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Generic Module: BKN PBEM#16 Rnd2 Fenn(A) vs Jones(G) Journal

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Entry # Time Turn Player Title Entry
93 3/13/2025 1:28:00 PM Turn 7 Scott Fenn Message 21Pz/125 and one more unit go spent in Caen. Your 7-G1a.
92 3/13/2025 1:27:00 PM Turn 7 Scott Fenn Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from Scott Fenn:
7-A1: ETF bombards 21Pz/125 in Caen at 8-4.
91 3/13/2025 2:30:00 AM Turn 7 Henry Jones Message 30 D1 in A27

90 3/13/2025 2:29:00 AM Turn 7 Henry Jones Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 1


Message from Henry Jones:
752 spent in A27

30 to A27>A26
89 3/13/2025 2:27:00 AM Turn 7 Henry Jones Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 1


Message from Henry Jones:

A36: 752 to A27>A26
88 3/12/2025 2:39:00 PM Turn 7 Scott Fenn Message 21Pz/FLK is destroyed. Caumont to British control. Your 7-G1. FTF.
87 3/12/2025 2:37:00 PM Turn 7 Scott Fenn Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from Scott Fenn:
7-A0: Activate 16. 56 Inf moves to 21 and assaults into 23 at 5-2.
86 3/12/2025 2:01:00 PM Turn 7 Henry Jones Message 7G0: 726 to A22

85 3/12/2025 12:47:00 PM Turn 6 BKN PBEM Change game turn Game turn changed to Turn 7
84 3/12/2025 8:29:00 AM Turn 6 Scott Fenn Message 5 CPs after bocage is enough to destroy FLK/1. Tilly to British control. Your 7-G0. FTF.
83 3/12/2025 8:26:00 AM Turn 6 Scott Fenn Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from Scott Fenn:
Wow. Bad luck running Lehr.

6-AA: Activate 16. 2CA leads 50/69, 50/151, 3CA/7 and 3CA/8, supported by 50/FA and 3CA/FA, and assaults into 21 at 15-7.
82 3/11/2025 11:00:00 PM Turn 6 Henry Jones Message Art D1 in A12

Couldn't have been a lot worse.

81 3/11/2025 10:54:00 PM Turn 6 Henry Jones Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 2


Message from Henry Jones:
Flak D1 in A13

Art will go to A23

80 3/11/2025 10:52:00 PM Turn 6 Henry Jones Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 3


Message from Henry Jones:
901 spent in A12

Flak same route
79 3/11/2025 10:50:00 PM Turn 6 Henry Jones Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 3


Message from Henry Jones:
902 D1 in A12

same path for 901
78 3/11/2025 10:48:00 PM Turn 6 Henry Jones Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 3


Message from Henry Jones:
Lehr1 spent in A13

902 takes same route
77 3/11/2025 10:47:00 PM Turn 6 Henry Jones Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 3


Message from Henry Jones:
Lehr2 Spent in A12

Lehr1 will take same route
76 3/11/2025 10:44:00 PM Turn 6 Henry Jones Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 3


Message from Henry Jones:
Ignore the 5 die roll. Mistake.

7GA: zone C,
Lehr 2 to A12>13>A14>A21

75 3/11/2025 10:41:00 PM Turn 6 Henry Jones Message Also, all of SS in Zone B
74 3/11/2025 10:39:00 PM Turn 6 Henry Jones Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 1


Message from Henry Jones:
All of Lehr in Zone C
73 3/11/2025 9:19:00 AM Turn 6 Scott Fenn Message File sent
72 3/11/2025 9:19:00 AM Turn 6 Scott Fenn Message June 6 Allied Regroups

3CA/9: Juno approach to Juno Beach

17 to 16: 2CA, 3CA/FA

18 to 16: 50 div X 4, 56

16 to 18: 8 Arm (spent)

71 3/10/2025 10:10:00 PM Turn 6 Henry Jones Message 6GRegroup: per file

70 3/10/2025 3:04:00 PM Turn 6 Scott Fenn Message File sent. Your regroups.
69 3/10/2025 2:47:00 PM Turn 6 Scott Fenn Message 16/21 bridge is repaired.
68 3/10/2025 2:46:00 PM Turn 6 Scott Fenn Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 1


Message from Scott Fenn:
Bridge repair attempt on 16/21 bridge (with +1 marker).
67 3/10/2025 2:45:00 PM Turn 6 Scott Fenn Message 2CA Arm refit to fresh on Jno by air.

