or actually may be able to reset the game turn, set deck to shuffle, and then end turn to fix. |
210 | 2/14/2025 11:07:00 PM | 213-212 BC | Carthage | Message |
I think that will be ok. Also, I forgot to set the deck to reshuffle after playing Truce card last turn for ops. I think we'd need to get Jeff as moderator to fix that. |
209 | 2/14/2025 10:37:00 PM | 213-212 BC | Rome | Message |
Well missed that... What would like me to do? I can leave P.Scipio as Pro and keep these Generals. Or redraw? |
208 | 2/14/2025 6:49:00 PM | 213-212 BC | Carthage | Message |
my last card play changed your proconsul |
207 | 2/14/2025 5:38:00 PM | 213-212 BC | Rome | Message |
Rome chooses to not play a campaign card |
206 | 2/14/2025 5:36:00 PM | 213-212 BC | Rome | Draw Strategy cards |
8 cards drawn. |
205 | 2/14/2025 5:36:00 PM | 213-212 BC | Rome | Message |
Looks like Fabius and Marcellus Fabius will go to Taurini (9cu) Marcellus will go to Rome with Nero (Pro and 14 cu) |
204 | 2/14/2025 5:33:00 PM | 213-212 BC | Rome | Die roll request |
Request: 8-sided die x 5 5 4 3 2 1 Message from Rome: Consular election: 1-PScipio 2-Longus 3-Flaminius 4-Fabius 5-Marcellus 6-Nero - Proconsul 7-Varro 8-Paulus |
203 | 2/14/2025 5:32:00 PM | 213-212 BC | Rome | Message |
Roman reinforcement: place the 5 cu in Rome now 14cu Nero in Rome will stay Proconsul |
202 | 2/14/2025 10:56:00 AM | 213-212 BC | Carthage | Draw Strategy cards |
8 cards drawn. |
201 | 2/14/2025 10:56:00 AM | 213-212 BC | Carthage | Message |
Reinforcements 1 in Carthage 2 with Gisgo 1 with Hasdrubal |
200 | 2/14/2025 10:55:00 AM | 215-214 BC | Carthage | End Turn | |
199 | 2/13/2025 7:27:00 PM | 215-214 BC | Rome | Message |
Roman PC's to remove Nemausus and Druentia |
198 | 2/13/2025 5:22:00 PM | 215-214 BC | Carthage | Play Strategy card as Event |
#19: 1 / Senate Dismisses Proconsul (Both) If there is a Roman Proconsul on the map other than Scipio Africanus, it is removed and replaced with an unused Roman General. The player playing this card determines the replacement. Message from Carthage: replace Nero with P Scipio. Isolation in Gergovia. Then 2 PC loss from 10-8 provinces. |
197 | 2/13/2025 5:19:00 PM | 215-214 BC | Carthage | Play Strategy card as Operations |
#64: 2 / Truce (Both) Neither player may enter a space containing an enemy CU or PC while the Truce lasts. The Truce ends when either player uses a Strategy Card as an event. Message from Carthage: PCs flip Rhone place Zuccubar |
196 | 2/13/2025 5:18:00 PM | 215-214 BC | Rome | Play Strategy card as Operations |
#20: 1 / Spy in Enemy Camp (Both) Play at the start of any combat. You may examine up to half of your opponent's Battle Cards. Cards must be drawn randomly. Message from Rome: play to place the PC marker back into Gergovia |
195 | 2/13/2025 5:17:00 PM | 215-214 BC | Rome | Message |
And Flaminius and his last cu |
194 | 2/13/2025 5:15:00 PM | 215-214 BC | Rome | Message |
Yes you are correct, I was looking on wrong table.. will also eliminate the PC in Gergovia |
193 | 2/13/2025 3:28:00 PM | 215-214 BC | Carthage | Play Strategy card as Operations |
#54: 2 / Treachery Within City (Both) If you use this card as an OC to conduct a siege, you may roll twice on the Siege Table and use both results. Message from Carthage: PCs in the W. Numidia port spaces |
