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Entry # Time Turn Player Card Number Ops Type Entry
126 10/9/2024 12:09:00 PM Spring 1862 Union 82 3 Operations #82: 3 / Foreign Intervention - Reshuffle/Remove
Either player can play this card as an EC when Confederate SW is 110+. If this is the last card in a players hand or the second to last and the player holds the Emancipation Proclamation, if the condition is met, it must be played as an EC, if not it can be played as an OC. EFFECTS: 1. Union Blockade reduced by one (cannot become greater than 4 for the remainder of the game). 2. Union -2 SP Reinforcements for the remainder of the game (Union choice). 3. Union SW reduced by 10. Remove from deck if event is played. If card is played as an OC or discarded re-shuffle deck at end of the Strategy Phase.

Message from Union:
l'étranger ne bouge pas....

banks avec 0

1 manassas prends 6 laisse 6 à l'AoP
2-5 lewistown laisse 1 now 5
6 johnstown (6)
124 10/3/2024 6:27:00 PM Spring 1862 Confederate 104 1 Event #104: 1 / Big Bethel
Either player may move up to two infantry SPs from the same space as if they were led by a General. This move is a Corps move and may enter enemy controlled spaces because the SPs are moving as if they are led by a general.

Message from Confederate:
Un évènement dont je me serais bien passé :-/

J’active 2sp de Richmond. AoT (n4)
1) Hanover
2) Gordonsville
3) Charlottesville
4) Staunton
5) Franklin
6) Grafton, dépose 1sp (n1)
7) Wheeling
8) Pittsburgh (n1)
122 10/3/2024 8:11:00 AM Spring 1862 Union 1 1 Event #1: 1 / Empty Haversacks
Can be played as an Interrupt card to cancel the activation of any Confederate force, OR during a Union player's turn to cause a Confederate force to immediately execute an attrition procedure. In addition, conduct Forage if force has no LOC.

Message from Union:
à wheeling y a le covid
119 10/1/2024 5:09:00 PM Spring 1862 Confederate 96 2 Operations #96: 2 / Strategy Board
Union player may make a naval move with up to three SPs plus one general.

Message from Confederate:
Activation de l’AoNV (n6). Weston (n0)
1) Grafton, récupère Van Dorn et 4sp (n10)
2) Uniontown (CSA drm +8, USA drm +0). Au moins 2*/1. Vérifier si Pope est tué pendant la bataille. AoT (n9)
3) Change control
4) Pittsburgh, medium bataille. (CSA drm +7 USA drm +0). Au moins 2*/1. AoT (n8)
5) Change control
6) Wheeling
117 10/1/2024 10:03:00 AM Spring 1862 Union 69 3 Event #69: 3 / Gideon Welles, The Naval Program
The Union player may either increase the Blockade Level by one or increase the Amphibious Assault modifier by two.

Message from Union:
116 9/30/2024 5:15:00 PM Spring 1862 Confederate 73 1 Event #73: 1 / Ball's Bluff
The Union removes one SP (Confederate chooses) within two spaces (including a river connection) of a Confederate SP due to poor leadership. A Union SP can be removed from a Coastal fort.

Message from Confederate:
Pour l'evenement, je retire 1sp de Strasburg (n1)
115 9/26/2024 8:14:00 AM Spring 1862 Union 46 1 Event #46: 1 / Pro Union Secessionist in Tennessee
Union receives two PC markers in any Pro-Union space in Tennessee free of Confederate SPs and forts.

Message from Union:
PC knoxville rogersville
114 9/21/2024 3:02:00 PM Spring 1862 Confederate 75 2 Event #75: 2 / Western Concentration Block
Confederate player can either remove or demote an army commander in any state except Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, or Florida for no political cost. OR Confederate Player may move 5 SPs using Strategic Movement (rail connections only) to the same space with a Confederate General who is then activated and must attempt to enter a space with at least one or more Union SPs or fort. If a general casualty occurs in a battle caused by this card, the Commanding General is eligible, this is an exception to the rules. See 4.5 Remove from deck if event is played.

Message from Confederate:
Je n’avais pas vu que tu avais joué :-/
Bon voyage.

Pour l’évènement, je bouge:
1sp de Corinth (n0)
1sp de Decatur (n0)
1sp de Wilmington (n0)
1sp de Weldon (n0)

Vers Richmond, j’active Van Dorn (n4)
1) Hanover
2) Gordonsville
3) Charlottesville
4) Staunton
5) Franklin
6) Grafton
7) Parkersburg, small bataille, au moins 1/1. Van Dorn dépose 1sp (n2)
8) Grafton (n4)
113 9/17/2024 5:46:00 AM Spring 1862 Union 108 2 Operations #108: 2 / Richmond Bread Riots
Confederate player loses 2 SW. Remove from deck if event is played.