June 6 Allied refits

Sword depot on Sword Beach: 7 units to fresh. None saved.

Juno depot in Bretteville: 8 Arm to spent (2), 3CA/7 and 8 to fresh (2), 3CA/FA to fresh in 7 (2), repair attempt on 16/21 bridge (+3). Save 3.

Gold depot on Gold Beach (worth 9): 50 div X 4 to fresh, 56 Inf to fresh. Save 4.

Two Omaha depots to Omaha Beach (worth 16): 9 units to fresh. None saved.

Utah depot to Utah Beach (worth 8): 4 div X 3 to fresh (3). Save 5.

Total saved this turn = 12. Spend 10 to start June 7 on A. New Allied supply total = 2.

66 3/10/2025 2:40:00 PM Turn 6 Scott Fenn Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 2


Message from Scott Fenn:
Allied air supply attempt to Juno Beach: 2CA and 3CA/FA, both +4.
65 3/10/2025 12:57:00 PM Turn 6 Henry Jones Edit Supply BKN PBEM: from 0 to 0
Scott Fenn: from 0 to 0
Henry Jones: from 12 to 28
64 3/10/2025 12:57:00 PM Turn 6 Henry Jones Message FTF

A29: refit 4 units
A20: Flak1 to spent save 3
A21: 915 save 4
A10: 736 to spent save 3
A5: 711A,125 Save 3
A1: 731 to spent save 3

Saved 16 to reserve. + 12 = total in reserve 28
63 3/9/2025 6:42:00 PM Turn 6 Scott Fenn Message Day ends. Your June 6 refit.
62 3/9/2025 6:41:00 PM Turn 6 Scott Fenn Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 2


Message from Scott Fenn:
16/14, 16/15 and 16/20 bridges are repaired and Allied. 16/21 has a +1 marker. Sunset roll.
61 3/9/2025 6:40:00 PM Turn 6 Scott Fenn Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from Scott Fenn:
6-A6: Activate 16. Attempt to repair 16/14, 16/15, 16/20 and 16/21, in order, all +2.
60 3/9/2025 9:45:00 AM Turn 6 Henry Jones Message 731 D1 in A1. FTF
59 3/9/2025 9:42:00 AM Turn 6 Henry Jones Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from Henry Jones:
zone A: 711A and 731 to A1 > A6 >5

711A first 2 rolls.
58 3/8/2025 2:09:00 PM Turn 6 Scott Fenn Message Day goes on. FTF.
57 3/8/2025 2:09:00 PM Turn 6 Scott Fenn Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 2


Message from Scott Fenn:
6-A5: Activate Sword approach. 3/FA moves to beach spent. Sunset roll.
56 3/7/2025 6:35:00 PM Turn 6 Henry Jones Message 6G5: A6, 125 to A5. FTF
55 3/7/2025 2:29:00 PM Turn 6 Scott Fenn Message Day goes on. Your 6-G5. FTF.
54 3/7/2025 2:28:00 PM Turn 6 Scott Fenn Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 2


Message from Scott Fenn:
4/FA is spent on Utah Beach. Sunset roll.
53 3/7/2025 2:28:00 PM Turn 6 Scott Fenn Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 1


Message from Scott Fenn:
6-A4: Activate Utah approach. 4/FA lands on beach against lvl 2 interdiction.
52 3/6/2025 3:30:00 PM Turn 6 Henry Jones Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 1


Message from Henry Jones:
6G4: A20, 915 to A21

blow 20/18

51 3/5/2025 12:08:00 AM Turn 6 Scott Fenn Message 6-Q3: Activate Omaha approach. Move 1/FA and 29/FA to Omaha Beach spent. Your 6-G4. FTF.
50 3/4/2025 10:00:00 PM Turn 6 Henry Jones Message Bridge down FTF
49 3/4/2025 10:00:00 PM Turn 6 Henry Jones Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 1


Message from Henry Jones:
Flak1 D1 in A20.

