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Entry # Time Turn Player Title Entry
109 3/13/2025 6:11:00 PM Turn 7 Dan Leader Message J7G4.
Activate Bourguebus.
21Pz/125 to Caen, spent.
Back to you for J7A4. Weather change time!
108 3/13/2025 6:04:00 PM Turn 7 Dan Leader Message 9 CPs - ouch!
12SS/12 to d1 for 1.
21Pz/FA to d2 and retreats to Bourguebus for 2.
21Pz/22 to d2 and retreats to Bourguebus for 2.
21Pz/192 to d2 and retreats to Evrecy for 3.
12SS/25 to d1 for 1.
107 3/13/2025 5:20:00 PM Turn 7 Leon DeMasi Message It's an overrun in Sword (result 18:7, 11 CP with 2 to give) followed by a big assault in Caen at 23:14, so 9 CP. You're correct. My brain decided to have a bad malfunction last night.
106 3/13/2025 1:35:00 PM Turn 7 Dan Leader Message Please verify the CP loss before I continue.
105 3/12/2025 10:59:00 PM Turn 7 Dan Leader Message 9 CPs not 12, right? Have to do in the morning.
104 3/12/2025 10:29:00 PM Turn 7 Leon DeMasi Message 12CP to you now. My apologies for the confusion, I missed the CA in Sword when I wrote the initial roll.
103 3/12/2025 10:28:00 PM Turn 7 Leon DeMasi Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from Leon DeMasi:
Excuse me that's to assault Sword, which obviously overruns as it's 14:5. Apologies.

NOW it's the 14:8 assault into Caen.
102 3/12/2025 10:27:00 PM Turn 7 Leon DeMasi Message 8 CP to you.
101 3/12/2025 10:27:00 PM Turn 7 Leon DeMasi Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from Leon DeMasi:
Activate 8 (Sword). 27 ARM, 3/8, 3/9, 3/185, 1 SS, 4 SS assault with 3 FA in support. Odds 14:8.
100 3/12/2025 10:26:00 PM Turn 7 Dan Leader Message 19-20 and 18-20 bridges both blown.
Back to you for J7A3.
99 3/12/2025 10:25:00 PM Turn 7 Dan Leader Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 2


Message from Dan Leader:
Activate Bayeux for bridge demo.
1st: 19-20 +3 drm
2nd: 18-20 +3 drm
98 3/12/2025 10:17:00 PM Turn 7 Dan Leader Edit Advantage owned BKN PBEM: from to
Leon DeMasi: from to Allies
Dan Leader: from Germans to
97 3/12/2025 10:00:00 PM Turn 7 Leon DeMasi Message Yes. I can't seize bridges with the infantry as I lack MF.
96 3/12/2025 9:59:00 PM Turn 7 Dan Leader Message Done?
95 3/12/2025 9:50:00 PM Turn 7 Dan Leader Message Agreed (although would have been 1 FA supporting the last attack).
94 3/12/2025 9:32:00 PM Turn 7 Leon DeMasi Message Also overrun.

Advantage passes to me with the 3 units killed.
93 3/12/2025 9:32:00 PM Turn 7 Leon DeMasi Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from Leon DeMasi:
Overrun. 1/18 and 1/26 assault into 31 (Grandcamp) with 29 FA in support. Odds 10:3.
92 3/12/2025 9:31:00 PM Turn 7 Leon DeMasi Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from Leon DeMasi:
I think it's overrun. No weather change. 1/16 leads 29/115 and 29/116 to 19 (Port-en-Bessin) with 29 FA and 1 FA in support. Odds 12:3.
91 3/12/2025 9:30:00 PM Turn 7 Leon DeMasi Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from Leon DeMasi:
Activate Omaha. All units (Rangers, 1st Division, 29th division) assault with FA of 29 and 1 in support. Odds 17:3.
90 3/12/2025 9:20:00 PM Turn 7 Dan Leader Message Actually, one more move.
12SS/FLAK to Potigny, spent.
That's it - back to you.
89 3/12/2025 9:18:00 PM Turn 7 Dan Leader Message 12SS/25 also makes it to Caen, spent.
That's enough for now.
Back to you for J7A2A.
88 3/12/2025 9:17:00 PM Turn 7 Dan Leader Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 2


Message from Dan Leader:
Not as fortunate: 101 Armor d1 in Potigny.