192 | 2/13/2025 3:27:00 PM | 215-214 BC | Carthage | Message |
with the +2 a 6 = 3 more CU retreat losses wiping out Flaminius and giving another PC loss |
191 | 2/13/2025 2:38:00 PM | 215-214 BC | Rome | Play Strategy card as Event |
#3: 3 / Numidia Revolts (Both) Pick either Western or Eastern Numidia and remove all your opponent's PCs in that province which are not stacked with his CU's. Message from Rome: Will choose West Numidia |
190 | 2/13/2025 2:34:00 PM | 215-214 BC | Rome | Message |
We each lose 1 to attrition. Flaminius loses 2 more for retreat 3 in total, Romans will remove the PC in Ilerda as consequence. And Flaminius and 1 cu will retreat into Massillia |
189 | 2/13/2025 2:28:00 PM | 215-214 BC | Rome | Die roll request |
Request: 6-sided die x 2 2 4 Message from Rome: Flaminius luck has run out... First roll Attrition on column 5 second roll retreat column 4 (+2) |
188 | 2/13/2025 2:02:00 PM | 215-214 BC | Carthage | Play Battle card |
#44 Double Envelopment (modify retreat by +2, lose initiative) Message from Carthage: rd5 |
187 | 2/13/2025 2:02:00 PM | 215-214 BC | Carthage | Die roll request |
Request: 6-sided die x 1 3 Message from Carthage: cancel retreat |
186 | 2/13/2025 1:45:00 PM | 215-214 BC | Rome | Message |
He Does, Does Hannibal want to cancel Withdrawal. |
185 | 2/13/2025 1:44:00 PM | 215-214 BC | Rome | Die roll request |
Request: 6-sided die x 1 2 Message from Rome: Flaminius will try and withdraw from battle into Massilia 1-2 |
184 | 2/13/2025 1:43:00 PM | 215-214 BC | Rome | Play Battle card |
#46 Reserve (use as any other card) Message from Rome: As Double |
183 | 2/13/2025 11:46:00 AM | 215-214 BC | Carthage | Play Battle card |
#43 Double Envelopment (modify retreat by +2, lose initiative) Message from Carthage: rd4 |
182 | 2/13/2025 10:25:00 AM | 215-214 BC | Rome | Die roll request |
Request: 6-sided die x 1 5 Message from Rome: Counter roll 1-2 |
181 | 2/13/2025 10:24:00 AM | 215-214 BC | Rome | Play Battle card |
#47 Reserve (use as any other card) Message from Rome: As Left |
180 | 2/13/2025 8:28:00 AM | 215-214 BC | Carthage | Play Battle card |
#15 Flank Left Message from Carthage: rd3 |
179 | 2/12/2025 6:25:00 PM | 215-214 BC | Rome | Die roll request |
Request: 6-sided die x 1 4 Message from Rome: Counter 1-2 |
178 | 2/12/2025 6:25:00 PM | 215-214 BC | Rome | Play Battle card |
#13 Flank Left Message from Rome: Response |
177 | 2/12/2025 4:32:00 PM | 215-214 BC | Carthage | Play Battle card |
#19 Flank Left Message from Carthage: rd2 |
176 | 2/12/2025 4:30:00 PM | 215-214 BC | Rome | Die roll request |
Request: 6-sided die x 1 5 Message from Rome: Counter attack 1-2 |
175 | 2/12/2025 4:29:00 PM | 215-214 BC | Rome | Play Battle card |
#16 Flank Left Message from Rome: Response |
174 | 2/12/2025 8:26:00 AM | 215-214 BC | Carthage | Play Battle card |
#21 Flank Left Message from Carthage: you're right. just -1 for elephant now too rd1 |
173 | 2/12/2025 8:25:00 AM | 215-214 BC | Carthage | Battle Hands dealt |
Battle 3 Carthage: 12 cards Rome: 6 cards |
172 | 2/12/2025 5:54:00 AM | 215-214 BC | Rome | Message |
I haven't even looked at cards so let's redo. I feel like a rookie here, but why the -2 there only 1 Elephant left in Hannibal's army, am I missing some about a battle in Gallia Trans? |
