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Thirty Years War: The (Hapsburg) Empire Strikes Back Card Play Report

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Entry # Time Turn Player Card Number Ops Type Entry
164 9/22/2024 10:40:00 PM 1624-1625 Protestant 12 1 Combat #12: 1 / Surprise Attack
+1 to Protestant combat die roll.

Message from Protestant:
163 9/22/2024 10:40:00 PM 1624-1625 Protestant 13 1 Combat #13: 1 / Command Rivalry
Catholic army must contain at least 2 leaders. -1 to Catholic combat die-roll.

Message from Protestant:
161 9/22/2024 10:35:00 PM 1624-1625 Protestant 5 2 Operations #5: 2 / Gregory XV Becomes Pope
Playable only if Paul V is Pope. Death of Paul V. No Papal Aid to Catholic player this turn. Papal Aid resumes next turn, until Urban VIII Becomes Pope event (P-15).

Message from Protestant:
I'll use this to activate Mansfeld in Prague, who will move as follows:

MP 1-2: He moves with 1 Merc to Budweis and converts it.

MP 3: He continues to Linz and conducts a heavy foraging operation in preparation for his coming campaign, placing a P2 in Linz.

MP 4: Back to Budweis.

MP 5: Back to Prague, with a fine large herd of Austrian cattle and other livestock preceding his troops back to the army's main encampment outside Prague.

MP 6: Mansfeld moves against Wallenstein's army at Pilsen with the Repl Leader and 4 Mercs (12 CFs), 1 Merc (2), 2 Mils (4), and 1 (Mil) = 19 CFs.

160 8/13/2024 10:29:00 PM 1624-1625 Catholic 12 1 Event #12: 1 / Frederick of Palatine Deposed as Elector
Catholic player must control Lower Palatine. Transfer Electorate marker from Palatine to Bavaria. Bavaria is an electorate for the rest of the game.

Message from Catholic:
For the Event.
159 8/13/2024 10:23:00 PM 1624-1625 Protestant 11 3 Foreign Aid #11: 3 / Treaty of Ulm
Neither player may enter a Neutral Area or Independent City for the rest of the turn.

Message from Protestant:
Play for Foreign Aid Points: Eng: 4 + UP: 7 = 11 FAPs.
153 8/7/2024 10:35:00 PM 1624-1625 Catholic 6 2 Operations #6: 2 / Edict of Restitution
Frederick of Palatine Deposed as Elector event must have been played previously. +5 VPs

Message from Catholic:
I'll use this to activate Spinola in Mannheim, who will move with 2 SP Vets on a raid as follows:

MP 1: Heidelberg

MP 2-3: Strasbourg; convert; + 1 VP

MP 4: back to Heidelberg

MP 5: Siege assault upon Heidelberg. +1 for Spinola & +_1 for existing Siege marker = +2 DRM.

152 8/7/2024 10:28:00 PM 1624-1625 Catholic 6 2 o hand #6: 2 / Edict of Restitution

Message from Catholic:
151 8/7/2024 10:27:00 PM 1624-1625 Catholic 6 2 Operations #6: 2 / Edict of Restitution
Frederick of Palatine Deposed as Elector event must have been played previously. +5 VPs

Message from Catholic:
148 7/21/2024 11:16:00 PM 1624-1625 Protestant 3 2 Event #3: 2 / New Leader
Deploy Christian of Brunswick and 3 Protestant Militia in Brunswick-Luneberg. Brunswick-Luneberg enters game as Protestant area.

Message from Protestant:
Play as Event.
130 5/12/2024 10:59:00 PM 1622-1623 Catholic 22 3 Operations #22: 3 / Electoral Meeting
If Catholic player controls at least 4, but not all Electors, +1 VP. If all Electors, +3 VPs.

Message from Catholic:
Activate Spinola and his entire force.

MPs 1-2: Oppenheim (convert).
MP 3: Mannheim.
MPs 4-5: Landau (convert); place P1.
MP 6: Mannheim; establish siege.
128 5/10/2024 11:59:00 PM 1622-1623 Catholic 2 2 Operations #2: 2 / England Withdraws Troops
Remove English Veteran unit from the game. English Aid continues.

Message from Catholic:
I'll use this to return Tilly from Pressburg to Munich, going via the Danube valley. Place a P1 in Passau (2 x Merc, 2 x (Merc)).
127 5/10/2024 11:56:00 PM 1622-1623 Catholic 22 3 o hand #22: 3 / Electoral Meeting

Message from Catholic:
Oops -- I just realized that Tilly can't recruit for anything because he's in Hungary. So I'm returning this card to my hand.
126 5/10/2024 11:52:00 PM 1622-1623 Catholic 22 3 Recruitment #22: 3 / Electoral Meeting
If Catholic player controls at least 4, but not all Electors, +1 VP. If all Electors, +3 VPs.

Message from Catholic:
Play as recruitment, for Mercs in each case:

125 5/5/2024 12:54:00 AM 1622-1623 Protestant 6 3 Operations #6: 3 / England Intervenes
Deploy English Veteran unit in any Protestant-controlled city in Lower Palatinate.