Same move by 12SS/25.
Interdiction rolls:
1st: Leaving Potigny
2nd: Leaving Bourguebus
87 3/12/2025 9:16:00 PM Turn 7 Dan Leader Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 2


Message from Dan Leader:
12SS/12 makes it to Caen, spent.

Next is 101 Armor, moving to Potigny -> Bourguebus -> Caen.

Interdiction rolls:
1st: Leaving Potigny
2nd: Leaving Bourguebus
86 3/12/2025 9:13:00 PM Turn 7 Dan Leader Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 2


Message from Dan Leader:
Time to run the gauntlet.
Activate Chartres.

12SS/12 will start, moving to Potigny -> Bourguebus -> Caen.

Interdiction rolls:
1st: Leaving Potigny
2nd: Leaving Bourguebus
85 3/12/2025 8:30:00 PM Turn 7 Leon DeMasi Message Target spent, 21PZ FA and 21PZ/22 to D1.
84 3/12/2025 8:30:00 PM Turn 7 Leon DeMasi Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from Leon DeMasi:
ETF bombards Caen, target 21PZ/192 (fresh unit in 10). Odds 8:4.
83 3/12/2025 2:39:00 PM Turn 7 Dan Leader Message J7G2.
Activate Bourguebus.
21Pz/22 to Caen, spent.
Back to you for J7A2.
82 3/11/2025 4:44:00 PM Turn 7 Leon DeMasi Message No effect. Your impulse.
81 3/11/2025 4:43:00 PM Turn 7 Leon DeMasi Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from Leon DeMasi:
Allied Impulse 1: 3 CA bombards Caen, target fresh 21pz Infantry (21PZ/192). Odds 6:4.
80 3/9/2025 6:32:00 PM Turn 7 Dan Leader Message 4 APs is enough to flip 2CA Armor to spent.
21Pz/FA in Caen also spent.
Back to you for J7A1.
79 3/9/2025 6:31:00 PM Turn 7 Dan Leader Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from Dan Leader:
Activate Bretteville for bombardment by 21Pz/FA in Caen.
Only target 2CA Armor, +4 drm.
78 3/9/2025 6:18:00 PM Turn 7 Dan Leader Message J7 German Reinforcements:
1SSPz/FA to Rouen.
All other SS units to Chartres.
All Lehr units to Le Mans.
77 3/9/2025 6:11:00 PM Turn 6 Dan Leader End Turn
76 3/9/2025 5:44:00 PM Turn 6 Leon DeMasi Message June 6th Allied Regroup, your dawn phase follows:

* 3CA-FA moves from Juno-Approach to A17-JunoBeach
* 56 moves from A18-GoldBeach to A17-JunoBeach
* 3CA-7 moves from A17-JunoBeach to A18-GoldBeach
* 3CA-8 moves from A17-JunoBeach to A18-GoldBeach
* 3CA-9 moves from A17-JunoBeach to A18-GoldBeach
75 3/9/2025 5:44:00 PM Turn 6 Leon DeMasi Message Marking your regroup moves here:

* 711-FA moves from A1-Houlgate to A6-Troarn
* 711-731 moves from A1-Houlgate to A6-Troarn
* 21Pz-125 moves from A6-Troarn to A5-Bourguebus
* 21Pz-FA moves from A5-Bourguebus to A10-Caen
* 21Pz-22 moves from A4-Potigny to A5-Bourguebus
* 716-736-D2 moves from A10-Caen to A15-Verson
* 352-915 moves from A20-Bayeux to A21-Tilly
* 1-FLAK moves from A29-Trévières to A20-Bayeux
* 352-FA moves from A29-Trévières to A28-Forêt de Cerisy
* 352-916-Spent moves from A29-Trévières to A28-Forêt de Cerisy
* 32-FLAK moves from A31-Grandcamp to A33-Isigny
* 352-914 moves from A31-Grandcamp to A33-Isigny
* 30 moves from A41-Coutances to A36-Marigny
* 752 moves from A41-Coutances to A36-Marigny
* LXXXIV-FA moves from A27-StLô to A28-Forêt de Cerisy
* 100PzRp moves from A45-St Jores to A44-Carentan
* 91-PAK moves from A48-St Sauveur-le-Vicomte to A46-leHaye-du-Puits
* 91-FA moves from A48-St Sauveur-le-Vicomte to A46-leHaye-du-Puits
* 243-921 moves from A47-Barneville to A46-leHaye-du-Puits
* 91-1058 moves from A52-Montebourg to A54-Valognes
* AOK7 moves from A60-Barfleur to A53-St Vaast-la-Hougue
* 709-729 moves from A59-StPierre-Eglise to A54-Valognes
* 709-739 moves from A58-Cherbourg to A54-Valognes
* 932-FLAK moves from A58-Cherbourg to A54-Valognes
* 2_30-FLAK moves from A58-Cherbourg to A54-Valognes
* 709-FA moves from A58-Cherbourg to A55-Bricquebec
* 1_30-FLAK moves from A58-Cherbourg to A55-Bricquebec
* 243-FA moves from A56-lesPieux to A47-Barneville
* 243-922 moves from A56-lesPieux to A47-Barneville
* 243-920 moves from A57-Cap de la Hague to A56-lesPieux
* 101NW moves from A57-Cap de la Hague to A56-lesPieux
74 3/9/2025 4:53:00 PM Turn 6 Dan Leader Message J6 German Regroup sent.
73 3/6/2025 9:08:00 AM Turn 6 Leon DeMasi Edit Supply BKN PBEM: from 0 to 0
Leon DeMasi: from 0 to 0
Dan Leader: from 8 to 5
72 3/6/2025 9:08:00 AM Turn 6 Leon DeMasi Message All 50th infantry regiments refit.

Allied June 7th Refit.

1 Utah Depot 8 in Utah (51). 4/8, 4/12, 4/22 to spent (6). Save 0, bank 0. This removes the +2 fortification bonus on Utah when a spent Allied unit becomes present.

2 Omaha Depots 8 (total 16) in Omaha (30). 1/16, 1/18, 1/26, 1 FA, 29/115, 29/116, 29 FA, 2 RAN, 5 RAN to fresh (9 SP) Save 0, bank 0.

1 Gold depot 9 in Gold (18). 56, 50 FA to fresh, 8 ARM to spent (4SP). Save 5, bank 5.

1 Juno Depot 10 in Juno (17). 3CA/7, 3CA/8, 3CA/9 to fresh (3 SP). In 16 (Bretteville), 2 CA to fresh (2SP). Save 5, bank 10.

1 Sword Depot 10 in Sword (8). 27 ARM, 3/8, 3/9, 3/185, 3 FA, 1 SS, 4 SS to fresh (6 SP). Save 0, bank 10.

Buy 1 impulse. June 7th starts on Impulse 1. Allied bank 0 now.

Your regroup. Will send board state in a bit.
71 3/6/2025 9:03:00 AM Turn 6 Leon DeMasi Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from Leon DeMasi:
Air supply Gold, targets are 56, 50/69, 50/151, 50/231 in that order. 3+ needed for each.
70 3/5/2025 8:51:00 PM Turn 6 Dan Leader Message J6 German Refit - Depots 5 each.

Depot in Houlgate:
Houlgate: 711/731 and 711/FA to fresh for 2.
Merville: 711/744 to fresh for 2.
1 saved, total 9.

Depot in Villers-Bocage:
Villers-Bocage: 21Pz/PAK to D1 for 2.
3 saved, total 12.

Depot in Trevieres:
Trevieres: 352/FA to fresh; 352/916 to spent for 3.
Port-en-Bessin: CA to fresh for 2.
Zero saved, total 12.

Depot in Potigny.
Potigny: 21Pz/22 to fresh for 1.
4 saved, total 16.

Depot in Mountebourg.
Mountebourg: 91/1058 to fresh for 1.
4 saved, total 20.