171 | 2/11/2025 9:34:00 PM | 215-214 BC | Carthage | Message |
Forgot to give you a card for interception. Will redeal unless you really want to keep your current cards. |
170 | 2/11/2025 9:31:00 PM | 215-214 BC | Carthage | Play Battle card |
#25 Flank Right Message from Carthage: rd1 |
169 | 2/11/2025 9:28:00 PM | 215-214 BC | Carthage | Battle Hands dealt |
Battle 2 Carthage: 12 cards Rome: 4 cards |
168 | 2/11/2025 9:28:00 PM | 215-214 BC | Carthage | Message |
BCs Carthage = 8+4 = 12 Rome = 2+4-2 = 4 |
167 | 2/11/2025 9:27:00 PM | 215-214 BC | Carthage | Die roll request |
Request: 6-sided die x 1 4 Message from Carthage: Hannibal loses 1CU and 1 elephant to attrition. Elephant charge |
166 | 2/11/2025 5:51:00 AM | 215-214 BC | Rome | Message |
Will let you do the Tribal attrition result along with intercept, and other roll for the battle setup. And am i correct to say it is happening in Rhone? |
165 | 2/11/2025 5:47:00 AM | 215-214 BC | Rome | Die roll request |
Request: 6-sided die x 1 6 Message from Rome: Hannibal, Tribal issues col 5-6 |
164 | 2/11/2025 5:46:00 AM | 215-214 BC | Rome | Play Strategy card as Event |
#8: 1 / Hostile Tribes (Both) Play whenever an opposing army occupies (or enters) space in Gallia Transalpinia or Liguria. The Army immediately undergoes Attrition on the 5-6 column. Message from Rome: Plat on Hannibal, when he arrives in Rhone |
163 | 2/11/2025 5:46:00 AM | 215-214 BC | Rome | Message |
He does, battle in Rhone. Roman's will play a Hostile tribe Card |
162 | 2/11/2025 5:44:00 AM | 215-214 BC | Rome | Die roll request |
Request: 6-sided die x 1 1 Message from Rome: Flaminius will try an intercept into Rhone 1-2 |
161 | 2/10/2025 9:30:00 PM | 215-214 BC | Carthage | Play Strategy card as Operations |
#25: 2 / Capua Sides with Carthage (Carthage) If the Carthage controls 3 or more Italian provinces Capua is converted to Carthaginian control and all Roman CUs inside are eliminated. Message from Carthage: Activate Hannibal's army. 3 spaces to Rhone. Intercept? If none 4th space to Gergovia. |
160 | 2/10/2025 9:29:00 PM | 215-214 BC | Carthage | Message |
None to be had. |
159 | 2/10/2025 9:28:00 PM | 215-214 BC | Carthage | Die roll request |
Request: 6-sided die x 1 1 Message from Carthage: Attrition @ 4 |
158 | 2/10/2025 9:28:00 PM | 215-214 BC | Carthage | Message |
We need attrition from the battle prior to your card play. Looks like we went 4 rounds. |
157 | 2/10/2025 4:36:00 PM | 215-214 BC | Rome | Message |
oops forgot about the -2 it's only lose of 1 cu now 4 cu with Flaminius |
156 | 2/10/2025 4:17:00 PM | 215-214 BC | Rome | Message |
lose 2 cu Flaminius now at 3 cu |
155 | 2/10/2025 4:16:00 PM | 215-214 BC | Rome | Die roll request |
Request: 6-sided die x 1 5 Message from Rome: crossing Non alps into Tolosa Col 5-6 |
154 | 2/10/2025 4:16:00 PM | 215-214 BC | Rome | Play Strategy card as Operations |
#35: 2 / Diplomacy (Both) Convert any one non-walled, non-tribal enemy PC Marker in a space without an enemy CU into a friendly PC Marker. Message from Rome: Play to activate Flaminius "The Lucky" he will cross the Non alps from Ilerda to Tolosan then through Averni end in Geogovia |
153 | 2/10/2025 8:15:00 AM | 215-214 BC | Carthage | Die roll request |
