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Empire of the Sun: Staff Game - 1942-44 Scenario Playtest Card Play Report

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Entry # Time Turn Player Card Number Ops Type Entry
246 10/21/2024 1:58:00 PM May-Aug 1943 Allies 31 3 Operations #31: 3 / Black Day: US New Guinea Air Offensive
Activate: Any HQ. Logistic Value: 6 Conditions: Only air units may be activated.

OC: 3 EC: 5

Message from Allies:
SEAC (3+1) :

* 1805 (Calcutta) : Aus Air Activates.
* 1307 (Columbo) : SEAC Air Activates.
* 1805 (Calcutta) : [14AF LRB] Activates.
* 1308 (Trincomalee) : 33 British Corps Activates.

* 1308 (Trincomalee): 33 British Corps moves to 1805 (Calcutta)
* 1805 (Calcutta): [14AF LRB] moves to 1406 (Madras)
* 1307 (Columbo): SEAC Air moves to 1805 (Calcutta)

* 1905 (Dacca): Battle Hex (A) moves to 1905 (Dacca)
* 1905 (Dacca): Korean Army joins Battle A
* 1905 (Dacca): 14th Army joins Battle A
* 1905 (Dacca): 8 AD joins Battle A
* 1805 (Calcutta): SEAC Air joins Battle A
* 1805 (Calcutta): Aus Air joins Battle A
* 1406 (Madras): [14AF LRB] joins Battle A
245 10/19/2024 12:38:00 AM May-Aug 1943 Japanese 32 3 Operations #32: 3 / Operation I-Go: Air Offensive
Acitvation: Any HQ. Logistic Value: 4 Conditions: Only air units may be activated. Air Shuttle: The Japanese gain a +1 die roll modification during air-naval combat if the battle is within 6 hexes of an inactive Japanese CV or CVL naval unit.

OC: 5 EC: 7

Message from Japanese:
OC on South HQ 2+3=5 acts

* 4017 (Truk) : South Seas HQ (Agreement) Activates.
* 3721 (Madang) : 18th Army Activates.
* 3721 (Madang) : 35th Army Activates.
* 3921 (Gasmata) : [19th Army] Activates.
* 3820 (Admiralty Islands) : [SS Bde] Activates.
* 3820 (Admiralty Islands) : 9 AD Activates.
* 3721 (Madang): 35th Army moves to 3615 (Ulithi)
* 3721 (Madang): 18th Army moves to 3813 (Saipan/Tinian)
* 3921 (Gasmata): [19th Army] moves to 3219 (Vogelkop)
* Japanese ASP Marker (No Barges) uses 2/4 ASP
* 3820 (Admiralty Islands): 9 AD moves to 2616 (Tarakan)
* 3820 (Admiralty Islands): [SS Bde] moves to 3416 (Palau Islands)

No battles or PBM, BTY.
236 10/15/2024 8:53:00 AM May-Aug 1943 Japanese 84 1 Event #84: 1 / JN25 Code Change
Intelligence: Intercept Draw one Strategy Card.

OC: 3 EC: 0

Message from Japanese:
234 10/10/2024 3:46:00 AM May-Aug 1943 Allies 57 2 Operations #57: 2 / Axiom: British Amphibious Rangoon-Singapore Operation.
Activate: Any Commonwealth or Joint HQ. Logistic Value: 5 Conditions: Only Commonwealth and Chinese units plus US air units may be activated.

OC: 2 EC: 4

Message from Allies:
CentPac (3+2) :

* 4423 (Guadalcanal) : M Brigade Activates.
* 4423 (Guadalcanal) : CV Wasp Activates.
* 4423 (Guadalcanal) : BB Washington Activates.
* 4423 (Guadalcanal) : BB North Carolina Activates.
* 5321 (Funafuti) : CV Lexington Activates.

* 4423 (Guadalcanal): M Brigade moves to 4316 (Ponape)
* Allied ASP Marker uses 3/6 ASP
* 4423 (Guadalcanal): BB Washington moves to 4316 (Ponape)
* 4423 (Guadalcanal): BB North Carolina moves to 4316 (Ponape)
* 4423 (Guadalcanal): CV Wasp moves to 4318
* 5321 (Funafuti): CV Lexington moves to 4318

over to you
233 10/6/2024 7:30:00 PM May-Aug 1943 Japanese 38 3 Event #38: 3 / Grand Escort Command: Improved Escort Organization
Activation: Combined Fleet HQ only Logistic Value: 2 Bonus: The Japanese player places the Escort marker on the game turn track on its +2 side or flips the escort marker to its +4 side if the marker is already in play on its +2 side. See Submarine Warfare for effects of this die roll modifier. Remove from play if used as an event.

OC: 5 EC: 7

Message from Japanese:
EC - CF HQ 3+2=5 acts

* Leningrad84 (Japan) creates Convoy Escorts Marker (+2) in Off Board
* 3407 (Kure) : Comb Fleet HQ (Yam) (Agreement) Activates.
* 2616 (Tarakan) : 9 AD Activates.
* 4612 (Wake) : [31st Army] Activates.
* 3813 (Saipan/Tinian) : 3 SN Bde Activates.
* 3709 (Iwo Jima) : 27 AF Activates.
* 4017 (Truk) : 21 AF Activates.
* 4612 (Wake): [31st Army] moves to 3319 (Biak)
* 3813 (Saipan/Tinian): 3 SN Bde moves to 4612 (Wake)
* 2616 (Tarakan): 9 AD moves to 3820 (Admiralty Islands)
* 3709 (Iwo Jima): 27 AF moves to 4017 (Truk)
* 4017 (Truk): 21 AF moves to 3709 (Iwo Jima)

No battles or PBM, BTY.
228 10/2/2024 5:33:00 AM May-Aug 1943 Allies 8 1 Operations #8: 1 / Australian Coast Watchers
Intelligence: Intercept. Conditions: Can only be played if Japanese air or naval units are activated for the current Offensive. Draw one Strategy Card. Remove from play if used as an event.

OC: 1 EC: 0

Message from Allies:
CentPac (3+1) :

* 3822 (Lae) : CV Enterprise Activates.
* 4020 (Kavieng) : CV Essex Activates.
* 4020 (Kavieng) : CV Bunker Hill Activates.
* 4020 (Kavieng) : 3M Division Activates.

* 3822 (Lae): CV Enterprise moves to 3520 (Hollandia)
* 4020 (Kavieng): 3M Division moves to 3520 (Hollandia)
* Allied ASP Marker uses 2/6 ASP
* 4020 (Kavieng): CV Essex moves to 3520 (Hollandia)
* 4020 (Kavieng): CV Bunker Hill moves to 3520 (Hollandia)

Bunker Hill and Essex are supporting the Amphibious Landing in Hollandia

* 3620 (Aitape): Battle Hex (A) moves to 3620 (Aitape)
* 3620 (Aitape): 28 AF joins Battle A
* 3520 (Hollandia): CV Enterprise joins Battle A
226 9/30/2024 1:46:00 AM May-Aug 1943 Japanese 33 2 Event #33: 2 / Imperial Intervention
This event ends a Japanese inter-service rivalry. Flip the Japanese Inter-Service Rivalry marker to its Strategic Agreement side. If the Japanese Inter-Service Rivalry marker is already on Strategic Agreement side there is no additional effect. Bonus: If this card is played as an event, the Japanese have the option to discard a card of their choice and re-place it with any card from the discard pile (not those removed from play).

OC: 4 EC: 0

Message from Japanese:
The Emperor has had enough of this petty bickering!
224 9/27/2024 7:10:00 AM May-Aug 1943 Allies 2 1 card as Event #2: 1 / Imperial HQ Debate: Japanese Inter-Service rivalry
Flip the Japanese Inter-Service Rivalry Marker from its Strategic Agreement to its Inter-Service Rivalry side. No additional impact if Inter-Service Rivarly is already in effect. Draw one Strategy Card.