Last depot not used.
5 saved, total 25.

Use 20 supply for 2 impulses to start June 7th at 2.
Back to you for refit.
69 3/5/2025 8:32:00 PM Turn 6 Dan Leader Message Very disappointing - was really hoping for a weather change.
68 3/5/2025 8:25:00 PM Turn 6 Leon DeMasi Message Day ends. Your refit.
67 3/5/2025 8:25:00 PM Turn 6 Leon DeMasi Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 2


Message from Leon DeMasi:
Pass. End of day roll.
66 3/5/2025 4:48:00 PM Turn 6 Dan Leader Message Nope.
91/1058 spent in Montebourg.
Back to you for J6A7.
65 3/5/2025 4:48:00 PM Turn 6 Dan Leader Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 1


Message from Dan Leader:
Activate Valognes.
91/1058 moves to Montebourg and attempts to seize the 52-50 bridge, +1 drm.
64 3/5/2025 3:48:00 PM Turn 6 Leon DeMasi Message Bridge repaired. Your impulse 7.
63 3/5/2025 3:48:00 PM Turn 6 Leon DeMasi Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 3


Message from Leon DeMasi:
Activate Gold. Attempt repair of 18-16 bridge (Gold-Bretteville) on 4+.

Rolls 2-3 are for end of day.
62 3/5/2025 3:16:00 PM Turn 6 Dan Leader Message J6G6.
Activate Rouen.
711/731 and 711/FA to Houlgate, spent.
Back to you for J6A6.
61 3/3/2025 6:03:00 PM Turn 6 Leon DeMasi Message Well the day definitely doesn't end on that. Your impulse 6.
60 3/3/2025 6:03:00 PM Turn 6 Leon DeMasi Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 2


Message from Leon DeMasi:
Activate Sword approach. 4SS and 3 FA land, no assault. End of day roll.
59 3/3/2025 5:17:00 PM Turn 6 Dan Leader Message That should work.

Activate Houlgate.
711/744 to Merville, spent. No assault.
Back to you for J6A5.
58 3/3/2025 3:16:00 PM Turn 6 Leon DeMasi Message Your impulse 5.

I usually send a "board state" via email at the end of the day, is that OK?
57 3/3/2025 3:15:00 PM Turn 6 Leon DeMasi Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 2


Message from Leon DeMasi:
Activate Omaha. 29 FA and 1 FA land. No assault.

End of day roll.
56 3/3/2025 9:14:00 AM Turn 6 Dan Leader Message 29-30 bridge blown.
Back to you for J6A4.
55 3/3/2025 9:13:00 AM Turn 6 Dan Leader Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 1


Message from Dan Leader:
Activate Omaha Beach for bridge demo.
29-30 bridge +5 drm
54 3/2/2025 9:07:00 PM Turn 6 Leon DeMasi Message Gold cleared. Your impulse.
53 3/2/2025 9:07:00 PM Turn 6 Leon DeMasi Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from Leon DeMasi:
Activate Gold approach. 56 brigade lands and assaults at 5:4.
52 3/1/2025 8:50:00 AM Turn 6 Dan Leader Message Oof - my big artillery pieces are really dialed in.

Activate St Pierre-sur-Dives.
21Pz/22 to Potigny, spent.
Back to you for J6A3.
51 2/28/2025 10:04:00 PM Turn 6 Leon DeMasi Message Spent on landing, which means it's actually D1.

My die roll is 4, so no weather change. Your impulse.
50 2/28/2025 10:03:00 PM Turn 6 Leon DeMasi Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 5


Message from Leon DeMasi:
Activate Utah. 4/22 attempts to land and assault at 7:3. First roll is interdiction, next 4 rolls are assault.
49 2/27/2025 9:46:00 PM Turn 6 Dan Leader Message All five bridges blown.
Back to you for J6A2.
48 2/27/2025 9:45:00 PM Turn 6 Dan Leader Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 5


Message from Dan Leader:
If I knew whining about the dice would have such a good effect, I would have done it more! That more than makes up for your last impulse of clearing Juno and almost getting Bretteville.

