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Napoleonic Wars: Thanksgiving Eve Card Play Report

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Entry # Time Turn Player Card Number Ops Type Entry
138 11/17/2023 11:14:00 PM 1807-1808 Britain 39 3 card as Operations #39: 3 / Stragglers
A moving, intercepting, evading or retreating Formation suffers Attrition in the space it has just entered and in each additional space it enters this Impulse. Once played, the affected Formation may not retract its move.

Message from Britain:
137 11/17/2023 11:12:00 PM 1807-1808 Austria 109 5 card as Operations #109: 5 / Scum of the Earth
All Units/leaders lost due to disruption in a Rout (not those killed by 6's) are sent to Regroup instead of being eliminated. Any Resource ained by this Rout is lost.

Message from Austria:
136 11/17/2023 11:11:00 PM 1807-1808 Britain 22 3 card as Operations #22: 3 / Reverse Slopes
Gain two battle dice and Halve disrupt results against you in the next battle round.

Message from Britain:
135 11/17/2023 11:10:00 PM 1807-1808 Austria 57 3 card as Event #57: 3 / Up from the Ranks
Place any out-of-play but available leader (except Poniatowski or Bernadotte) in his friendly Home or Associate Duchy. If played by a Neutral Proxy, the leader must be placed in the Neutral's capital. If no leader is available, the Neutral has 3 CPs instead.

Message from Austria:
134 11/17/2023 11:06:00 PM 1807-1808 Russia 907 6 card as Operations #907: 6 / Holy Mother Russia
If Russia is not a Subject Neutral or in a Foreign War AND no enemy Forces are in a Russian Home Duchy: • draw two cards and play one of them, OR • Roll a die and gain a Resource if you roll less than the current Turn number. Otherwise, build Units equal to the roll. RESERVE

Message from Russia:
131 11/17/2023 11:05:00 PM 1807-1808 Britain 903 6 card as Event #903: 6 / Admiralty
Britain draws two cards if its Fleets control six Zones at the start of its Impulse. Voided by Bey of Algiers or if Britain is a Subject Neutral. RESERVE

Message from Britain:
130 11/17/2023 11:00:00 PM 1807-1808 France 3 3 card as Operations #3: 3 / Descent from the Sea
Place one Unit and a Flag of this nation in any unoccupied enemy Port of any Zone controlled by this nation's Camp. This Port cannot be a Fortress.

Message from France:
129 11/17/2023 10:58:00 PM 1807-1808 Austria 906 6 card as Event #906: 6 / Raise the Landwehr
Place three Units and a Leader in any Friendly Prussian Home Duchy. The event (only) cannot be used on Turn 1: the 6 CPs and the "+" capability are usable on Turn 1. RESERVE

Message from Austria:
128 11/17/2023 10:56:00 PM 1807-1808 Austria 20 6 card as Operations #20: 6 / Rally!
Void all "5" disrupt results thus far against one side in the current battle AFTER seeing the dice results. Voids a just played Panic event if played prior to the resulting Attrition roll.

Message from Austria:
127 11/17/2023 10:54:00 PM 1807-1808 Britain 902 5 card as Operations #902: 5 / Parliament
Britain gets 1 CP to spend and chooses another nation not in the Imperial Camp to draw a card unless Britain is a Subject Neutral. RESERVE

Message from Britain:
126 11/17/2023 10:53:00 PM 1807-1808 France 904 5 card as Operations #904: 5 / Napoleon
If Napoleon is present, you may commit the Imperial Guard after seeing all other battle dice. Roll four more battle dice. Besides inflicting hits, rally a disrupted French Unit for each "4" rolled by the extra dice. Only Napoleon's presence at some point during the battle is required, not his well-being. RESERVE

Message from France:
125 11/17/2023 10:52:00 PM 1807-1808 France 102 2 card as Operations #102: 2 / Duke d'Enghien Affair
No Power may join the Imperial Camp in the next Interphase. All Consuls on an Imperial nation's row of the Diplomatic Track not already in Pact status move one box to the left. If the Consul is in +1 status, it is also flipped to its normal side. Unlike other diplomatic events, this may be played during the first round of 1805.