OC: 1 EC: 0

Message from Allies:
223 9/27/2024 2:35:00 AM May-Aug 1943 Japanese 84 1 o hand #84: 1 / JN25 Code Change

Message from Japanese:
For ISR ender.
222 9/27/2024 2:35:00 AM May-Aug 1943 Japanese 63 2 #63: 2 / Kamikaze Attack
OC: 4 EC: 0

Message from Japanese:
221 9/27/2024 2:34:00 AM May-Aug 1943 Japanese 68 2 Event #68: 2 / Japanese Army/Navy: Central Agreement
This event ends a Japanese inter-service rivalry. Flip the Japanese Inter-Service Rivalry marker to its Strategic Agreement side. If the Japanese Inter-Service Rivalry marker is already on Strategic Agreement side there is no additional effect. Bonus: If this card is played as an event, the Japanese have the option to discard a card of their choice and re-place it with any card from the discard pile (not those removed from play).

OC: 4 EC: 0

Message from Japanese:
The Army and Navy decide to bury the hatchet...
216 9/25/2024 2:52:00 AM May-Aug 1943 Allies 77 2 Operations #77: 2 / Mao Tse Tung: Communits Offensive
Move the China marker one box to the right toward the Stable Front box, unless this would put the China marker in the Stable Front box, in which case no effect. Remove from play if used as an event.

OC: 2 EC: 0

Message from Allies:
SW (2+2) :

* 4322 (New Georgia) : SF Brigade Activates.
* 3822 (Lae) : CV Enterprise Activates.
* 3823 (Port Moresby) : 1 MAW Activates.
* 3626 (Cairns) : 2 MAW Activates.

* 4322 (New Georgia): SF Brigade moves to 5018 (Tarawa)
* Allied ASP Marker uses 1/6 ASP
* 5018 (Tarawa) is now Allied controlled.
* Allies have captured 1 progress of war hexes
* 3626 (Cairns): 2 MAW moves to 4024 (Gili Gili)

* 3721 (Madang): Battle Hex (A) moves to 3721 (Madang)
* 3822 (Lae): CV Enterprise joins Battle A
* 3823 (Port Moresby): 1 MAW joins Battle A
198 9/12/2024 5:03:00 AM Jan-Apr 1943 Allies 38 2 Event #38: 2 / Operation Tarzan: Burma Offensive
Activate: Any HQ. Logistic Value: 4 Conditions: The Allied player may only activate ground and air units, of which one must be a Chinese Army unit IF there is one on the map and in HQ range. If no such unit is available, this requirement is ignored.

OC: 2 EC: 4

Message from Allies:
CentPac (4+3) :

* 5808 (Oahu) : 7AF Air Activates.
* 4719 (Nauru) : 5AF LRB Activates.
* 4322 (New Georgia) : 13AF Air Activates.
* 4024 (Gili Gili) : 11AF Air Activates.
* 4024 (Gili Gili) : 11AF LRB Activates.
* 4423 (Guadalcanal) : 5AF Air Activates.
* 4423 (Guadalcanal) : 13AF LRB Activates.

* 5808 (Oahu): 7AF Air moves to Turn 6 (May-Aug 1943)
* 4024 (Gili Gili): 11AF Air moves to 4021 (Rabaul)
* 4024 (Gili Gili): 11AF LRB moves to 4021 (Rabaul)
* 4322 (New Georgia): 13AF Air moves to 4021 (Rabaul)
* 4423 (Guadalcanal): 5AF Air moves to 4021 (Rabaul)
* 4423 (Guadalcanal): 13AF LRB moves to 4021 (Rabaul)
* 4719 (Nauru): 5AF LRB moves to 4021 (Rabaul)

no move into Japanese AZOI

* 3620 (Aitape): Battle Hex (A) moves to 3620 (Aitape)
* 3620 (Aitape): 28 AF joins Battle A
* 4021 (Rabaul): 5AF LRB joins Battle A
* 4021 (Rabaul): 13AF LRB joins Battle A
* 4021 (Rabaul): 5AF Air joins Battle A
* 4021 (Rabaul): 13AF Air joins Battle A
* 4021 (Rabaul): 11AF LRB joins Battle A
* 4021 (Rabaul): 11AF Air joins Battle A
197 9/8/2024 1:42:00 AM Jan-Apr 1943 Japanese 37 3 Event #37: 3 / 1st Convoy Escort Fleet: Escort Organization
Activation: Combined Fleet HQ only Logistic Value: 2 Bonus: The Japanese player places the Escort marker on the game turn track on its +2 side or flips the escort marker to its +4 side if the marker is already in play on its +2 side. See Submarine Warfare for effects of this die roll modifier. Remove from play if used as an event.

OC: 5 EC: 7

Message from Japanese:
* Leningrad84 (Japan) creates Convoy Escorts Marker (+2) in Off Board

* 3407 (Kure) : Comb Fleet HQ (Yam) (Rivalry) Activates.
* 3416 (Palau Islands) : [CA Mogami] Activates.
* 4017 (Truk) : [SS Bde] Activates.
* 3615 (Ulithi) : CA Nachi Activates.
* 3416 (Palau Islands): [CA Mogami] moves to 2015 (Singapore)
* 3615 (Ulithi): CA Nachi moves to 3416 (Palau Islands)
* 4017 (Truk): [SS Bde] moves to 3820 (Admiralty Islands)

No battles or PBM, BTY!
194 9/1/2024 5:35:00 AM Jan-Apr 1943 Allies 23 2 Event #23: 2 / PT Boats
Flip the Japanese ASP marker to its No Barges side. If Japanese Barges are not currently in play (Japanese card 73) that event is permanently superseded. Place the PT Boat marker on the game turn track as a reminder. Draw one Strategy Card. Remove from play if used as an event.

OC: 2 EC: 0

Message from Allies:
190 8/30/2024 1:03:00 AM Jan-Apr 1943 Japanese 25 3 Event #25: 3 / Operation KA: Battle for the Eastern Solomons
Activation: Any HQ. Logistic Value: 4 Allied Tactical Confusion: US aircraft carrier naval units have their attack strength reduced by 2 for the duration of this Offensive.

OC: 5 EC: 7

Message from Japanese:
EC on South HQ 1+4=5 acts

* 2212 (Saigon) : South HQ (Rivalry) Activates.
* 1905 (Dacca) : [15th Army] Activates.
* 2104 (Jarhat) : [28th Army] Activates.
* 2106 (Mandalay) : [2 AD] Activates.
* 2008 (Rangoon) : [27th Army] Activates.
* 2110 (Bangkok) : 8 AD Activates.
* 2008 (Rangoon): [27th Army] moves to 2106 (Mandalay)
* 1905 (Dacca): [15th Army] moves to 2008 (Rangoon)
* 2110 (Bangkok): 8 AD moves to 1905 (Dacca)
* 2104 (Jarhat): [28th Army] moves to 2205 (Ledo)
* 2205 (Ledo): [28th Army] joins Battle A
* 2106 (Mandalay): [2 AD] moves to 2110 (Bangkok)

BTY for resolution.
181 8/24/2024 6:20:00 AM Jan-Apr 1943 Allies 70 2 Event #70: 2 / Slim's Burma Offensive
Activate: SEAC HQ only. Logistic Value: 6 Conditions: Only Commonwealth and Chinese units plus US air units may be activated. Bonus: The Allied player receives the 7th Armored Brigade. Place this unit in any friendly in supply, Indian or Burmese port hex. If this condition cannot be met, the unit is permanently remove from the game. Remove from play if used as an event.

OC: 2 EC: 4

Message from Allies:
SEAC (6+1) :

bonus :
* Special Events: 7 Armor Bde moves to 1406 (Madras)

* 1406 (Madras) : CA London Activates.
* 1406 (Madras) : SEAC Air Activates.
* 1805 (Calcutta) : [14AF Air] Activates.
* 1805 (Calcutta) : Aus Air Activates.
* 1307 (Columbo) : CV Indomitable Activates.
* 1307 (Columbo) : 10AF LRB Activates.
* 1308 (Trincomalee) : BB Warspite Activates.