Message from Protestant:
I'll use this to activate Mansfeld.

He'll start by moving 1 MP to Lutzen with 1 (Mil), and converts it (1 MP).

Then he moves back to Leipzig with the (Mil) and drops it off there. Then he moves with Schlick, Repl, and 4 x Mercs and 2 x Mils to Dresden and then Gorlitz (2 MP); converts it (1 MP); and then returns with his whole force to Dresden and then marches to Prague.
124 3/31/2024 11:21:00 PM 1622-1623 Catholic 9 2 Operations #9: 2 / New Leader
Spinola Recalled to Netherlands card must have been played previously. Deploy Cordoba and 3 Spanish Veteran units in Spanish Netherlands.

Message from Catholic:
I'll use this to activate Spinola, who will move with his entire force (5 Spaish Vets) as follows:

MP 1: Aachen
MP 2: Mainz
MPs 3-4: Frankfurt; convert to Catholic; +1 VP
MP 5: Frankfurt
MP 6: Oppenheim

121 3/29/2024 11:40:00 PM 1622-1623 Protestant 8 1 Recruitment #8: 1 / Ottoman Turks Raid Imperial Border
Imperial units in Austria are not automatically paid this turn.

Message from Protestant:
Mansfeld recruits Mercs at Leipzig.
117 3/17/2024 11:22:00 PM 1622-1623 Catholic 1 3 Recruitment #1: 3 / Val Telline Passes Open
Val Telline Passes must be Closed to play this card. Spanish Aid to Catholic player resumes.

Message from Catholic:
I will use this card to recruit with Wallenstein.
109 3/13/2024 11:39:00 PM 1622-1623 Protestant 15 3 Operations #15: 3 / Urban VIII Becomes Pope
Playable only if Gregory XV is Pope. Death of Gregory XV. End Papal Aid to Catholic Player.

Message from Protestant:
Activate Mansfeld. His army will storm Leipzig.
100 3/12/2024 11:05:00 PM 1622-1623 Protestant 12 1 Combat #12: 1 / Surprise Attack
+1 to Protestant combat die roll.

Message from Protestant:
99 3/12/2024 11:03:00 PM 1622-1623 Catholic 33 1 Combat #33: 1 / Croats
Catholic army must include an Imperial unit. +1 to Catholic combat die roll.

Message from Catholic:
98 3/12/2024 11:01:00 PM 1622-1623 Catholic 6 2 Operations #6: 2 / Edict of Restitution
Frederick of Palatine Deposed as Elector event must have been played previously. +5 VPs

Message from Catholic:
I'll use this to Actiovate Wallenstein, who will move with Picolomini and his army of 1 Vet, 1 (Vet), 3 Mercs and (Merc) as follows:

MP 1-2: Linz, convert to Catholic, place P1
MP 3-4: Budweis, convert to Catholic, place P1
MP 5: Pilsen, drop 1 (Merc)
MP 6: Leipzig with 1 Vet, 1 (Vet), 3 Mercs (16 CFs) + 6 Saxon CFs = 22 CFs

88 11/8/2023 10:32:00 PM 1622-1623 Protestant 1 3 Operations #1: 3 / Val Telline Passes Closed
Val Telline Passes must be Open to play this event. Duke of Savoy closes Val Telline passes. No Spanish Aid to Catholic player until Val Telline Passes Open Card is played.

Message from Protestant:
Move Mansfeld, Thurn, Schlick and their entire force from Budweis as follows:

- Prague
- Dresden (overrun Saxon unit and convert the space)
- Torgau (convert the space) and then to
- Leipzig.

Place P1s at Torgau and Dresden.

Will your force at Leipzig fight outside the walls, or accept a siege?

P.S. Something strange happened with your last log file that doubled all of the leader and SP stacks, as well as the VP markers. I cleaned it up; let's hope it doesn't happen again.
87 11/6/2023 6:57:00 AM 1622-1623 Catholic 12 1 Operations #12: 1 / Frederick of Palatine Deposed as Elector
Catholic player must control Lower Palatine. Transfer Electorate marker from Palatine to Bavaria. Bavaria is an electorate for the rest of the game.

Message from Catholic:
I'll use this to activate Wallenstein. He will move with 2 Veteran, 4 Mercs and Piccolomini.

Move to Pressburg - Levice(overrun combat) - Pressburg - Wien.
86 11/5/2023 11:39:00 PM 1622-1623 Protestant 5 2 Operations #5: 2 / Gregory XV Becomes Pope
Playable only if Paul V is Pope. Death of Paul V. No Papal Aid to Catholic player this turn. Papal Aid resumes next turn, until Urban VIII Becomes Pope event (P-15).