Message from France:
124 11/17/2023 10:52:00 PM 1807-1808 Austria 24 4 card as Operations #24: 4 / March to the Guns
A non-neutral Formation of your choice adjacent to a battle moves to the contested space. This additional Formation joining the battle could trigger attrition/terrain penalties.

Message from Austria:
123 11/17/2023 10:50:00 PM 1807-1808 Austria 72 6 card as Operations #72: 6 / British Subsidies
Up to three nations of your choice in the Coalition Camp (excluding Britain) draw a card unless Britain is a Subject Neutral.

Message from Austria:
122 11/17/2023 10:47:00 PM 1807-1808 France 49 3 card as Operations #49: 3 / Russian Winter
The Russian (even if without cards) selects a Russian Home Duchy to suffer Attrition (excluding any Fortress Flag) and gains two CPs for immediate use in that Impulse for each Attrition loss inflicted. Repeat at the start of each Russian scheduled Impulse. A Neutral Proxy will not play this event unless Russia contains enemy Foces.

Message from France:
120 11/17/2023 10:44:00 PM 1807-1808 Austria 53 6 card as Event #53: 6 / Royal Wedding
Move any Consul two boxes on Diplomatic Track. Not applicable to Turkish Consul. May break Pact status. Not playable in 1805.

Message from Austria:
119 11/17/2023 10:43:00 PM 1807-1808 Russia 1 6 card as Event #1: 6 / The Emperor Commands
Increase this nation's Keys by one by flipping its Key marker to the +1 side. If already +1, give it a Resource instead.

Message from Russia:
118 11/17/2023 10:42:00 PM 1807-1808 Austria 42 2 card as Operations #42: 2 / Form Square
Voids these events for the rest of this Impulse, even after seeing their results: Cuiraissers Charge, Cavalry Raids, Lancers and Uhlans. Cavalry Raids results can be voided for the most recent space rolled and all yet-to-be rolled results.

Message from Austria:
117 11/17/2023 10:41:00 PM 1807-1808 Britain 50 2 card as Operations #50: 2 / Unguarded Approach
Void all Attrition and combat penalties for crossing one Pass, Rough or Strait. Event may be played after Attrition rolls or shore battery fire to void those results but not after battle dice to avoid land battle losses. A Fleet crossing a fortified strait may use this event to void shore battery fire.

Message from Britain:
116 11/17/2023 10:40:00 PM 1807-1808 France 43 2 card as Operations #43: 2 / Overseas Allies
Places Overseas Allies marker on any Foreign War card to modify its resolution die rolls by +1 until that war ends. Not applicable to Guerre de Course event sea battles.

Message from France:
115 11/17/2023 10:39:00 PM 1807-1808 France 40 5 m discard pile back to deck #40: 5 / Anglo-Turkish War

Message from France:
114 11/17/2023 10:39:00 PM 1807-1808 France 40 5 #40: 5 / Anglo-Turkish War

Message from France:
113 11/17/2023 10:38:00 PM 1807-1808 France 40 5 rategy card #40: 5 / Anglo-Turkish War

RED: Must be played as Event

Message from France:
109 11/17/2023 10:36:00 PM 1807-1808 Austria 85 4 card as Event #85: 4 / Council of Dresden
Exchange a random card from your hand with a randomly drawn card from any allied or Neutral nation with a remaining card(s) or from the deck. Then draw a card from the deck.

Message from Austria:
108 11/17/2023 10:32:00 PM 1807-1808 Russia 15 2 card as Event #15: 2 / Cossacks or Azeris
All invading Forces (except Fortress Flags) in Russia or Turkey suffer Attrition.

Message from Russia:
107 11/17/2023 10:32:00 PM 1807-1808 Austria 901 6 card as Operations #901: 6 / Hussars and Grenzers
Only Austrian flages can be placed in Austria by CP expenditure until the next scheduled Austrian Impulse. Until then, all Austrian interceptions and evasions succeed - including one failed just prior to the play of this event. Any CP expenditure for a flag placement rejected by the play of this event is forfiet. RESERVE

Message from Austria:
106 11/17/2023 10:30:00 PM 1807-1808 Britain 89 5 card as Operations #89: 5 / Persian War
The Russian must place a leader and two Formations on this Foreign War card. Reduce Russian Reinforcements by 2 CPs while this War remains in play.

