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Entry # Time Turn Player Card Number Ops Type Entry
134 12/20/2024 9:52:00 PM Fall 1862 Confederate 88 3 Event #88: 3 / Minor Campaign
Conduct up to two moves or conduct one special army-size naval move. No SP, general, or army marker may be moved twice with the same campaign card. You must move a different force each move.

Message from Confederate:
132 12/20/2024 4:06:00 PM Fall 1862 Union 101 3 Operations #101: 3 / Chickamauga
Confederate Player may move 5 SPs using Strategic Movement (rail connections only) to the same space with a Confederate General who is then activated and must attempt to enter a space with at least one or more Union SPs or fort. If a general casualty occurs in a battle caused by this card, the Commanding General is eligible, this is an exception to the rules. See 4.5.

Message from Union:
Pope presses on.
131 12/20/2024 3:52:00 PM Fall 1862 Confederate 78 3 Operations #78: 3 / Personal Advisor
Either player may remove or demote from army command one general for no SW penalty. Penalties for promoting a general with a lower political value still apply. OR remove ANY non-commanding general (even second in commands) from the game.

Message from Confederate:
130 12/20/2024 3:36:00 PM Fall 1862 Union 117 3 Operations #117: 3 / Clandestine Blockade Runner Port
If the state of Florida and the St. Marks, Florida space is Confederate controlled, St. Marks is treated as a blockade runner port for the remainder of the game. Place (no LOC required) 2SPs and a fort (optional if available) in the St. Marks space. Remove from deck if event is played.

Message from Union:
Pope presses on.
124 12/20/2024 2:37:00 PM Fall 1862 Confederate 73 1 Operations #73: 1 / Ball's Bluff
The Union removes one SP (Confederate chooses) within two spaces (including a river connection) of a Confederate SP due to poor leadership. A Union SP can be removed from a Coastal fort.

Message from Confederate:
123 12/20/2024 1:51:00 PM Fall 1862 Union 45 3 Operations #45: 3 / Food Shortage
Confederate loses SW equal to current Union blockade value.

Message from Union:
Pope on the move.
121 12/20/2024 12:16:00 PM Fall 1862 Confederate 67 2 Operations #67: 2 / J.B. Eads, Riverine Ironclads
The Union Amphibious Assault modifier is increased by two.

Message from Confederate:
120 12/20/2024 12:03:00 PM Fall 1862 Union 53 1 Operations #53: 1 / CSS Arkansas
Confederate may place one Ironclad in a controlled port or coastal fort space.

Message from Union:
Fort in West Virginia.
119 12/20/2024 11:54:00 AM Fall 1862 Confederate 113 2 Operations #113: 2 / Washington Defenses
The Union player may place 3 forts in friendly controlled spaces, unoccupied by Confederate SPs, on or within two spaces of the Union Capital (any location) OR 2 forts in any friendly controlled spaces unoccupied by Confederate SPs. Remove from deck if event is played.

Message from Confederate:
117 12/20/2024 11:29:00 AM Fall 1862 Union 12 3 Operations #12: 3 / Cabinet Intrigue
Union SW reduced by three.

Message from Union:
Burnside on the move.
116 12/20/2024 11:10:00 AM Fall 1862 Confederate 28 1 Operations #28: 1 / Franz Sigel
Union immediately receives one SP in St. Louis, MO space if no Confederate SPs or fort are present, whether it is controlled by either side or neutral; OR Confederate plays card at the beginning of a battle and receives a +2 DRM in the battle.

Message from Confederate:
115 12/20/2024 11:10:00 AM Fall 1862 Confederate 78 3 o hand #78: 3 / Personal Advisor

Message from Confederate:
114 12/20/2024 11:09:00 AM Fall 1862 Confederate 78 3 Operations #78: 3 / Personal Advisor
Either player may remove or demote from army command one general for no SW penalty. Penalties for promoting a general with a lower political value still apply. OR remove ANY non-commanding general (even second in commands) from the game.