Activate Bretteville for bridge demo.
16-20 +5 drm
16-21 +5 drm
16-14 +5 drm
16-15 +5 drm
16-10 +5 drm
47 2/27/2025 9:28:00 PM Turn 6 Dan Leader Edit Advantage owned BKN PBEM: from to
Leon DeMasi: from Allies to
Dan Leader: from to Germans
46 2/27/2025 12:10:00 PM Turn 6 Leon DeMasi Message Yow! Advantage to you. 8 ARM to D1. Your impulse.
45 2/27/2025 12:10:00 PM Turn 6 Leon DeMasi Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from Leon DeMasi:
Rerolling. I need the armor unit.
44 2/27/2025 12:09:00 PM Turn 6 Leon DeMasi Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from Leon DeMasi:
Activate Gold approach. 8 ARM and 50 FA land. 8 Arm conducts optional assault at 7:4.
43 2/26/2025 10:51:00 PM Turn 6 Dan Leader Message Only one blown, but it was the most important one.
18-16 bridge down.
Back to you.
42 2/26/2025 10:50:00 PM Turn 6 Dan Leader Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 3


Message from Dan Leader:
Activate Gold Beach for bridge demo.
18-20 +5 drm
18-16 +4 drm
18-17 +2 drm
41 2/26/2025 10:40:00 PM Turn 6 Dan Leader Edit Advantage owned BKN PBEM: from to
Leon DeMasi: from to Allies
Dan Leader: from Germans own to
40 2/26/2025 10:40:00 PM Turn 6 Dan Leader Message That's some hot dice so far!
My 5 CPs:
21Pz/PAK to d2 and retreat to Villars-Bocage for 3.
21Pz/FLAK to d2 for the other 2.
39 2/26/2025 9:11:00 PM Turn 6 Leon DeMasi Message 5 CP instead of 8 and the advantage returns to the Allies. Your impulse 1.
38 2/26/2025 9:10:00 PM Turn 6 Leon DeMasi Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from Leon DeMasi:
Reroll of attack into Bretteville.
37 2/26/2025 9:01:00 PM Turn 6 Dan Leader Message It would, so I'll use the advantage for you to reroll the attack on Bretteville. You can do the roll.
36 2/26/2025 8:58:00 PM Turn 6 Leon DeMasi Message Overrun! I believe that returns the advantage to me...
35 2/26/2025 8:58:00 PM Turn 6 Leon DeMasi Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from Leon DeMasi:
Overrun. 2 CA armor assaults over the Juno-Bretteville (17-16) bridge at 7:6.
34 2/26/2025 8:57:00 PM Turn 6 Leon DeMasi Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from Leon DeMasi:
Activate Juno approach. 2 CA armor lands and assaults at 7:2.
33 2/26/2025 8:36:00 PM Turn 6 Dan Leader Message J6G0.
Activate Caen.
21Pz/PAK and 21Pz/FLAK to Bretteville, spent.
Back to you.
32 2/26/2025 8:21:00 PM Turn 6 Dan Leader Edit Advantage owned BKN PBEM: from to
Leon DeMasi: from Allied Owned to
Dan Leader: from to Germans own
31 2/26/2025 8:19:00 PM Turn 6 Dan Leader Message My D-Day CPs:
Sword: CA to d1 for 1. 716/736 to d2 and retreat to Caen for the other 3.

Omaha: CA to d2 for 2; 352/FA (spent) to Trevieres for 1; 716/726 to d2 and retreat to Trevieres for 3; 352/916 to d1 and retreat to Trevieres for the last 2.
30 2/25/2025 9:21:00 PM Turn 6 Leon DeMasi Message 3 CP to Juno CA makes it D2.

So Utah is a disaster at D1 for both regiments, Omaha has 8 CP damage, the CA on Gold is spent, the CA on Juno is at D2, and the units on Sword take 4 CP.