Request: 6-sided die x 1 6 Message from Carthage: cancel attempt |
152 | 2/10/2025 5:53:00 AM | 215-214 BC | Rome | Message |
Success, will leave it to Hannibal if he want to Cancel Withdrawal |
151 | 2/10/2025 5:52:00 AM | 215-214 BC | Rome | Die roll request |
Request: 6-sided die x 1 1 Message from Rome: Withdrawal roll looking for a 1-2 |
150 | 2/10/2025 5:51:00 AM | 215-214 BC | Rome | Message |
Will try the withdrawal attempt to Ilerda, again.. |
149 | 2/10/2025 5:44:00 AM | 215-214 BC | Rome | Play Battle card |
#41 Double Envelopment (modify retreat by +2, lose initiative) Message from Rome: Response card |
148 | 2/9/2025 10:13:00 PM | 215-214 BC | Carthage | Play Battle card |
#33 Probe (modify retreat by -2) Message from Carthage: as Double Envelopment |
147 | 2/9/2025 8:23:00 PM | 215-214 BC | Rome | Die roll request |
Request: 6-sided die x 1 5 Message from Rome: Counter 1-2 |
146 | 2/9/2025 8:23:00 PM | 215-214 BC | Rome | Play Battle card |
#20 Flank Left Message from Rome: Response |
145 | 2/9/2025 10:50:00 AM | 215-214 BC | Carthage | Play Battle card |
#13 Flank Left Message from Carthage: rd2 |
144 | 2/9/2025 10:43:00 AM | 215-214 BC | Rome | Message |
Nope they stay |
143 | 2/9/2025 10:43:00 AM | 215-214 BC | Rome | Die roll request |
Request: 6-sided die x 1 6 Message from Rome: Withdraw roll 1-2 |
142 | 2/9/2025 10:43:00 AM | 215-214 BC | Rome | Message |
A Long shot here, but Flaminius will try and withdraw into Ilerda. |
141 | 2/9/2025 10:40:00 AM | 215-214 BC | Carthage | Message |
Your question about it had me consulting the rules just to make sure about my recollection on it. |
140 | 2/9/2025 10:38:00 AM | 215-214 BC | Rome | Die roll request |
Request: 6-sided die x 1 2 Message from Rome: Counterattack roll 1-2 |
139 | 2/9/2025 10:34:00 AM | 215-214 BC | Rome | Play Battle card |
#16 Flank Left Message from Rome: Responce....Seriously I have never played were the Provinces of Massilia or Gallia Transalpinia generated Allie's "I guess you Learn something new every day" |
138 | 2/9/2025 10:24:00 AM | 215-214 BC | Carthage | Play Battle card |
#14 Flank Left Message from Carthage: rd1 |
137 | 2/9/2025 10:24:00 AM | 215-214 BC | Carthage | Battle Hands dealt |
Battle 1 Carthage: 15 cards Rome: 5 cards |
136 | 2/9/2025 10:24:00 AM | 215-214 BC | Carthage | Message |
success, BCs now 15 to 5 |
135 | 2/9/2025 10:22:00 AM | 215-214 BC | Carthage | Die roll request |
Request: 6-sided die x 1 4 Message from Carthage: the +1 is for allies in the province of Massilia since I have 3 of the 5 spaces elephant roll |
134 | 2/9/2025 1:24:00 AM | 215-214 BC | Rome | Message |
No Fright card, what’s the +1 for? |
133 | 2/8/2025 11:03:00 PM | 215-214 BC | Carthage | Message |
I will charge elephants. Any fright? Before elephants I have BC as Carthage = 10+4+1 = 15 Rome = 5+2 = 7 |
132 | 2/8/2025 7:28:00 PM | 215-214 BC | Rome | Message |
Ok, not much we can do about this. Go ahead setup the battle in Emporiae |
131 | 2/7/2025 4:05:00 PM | 215-214 BC | Carthage | Play Strategy card as Event |
#61: 1 / Force March (1 rating) (Both) Move a General whose Strategy Rating is 1 up to six spaces. Message from Carthage: 5CU stay in New Carthage. Hannibal with 8CU+2e 5 spaces along the coast to Emporiae via Tarraco. |
Copyright 2005 Warhorse Simulations