Part 2; blow 29/30 bridge

48 3/4/2025 9:57:00 PM Turn 6 Henry Jones Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 1


Message from Henry Jones:
6G3: Flak1 to A20 > A21
47 3/4/2025 8:35:00 PM Turn 6 Scott Fenn Message 2 CPs to German unit in Bretteville. I believe the only option is for 21Pz PAK to go to D2 and retreat to Caen. Your 6-G3. FTF.
46 3/4/2025 8:32:00 PM Turn 6 Scott Fenn Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 2


Message from Scott Fenn:
Didn't roll enough dice. Here's the dice for German defense.
45 3/4/2025 8:32:00 PM Turn 6 Scott Fenn Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 2


Message from Scott Fenn:
6-A2: Activate Juno approach. 3CA/8 moves to 17 to 18 and assaults into 16 at 6-3.
44 3/4/2025 8:07:00 PM Turn 6 Henry Jones Message All down. FTF
43 3/4/2025 8:07:00 PM Turn 6 Henry Jones Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from Henry Jones:
6G2 blow 16/20,21,14,15
42 3/4/2025 8:05:00 PM Turn 6 Henry Jones Message 21P D1 (1) & 21F (D2 retreat to A14 (3)

6G2: blow bridges 16/20,21,14,15. all +5

41 3/4/2025 5:44:00 PM Turn 6 Scott Fenn Message 4 CPs to Germans in Bretteville, with the first on 21Pz PAK. Your 6-G2. FTF, but please show casualties on your logfile as I don't know how you will designate them.
40 3/4/2025 5:42:00 PM Turn 6 Scott Fenn Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from Scott Fenn:
6-A1: Activate Juno approach. 3CA/7 and 3CA/FA land. FA stops on Juno Beach. 3CA/7 moves to 17 and assaults into 16 at 6-5.
39 3/4/2025 12:34:00 PM Turn 6 Henry Jones Message Your impulse
38 3/3/2025 4:40:00 PM Turn 6 Henry Jones Message Forget the capture. For some reason I was thinking that you took 4 bridges with paratrooper.
37 3/3/2025 4:31:00 PM Turn 6 Henry Jones Message Germans capture bridge. FTF
36 3/3/2025 4:30:00 PM Turn 6 Henry Jones Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 1


Message from Henry Jones:
6G1: 1058 to A52, seize 52/50 bridge
35 3/3/2025 3:06:00 PM Turn 6 Scott Fenn Message Attack is a stalemate. 8 Arm is D1 in 16 and 16/18 bridge is now Allied controlled. Your 6-G1. FTF.
34 3/3/2025 3:02:00 PM Turn 6 Scott Fenn Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from Scott Fenn:
Bridge seizure attempts fail. 8 arm assaults into 16 at 7-6.
33 3/3/2025 3:01:00 PM Turn 6 Scott Fenn Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 2


Message from Scott Fenn:
6-A0: Activate Gold approach. 8 Arm and 50/FA move to Gold Beach. 50/FA stops there. 8 Arm attempts to seize 18/16 bridge (+3) and 18/20 bridge (+2), in order.
32 3/3/2025 1:10:00 PM Turn 6 Henry Jones Message 6G0: also took voluntary retreats as shown on file.

31 3/3/2025 1:09:00 PM Turn 6 Henry Jones Message 6G0:

A10, Pac & Flak to A16
30 2/26/2025 10:00:00 PM Turn 6 BKN PBEM Change Player 0 player Player 0 player changed from BKN PBEM to BKN PBEM
29 2/26/2025 9:30:00 AM Turn 6 Scott Fenn Message 3 CPs against 1/919 on Utah means it goes D2 and retreats to St. Mere. Utah Beach to Allied control and fortification is down.

Back to you for designation of casualties on Sword, any voluntary retreats and 6-G0.
28 2/26/2025 9:23:00 AM Turn 6 Scott Fenn Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from Scott Fenn:
Allies inflict 1 CP on Omaha. Omaha CA to D1 and fortification is down.

2 units assault on Utah Beach at 8-3.
27 2/26/2025 9:21:00 AM Turn 6 Scott Fenn Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from Scott Fenn:
CA on Gold Beach is eliminated. Gold fortification is down.