Not a bad landing all in all. File to follow.
29 2/25/2025 9:20:00 PM Turn 6 Leon DeMasi Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from Leon DeMasi:
Using reroll or the entire 3CA is D1.
28 2/25/2025 9:20:00 PM Turn 6 Leon DeMasi Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from Leon DeMasi:
1 CP on Gold flips CA to spent. Finally, Juno at 6:6.
27 2/25/2025 9:19:00 PM Turn 6 Leon DeMasi Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from Leon DeMasi:
4 CP on Sword.

Gold next at 8:6.
26 2/25/2025 9:19:00 PM Turn 6 Leon DeMasi Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from Leon DeMasi:
8 CPs on Omaha to take.

Next up Sword.

And here's where I realize that I needed to designate the Sword landers in interdiction as well, apologies.

27 ARM leads 3/8, 3/9, 3/185, and 1SS ashore. Assault at 12:8.
25 2/25/2025 9:17:00 PM Turn 6 Leon DeMasi Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from Leon DeMasi:
Only 3 CA/7 makes it.

No assault on Utah. First up is Omaha, assault at 13:7.
24 2/25/2025 9:17:00 PM Turn 6 Leon DeMasi Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 3


Message from Leon DeMasi:
All make it.

Juno, 3CA/7, 3CA/8, 3CA/9 go ashore.
23 2/25/2025 9:16:00 PM Turn 6 Leon DeMasi Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 2


Message from Leon DeMasi:
Would be helpful if I remembered all the dice...
22 2/25/2025 9:16:00 PM Turn 6 Leon DeMasi Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 1


Message from Leon DeMasi:
29/115 spent on landing, rest make it.

Gold, 50/69, 50/151, 50/231 land, interdiction value 2.
21 2/25/2025 9:15:00 PM Turn 6 Leon DeMasi Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 7


Message from Leon DeMasi:

Omaha, all infantry units land (1/16, 1/18, 1/26, 29/115, 29/116, 2 RAN, 5 RAN) in that order.
20 2/25/2025 9:15:00 PM Turn 6 Leon DeMasi Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 2


Message from Leon DeMasi:
Utah interdiction, 4/8 and 4/12 land, interdiction value 2.
19 2/25/2025 9:02:00 PM Turn 6 Leon DeMasi Message No effect. Interdiction coming next.
18 2/25/2025 9:02:00 PM Turn 6 Leon DeMasi Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from Leon DeMasi:
Target spent.

British air bombards Juno CA, odds 5:3.
17 2/25/2025 9:01:00 PM Turn 6 Leon DeMasi Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from Leon DeMasi:
Target spent.

Air bombardments next. American air bombards Port-en-Bessin, target CA by default. Odds 5:1.
16 2/25/2025 8:47:00 PM Turn 6 Leon DeMasi Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from Leon DeMasi:
Result 18:9, all units spent. Next up Utah, odds 8:3.
15 2/25/2025 8:47:00 PM Turn 6 Leon DeMasi Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from Leon DeMasi:
Again no effect, yipes. Next up Omaha, target CA, odds 8:4.
14 2/25/2025 8:47:00 PM Turn 6 Leon DeMasi Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from Leon DeMasi:
No effect, next up Gold, same odds.
13 2/25/2025 8:47:00 PM Turn 6 Leon DeMasi Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from Leon DeMasi:
Result 14:7, 7 AP, both targets spent.

Next up Juno, odds 8:4.
12 2/25/2025 8:46:00 PM Turn 6 Leon DeMasi Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 3


Message from Leon DeMasi:
Would be helpful if I remembered the other dice...
11 2/25/2025 8:46:00 PM Turn 6 Leon DeMasi Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 1


Message from Leon DeMasi:
Merville CA to D1. 6/5 seizes 7-8 (Sword) bridge.

Naval bombardments next. Targets are CA on each beach, except for Utah, where target is infantry battalion by default.

First up Sword, Odds 8:4.
10 2/25/2025 8:44:00 PM Turn 6 Leon DeMasi Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from Leon DeMasi:
Allied Airborne Phase. In 49 (Pont L Abbe), 82/508 seizes 49-50 (St Mere Eglise) bridge. In 50, 101/502 and 101/501 seize 50-52 (Montebourg) and 50-44 (Carentan) bridges.

In 7 (Merville), 6/3 attacks at 3:3.

Next 100 entries

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