Message from Britain:
105 11/17/2023 10:25:00 PM 1807-1808 France 905 6 card as Operations #905: 6 / Guerre de Course
One or two unblockaded (not Refitting) French Squadrons move Offboard to raid commerce. See Offboard Fleets on the Battleground display. British card losses never include Reserves or exceed Minimum Hand limits in the Interphase, but may include Resources. RESERVE

Message from France:
104 11/17/2023 10:23:00 PM 1807-1808 France 104 3 card as Event #104: 3 / Lost Dispatch
Roll a die. That many enemy Units/leaders of their Commander's choice do not appear in the first round of battle and are unaffected by losses therefrom. If the battle is lost, they must retreat with the survivors of the battle. If no Units/leaders remain to give battle, none is fought and they retreat. If a second round is fought, they participate normally.

Message from France:
103 11/17/2023 10:22:00 PM 1807-1808 France 82 5 card as Operations #82: 5 / Scarce Supplies
All Units/leaders in play in excess of nine per Duchy Regroup regardless of nationality. The Leaders/Units removed are chosen by the Commander of the affected Duchies.

Message from France:
102 11/17/2023 10:20:00 PM 1807-1808 France 79 4 trategy card #79: 4 / Leader Wounded

Message from France:
100 11/17/2023 10:19:00 PM 1807-1808 France 54 5 ed Strategy card to discard pile #54: 5 / Fouche

Message from France:
99 11/17/2023 10:18:00 PM 1807-1808 France 54 5 rategy card #54: 5 / Fouche

RED: Must be played as Event

Message from France:
98 11/17/2023 10:17:00 PM 1807-1808 France 58 2 ard as Operations #58: 2 / Bypass Stronghold
You may use two CPs to move your Formations past an enemy Fortress without stopping or Attrition subject to normal battle and interception requirements.

Message from France:
97 11/17/2023 10:15:00 PM 1807-1808 France 100 3 rategy card #100: 3 / Frigates

RED: Must be played as Event

Message from France:
94 11/17/2023 10:13:00 PM 1807-1808 Austria 63 6 card as Event #63: 6 / Malet's Conspiracy
Draw a random card from the French hand (if available) and one from the Draw Pile. Not playable by France as an event.

Message from Austria:
88 11/17/2023 10:11:00 PM 1807-1808 Russia 62 6 card as Event #62: 6 / Council of War
Discard all your cards and draw a replacement for each (including this one).

Message from Russia:
87 11/17/2023 10:10:00 PM 1807-1808 Austria 75 2 card as Operations #75: 2 / Letters of Marque
Britain must instantly transfer one Squadron to this Foreign War card or lose its choice of a Resource, Reserve, or a random card. If no Squadron is transferred, the event remains in the game.

Message from Austria:
86 11/17/2023 10:09:00 PM 1807-1808 Britain 38 2 card as Event #38: 2 / Boarding Action
Convert an enemy Squadron eliminated in this battle to a Squadron of the opposing Fleet's color in Regroup if it has a Squadron available to build.

Message from Britain:
85 11/17/2023 10:07:00 PM 1807-1808 France 76 3 ed Strategy card to discard pile #76: 3 / Treaty of Tilsit

Message from France:
84 11/17/2023 10:04:00 PM 1807-1808 France 76 3 card as Event #76: 3 / Treaty of Tilsit
If enemies, France and Russia ponder a one-Impule Armistice. If accepted, Russia controls Nystadt and Sveaborg with no Diplomatic Track effects. Russia draws two cards and all Russian Formations and Swedish Forces not in their Home Duchies Regroup. If not accepted or apllicable, this event is 6 CPs for the nation that played it and remains in the game.

Message from France:
76 11/17/2023 9:32:00 PM 1805-1806 Britain 69 6 card as Operations #69: 6 / Dos de Mayo
Move Spanish Consul two boxes on Diplomatic Track. May break Pact status. A Neutral Proxy will play this event only to break a Spanish Pact. Not playable in 1905.

Message from Britain:
75 11/17/2023 9:30:00 PM 1805-1806 Russia 60 2 card as Event #60: 2 / Nationalist Uprisings
Remove Flags from any two non-Fortress Duchies. This event is not usable against an "inherently flagged space" controlled only by the color of the spaced. The removal of flags by this event is not interceptable.