* 1406 (Madras): CA London moves to 2008 (Rangoon)
* 1307 (Columbo): 10AF LRB moves to 1805 (Calcutta)
* 1307 (Columbo): CV Indomitable moves to 1907
* 1308 (Trincomalee): BB Warspite moves to 1905 (Dacca)
* 1406 (Madras): SEAC Air moves to 1805 (Calcutta)

* 1905 (Dacca): Battle Hex (A) moves to 1905 (Dacca)
* 1905 (Dacca): Korean Army joins Battle A
* 1905 (Dacca): 14th Army joins Battle A
* 1905 (Dacca): [15th Army] joins Battle A
* 1905 (Dacca): BB Warspite joins Battle A
* 1805 (Calcutta): SEAC Air joins Battle A
* 1805 (Calcutta): [14AF Air] joins Battle A
* 1805 (Calcutta): Aus Air joins Battle A

* 2008 (Rangoon): Battle Hex (B) moves to 2008 (Rangoon)
* 2008 (Rangoon): [27th Army] joins Battle B
* 2008 (Rangoon): 5 AD joins Battle B
* 2008 (Rangoon): CA London joins Battle B

* 2106 (Mandalay): Battle Hex (C) moves to 2106 (Mandalay)
* 2106 (Mandalay): 2 AD joins Battle C
* 1805 (Calcutta): 10AF LRB joins Battle C
178 8/20/2024 4:41:00 PM Jan-Apr 1943 Japanese 65 1 Operations #65: 1 / Yamato Suicide Run
Activation: Any HQ Intelligence: Intercept Logistic Value: One more (+1) than Allied OC value. Conditions: Only air and naval units may be activated. During Post Battle Movement, if the Yamato naval unit is on the map it must be reduced one step, wether it participates in a battle or not. Remove from play if used as an event.

OC: 4 EC: 0

Message from Japanese:
OC on South HQ 1+1=2 acts

* 2212 (Saigon) : South HQ (Rivalry) Activates.
* 2005 (Dimasur) : [28th Army] Activates.
* 2005 (Dimasur): [28th Army] moves to 2104 (Jarhat)

BTY for resolution.
173 8/13/2024 5:23:00 AM Jan-Apr 1943 Allies 66 2 card as Event #66: 2 / WAR IN EUROPE: Major Allied Victory
Increase the War in Europe marker a number of spaces equal to the value associated with the year of the current game turn: 1942: 1 1943: 2 1944: 3 1945: 3 Remove from play if used as an event.

OC: 2 EC: 0

Message from Allies:
Hey Kirill,

Deb and Rob are the nicest of guys for sure !

Playing the battle of the Three Emperors on a table would be great, but we have to meet midway. I suggest Paris ;-)

Or maybe one of these American conventions on the east coast ?
171 8/9/2024 5:03:00 PM Jan-Apr 1943 Japanese 62 2 Operations #62: 2 / Kamikaze Attack
Play prior to one battle of the Offensive that is within 11 hexes of Tokyo (3706) and within extended range of a Japanese air unit. The Japanese player eliminates two Allied naval steps (Japanese player's choice, may not eliminate a unit unless there is no other option), while reducing the Japanese air unit whose range was used one step (even if this would eliminate the air unit). No more than one Kamikaze per battle, but more than one Kamikaze per offensive is allowed. Draw One Strategy Card. Remove from play if used as an event.

OC: 4 EC: 0

Message from Japanese:
OC on SS HQ 2+2=4 acts

* 4017 (Truk) : South Seas HQ (Rivalry) Activates.
* 3921 (Gasmata) : 25 AF Activates.
* 3923 : [SS Bde] Activates.
* 3923: [SS Bde] moves to 3416 (Palau Islands)
* 3921 (Gasmata): 25 AF moves to 3615 (Ulithi)
165 8/3/2024 1:03:00 AM Jan-Apr 1943 Japanese 17 2 Event #17: 2 / Japanese Counterattack at Savo Island
Activation: Any HQ. Logistic Value: 3 Intelligence: Intercept. Conditions: Either air or naval units may be activated, but not both. Japanese Night Fighting Advantage: Japanese CA, CL and APD naval units have 2 added to their attack strength for all battles fought during the current Offensive. Draw one Strategy Card.

OC: 4 EC: 0

Message from Japanese:

SS HQ 2+3=5 acts

* 4017 (Truk) : South Seas HQ (Rivalry) Activates.
* 3813 (Saipan/Tinian) : BB Yamato Activates.
* 3813 (Saipan/Tinian) : CA Takao Activates.
* 3615 (Ulithi) : BB Nagato Activates.
* 4021 (Rabaul) : CA Nachi Activates.
* 3813 (Saipan/Tinian): BB Yamato moves to 4715 (Kwajalein)
* 3813 (Saipan/Tinian): CA Takao moves to 4715 (Kwajalein)
* 3615 (Ulithi): BB Nagato moves to 4715 (Kwajalein)
164 7/30/2024 3:40:00 AM Jan-Apr 1943 Allies 53 3 Event #53: 3 / Operation Forager II: Invasion of Saipan and Tinian
Activate: Any HQ. Logistic Value: 6 if US Central Pac HQ, for all others: 4

OC: 3 EC: 5

Message from Allies:
Anzac (4+1) :

* 4022 : [3NZ Division] Activates.
* 4517 (Kusaie) : M Brigade Activates.
* 3822 (Lae) : 2 MAW Activates.
* 3922 (Buna) : 3 Aus Corps Activates.
* 4423 (Guadalcanal) : CA Northampton Activates.

* 4022: [3NZ Division] moves to 4021 (Rabaul)
* 4423 (Guadalcanal): CA Northampton moves to 4715 (Kwajalein)
* 4517 (Kusaie): M Brigade moves to 4423 (Guadalcanal)
* 3922 (Buna): 3 Aus Corps moves to 3822 (Lae)
* 3822 (Lae): 2 MAW moves to 3626 (Cairns)

* 4021 (Rabaul): Battle Hex (A) moves to 4021 (Rabaul)
* 4021 (Rabaul): CA Nachi joins Battle A
* 4021 (Rabaul): 25 AF joins Battle A
* 4021 (Rabaul): [3NZ Division] joins Battle A

* 4715 (Kwajalein): Battle Hex (B) moves to 4715 (Kwajalein)
* 4715 (Kwajalein): 3 SN Bde joins Battle B
* 4715 (Kwajalein): APD Kamikaze joins Battle B
* 4715 (Kwajalein): 27 AF joins Battle B
* 4715 (Kwajalein): CA Northampton joins Battle B
159 7/28/2024 4:30:00 AM Jan-Apr 1943 Allies 26 2 Event #26: 2 / US Army Breaks Japanese Army Codes
Intelligence: Ambush. Bonus: For the duration of the Offensive the Allies gain +4 in any ground combat, in addition to the normal ambush modifier for air-naval combat. Remove from play if used as an event.

OC: 2 EC: 0

Message from Allies:
Anzac (2+1) :

* 3823 (Port Moresby) : 3NZ Division Activates.
* 3822 (Lae) : 11AF Air Activates.
* 4024 (Gili Gili) : 13AF Air Activates.

* 3823 (Port Moresby): 3NZ Division moves to 4022
* Allied ASP Marker uses 5/5 ASP
* 3822 (Lae): 11AF Air moves to 4024 (Gili Gili)
158 7/24/2024 2:38:00 AM Jan-Apr 1943 Japanese 81 2 Operations #81: 2 / Kamikaze Attack
Play prior to one battle of the Offensive that is within 11 hexes of Tokyo (3706) and within extended range of a Japanese air unit. The Japanese player eliminates two Allied naval steps (Japanese player's choice, may not eliminate a unit unless there is no other option), while reducing the Japanese air unit whose range was used one step (even if this would eliminate the air unit). No more than one Kamikaze per battle, but more than one Kamikaze per offensive is allowed. Draw One Strategy Card. Remove from play if used as an event.