6 uninterdicted units assault on Omaha at 12-9.
26 2/26/2025 9:18:00 AM Turn 6 Scott Fenn Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from Scott Fenn:
Juno CA is eliminated. Juno fortification is down.

3 uninterdicted units assault the CA on Gold Beach at 7-5.
25 2/26/2025 9:14:00 AM Turn 6 Scott Fenn Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from Scott Fenn:
4 CPs against defenders on Sword, with first on the CA. Fortification on Sword is down.

2CA assault against the CA on Juno Beach at 7-6.
24 2/26/2025 9:10:00 AM Turn 6 Scott Fenn Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from Scott Fenn:
5 units assault against Sword Beach at 13-8.
23 2/26/2025 9:08:00 AM Turn 6 Scott Fenn Message Both Utah units land safely.
22 2/26/2025 9:08:00 AM Turn 6 Scott Fenn Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 2


Message from Scott Fenn:
1/26 is spent landing on Omaha.

Level 2 interdiction against 4/8, 4/12 on Utah.
21 2/26/2025 9:06:00 AM Turn 6 Scott Fenn Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 7


Message from Scott Fenn:
50/151 gets interdicted landing on Gold.

Level 1 interdiction against 1/16, 1/18/, 1/26, 29/115, 29/116, 2 Rgr, 5 Rgr on Omaha
20 2/26/2025 9:03:00 AM Turn 6 Scott Fenn Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from Scott Fenn:
2CA will land safely on Juno.

Level 1 interdiction against 56, 50/69, 50/151, 50/231 on Gold.
19 2/26/2025 9:01:00 AM Turn 6 Scott Fenn Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 1


Message from Scott Fenn:
All Sword units will land safely.

Level 1 interdiction against 2CA on Juno.
18 2/26/2025 9:00:00 AM Turn 6 Scott Fenn Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 5


Message from Scott Fenn:
Level 1 interdiction against 5 units landing on Sword, in order shown:

27 tnk, 3/8, 3/9, 3/185, 1SS, 4SS
17 2/25/2025 8:19:00 PM Turn 6 Henry Jones Message flip 716/726 on Omaha
16 2/25/2025 8:16:00 PM Turn 6 Henry Jones Message You can roll the interdictions

15 2/25/2025 7:06:00 PM Turn 6 Scott Fenn Message Designation of D-Day invasion forces:

Sword: All units except artillery
Juno: 2CA tnk
Gold: 50 div X 3 and 56 Inf
Omaha: All units except the two artillery
Utah: 4/8 and 4/12

Do you want to roll the landing interdictions? Please designate your casualty on Omaha.
14 2/25/2025 7:01:00 PM Turn 6 Scott Fenn Message CA is spent in 19.
13 2/25/2025 6:59:00 PM Turn 6 Scott Fenn Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from Scott Fenn:
Both German units on Sword are spent.

American Air vs CA on 19 at 5-1.
12 2/25/2025 6:58:00 PM Turn 6 Scott Fenn Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from Scott Fenn:
British Air will bombard the CA on Sword at 5-3. American Air will bombard the CA in 19 at 5-1.

British Air vs Sword CA at 5-3.
11 2/25/2025 6:55:00 PM Turn 6 Scott Fenn Message 1/919 is spent on Utah.
10 2/25/2025 6:53:00 PM Turn 6 Scott Fenn Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from Scott Fenn:
CA is spent and 3 more APs on Omaha.

Naval bombardment on 1/919 on Utah at 8-3.
9 2/25/2025 6:52:00 PM Turn 6 Scott Fenn Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from Scott Fenn:
Gold CA is spent.

Naval bombardment on Omaha CA at 8-4.
8 2/25/2025 6:52:00 PM Turn 6 Scott Fenn Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from Scott Fenn:
NE on Sword.

Naval bombardment on Gold CA at 8-4.
7 2/25/2025 6:51:00 PM Turn 6 Scott Fenn Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from Scott Fenn:
NE on Sword.

Naval bombardment on Juno CA at 8-4.
6 2/25/2025 6:50:00 PM Turn 6 Scott Fenn Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from Scott Fenn:
D-Day Naval bombardments. Attacker's dice are always first.