Message from Russia:
73 11/17/2023 9:29:00 PM 1805-1806 Britain 902 5 card as Event #902: 5 / Parliament
Britain gets 1 CP to spend and chooses another nation not in the Imperial Camp to draw a card unless Britain is a Subject Neutral. RESERVE

Message from Britain:
72 11/17/2023 9:25:00 PM 1805-1806 France 65 6 card as Operations #65: 6 / Talleyrand
Move any Consul on the Diplomatic Track two boxes and add 1 to the Peace die roll this Turn. OR Add 2 to the Peace die roll this Turn. This event may break Pact status. Not playable in 1805.

Message from France:
71 11/17/2023 9:24:00 PM 1805-1806 Britain 902 5 o hand #902: 5 / Parliament

Message from Britain:
70 11/17/2023 9:24:00 PM 1805-1806 Britain 902 5 card as Event #902: 5 / Parliament
Britain gets 1 CP to spend and chooses another nation not in the Imperial Camp to draw a card unless Britain is a Subject Neutral. RESERVE

Message from Britain:
69 11/17/2023 9:23:00 PM 1805-1806 France 910 5 ard as Operations #910: 5 / Peninusula Campaign
Roll a die. If your roll greater than the number of Enemy Forces in Spain, Lisbon, Oporto, and Gibraltar, draw two cards. You must play one of them. Otherwise, draw a card which you may play or keep. Not playable in 1805. RESERVE

Message from France:
68 11/17/2023 9:22:00 PM 1805-1806 Britain 51 4 card as Operations #51: 4 / Bey of Algiers
Britain must instantly transfer one Squadron to this Foreign War card OR lose its choice of a Resource, Reserve, or a random card. Regardless of that choice, void event portion of British Admiralty Reserve with the Bey of Algiers marker until this war ends.

Message from Britain:
67 11/17/2023 9:19:00 PM 1805-1806 France 904 5 card as Operations #904: 5 / Napoleon
If Napoleon is present, you may commit the Imperial Guard after seeing all other battle dice. Roll four more battle dice. Besides inflicting hits, rally a disrupted French Unit for each "4" rolled by the extra dice. Only Napoleon's presence at some point during the battle is required, not his well-being. RESERVE

Message from France:
66 11/17/2023 9:18:00 PM 1805-1806 Britain 9 2 card as Operations #9: 2 / General Staff
All unled Units of a nation of your choice have intercept/evashion capability as if led by a "1-4" leader. Such units have the ability to place and prevent placement of Flags like an Army but do not constitute an Army for purposes of a possible Resource gain if routed.

Message from Britain:
65 11/17/2023 9:17:00 PM 1805-1806 France 99 5 card as Event #99: 5 / Venice
Gain CPs equal to a die roll. If France controls Venice, place an available French Squadron there under a Naval Build marker and remove this card from the game. A Neutral Proxy will play this event only if France controls Venice.

Message from France:
64 11/17/2023 9:16:00 PM 1805-1806 Austria 95 2 card as Operations #95: 2 / Deluge
Halve (franctions rounded down) the upcoming Battle Dice of both sides in the next round of the current battle.

Message from Austria:
63 11/17/2023 9:15:00 PM 1805-1806 Britain 48 2 card as Operations #48: 2 / Massed Grenadiers
Select the winning side in any tied battle round. This event ends the battle - disallowing play of further Responses to influence the outcome.

Message from Britain:
61 11/17/2023 9:13:00 PM 1805-1806 Austria 906 6 card as Operations #906: 6 / Raise the Landwehr
Place three Units and a Leader in any Friendly Prussian Home Duchy. The event (only) cannot be used on Turn 1: the 6 CPs and the "+" capability are usable on Turn 1. RESERVE

Message from Austria:
60 11/17/2023 9:12:00 PM 1805-1806 Russia 88 5 card as Operations #88: 5 / Age of Metternich
Cancels any one just-played event affecting the Diplomatic Track or voids up to 5 CPs of just-spent buys on the Diplomatic Track. Voids Bernadotte event..