OC: 4 EC: 0

Message from Japanese:
OC on South HQ 2+2=4 acts

* 4017 (Truk) : South Seas HQ (Rivalry) Activates.
* 3615 (Ulithi) : [1 AD] Activates.
* 3721 (Madang) : [6 AD] Activates.
* 3921 (Gasmata) : 19th Army Activates.
* 4021 (Rabaul) : 17th Army Activates.
* 3721 (Madang): [6 AD] moves to 3921 (Gasmata)
* 3615 (Ulithi): [1 AD] moves to 3721 (Madang)
* 4021 (Rabaul): 17th Army moves to 4022
* 3921 (Gasmata): 19th Army moves to 4022
* 3921 (Gasmata): [6 AD] joins Battle A

BTY for reaction.
157 7/18/2024 6:29:00 PM Jan-Apr 1943 Allies 18 1 Event #18: 1 / Edwin Booz: Defense Consultant
Allied player immediately receives 1 permanent amphibious shipping point. Remove from play if used as an event.

OC: 1 EC: 0

Message from Allies:
no file sent

over to you
156 7/18/2024 1:05:00 AM Jan-Apr 1943 Japanese 76 2 Operations #76: 2 / Operation Tsurugi: Japan Attacks a B29 Base with Giretsu Airborne unit
Activation: Any HQ Logistics Value: 1 Conditions: Any air or naval units may be activated, but only one brigade size ground unit may be activated. Bonus: If the Allied player has a B29 LRB unit within 8 hexes of Tokyo (3706) or in the China Air units box, the Japanese player rolls a die. On a die roll of: 0-4: Lose one B29 Air step* 5-9: No Effect *Japanese choice Remove from play if used as an event.

OC: 4 EC: 6

Message from Japanese:
OC on SS HQ 2+2=4 acts

* 4017 (Truk) : South Seas HQ (Rivalry) Activates.
* 4017 (Truk) : 19th Army Activates.
* 3813 (Saipan/Tinian) : [31st Army] Activates.
* 3720 (Wewak) : [33rd Army] Activates.
* 4017 (Truk): 19th Army moves to 3921 (Gasmata)
* 3813 (Saipan/Tinian): [31st Army] moves to 4612 (Wake)
* 3720 (Wewak): [33rd Army] moves to 4017 (Truk)
* Japanese ASP Marker (Barges) uses 1/3 ASP
* Japanese ASP Marker (Barges) uses 2/3 ASP
* Japanese ASP Marker (Barges) uses 3/3 ASP
* 4612 (Wake) is now Japanese controlled.

No battles or PBM, BTY!
152 7/14/2024 10:51:00 AM Jan-Apr 1943 Allies 83 2 Operations #83: 2 / China Offensive: Battle for Central Honan
Move the China marker one box to the right toward the Stable Front box, unless this would put the China marker in the Stable Front box, in which case no effect.

OC: 2 EC: 0

Message from Allies:
OC on CPAC (3+2)
* 5808 (Oahu) : Cen Pac HQ (Rivalry) Activates.
* 4612 (Wake) : 2M Division Activates.
* 4423 (Guadalcanal) : 1M Division Activates.
* 4828 (Noumea) : SF Brigade Activates.
* 4719 (Nauru) : M Brigade Activates.
* 5321 (Funafuti) : BB Washington Activates.
* 4423 (Guadalcanal): 1M Division moves to 4022
* 4828 (Noumea): SF Brigade moves to 4322 (New Georgia)
* 4719 (Nauru): M Brigade moves to 4517 (Kusaie)
* 4612 (Wake): 2M Division moves to 4110 (Marcus)
* 5321 (Funafuti): BB Washington moves to 4423 (Guadalcanal)
* Allied ASP Marker uses 1/4 ASP
* Allied ASP Marker uses 2/4 ASP
* Allied ASP Marker uses 3/4 ASP
* Allied ASP Marker uses 4/4 ASP
132 7/9/2024 2:29:00 AM Sep-Dec 1942 Japanese 59 3 Event #59: 3 / Central Force: Conquest of Borneo
Activation: South or South Seas HQs only. Logistic Value: 5 Paratroopers: Prior to movement place a Japanese control marker in a hex that is within extended range of an active Japanese air unit if (1) the hex is either unoccupied or is occupied solely by a Dutch regiment; and (2) the hex is not within an unneutralized Allied air ZOI. Eliminate the Dutch regiment.

OC: 5 EC: 7

Message from Japanese:
EC on South HQ 1+5=6 acts

* 1308 (Trincomalee): 10AF LRB moves to 1406 (Madras)
* 2212 (Saigon) : South HQ (Rivalry) Activates.
* 2006 (Akyab) : [28th Army] Activates.
* 2105 (Imphal/Kohima) : Korean Army Activates.
* 2105 (Imphal/Kohima) : 14th Army Activates.
* 2105 (Imphal/Kohima) : 15th Army Activates.
* 2106 (Mandalay) : 38th Army Activates.
* 1916 (Palembang) : 7 AD Activates.
* 2006 (Akyab): [28th Army] moves to 2005 (Dimasur)
* 2105 (Imphal/Kohima): Korean Army, 14th Army, 15th Army moves to 2005 (Dimasur)
* 2005 (Dimasur): Korean Army, 14th Army, 15th Army moves to 1905 (Dacca)
* 2106 (Mandalay): 38th Army moves to 2006 (Akyab)
* 2006 (Akyab): 38th Army moves to 1905 (Dacca)
* 1916 (Palembang): 7 AD moves to 2106 (Mandalay)
* 2106 (Mandalay): 7 AD joins Battle A

Going all in...
130 7/7/2024 2:16:00 AM Sep-Dec 1942 Japanese 3 2 Event #3: 2 / Col. Tsuji, Unit 82: Jungle Warfare
Activate: Any HQ Logistic Value: 3 Intelligence: Surprise Attack Conditions: Only Japanese ground units may be activated. Bonus: In any ground combat that occurs in a Malaya, Jungle or Mixed terrain hex for the duration of this operation, the final die roll modifier for the Japanese in any ground battles is +4.

OC: 4 EC: 0

Message from Japanese:
EC on South HQ 1+3=4 acts

* 2105 (Imphal/Kohima) : [28th Army] Activates.
* 2106 (Mandalay) : 15th Army Activates.
* 2106 (Mandalay) : 14th Army Activates.
* 2008 (Rangoon) : 38th Army Activates.
* 2212 (Saigon) : South HQ (Rivalry) Activates.
* 2105 (Imphal/Kohima): [28th Army] moves to 2006 (Akyab)
* 2106 (Mandalay): 14th Army moves to 2105 (Imphal/Kohima)
* 2106 (Mandalay): 15th Army moves to 2105 (Imphal/Kohima)
* 2008 (Rangoon): 38th Army moves to 2106 (Mandalay)
* 2006 (Akyab): [28th Army] joins Battle A
125 6/30/2024 4:27:00 PM Sep-Dec 1942 Allies 61 1 Operations #61: 1 / Submarine Attack: Darter-Dace
Play during an Offensive prior to combat against any active Japanese naval units or against any active Japanese naval unit if no battle hexes are declared during the Offensive. On a die roll of: 0-4: Japanese lose one naval step* 5-7: Japanese lose two naval steps* (can eliminate a unit) 8-9: No Effect. *Japanese chooses Draw one Strategy Card. Remove from play if used as an event.