Message from Protestant:
I'll use this to activate Mansfeld. He will move wiuth his 3 Mercs as follows:

- Olmutz
- Brunn (place P1: I forgot to do this in the log file)
- Iglau
- Jankow
- Prague (troops are allowed some liberty in recognition of a successful campaign) and then to
- Budweis, where his army unites with the forces commanded by Thurn.
65 10/5/2023 3:45:00 AM 1620-1621 Catholic 11 3 Foreign Aid #11: 3 / Spinola Recalled to Netherlands
Remove Spinola (if Spinola has died in battle, select any Spanish leader) and 3 Spanish units to the United Provinces. Allows Spinola Besieges Bergen and Spinola Besieges Breda cards to be played.

Message from Catholic:
AID. 10 from Spain. 3 from Pope.
I think total 13.
63 10/1/2023 11:31:00 AM 1620-1621 Protestant 10 1 Foreign Aid #10: 1 / Swedish Aid
Sweden give money to Protestants. Protestant player receives 6 additional Aid Points this turn.

Message from Protestant:
6 FAPs for the Protestants.
59 9/27/2023 4:26:00 AM 1620-1621 Catholic 3 2 Recruitment #3: 2 / Spinola Besieges Bergen
Spinola Recalled to Netherlands card must have been played previously. Must be first Catholic card play of turn if played as Event. +1 to Dutch War Track. If no Protestant army enters United Provinces this turn, +1 to Dutch War Track at end of turn.

Message from Catholic:
Recruit Mercenary by Wallenstein in Kasseg
56 9/26/2023 11:23:00 PM 1620-1621 Protestant 2 1 Recruitment #2: 1 / Three Musketeers
French Huegenots Revolt card must have been played previously. Negates French Huegenots Revolt event.

Message from Protestant:
I'll play this for recruitment: Hungarian Militia by Bethlen Gabor in Levice.
50 9/26/2023 7:28:00 PM 1620-1621 Catholic 5 3 Recruitment #5: 3 / Spain Declares War With England
-2 to all English AP totals.

Message from Catholic:
Recruitment in Kasseg.

Wallenstein twice
Piccolomini once
49 9/26/2023 9:52:00 AM 1620-1621 Protestant 9 3 Operations #9: 3 / Richelieu Becomes Chief Minister of France
Begin French Aid to Protestant player. Allows play of Sweden Enters War event (P-18).

Message from Protestant:
I'll use this to activate Christian of Denmark and his army, who will enter at Kiel.

Their further activities are as follows:

- Christian of Denmark and his army march on the Free City of Hamburg, intending to make it their base! But the locals have other ideas.

- He enters at Kiel; marches through Lubeck and converts that to the Protestant cause. He gains 1 VP for control of Lubeck, but the Catholics gain 1 VP for the Neutrality violation, so the effect is cancelled out. Brunwick-Luneberg loses its neutral status.

- Finally, a Siege marker is placed on Hamburg.
47 9/24/2023 6:04:00 PM 1620-1621 Catholic 7 3 Event #7: 3 / New Leaders
Deploy Wallenstein and Piccolimini with any Imperial units.

Message from Catholic:
46 9/22/2023 11:41:00 PM 1620-1621 Protestant 7 3 Event #7: 3 / Denmark Enters War
Deploy Christian and 4 Danish Mercenaries in Denmark.

Message from Protestant:
I'll play this for the Event, bringing Christian and his Danish army in and placing the on the Danish flag along the northern map edge. Schleswig-Holstein joins the Protestant cause. The Protestants gain 2 VPs, and the VP total drops from 21 to 19.
35 9/17/2023 5:56:00 PM 1620-1621 Catholic 8 1 Operations #8: 1 / New Leaders
Charles of Loraine, Gallas. Place with any Imperial units.

Message from Catholic:
to activate Tilly and 4 Merc units in Munich.
Move to Pressburg via Landshut, Passau, Linz, Wien.
Place pillage marker in Pressburg.
23 9/6/2023 11:26:00 PM 1620-1621 Protestant 4 2 Operations #4: 2 / New Leader
Deploy Frederick of Baden and 2 Protestant Militia in Baden. Baden enters game as Protestant area.

Message from Protestant:
I'll use this to activate Mansfeld abd his army of 5 Mercs & 1 (Merc), who will move as follows:

MP 1: Budweis
MP 2: Linz
MP 3: Convert Linz to Protestant (place marker)
MP 4: Wien
MP 5: Pressburg

10 9/4/2023 6:07:00 PM 1620-1621 Catholic 4 2 Operations #4: 2 / Spinola Besieges Breda
Spinola Recalled to Netherlands card must have been played previously. Must be first Catholic card play of turn if played as Event. +1 to Dutch War Track. If no Protestant army enters United Provinces this turn, +1 to Dutch War Track at end of turn.

Message from Catholic:
activate Bucquoy in Wien
4 9/3/2023 12:19:00 AM 1620-1621 Protestant 11 3 Recruitment #11: 3 / Treaty of Ulm
Neither player may enter a Neutral Area or Independent City for the rest of the turn.

Message from Protestant:
I'll play this for Recruitment, as follows:

Mansfeld in Pilsen: Mercs
Thurn in Budweis: Mercs
Bethlen Gabor in Pressburg; Militia

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