Message from Union:
désolé pour le retard... à propos, je serai à l'étranger de mercredi à lundi prochain.

Pope avec 1 sp
1-2 jackson prends 5 et curtis now 6 laisse 1
3 washington laisse 1 now 5
4 zanesville laisse 1 now 4
5 columbus laisse curtis et 2 now 2
6 coshocton
7 pittsburgh
8 uniontown (2)
112 9/11/2024 5:59:00 PM Spring 1862 Confederate 64 1 Operations #64: 1 / USS Kearsarge sinks USS Alabama
Union SW increased by one.

Message from Confederate:
Reorganisation des generaux
Van Dorn de Dover à AoT
Polk de AoNV à AoT
Pemberton de Columbus à AoT
111 9/10/2024 7:24:00 AM Spring 1862 Union 80 1 Operations #80: 1 / Southern Religious Revival
Confederate player immediately receives three SPs in a single space, and loses three SW points. SPs must be placed in a friendly controlled space (including Pro-Union spaces) with a LOC free of Union SPs.

Message from Union:
fort harper's ferry
110 9/9/2024 6:05:00 PM Spring 1862 Confederate 67 2 Operations #67: 2 / J.B. Eads, Riverine Ironclads
The Union Amphibious Assault modifier is increased by two.

Message from Confederate:
Création de l’AoT à Richmond (n6).
Lee général en chef
Forrest, général de cavalerie
108 9/9/2024 7:56:00 AM Spring 1862 Union 109 2 Operations #109: 2 / Fortified Lines
The Confederate player may place up to two forts in any friendly controlled space with an LOC free of Union SPs and forts.

Message from Union:
Burnside seul
1-2 lebanon prends 2 now 2
3-6 salem prends 2 now 4
7 jonesborough prends 2 now 6
8 cairo

je te laisse résoudre
93 8/28/2024 4:57:00 PM Fall 1861 Confederate 92 2 Operations #92: 2 / Baltimore Revolts
Confederate may place a friendly PC marker in Baltimore, MD, if the space is vacant.

Message from Confederate:
Activation de l’AoNV (n7). Hanover (n0)
1) Gordonsville
2) Charlottesville
3) Staunton
4) Franklin. Medium bataille (CSA 7sp drm +6, USA 2sp drm+0). Resultat au moins 2*/1. AoNV dépose 1sp et continue son mouvement (n5)
5) Grafton, dépose 2sp (n3)
6) Weston, small bataille (CSA 3sp, drm+6, USA 2sp drm+2) Resultat automatique 1*/1. Pope se retire à Charleston et perd 1spo de plus. AoNV reste à Weston (n2)
92 8/28/2024 4:32:00 PM Fall 1861 Union 100 3 Operations #100: 3 / Shiloh
Confederate Player may move 5 SPs using Strategic Movement (rail connections only) to the same space with a Confederate General who is then activated and must attempt to enter a space with at least one or more Union SPs or fort. If a general casualty occurs in a battle caused by this card, the Commanding General is eligible, this is an exception to the rules. See 4.5.

Message from Union:
Pope quitte l'AoP avec 5 laisse AoP 6

* Pope moved Manassas to Strasburg.
* Pope moved Strasburg to Franklin, WV.
* Pope moved Franklin, WV to Grafton.
* Pope moved Grafton to Wheeling. laisse 1 now 4
* Pope moved Wheeling to Grafton.
* Pope moved Grafton to Parkersburg. laisse 1 now 3
* Pope moved Parkersburg to Charleston, WV. laisse 1 now 2
* Pope moved Charleston, WV to Weston. (2)
84 8/26/2024 5:59:00 PM Fall 1861 Confederate 91 2 Operations #91: 2 / Letters of Marque
Increase Confederate SW by 1. Remove from deck if event is played.

Message from Confederate:
Ajout d'un PC à Lexington et Springfield MO.
83 8/26/2024 9:50:00 AM Fall 1861 Union 38 2 Operations #38: 2 / George W. Rains, Increased Gunpowder Production
Confederate immediately places two SPs in any friendly controlled space in Tennessee with an LOC (both SPs are placed in the same space). The SPs cannot be placed in a Pro Union space or one occupied by Union SPs or fort.