OC: 1 EC: 0

Message from Allies:
OPS on SEAC (1+1)
* 2104 (Jarhat) : 14AF Air Activates.
* 1308 (Trincomalee) : 14AF LRB Activates.
* 2105 (Imphal/Kohima): 28th Army joins Battle A
* 2105 (Imphal/Kohima): Korean Army joins Battle A
* 2104 (Jarhat): 14AF Air joins Battle A
* 1308 (Trincomalee): 14AF LRB moves to 1805 (Calcutta)
* 1805 (Calcutta): 14AF LRB joins Battle A
- Bty..
122 6/28/2024 2:50:00 AM Sep-Dec 1942 Japanese 51 3 Event #51: 3 / WAR IN EUROPE: Minor Axis Victory
Decrease the War in Europe marker a number of spaces equal to the value associated with the year of the current game turn: 1942: 2 1943: 1 1944: No Effect 1945: No Effect Remove from play if used as an event.

OC: 5 EC: 0

Message from Japanese:
Drive on Stalingrad!
117 6/24/2024 9:45:00 PM Sep-Dec 1942 Allies 56 2 Event #56: 2 / Typhoon Taskforce: New Guinea: Vogelkop Invasion
Activate: Any HQ. Logistic Value: 4 if US SW Pac HQ, for all others: 3

OC: 2 EC: 4

Message from Allies:
Event on CPAC (3+3)
* 5100 (Dutch Harbor) : 11AF LRB Activates.
* 5100 (Dutch Harbor) : 11AF Air Activates.
* 4423 (Guadalcanal) : 5AF Air Activates.
* 4423 (Guadalcanal) : 13AF LRB Activates.
* 4024 (Gili Gili) : 13AF Air Activates.
* 4825 (Espiritu Santo) : 5AF LRB Activates.
* 4825 (Espiritu Santo): 5AF LRB moves to 4423 (Guadalcanal)
* 4024 (Gili Gili): 13AF Air moves to 4423 (Guadalcanal)
* 4222 (Buin): CL Tenryu joins Battle A
* 4423 (Guadalcanal): 13AF Air joins Battle A
* 4423 (Guadalcanal): 5AF LRB joins Battle A
* 4423 (Guadalcanal): 5AF Air joins Battle A
* 4423 (Guadalcanal): 13AF LRB joins Battle A
* 5100 (Dutch Harbor): 11AF LRB moves to Turn 5 (Jan-Apr 1943)
* 5100 (Dutch Harbor): 11AF Air moves to Turn 5 (Jan-Apr 1943)
109 6/20/2024 7:00:00 PM Sep-Dec 1942 Allies 16 1 card as Event #16: 1 / Makin Island Raid: US Raiders
One Japanese air unit (Allied Player's choice) that is on a non-Japanese Islands hex within the range of a US HQ is reduced one step, even if this would eliminate the air unit. Remove from play if used as an event.

OC: 1 EC: 0

Message from Allies:
More SPEC OPS...
1 AD flips on Ulithi.
105 6/18/2024 4:04:00 PM Sep-Dec 1942 Allies 78 1 Event #78: 1 / Submarine Attack: British X Craft Attack Singapore
Play during an offensive before the beginning of the combat phase, or at the conclusion of the Offensive if no battle hexes are declared during the Offensive. On a die roll of: 0-7: Japanese lose one naval step (Allies chooses, can eliminated a unit). 8-9: No Effect. The target naval unit must be inactive and in a non-Japanese Islands port hex. Draw one Strategy Card. Remove from play if used as an event.

OC: 1 EC: 0

Message from Allies:
Target Shokaku
Remember Pearl Harbor!
104 6/18/2024 1:29:00 AM Sep-Dec 1942 Japanese 53 3 Operations #53: 3 / WAR IN EUROPE: Minor Axis Victory
Decrease the War in Europe marker a number of spaces equal to the value associated with the year of the current game turn: 1942: 2 1943: 1 1944: No Effect 1945: No Effect Remove from play if used as an event.

OC: 5 EC: 0

Message from Japanese:
OC on CF HQ 3+3=6 acts

* 3407 (Kure) : Comb Fleet HQ (Yam) (Rivalry) Activates.
* 3407 (Kure) : [CA Mogami] Activates.
* 3706 (Tokyo) : BB Hiei Activates.
* 3706 (Tokyo) : BB Kongo Activates.
* 3014 (Samar/Leyte) : BB Nagato Activates.
* 3615 (Ulithi) : CVL Ryujo Activates.
* 4415 (Eniwetok) : 24 AF Activates.
* 3615 (Ulithi): CVL Ryujo moves to 4415 (Eniwetok)
* 4415 (Eniwetok): 24 AF moves to 3709 (Iwo Jima)
* 3706 (Tokyo): BB Hiei moves to 4017 (Truk)
* 3706 (Tokyo): BB Kongo moves to 4415 (Eniwetok)
* 3407 (Kure): [CA Mogami] moves to 3416 (Palau Islands)
* 3014 (Samar/Leyte): BB Nagato moves to 3615 (Ulithi)

With intelligence reports pouring in of imminent Allied naval action, the Combined Fleet redeploys. No battles or PBM, back to AP.
103 6/12/2024 9:44:00 PM Sep-Dec 1942 Allies 40 3 Event #40: 3 / Operation Dexterity: New Britain Invasion
Activate: Any HQ. Logistic Value: 5 if US SW HQ, for all others: 3

OC: 3 EC: 5

Message from Allies:
Event on CPAC (3+3)
* Strategic Record Track (0): Japanese Drawn Cards Marker moves to Strategic Record Track (1)
* 4600 (Attu/Kiska) : 2M Division Activates.
* 5808 (Oahu) : BB Washington Activates.
* 4825 (Espiritu Santo) : BB North Carolina Activates.
* 4825 (Espiritu Santo) : CV Wasp Activates.
* 4825 (Espiritu Santo) : CV Lexington Activates.
* 4828 (Noumea) : [CV Enterprise] Activates.
* Allied ASP Marker uses 3/3 ASP
* 4600 (Attu/Kiska): 2M Division moves to 4612 (Wake)
* 5808 (Oahu): BB Washington moves to 5321 (Funafuti)
* 4825 (Espiritu Santo): CV Lexington moves to 5321 (Funafuti)
* 4825 (Espiritu Santo): CV Wasp moves to 4423 (Guadalcanal)
* 4828 (Noumea): [CV Enterprise] moves to 3922 (Buna)
* 4825 (Espiritu Santo): BB North Carolina moves to 4423 (Guadalcanal)
* 4612 (Wake) is now Allied controlled.
* Allies have captured 6 progress of war hexes
no PBM, bty
101 6/11/2024 2:01:00 AM Sep-Dec 1942 Japanese 7 2 card as Event #7: 2 / US Joint Staff Debate: US Inter-Service Rivalry
Flip the US Inter-Service Rivalry Marker from its Strategic Agreement to its Inter-Service Rivalry side. No additional impact if Inter-Service Rivalry is already in effect. Draw one Strategy Card.

OC: 4 EC: 0

Message from Japanese:
Army-Navy relations deteriorate even further!
98 6/7/2024 11:55:00 AM Sep-Dec 1942 Allies 30 2 Event #30: 2 / Operation Sandcrab-Cottage: Recapture of Attu and Kiska
Activate: Any HQ. Logistic Value: 4 Conditions: If there is at least one Japanese occupied Aleutian Island hex(hexes 4600 to 5100 inclusive) this event MUST be played as an event to declare a minimum of one battle hex against a Japanese occupied Aleutian Island hex OR this card must be discarded. If there is no Japanese occupied Aleutian Island hex this event may be played as an OC. Remove from play if used as an event.