Naval bombardment on Sword CA at 8-4.
5 2/25/2025 6:47:00 PM Turn 6 Scott Fenn Message OK Henry. Looks like we're set to play.

D-Day Airborne phase: 6/3 is spent in area 7 to grab 7/8 bridge. 101/501 and 82/505 are spent in St. Mere and 82/507 is spent in Pont D-Abbe to seize 50/52, 50/44 and 50/49 bridges.
4 2/25/2025 6:30:00 PM Turn 6 Scott Fenn Edit Supply BKN PBEM: from 0 to 0
Scott Fenn: from 0 to 0
Henry Jones: from 0 to 12
3 2/21/2025 8:23:00 AM Turn 6 BKN PBEM Message I had to recreate the game to get the names right, so this one is good to go.
2 2/21/2025 8:22:00 AM Turn 1 BKN PBEM Change game turn Game turn changed to Turn 6
1 2/21/2025 8:22:00 AM Turn 1 BKN PBEM Message

Round 2 Operational Plan

Strategic Goal
The overall tournament goal for players is to complete games in a timely manner,
moving regularly to hit the target dates when possible, or sooner. If your
game is falling behind please perform more moves in a day and/or set a time
with your opponent to perform multiple impulses pseudo-live to get back on track.

Command and control
For clarity, the ACTS log is the single source of record for all matches.
Posted ACTS impulses will trump anything unmentioned and marked in vassal,
using common sense and sportsmenship to reach stated AV:DV's if a unit
was accidentally unmentioned and followup confirmed in ACTS that impulse.

Exception: Refits and regroups can use just vassal if both players agree.

Remember to email your vassal .vsav file of the first impulse of the day,
or cc: all .vsav files if that is easier, to bknpbem@gmail.com so .png's of
game progress can be posted to the website and assist with the GM writeups.

Lastly, remember to notify your opponent of the end of your impulse. A simple
"your #" is the most concise post to end your impulse and indicate the next impulse #.

Bidding for Sides - Sun Feb. 23rd (4 days)
D-Day completed - Wed Feb. 26th (3 days)
6th completed - Sun Mar. 9th (11 days)
7th completed - Wed Mar. 26th (17 days)
8th completed - Sun Apr. 13th (18 days)
9th completed - Sun May. 4th (21 days)
10th completed - Wed May. 21st (17 days)
11th completed - Sun Jun. 1st (18 days)
12th completed - Wed Jun. 18th (17 days)

** Round 2 Drop Dead adjudication date is Midnight Sat. June 28th **

Rules of Engagement, Remember Order of D-Day Phases
21.2: Airborne Phase
Free bridge seizures and any para assaults in any order

21.3: Naval Bombardments
Allied player must indicate beach and target with each roll, in any order

21.4: Air Bombardments
Allied player must indicate both areas and targets before rolling one

21.5: Amphibious Assaults
Allied player has to assign all 5 landing groups first
Allied player can then roll for all interdiction
Wait for German player lead unit only if they mentioned to wait
Allied player then indicates each beach with each assault roll, in any order

Geneva Default Internet Die Roll Error Handling Convention
If another method is not posted to ACTS prior to drs, use these default conventions:

* Too many drs: use the ones, from the top down, discarding the rest. Do not re-roll

* Not enough drs: use the ones you got and send for the rest. Do not re-roll

* If the drs were submitted into the wrong ACTS game, discard them and re-roll the
drs into the correct ACTS game

* Multiple die roll requests: Use the drs the receiver got first.

* If not specified, Attacker dr(s) are first two, then Defenders dr(s) are next two

* If one gamer gets die rolls and the other doesn't and the email addresses were
fine : use those dr's. Whoever got the dr's should forward them to the other gamer
so he may inspect the email addresses, and if all is OK, use those drs.

* No response from die roller: Best not to send for a second die roll. Wait about
3 hrs, if the drs still haven't shown, the original sender will notify the original
receiver to send for the drs. When the receiver is notified he is to roll because
of missing drs, and the receiver has yet to receive those drs, the receiver will
send, at that instant the original sender drs will not be used, even if they arrive.

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Copyright 2005 Warhorse Simulations