Message from Russia:
58 11/17/2023 9:10:00 PM 1805-1806 Austria 12 4 card as Event #12: 4 / Royal Largesse
Another nation of your choice draws a card from the Draw Pile.

Message from Austria:
55 11/17/2023 9:09:00 PM 1805-1806 Britain 903 6 card as Event #903: 6 / Admiralty
Britain draws two cards if its Fleets control six Zones at the start of its Impulse. Voided by Bey of Algiers or if Britain is a Subject Neutral. RESERVE

Message from Britain:
54 11/17/2023 9:07:00 PM 1805-1806 France 42 2 card as Operations #42: 2 / Form Square
Voids these events for the rest of this Impulse, even after seeing their results: Cuiraissers Charge, Cavalry Raids, Lancers and Uhlans. Cavalry Raids results can be voided for the most recent space rolled and all yet-to-be rolled results.

Message from France:
52 11/17/2023 9:05:00 PM 1805-1806 Austria 26 2 card as Operations #26: 2 / Refuse Flanks
Forfeit a battle die but Halve disrupt results against you in this battle round.

Message from Austria:
51 11/17/2023 9:04:00 PM 1805-1806 Russia 54 5 card as Operations #54: 5 / Fouche
France draws a random card from any nation. Discard out of game if used as an Event after Napoleon Abdicates or Turn 3 - whichever occurs first.

Message from Russia:
49 11/17/2023 9:01:00 PM 1805-1806 Austria 901 6 card as Operations #901: 6 / Hussars and Grenzers
Only Austrian flages can be placed in Austria by CP expenditure until the next scheduled Austrian Impulse. Until then, all Austrian interceptions and evasions succeed - including one failed just prior to the play of this event. Any CP expenditure for a flag placement rejected by the play of this event is forfiet. RESERVE

Message from Austria:
48 11/17/2023 9:01:00 PM 1805-1806 Austria 16 5 card as Operations #16: 5 / Conscripts
A leader of your choice is given two more Units of its nationality - even during battle. The added Units may exceed the Commander's Command Rating even if it is moved into the battle. Afterwards those Units would be subject to normal command restrictions. Can be played even AFTER seeing all battle dice for two extra die rolls in that battle.

Message from Austria:
47 11/17/2023 8:59:00 PM 1807-1808 Britain 93 5 card as Operations #93: 5 / Baltic Venture
TRADE CENTERS: Gulf of Bothnia, Baltic Sea, Nystadt, Straslund, Danzig, Riga, Sakggerak, Copenhagen. This nation has 1 CP for each Trade Center it controls. Gain a Resource if a die roll is less than the number of Trade Centers controlled by its Camp. Add 1 to the die roll for each Trade Center controlled by the Enemy Camp.

Message from Britain:
46 11/17/2023 8:58:00 PM 1805-1806 Russia 907 6 card as Operations #907: 6 / Holy Mother Russia
If Russia is not a Subject Neutral or in a Foreign War AND no enemy Forces are in a Russian Home Duchy: • draw two cards and play one of them, OR • Roll a die and gain a Resource if you roll less than the current Turn number. Otherwise, build Units equal to the roll. RESERVE

Message from Russia:
45 11/17/2023 8:58:00 PM 1805-1806 France 905 6 card as Event #905: 6 / Guerre de Course
One or two unblockaded (not Refitting) French Squadrons move Offboard to raid commerce. See Offboard Fleets on the Battleground display. British card losses never include Reserves or exceed Minimum Hand limits in the Interphase, but may include Resources. RESERVE

Message from France:
42 11/17/2023 8:57:00 PM 1805-1806 France 30 2 card as Operations #30: 2 / To the Death
Void any land evasion (including the effects of previously played events such as Hussars & Grenzers) OR a just defeated enemy must fight a new battle without further terrain effect, evasion, interception, or retreat.

Message from France:
39 11/17/2023 8:56:00 PM 1805-1806 France 4 6 card as Event #4: 6 / House of Rothschild
Draw two cards. You must use one of them now. If played by a Neutral Proxy, it must play the first card drawn. Shuffle all discards - including this one - into the deck AFTER drawing two new cards and playing one of them.

