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For the People: George Dan 2 Card Play Report

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Entry # Time Turn Player Card Number Ops Type Entry
35 8/26/2024 1:26:00 PM Summer 1861 Union 102 3 Operations #102: 3 / First Manassas
Confederate Player may move 2 SPs using Strategic Movement from the same space using rail connections only (5 space maximum) to the same space with a Confederate General who is then activated and must attempt to enter a space with at least one or more Union SPs or fort. OR play this card as an automatic 2 space interception. Intervening space must be friendly controlled and free of enemy SPs. The intervening space may be the one just exited by the moving enemy force. No Generals or SPs may be picked up or dropped off during the intercept.

Message from Union:
PC Somerset, Lexington, Falmouth
30 8/26/2024 12:10:00 PM Summer 1861 Confederate 7 1 Event #7: 1 / Mud March
Interrupt enemy force currently moving to no more than one space of movement. (Converting a space counts as movement.) Applies to only one move during a Major or Minor campaign card, but not a special army-naval move.

Message from Confederate:
Not sure if this interrupts your amphibious or not. If it does, I'll use it that way to stop the invasion of Fort Gadson. If not I will use it to sail one sp from Decatur to Dover
* 1 Confederate SP moved Decatur, AL to Dover, TN.
29 8/26/2024 10:38:00 AM Summer 1861 Union 48 3 Operations #48: 3 / Brazil Recognizes the Confederacy
Confederate gains +3 SW. Remove from deck if event is played.

Message from Union:
Thought I did this.
2 SPs from DC (11) to Fort Gadsen
automatic 1/1
1 SP remains
28 8/24/2024 12:03:00 PM Summer 1861 Confederate 17 3 Event #17: 3 / CSA Purchasing Agent
Confederate immediately receives three SPs in any open Blockade Runner Port, no more than one SP per port, but more than one SP per Blockade Zone is permitted. If insufficient ports are available, the excess SPs are lost.

Message from Confederate:
* 1 Confederate SP placed at Charleston, SC.
* 1 Confederate SP placed at Wilmington, NC.
* 1 Confederate SP placed at Norfolk.
27 8/23/2024 10:28:00 AM Summer 1861 Union 68 2 Event #68: 2 / Lincoln Declares Southern Blockade
The Union Blockade Level is increased by one. Remove from deck if event is played.

Message from Union:
Sorry to hear about COVID. It's really a drag. Hope you're doing better.

One adjustment to your move. CS SW -2 (94-) due to Bragg being elevated above ASJ

Play this as event. Blockade level to 1
26 8/23/2024 9:09:00 AM Summer 1861 Confederate 40 3 Operations #40: 3 / Emergency Call for Volunteers
Union receives five SPs, no more than two SPs in any space. Placement spaces must be friendly controlled, have a LOC and be free of Confederate SPs or forts.

Message from Confederate:
Create AoV in Manassas, Bragg in command.

Sorry for the delay. Had some Covid like stuff and then had to start the new semester.
24 8/7/2024 2:45:00 PM Summer 1861 Union 51 1 Operations #51: 1 / Confederate Torpedoes
Confederate receives three torpedo counters. Must be placed in a friendly controlled port, and no more than one per space. Torpedoes provide a -1 DRM against Running the Guns and a +1 DRM against amphibious assaults.

Message from Union:
Lets start by reorganizing those generals I just placed
Butler to AOP
Burnside to Bloomington
Pope to Salem
Halleck to Bloomington
Banks to Pittsburgh
Rosecrans to HF
Fremont to Grafton
12 8/6/2024 1:02:00 PM Spring 1861 Confederate 35 1 Operations #35: 1 / Elite Units
Place an Elite unit marker in any space with an Army. CSA: Stonewall Bde or Hood’s Tigers. USA: Iron Bde or Wilder’s Bde. Cannot be played if all elite unit markers are in play for that side.

Message from Confederate:
11 8/6/2024 9:30:00 AM Spring 1861 Union 26 3 Operations #26: 3 / Cotton is King
If played by Union, reduce Confederate SW by 2; if played by Confederate, Confederate immediately receives two SPs in any Blockade Runner port, no more than one SP per port, but more than 1SP per Blockade zone is permitted. If insufficient ports are available, the excess SPs are lost. Remove from deck if event is played.

Message from Union:
2 from AOP (6) to Forts St Philip/Jackson
auto win with 1 loss.
10 8/5/2024 5:52:00 PM Spring 1861 Confederate 52 3 Operations #52: 3 / Trent Affair
Confederate gains 5 SW points. Remove from deck if event is played.

Message from Confederate:
Fort Nashville
9 8/3/2024 12:47:00 PM Spring 1861 Union 77 2 Operations #77: 2 / Stop the War
Union SW reduced by five points. Remove from deck if event is played.

Message from Union:
PC Grafton, Parkersburg
8 7/25/2024 12:38:00 PM Spring 1861 Confederate 47 3 Operations #47: 3 / CSA Recognizes KY, MO, MD and DE
Confederate places a total of two SPs in any single space in KY, MO, MD or DE that contains a general or army in these states. The space can be controlled by either side or neutral and does not require a LOC. Remove from deck if event is played.

Message from Confederate:
PCs in Paducah, Bowling Green, Lebanon KY
7 7/23/2024 12:22:00 PM Spring 1861 Union 3 1 Operations #3: 1 / Forward to Richmond
Union may activate any Union army within 4 spaces of Richmond, VA. The army must enter Richmond or move as close to Richmond as possible, but may convert spaces to maintain an LOC. All SPs associated with the army must be moved (no dropping off SPs), except 1 SP may be left if the Army began its movement from a fort (if last SP, move completed). If played by the Confederate, he draws a card from the Union hand which is discarded, and the Union player follows the instructions of this card as his next card play.

Message from Union:
Fort Frederick
6 7/23/2024 11:22:00 AM Spring 1861 Confederate 71 3 Operations #71: 3 / General Scott, The Anaconda Plan
The Union player may either increase the Blockade Level by one or increase the Amphibious Assault modifier by two.

Message from Confederate:
Add fort to Manassas
5 7/22/2024 1:47:00 PM Spring 1861 Union 30 3 Event #30: 3 / Glory Hallelujah
Union immediately receives three SPs for raising Negro troops. The SPs can be placed in any Union controlled space (even one without a LOC) that doesn’t contain a Confederate SP or fort.

Message from Union:
As event.
3 to DC (8)

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