Message from Union:
* Burnside avec 2 moved Lexington, KY to Falmouth. prends 2 laisse 0
* Burnside moved Falmouth to Lexington, KY.
* Burnside moved Lexington, KY to Somerset.
* Burnside moved Somerset to Clinton.
* Burnside moved Clinton to Crossville. laisse 1
* Burnside moved Crossville to McMinnville. laisse 1
* Burnside moved McMinnville to Crossville.
* Burnside moved Crossville to Clinton. (2)
82 8/24/2024 4:48:00 PM Fall 1861 Confederate 72 2 Operations #72: 2 / John Ericsson's Monitor Fleet
The Union Amphibious Assault modifier is increased by two.

Message from Confederate:
Ajout d'un PC à St-Joseph et Kansas City
81 8/23/2024 10:20:00 AM Fall 1861 Union 43 1 Event #43: 1 / Kansas Admitted to Union
Union immediately gains one SP in any friendly or neutral space in Missouri free of Confederate SPs. Remove from deck if event is played.

Message from Union:
à Ironton
80 8/22/2024 4:43:00 PM Fall 1861 Confederate 34 1 Event #34: 1 / Elite Units
Place an Elite unit marker in any space with an Army. CSA: Stonewall Bde or Hood’s Tigers. USA: Iron Bde or Wilder’s Bde. Cannot be played if all elite unit markers are in play for that side.

Message from Confederate:
Ajout de la brigade Stonewall à AoNV
79 8/22/2024 11:17:00 AM Fall 1861 Union 30 3 Event #30: 3 / Glory Hallelujah
Union immediately receives three SPs for raising Negro troops. The SPs can be placed in any Union controlled space (even one without a LOC) that doesn’t contain a Confederate SP or fort.

Message from Union:
AoP 8 > 11
78 8/21/2024 4:58:00 PM Fall 1861 Confederate 14 3 Operations #14: 3 / Red River Campaign
May not be discarded by the Union. Union must use this card as an OC. If at the conclusion of movement, a Union SP is not on or adjacent to Grand Ecore, LA, then the Union loses 5 SW points. If a Union SP is in one of the objective spaces then a Union PC marker can immediately be placed to convert the space or spaces. Remove from deck if Union plays card.

Message from Confederate:
Définitivement pas la partie la plus glorieuse de A.Johnston…

Ajout d’un fort à Nashville.
74 8/19/2024 7:05:00 AM Fall 1861 Union 4 1 Event #4: 1 / Costly Mistake
Pick an enemy army with two or more subordinate generals (includes Cavalry Generals) and randomly determine a target general. On a die roll of 1-3 the chosen general is killed and removed from play. On a die roll of 4-6 the general is wounded and removed from play, but re-enters during the reinforcement phase of the next game turn.

Message from Union:
72 8/9/2024 4:14:00 PM Fall 1861 Confederate 9 3 Operations #9: 3 / Clara Barton
Union immediately adds three SPs due to improved sanitary conditions. Place in any space (friendly controlled or not) that already contains a Union SP and has a LOC, no more than one per space.

Message from Confederate:
Fort à Paducah.
71 8/8/2024 3:43:00 AM Fall 1861 Union 50 1 Operations #50: 1 / CSS Sumter, Commerce Raider
Union SW reduced by one.

Message from Union:
fort à cairo
47 8/4/2024 4:47:00 PM Summer 1861 Confederate 83 3 Event #83: 3 / Major Campaign
Conduct up to three moves or conduct one special army-size naval move. No SP, general, or army marker may be moved twice with the same campaign card. You must move a different force each move.

Message from Confederate:
1ere activation : Smith (n2). Dover (n0)
1) Paducah, récupere 2sp (n4). Paducah (n0)
2) Dover
3) Franklin
4) Nashville, récupère Price et 2sp (n6). Nadhville (n0)
5) Bowling Green

46 8/2/2024 3:33:00 AM Summer 1861 Union 55 1 Operations #55: 1 / CSS Tennessee
Confederate may place one Ironclad in a controlled port or coastal fort space.

Message from Union:
fort fredericks
45 8/1/2024 6:07:00 PM Summer 1861 Confederate 79 1 Event #79: 1 / Indian Allies
Confederate immediately receives one SP in any friendly space in Arkansas (no LOC required) that is free of Union SPs.