Message from France:
38 11/17/2023 8:55:00 PM 1805-1806 Austria 68 6 card as Operations #68: 6 / Polish Uprising
If Prussia is at war with France, place Poniatowski, three French Units and a Flag in Warsaw. Attack all enemy Formations there prior to any evasion/interception. If Prussia is not at war with France, the card must be played as 6 CPs and remains in the game.

Message from Austria:
37 11/17/2023 8:49:00 PM 1805-1806 France 92 6 ard as Event #92: 6 / Capitulation
A nation of your choice whose Capital is controlled surrenders immedately. Determine Duchies to be ceded with the normal Ceding die roll. Apply all Conquest consequences. Loss of both Capitals is required for Russian surrender. If no Capital or more than one nation's Capital is Enemy-controlled, a Neutral Proxy will not play this event.

Message from France:
36 11/17/2023 8:48:00 PM 1805-1806 France 82 5 rategy card #82: 5 / Scarce Supplies

RED: Must be played as Event

Message from France:
35 11/17/2023 8:47:00 PM 1805-1806 Russia 100 3 card as Operations #100: 3 / Frigates
Place a Squadron of any nation in a Zone of that's nation's controlled Port by placing this card in that Zone with a Flag. If blockaded, interception can be attempted. Thereafter, it is treated as a normal Squadron of that nationality except that it has no dice in combat. It is removed and the card returned to the deck when sunk or returned to Port. A Prussian/Austrian Squadron has an evasion dice roll modifier of 0.

Message from Russia:
34 11/17/2023 8:47:00 PM 1805-1806 Austria 94 4 card as Operations #94: 4 / Early Snowfall
Playable only as a nation's last card. All card CP values (except those generated by events) are reduced by one. Announced CP expenditures which cannot be completed as a result of snowfall are forfeit. Extended Campaign event may not occur during this event. Ends Mud event.

Message from Austria:
33 11/17/2023 8:47:00 PM 1805-1806 Britain 96 2 card as Operations #96: 2 / Tipping the Scales
Immediately following the Resource Gain attempt die roll of ANY Army Rout, roll a die. You may spend that many CPs on the Diplomatic Track to move any Consul(s) in either direction. A die roll of 6 is needed to break Pact status.

Message from Britain:
32 11/17/2023 8:47:00 PM 1805-1806 Britain 32 6 card as Operations #32: 6 / Anglo-American War
Britain must remove two Formations and two Squadrons to this Foreign War. Discard from play when War ends. If played by a Proxy Neutral during Turn 4 or later, it must be played as an event.

Message from Britain:
31 11/17/2023 8:47:00 PM 1805-1806 France 65 6 card as Event #65: 6 / Talleyrand
Move any Consul on the Diplomatic Track two boxes and add 1 to the Peace die roll this Turn. OR Add 2 to the Peace die roll this Turn. This event may break Pact status. Not playable in 1805.

Message from France:
30 11/17/2023 8:47:00 PM 1805-1806 Britain 32 6 o hand #32: 6 / Anglo-American War

Message from Britain:
29 11/17/2023 8:47:00 PM 1805-1806 Britain 32 6 #32: 6 / Anglo-American War

Message from Britain:
28 11/17/2023 8:46:00 PM 1805-1806 France 15 2 trategy card #15: 2 / Cossacks or Azeris

Message from France:
27 11/17/2023 8:46:00 PM 1805-1806 France 32 6 rategy card #32: 6 / Anglo-American War

RED: Must be played as Event

Message from France:
26 11/17/2023 8:46:00 PM 1805-1806 Britain 89 5 card as Operations #89: 5 / Persian War
The Russian must place a leader and two Formations on this Foreign War card. Reduce Russian Reinforcements by 2 CPs while this War remains in play.

Message from Britain:
25 11/17/2023 8:46:00 PM 1805-1806 Britain 89 5 o hand #89: 5 / Persian War

Message from Britain:
24 11/17/2023 8:46:00 PM 1805-1806 France 81 6 ard as Event #81: 6 / Napoleon Abdicates
Playable only with France's consent and if Napoleon is in play. Otherwise, play as 6 CPs. Regroup Napoleon, all French Forces not in French Home Duchies and all enemy Forces in French Home Duchies. France (but not its Pact allies) may not attack or be attacked until the next Turn when Napolon returns as a free reinforcement. If played during Turn 5, a 6th Turn is added. Voids Capitulation event vs. France.