OC: 2 EC: 4

Message from Allies:
Event on CPAC (4+3)
* 4825 (Espiritu Santo) : M Brigade Activates.
* 4825 (Espiritu Santo) : CA Northampton Activates.
* 5100 (Dutch Harbor) : BB Washington Activates.
* 5100 (Dutch Harbor) : 2M Division Activates.
* 5808 (Oahu) : BB Mississippi Activates.
* 4024 (Gili Gili) : 2 MAW Activates.
* 4826 (Efate) : 1 MAW Activates.
* Allied ASP Marker uses 1/3 ASP
* Allied ASP Marker uses 2/3 ASP
* 5100 (Dutch Harbor): 2M Division moves to 4600 (Attu/Kiska)
* 4600 (Attu/Kiska): 2M Division joins Battle A
* 4600 (Attu/Kiska): [2 SN Bde] joins Battle A
* 5100 (Dutch Harbor): BB Washington moves to 5808 (Oahu)
* 5808 (Oahu): BB Mississippi moves to 5321 (Funafuti)
* 4825 (Espiritu Santo): M Brigade moves to 4719 (Nauru)
* 4825 (Espiritu Santo): CA Northampton moves to 4423 (Guadalcanal)
* 4024 (Gili Gili): 2 MAW moves to 3822 (Lae)
* 4826 (Efate): 1 MAW moves to 4825 (Espiritu Santo)
* 4825 (Espiritu Santo): 1 MAW moves to 4423 (Guadalcanal)
* 4719 (Nauru) is now Allied controlled.
* Allies have captured 4 progress of war hexes
* 3922 (Buna) is now Allied controlled.
* Allies have captured 5 progress of war hexes
96 6/5/2024 5:48:00 PM Sep-Dec 1942 Japanese 74 1 Event #74: 1 / Tokyo Rose: Mrs. Iva Ikuko D'Aquino
Reduce US Political Will by one. Remove from play if used as an event.

OC: 3 EC: 0

Message from Japanese:
Look who decided to show up...

88 6/2/2024 8:27:00 PM Sep-Dec 1942 Allies 36 3 Event #36: 3 / Operation Cherry Blossom: Bougainville Landing
Activate: Any HQ. Logistics Value: 5 Arleigh Burke: US CA naval units have 2 added to their attack strength for the duration of this Offensive.

OC: 3 EC: 5

Message from Allies:
Event on ANZAC (5+1)
* 3822 (Lae) : 3 Aus Corps Activates.
* 3822 (Lae) : 2 Aus Corps Activates.
* 3823 (Port Moresby) : XIV Corps Activates.
* 3023 (Darwin) : 1 Aus Corps Activates.
* 4423 (Guadalcanal) : 13AF LRB Activates.
* 4828 (Noumea) : 3NZ Division Activates.
* 3822 (Lae): 3 Aus Corps moves to 3922 (Buna)
* 3822 (Lae): 2 Aus Corps moves to 3922 (Buna)
* 4423 (Guadalcanal) : 13AF LRB Deactivates.
* 3823 (Port Moresby): XIV Corps moves to 3922 (Buna)
* 3822 (Lae) : Aus Air Activates.
* 3023 (Darwin): 1 Aus Corps moves to 3822 (Lae)
* 4828 (Noumea): 3NZ Division moves to 3823 (Port Moresby)
* 3822 (Lae): Aus Air joins Battle A
* 3922 (Buna): ED Army joins Battle A
* 3922 (Buna): [SS Bde] joins Battle A
* 3922 (Buna): 3 Aus Corps joins Battle A
* 3922 (Buna): 2 Aus Corps joins Battle A
* 3922 (Buna): XIV Corps joins Battle A
87 5/30/2024 2:34:00 AM Sep-Dec 1942 Japanese 16 3 Operations #16: 3 / Operation RI: New Guinea Offensive
Activation: Any HQ. Logistic Value: 4 Conditions: Only air and ground units may be activated.

OC: 5 EC: 7

Message from Japanese:
OC on CF HQ 3+3=6 acts

* 3407 (Kure) : Comb Fleet HQ (Yam) (Rivalry) Activates.
* 3407 (Kure) : CV Shokaku Activates.
* 3407 (Kure) : CV Junyo Activates.
* 3407 (Kure) : CVL Ryujo Activates.
* 3407 (Kure) : BB Nagato Activates.
* 3407 (Kure) : BB Yamato Activates.
* 3705 (Ominato) : CA Takao Activates.
* 3407 (Kure): CV Shokaku moves to 3813 (Saipan/Tinian)
* 3407 (Kure): BB Yamato moves to 3813 (Saipan/Tinian)
* 3705 (Ominato): CA Takao moves to 3813 (Saipan/Tinian)
* 3407 (Kure): CV Junyo moves to 3014 (Samar/Leyte)
* 3407 (Kure): BB Nagato moves to 3014 (Samar/Leyte)
* 3407 (Kure): CVL Ryujo moves to 3615 (Ulithi)

No battles, no PBM. BTY!
86 5/23/2024 12:19:00 PM Sep-Dec 1942 Allies 62 3 Operations #62: 3 / Operation King II: A-Day - "I Have Returned" Invasion of Leyte
Activate: Any HQ. Logistic Value: 8 if SW Pac HQ, for all others: 6 Conditions: may only be played as an event if at least one battle hex is declared in a Philippine hex. Remove from play if used as an event.

OC: 3 EC: 5

Message from Allies:
OC on SEAC (3+1)
* Air Units in China Box : 14AF Air Activates.
* 1905 (Dacca) : SEAC Air Activates.
* 1805 (Calcutta) : 4 Ind Corps Activates.
* 2306 : [ 66 Chinese Army] Activates.
* 1805 (Calcutta): 4 Ind Corps moves to 1905 (Dacca)
* 1905 (Dacca): 4 Ind Corps moves to 2005 (Dimasur)
* 2005 (Dimasur): 4 Ind Corps moves to 2104 (Jarhat)
* 2104 (Jarhat): 4 Ind Corps moves to 1905 (Dacca)
* 2104 (Jarhat) is now Allied controlled.
* Allies have captured 1 progress of war hexes
* 1905 (Dacca): SEAC Air moves to 1805 (Calcutta)
* Air Units in China Box: 14AF Air moves to 2104 (Jarhat)
* 2306: [ 66 Chinese Army] moves to 2206 (Lashio)
* 2206 (Lashio): [ 66 Chinese Army] moves to 2305 (Myitkyina)
* 2305 (Myitkyina): [ 66 Chinese Army] moves to 2206 (Lashio)
* 2305 (Myitkyina) is now Allied controlled.
* Allies have captured 2 progress of war hexes
* 2206 (Lashio) is now Allied controlled.
* Allies have captured 3 progress of war hexes
- No PBM, bt JP
76 5/16/2024 6:21:00 PM May-Aug 1942 Japanese 85 2 Operations #85: 2 / Battle of Kolombangara
Activation: Any HQ Intelligence: Intercept Logistic Value: Equal to Allied OC value. Conditions: Only naval units may be activated. Remove from play if used as an event.

OC: 4 EC: 0

Message from Japanese:
OC on South HQ 1+2=3 acts

* 2212 (Saigon) : South HQ (Rivalry) Activates.
* 2220 (Soerabaja) : [16th Army] Activates.
* 2212 (Saigon) : 38th Army Activates.
* 2008 (Rangoon) : 14th Army Activates.
* 2008 (Rangoon): 14th Army moves to 2106 (Mandalay)
* 2212 (Saigon): 38th Army moves to 2008 (Rangoon)
* 2220 (Soerabaja): [16th Army] moves to 2212 (Saigon)

No battles, no PBM. BTY for end of turn.
72 5/11/2024 8:35:00 PM May-Aug 1942 Allies 51 2 Event #51: 2 / Chenault: 14th Air Force Offensive
Activate: Any HQ. Logistic Value: 4 Condtions: Only air units may be activated. Bonus: The Allied player receives the non-LRB 14th AF air unit in any friendly, in supply airbase in North India or in the China air unit box. If neither of those locations is available, then bring the air unit into any friendly in supply airbase. If the US AVG air unit is in play, immediately remove it from the game. Remove from play if used as an event.