Message from Confederate:
Ajout d'1 sp à Little Rock (n1)
44 8/1/2024 4:05:00 AM Summer 1861 Union 10 3 Event #10: 3 / Dorothea Dix
Union immediately receives three SPs. Place in the Union Capital or in any space (friendly or not) that contains a Union army with a LOC.

Message from Union:
AoP 9 sp
43 7/31/2024 3:51:00 PM Summer 1861 Confederate 56 1 Operations #56: 1 / CSS Hunley
Place the CSS Hunley marker in any friendly port. Provides a +1 DRM to Confederate during next amphibious assault. Remove Hunley once modifier has been used. No more than one Hunley can be in play at a given time.

Message from Confederate:
Reorganisation des generaux :
A.Johnston de Nashville à AoNV, devient le general en second.
Polk de Columbus-KY à AoNV
Price de Paducah à Nashville
Smith de AoNV à Dover
42 7/30/2024 9:20:00 AM Summer 1861 Union 65 1 Operations #65: 1 / Union 90-Day Enlistments Expire
Union player removes three SPs (Union player’s choice).

Message from Union:
fort à manassas
41 7/29/2024 2:34:00 PM Summer 1861 Confederate 29 2 Operations #29: 2 / Crittenden Compromise
Union places (or flips in border states) two PC markers in any spaces free of Confederate SPs or forts which are not Resource spaces, Blockade Runner Ports, or Coastal forts. Void after Emancipation Proclamation. Remove from deck if event is played.

Message from Confederate:
Désolé pour le temps sans jouer, j’ai enchainé mes vacances après ma convalescence.

Pour remettre les Confédérés en ordre de bataille, activation de Smith (n1). Marion (n0)
1) Wilmington, récupère 1sp (n2). Wilmington (n0)
2-4) Weldon, récupère 1sp (n3). Weldon (n0)
5-7) Richmond, rejoint AoNV (n12)
34 7/5/2024 8:32:00 AM Summer 1861 Union 84 3 Event #84: 3 / Major Campaign
Conduct up to three moves or conduct one special army-size naval move. No SP, general, or army marker may be moved twice with the same campaign card. You must move a different force each move.

Message from Union:
1er mouv

Halleck avec 2
1 greencastle
2 indianapolis prends 1 now 3 laisse 0
3 greencastle
4 bloomington prends 2 et rosecrans now 5 laisse 0
5 lousville laisse 2 et rosecrans
6 lebanon laisse 1
7 bowling green (2)
réaction ?

32 6/25/2024 2:07:00 PM Summer 1861 Confederate 44 2 Operations #44: 2 / Western Virginia
Place three Union PC markers in any West Virginia space free of Confederate SPs. If the space contains a Confederate PC marker, it is flipped. Remove from deck if event is played.

Message from Confederate:
Création de l’AoNV à Richmond (n9).
General en chef :J.Johnston
2nd : Bragg
Cavalerie : Stuart

A.Johnston n’est pas content
USA SW : 100-
CSA SW : 105+ -2 -3 -> 100-
29 6/24/2024 11:49:00 AM Summer 1861 Union 110 3 Operations #110: 3 / The Gettysburg Address
Union player gains 3 SW. Remove from deck if event is played.

Message from Union:
AoP avec 8
1. strasburg prends 2 now 10 laisse 0
2. Franklin overrun
3. Lewisburg overrun
4. Weston overrun
5. Grafton overrun
6. Franklin (10)

soit il y a un piège que je n'ai pas vu, soit tu as fait une erreur

Tu me diras !
13 6/18/2024 2:34:00 PM Spring 1861 Confederate 102 3 Operations #102: 3 / First Manassas
Confederate Player may move 2 SPs using Strategic Movement from the same space using rail connections only (5 space maximum) to the same space with a Confederate General who is then activated and must attempt to enter a space with at least one or more Union SPs or fort. OR play this card as an automatic 2 space interception. Intervening space must be friendly controlled and free of enemy SPs. The intervening space may be the one just exited by the moving enemy force. No Generals or SPs may be picked up or dropped off during the intercept.

Message from Confederate:
J’aurais bien utilisé cette carte pour tenter une percée dans les lignes Nordistes, mais il y a eu trop de troupes à arriver…

J’active Beauregard (n4). Richmond (J.Johnston +2sp).
1) Hanover
2) Gordonsville
3) Charlottesville
4) Staunton
5) Franklin, dépose 1sp (n3)
6) Grafton, dépose 1sp (n2)
7) Weston, dépose 1sp (n1)
8) Lewisburg (n1)
12 6/17/2024 5:00:00 AM Spring 1861 Union 47 3 Operations #47: 3 / CSA Recognizes KY, MO, MD and DE
Confederate places a total of two SPs in any single space in KY, MO, MD or DE that contains a general or army in these states. The space can be controlled by either side or neutral and does not require a LOC. Remove from deck if event is played.