Message from France:
23 11/17/2023 8:46:00 PM 1805-1806 Britain 89 5 #89: 5 / Persian War

Message from Britain:
22 11/17/2023 8:45:00 PM 1805-1806 France 89 5 rategy card #89: 5 / Persian War

RED: Must be played as Event

Message from France:
21 11/17/2023 8:44:00 PM 1805-1806 France 6 4 trategy card #6: 4 / Drought

RED: Must be played as Event

Message from France:
20 11/17/2023 8:43:00 PM 1805-1806 France 48 2 card as Event #48: 2 / Massed Grenadiers
Select the winning side in any tied battle round. This event ends the battle - disallowing play of further Responses to influence the outcome.

Message from France:
19 11/17/2023 8:41:00 PM 1805-1806 France 33 3 card as Event #33: 3 / General's Health
Void the Battle Rating of any Commander for the rest of this Impulse (including its effect on any just-rolled intercept or evasion attempt). Subordinate Army Commanders may not substitute their rating for the stricken leader. Not applicable to the Nelson event or to rerolls of battle dice.

Message from France:
18 11/17/2023 8:40:00 PM 1805-1806 France 28 2 card as Event #28: 2 / Horse Artillery
Increase your battle dice in the next battle round by an amount equal to a die roll. The number of extra dice is not determined until after all battle cards for that round have been played.

Message from France:
17 11/17/2023 8:37:00 PM 1805-1806 Russia 84 4 card as Operations #84: 4 / Foreign Aid
Void any die roll that ends a Foreign War. The CP paid for that die roll is forfeit. OR Increase enemy Formations sent to a Foreign War by an amount equal to the roll of the least of three dice.

Message from Russia:
16 11/17/2023 8:35:00 PM 1805-1806 Russia 78 3 card as Operations #78: 3 / Turncoats
Enemy suffers Attrition before battle. Leaders are not subject to this Attrition even if being used as Units. Each enemy loss gives you one extra battle die throughout the upcoming battle.

Message from Russia:
13 11/17/2023 8:35:00 PM 1805-1806 Russia 907 6 card as Event #907: 6 / Holy Mother Russia
If Russia is not a Subject Neutral or in a Foreign War AND no enemy Forces are in a Russian Home Duchy: • draw two cards and play one of them, OR • Roll a die and gain a Resource if you roll less than the current Turn number. Otherwise, build Units equal to the roll. RESERVE

Message from Russia:
11 11/17/2023 8:32:00 PM 1805-1806 Austria 110 6 card as Operations #110: 6 / Kingdom of Naples
If Naples is controlled by France and contains a French Army. France gains a Resource, draws a card, and builds a Unit in Naples. Otherwise, this event cannot be played.

Message from Austria:
10 11/17/2023 8:29:00 PM 1805-1806 Britain 87 4 card as Operations #87: 4 / Corn Riots
A nation of your choice must Regroup Forces/Squadrons equal to a die roll. If unable to do so, it must instantly build enough to Regroup or Submit. Flags can be removed for compliance, but they must be markers - not inherent flags. A Neutral Proxy removes Flags, Units, Leaders, and Squadrons in that order. If needed, a Neutral Proxy uses randomly drawn cards from its hand to build Units and will then use its Resources and/or Reserve in that order if necessary.

Message from Britain:
9 11/17/2023 8:21:00 PM 1805-1806 France 905 6 card as Operations #905: 6 / Guerre de Course
One or two unblockaded (not Refitting) French Squadrons move Offboard to raid commerce. See Offboard Fleets on the Battleground display. British card losses never include Reserves or exceed Minimum Hand limits in the Interphase, but may include Resources. RESERVE

Message from France:
8 11/17/2023 8:20:00 PM 1805-1806 France 5 4 card as Operations #5: 4 / Serbian Revolt
Turkish Formations may not exit Turkey while this event is in play. Those outside Turkey Regroup. Any unspent odd CP of a Turkish Neutral build is used to attempt to end this Foreign War instead of placing the +1 CP marker. The +1 CP marker, if already in play, is removed. Add #1 to all attempts to end Turkish Foreign Wars (but not the Serbian Revolt) while this event is in play.

Message from France:

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