OC: 2 EC: 4

Message from Allies:
14 AF to China Box
ANZAC (4+1)
* Special Events : 14AF Air Activates.
* Special Events: 14AF Air moves to Air Units in China Box
* 3823 (Port Moresby) : ANZAC HQ (Rivalry) Activates.
* 3822 (Lae) : 5AF Air Activates.
* 4024 (Gili Gili) : Aus Air Activates.
* 4024 (Gili Gili): Aus Air moves to 3823 (Port Moresby)
* 3823 (Port Moresby): Aus Air moves to 3822 (Lae)
* 3626 (Cairns) : 5AF LRB Activates.
* 4423 (Guadalcanal) : 13AF Air Activates.
* 4825 (Espiritu Santo) : 13AF LRB Activates.
* 4423 (Guadalcanal): 13AF Air moves to 4024 (Gili Gili)
* 4024 (Gili Gili): 13AF Air moves to 3822 (Lae)
* 3626 (Cairns): 5AF LRB moves to 4024 (Gili Gili)
* 4825 (Espiritu Santo): 13AF LRB moves to 4423 (Guadalcanal)
* 4423 (Guadalcanal): 13AF LRB moves to 4024 (Gili Gili)
* 3720 (Wewak): [Tainan AG] joins Battle A
* 3822 (Lae): 13AF Air joins Battle A
* 3822 (Lae): Aus Air joins Battle A
* 3822 (Lae): 5AF Air joins Battle A
* 4024 (Gili Gili): 13AF LRB joins Battle A
* 4024 (Gili Gili): 5AF LRB joins Battle A
67 5/9/2024 2:30:00 AM May-Aug 1942 Japanese 61 2 Operations #61: 2 / Kamikaze Attack
Play prior to one battle of the Offensive that is within 11 hexes of Tokyo (3706) and within extended range of a Japanese air unit. The Japanese player eliminates two Allied naval steps (Japanese player's choice, may not eliminate a unit unless there is no other option), while reducing the Japanese air unit whose range was used one step (even if this would eliminate the air unit). No more than one Kamikaze per battle, but more than one Kamikaze per offensive is allowed. Draw One Strategy Card. Remove from play if used as an event.

OC: 4 EC: 0

Message from Japanese:
OC on SS HQ 2+2=4 acts

* 4017 (Truk) : South Seas HQ (Rivalry) Activates.
* 2915 (Davao) : 35th Army Activates.
* 3720 (Wewak) : 18th Army Activates.
* 4017 (Truk) : 19th Army Activates.
* 3922 (Buna) : [ED Army] Activates.
* 3720 (Wewak): 18th Army moves to 3721 (Madang)
* 2915 (Davao): 35th Army moves to 3721 (Madang)
* Japanese ASP Marker (Barges) uses 2/4 ASP
* Japanese ASP Marker (Barges) uses 3/4 ASP
* 4017 (Truk): 19th Army moves to 3922 (Buna)
* 3922 (Buna): [ED Army] moves to 4017 (Truk)

No battles, no PBM, BTY.
53 5/3/2024 9:16:00 PM May-Aug 1942 Allies 45 3 Event #45: 3 / Operation Flintlock: Marshall Is. Invasion
Activate: Any HQ. Logistic Value: 8 if US Central Pac HQ, for all others: 4

OC: 3 EC: 5

Message from Allies:
Event on ANZAC (4+1)
* 3823 (Port Moresby) : ANZAC HQ (Rivalry) Activates.
* 3823 (Port Moresby) : 2 Aus Corps Activates.
* 3823 (Port Moresby) : 3 Aus Corps Activates.
* 3823 (Port Moresby) : Aus Air Activates.
* 3626 (Cairns) : [XIV Corps] Activates.
* 4024 (Gili Gili) : 5AF Air Activates.
* 3823 (Port Moresby): 2 Aus Corps moves to 3822 (Lae)
* 3823 (Port Moresby): 3 Aus Corps moves to 3822 (Lae)
* 3822 (Lae): 3 Aus Corps joins Battle A
* 3822 (Lae): 2 Aus Corps joins Battle A
* 3822 (Lae): ED Army joins Battle A
* 3822 (Lae): SS Bde joins Battle A
* 3823 (Port Moresby): Aus Air joins Battle A
* 4024 (Gili Gili): 5AF Air moves to 3823 (Port Moresby)
* 3823 (Port Moresby): 5AF Air joins Battle A
* 3626 (Cairns): [XIV Corps] moves to 3823 (Port Moresby)
46 4/29/2024 1:59:00 AM May-Aug 1942 Japanese 58 3 Event #58: 3 / Western Force: Conquest of Sumatra
Activation: South or South Seas HQs only. Logistic Value: 5 Paratroopers: Prior to movement place a Japanese control marker in a hex that is within extended range of an active Japanese air unit if (1) the hex is either unoccupied or is occupied solely by a Dutch regiment; and (2) the hex is not within an unneutralized Allied air ZOI. Eliminate the Dutch regiment.

OC: 5 EC: 7

Message from Japanese:
EC on South HQ 1+5=6 acts

* 2212 (Saigon) : South HQ (Rivalry) Activates.
* 2008 (Rangoon) : 28th Army Activates.
* 2008 (Rangoon) : 5 AD Activates.
* 2008 (Rangoon) : Korean Army Activates.
* 2106 (Mandalay) : 4 AD Activates.
* 1813 (Medan) : 2 AD Activates.
* 1916 (Palembang) : [3 AD] Activates.
* Leningrad84 (Referee) creates Western Force in 2104 (Jarhat)
* 2104 (Jarhat) is now Japanese controlled.
* 2008 (Rangoon): 28th Army, Korean Army moves to 2105 (Imphal/Kohima)
* 2008 (Rangoon): 5 AD moves to 2106 (Mandalay)
* 1813 (Medan): 2 AD moves to 2106 (Mandalay)
* 1916 (Palembang): [3 AD] moves to 2106 (Mandalay)
* 2106 (Mandalay): 4 AD joins Battle A
* 2106 (Mandalay): 5 AD joins Battle A
* 2106 (Mandalay): 2 AD joins Battle A
* 2106 (Mandalay): [3 AD] joins Battle B

Over to AP for reaction.
45 4/26/2024 10:46:00 PM May-Aug 1942 Allies 71 2 Event #71: 2 / Victor Plans: MacArthur Liberates The Philippines
Activate: Any HQ. Logistic Value: 6 if SW Pac HQ, for all others: 4

OC: 2 EC: 4

Message from Allies:
Event on ANZAC (4+1)
* 3823 (Port Moresby) : [PM Bde] Activates.
* 3626 (Cairns) : 3 Aus Corps Activates.
* 3727 (Townsville) : 2 Aus Corps Activates.
* 3626 (Cairns) : 5AF Air Activates.
* 4825 (Espiritu Santo) : 13AF Air Activates.
* 3823 (Port Moresby): [PM Bde] moves to 4024 (Gili Gili)
* 3626 (Cairns): 3 Aus Corps moves to 3823 (Port Moresby)
* 3727 (Townsville): 2 Aus Corps moves to 3823 (Port Moresby)
* 3626 (Cairns): 5AF Air moves to 4024 (Gili Gili)
* 4825 (Espiritu Santo): 13AF Air moves to 4423 (Guadalcanal)
44 4/25/2024 6:30:00 PM May-Aug 1942 Japanese 10 3 Operations #10: 3 / 2nd Operational Phase: Solomon Island Expansion
Activation: Any HQ. Logistic Value: 6 Conditions: May only be played as an event if the Japanese Inter-Service Rivalry marker is on its Strategic Agreement side.