Message from Union:
* Army of the Potomac (6) (McDowell: 3) laisse 1 à WDC part avec 5, moved Washington, DC to Frederick. prends 1 laisse 1
* Army of the Potomac (6) (McDowell: 3) moved Frederick to Harpers Ferry. prends 1 laisse 1
* Army of the Potomac (7) (McDowell: 3) moved Harpers Ferry to Winchester, VA. laisse 1 now 6
* Army of the Potomac (6) (McDowell: 3) moved Winchester, VA to Strasburg. laisse 1 now 5
* Army of the Potomac (5) (McDowell: 3) moved Strasburg to Culpepper. laisse 1 now 4
* Army of the Potomac (4) (McDowell: 3) moved Culpepper to Manassas.
11 6/12/2024 4:10:00 PM Spring 1861 Confederate 61 3 Operations #61: 3 / Ship Island/Key West
Union Blockade Level is increased by one. In addition, if Fort Philip/Jackson does not contain a CSA SP place a friendly PC marker in that space.

Message from Confederate:
Activation de Price (n1). Fayetteville (n0)
1-2) Little Rock, récupère 1sp (n2). Little Rock (n0)
3-5) Memphis, récupère Polk et 1sp (n3). Memphis (n0)
6-7) Columbus, dépose Polk et 1sp.
8) Paducah (n2)
10 6/12/2024 10:30:00 AM Spring 1861 Union 16 2 Operations #16: 2 / Grierson's Raid
Union may place two Union PC markers in any spaces within four spaces (includes river connections) of a single Union cavalry brigade. The four space range cannot be traced through Northeast Alabama and may not contain a Confederate SP or Fort, but may contain an Ironclad or Torpedoes.

Message from Union:
PC franklin weston WV
9 6/7/2024 3:54:00 PM Spring 1861 Confederate 22 3 Event #22: 3 / Josiah Gorgas, Chief of Ordnance
Confederate immediately receives three SPs in any friendly controlled space with a LOC,free of Union SPs and forts. No more than one SP per Confederate controlled state. No SPs may be placed in Pro-Union spaces.

Message from Confederate:
Exact, après le mouvement de J.Johnston il y a seulement 5sp à Richmond, doux rêve :-/

Mais le 6eme arrive !
Avec l’évènement, ajout :
1sp à Richmond (n6)
1sp à Fort-Philip-Jackson (n1)
1sp à Sabine City (n1)
8 6/7/2024 5:06:00 AM Spring 1861 Union 37 2 Operations #37: 2 / Confederate Scientist
Confederate immediately receives three SPs in any friendly controlled space with a LOC, free of Union SPs or forts. No more than one SP per confederate controlled state. No SPs may be placed in Pro-Union spaces.

Message from Union:
PC parkersburg grafton WV
5 6/6/2024 2:51:00 PM Spring 1861 Confederate 76 2 Operations #76: 2 / Great Sioux Uprising
Remove one Union commanding general at no SW penalty. Penalties for promoting a general with a lower political value still apply. OR remove ANY Union non-commanding general (even second in commands) from the game. Remove from deck if event is played.

Message from Confederate:
Ca fait beaucoup de troupes pour le Nord.
D’un autre coté ça fait plus de cibles à viser !

On va quand même se mettre à l’abri derrière les murs de Richmond…

Activation de J.Johnston (n1), Winchester (n0)
1) Strasburg
2) Manassas, récupère Beauregard et 3sp (n5)
3) Fredericksburg
4) Hanover
5) Richmond, récupère 1sp (n6)
4 6/6/2024 8:44:00 AM Spring 1861 Union 40 3 Event #40: 3 / Emergency Call for Volunteers
Union receives five SPs, no more than two SPs in any space. Placement spaces must be friendly controlled, have a LOC and be free of Confederate SPs or forts.

Message from Union:
Joyeuse guerre au Sud, en espérant que cette fois Dieu soit du côté des Yankees.
Sauf que Dieu n'est pas avec nous et il déteste les corniauds de mon genre !

1 SP fredeick now 2
1 SP AoP now 6
2 SP baltimore now 2
1 SP harrisburg now 1

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