OC: 5 EC: 7

Message from Japanese:
OC on CF HQ 3+3=6 acts

* 3407 (Kure) : Comb Fleet HQ (Yam) (Rivalry) Activates.
* 3004 (Peiping) : 2 AD Activates.
* 3004 (Peiping) : 4 AD Activates.
* 3305 (Seoul) : Korean Army Activates.
* 3706 (Tokyo) : ED Army Activates.
* 3706 (Tokyo) : 1 AD Activates.
* 3704 (Hakodate) : [27th Army] Activates.
* 3004 (Peiping): 4 AD moves to 2106 (Mandalay)
* 3305 (Seoul): Korean Army moves to 2008 (Rangoon)
* 3004 (Peiping): 2 AD moves to 1813 (Medan)
* 3706 (Tokyo): ED Army moves to 3822 (Lae)
* 3706 (Tokyo): 1 AD moves to 3615 (Ulithi)
* 3704 (Hakodate): [27th Army] moves to 4415 (Eniwetok)

No battles or PBM, BTY.
38 4/22/2024 1:48:00 AM May-Aug 1942 Japanese 84 1 card as Event #84: 1 / JN25 Code Change
Intelligence: Intercept Draw one Strategy Card.

OC: 3 EC: 0

Message from Japanese:
37 4/20/2024 11:51:00 AM May-Aug 1942 Allies 13 3 card as Event #13: 3 / Operation Watchtower: Guadalcanal Invasion
Activation: Any HQ. Logistic Value: 5 Intelligence: Surprise Attack Conditions: A maximum of one ground unit may be activated for this Offensive.

OC: 3 EC: 0

Message from Allies:
Event on ANZAC (5+1)
* 3727 (Townsville) : CA Kent Activates.
* 4828 (Noumea) : 1M Division Activates.
* 4828 (Noumea) : CA Northampton Activates.
* 4828 (Noumea) : BB North Carolina Activates.
* 4828 (Noumea) : [CV Lexington] Activates.
* 4828 (Noumea) : [CV Wasp] Activates.
* 3727 (Townsville): CA Kent moves to 4021 (Rabaul)
* 4021 (Rabaul): CA Kent joins Battle A
* 4021 (Rabaul): CA Kent joins Battle A
* 4021 (Rabaul): 17th Army joins Battle A
* 4021 (Rabaul): 21 AF joins Battle A
* 4021 (Rabaul): CA Aoba joins Battle A
* 4021 (Rabaul): CA Nachi joins Battle A
* 4021 (Rabaul): CL Tenryu joins Battle A
* 4021 (Rabaul): APD Kamikaze joins Battle A
* 4828 (Noumea): 1M Division moves to 4423 (Guadalcanal)
* 4828 (Noumea): BB North Carolina moves to 4423 (Guadalcanal)
* 4828 (Noumea): CA Northampton moves to 4423 (Guadalcanal)
* 4828 (Noumea): [CV Lexington] moves to 4523 (San Cristobal)
* 4828 (Noumea): [CV Wasp] moves to 4523 (San Cristobal)
* 4523 (San Cristobal): [CV Wasp] joins Battle B
* 4423 (Guadalcanal): [4 SN Bde] joins Battle B
* 4423 (Guadalcanal): 1M Division joins Battle B
* 4423 (Guadalcanal): BB North Carolina joins Battle B
* 4423 (Guadalcanal): CA Northampton joins Battle B
* 4523 (San Cristobal): [CV Lexington] joins Battle B
* 3823 (Port Moresby) : ANZAC HQ (Rivalry) Activates.
30 4/17/2024 1:40:00 AM Sep-Dec 1942 Allies 29 2 o deck #29: 2 / Operation Toenails: New Georgia Invasion
OC: 2 EC: 4

Message from Allies:
29 4/17/2024 1:40:00 AM Sep-Dec 1942 Allies 13 3 o hand #13: 3 / Operation Watchtower: Guadalcanal Invasion

Message from Allies:
28 4/17/2024 1:39:00 AM Sep-Dec 1942 Allies 51 2 ed Strategy card from discard pile back to deck #51: 2 / Chenault: 14th Air Force Offensive

Message from Allies:
27 4/17/2024 1:39:00 AM Sep-Dec 1942 Allies 20 1 ed Strategy card from discard pile back to deck #20: 1 / Halsey Replaces Ghormley: Offensive Spirit

Message from Allies:
26 4/17/2024 1:39:00 AM Sep-Dec 1942 Allies 16 1 ed Strategy card from discard pile back to deck #16: 1 / Makin Island Raid: US Raiders

Message from Allies:
25 4/17/2024 1:38:00 AM Sep-Dec 1942 Allies 14 2 ed Strategy card from discard pile back to deck #14: 2 / WAR IN EUROPE: Minor Allied Victory

Message from Allies:
24 4/17/2024 1:37:00 AM Sep-Dec 1942 Allies 8 1 ed Strategy card from discard pile back to deck #8: 1 / Australian Coast Watchers

Message from Allies:
23 4/17/2024 1:37:00 AM Sep-Dec 1942 Allies 7 2 ed Strategy card from discard pile back to deck #7: 2 / Vinegar' Joe Stilwell: Burma Offensive

Message from Allies:
20 4/17/2024 1:34:00 AM Sep-Dec 1942 Japanese 74 1 o deck #74: 1 / Tokyo Rose: Mrs. Iva Ikuko D'Aquino
OC: 3 EC: 0

Message from Japanese:
19 4/17/2024 1:34:00 AM Sep-Dec 1942 Japanese 82 3 o deck #82: 3 / Indian Worker's Strike
OC: 5 EC: 0

Message from Japanese:
18 4/17/2024 1:34:00 AM Sep-Dec 1942 Japanese 38 3 o deck #38: 3 / Grand Escort Command: Improved Escort Organization
OC: 5 EC: 7

Message from Japanese:
17 4/17/2024 1:34:00 AM Sep-Dec 1942 Japanese 73 2 o deck #73: 2 / Ants: Japanese Barge Traffic Reinforcement
OC: 4 EC: 6

Message from Japanese:
16 4/17/2024 1:33:00 AM Sep-Dec 1942 Japanese 33 2 o deck #33: 2 / Imperial Intervention
OC: 4 EC: 0

Message from Japanese:
15 4/17/2024 1:33:00 AM Sep-Dec 1942 Japanese 26 2 o deck #26: 2 / Chiang Kai-shek: Anti Communist Offensive
OC: 4 EC: 0

Message from Japanese:
11 4/17/2024 1:32:00 AM Sep-Dec 1942 Japanese 26 2 o deck #26: 2 / Chiang Kai-shek: Anti Communist Offensive
OC: 4 EC: 0

Message from Japanese:
10 4/17/2024 1:31:00 AM Sep-Dec 1942 Japanese 35 3 m discard pile back to deck #35: 3 / Operation KE: Guadalcanal Evacuation

Message from Japanese:
9 4/17/2024 1:30:00 AM Sep-Dec 1942 Japanese 25 3 m discard pile back to deck #25: 3 / Operation KA: Battle for the Eastern Solomons

Message from Japanese:
8 4/17/2024 1:30:00 AM Sep-Dec 1942 Japanese 29 3 m discard pile back to deck #29: 3 / Combined Fleet: Battle of Santa Cruz

Message from Japanese:
7 4/17/2024 1:30:00 AM Sep-Dec 1942 Japanese 20 2 m discard pile back to deck #20: 2 / Naval Battle of Guadalcanal

Message from Japanese:
6 4/17/2024 1:29:00 AM Sep-Dec 1942 Japanese 73 2 ed Strategy card from discard pile back to deck #73: 2 / Ants: Japanese Barge Traffic Reinforcement

Message from Japanese:
5 4/17/2024 1:29:00 AM Sep-Dec 1942 Japanese 39 2 ed Strategy card from discard pile back to deck #39: 2 / Subhas Chandra Bose: Pro-Japanese Indian Army

Message from Japanese:
4 4/17/2024 1:29:00 AM Sep-Dec 1942 Japanese 18 1 ed Strategy card from discard pile back to deck #18: 1 / Bridge on River Kwai: Death Railroad

Message from Japanese:

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