Message from Confederate:
112 12/19/2024 11:28:00 PM Fall 1862 Union 59 2 Event #59: 2 / Farragut
Union may make a naval more with up to three SPs plus one general. Move may pass one ungarrisoned fort without “running the guns” to conduct an amphibious assault (may not pass an ironclad). Ignore first torpedo encountered during naval move. If the port space is captured it immediately receives a Union PC marker. Add +2 to Running the Guns die roll.

Message from Union:
Attack on Ft St Phillip/Jackson.
111 12/19/2024 11:19:00 PM Fall 1862 Confederate 9 3 Operations #9: 3 / Clara Barton
Union immediately adds three SPs due to improved sanitary conditions. Place in any space (friendly controlled or not) that already contains a Union SP and has a LOC, no more than one per space.

Message from Confederate:
110 12/19/2024 10:38:00 PM Fall 1862 Union 41 2 Operations #41: 2 / Gov. Isham Harris, Tennessee Confederate
Confederate immediately places two SPs in any friendly controlled space in Tennessee with a LOC (both SPs are placed in the same space). SPs may not be placed in Pro-Union spaces or one occupied by Union SPs or a fort.

Message from Union:
Hooker moves to quell Baltimore revolts.
103 12/16/2024 8:27:00 PM Summer 1862 Confederate 92 2 Event #92: 2 / Baltimore Revolts
Confederate may place a friendly PC marker in Baltimore, MD, if the space is vacant.

Message from Confederate:
102 12/16/2024 8:27:00 PM Summer 1862 Confederate 92 2 o hand #92: 2 / Baltimore Revolts

Message from Confederate:
101 12/16/2024 8:27:00 PM Summer 1862 Confederate 92 2 Operations #92: 2 / Baltimore Revolts
Confederate may place a friendly PC marker in Baltimore, MD, if the space is vacant.

Message from Confederate:
100 12/16/2024 8:11:00 PM Summer 1862 Union 27 3 Operations #27: 3 / Choctaw Indians
Confederate randomly removes one strategy card from the Union player’s hand, which is discarded.

Message from Union:
Burnside completes subduing Texas.
99 12/16/2024 7:50:00 PM Summer 1862 Confederate 80 1 Event #80: 1 / Southern Religious Revival
Confederate player immediately receives three SPs in a single space, and loses three SW points. SPs must be placed in a friendly controlled space (including Pro-Union spaces) with a LOC free of Union SPs.

Message from Confederate:
98 12/16/2024 5:42:00 PM Summer 1862 Union 57 2 Operations #57: 2 / Admiral Foote
Union may make a naval move with up to three SPs plus one general. If an amphibious assault occurs, you receive an additional +2 DRM. Add +2DRM to any Running the Guns die roll.

Message from Union:
Burnside on the move.
97 12/16/2024 4:42:00 PM Summer 1862 Confederate 32 3 Event #32: 3 / Dixie Land
Confederate defiance against the “War of Northern Aggression” hardens. Increase Confederate SW by three points.

Message from Confederate:
90 12/16/2024 3:19:00 PM Summer 1862 Confederate 3 1 Event #3: 1 / Forward to Richmond
Union may activate any Union army within 4 spaces of Richmond, VA. The army must enter Richmond or move as close to Richmond as possible, but may convert spaces to maintain an LOC. All SPs associated with the army must be moved (no dropping off SPs), except 1 SP may be left if the Army began its movement from a fort (if last SP, move completed). If played by the Confederate, he draws a card from the Union hand which is discarded, and the Union player follows the instructions of this card as his next card play.

Message from Confederate:
try this again no file
89 12/16/2024 1:33:00 PM Summer 1862 Union 97 1 Operations #97: 1 / Davis Tours the South
Increase Confederate SW by 3.

Message from Union:
Fort in Vicksburg.
88 12/16/2024 1:06:00 PM Summer 1862 Confederate 128 3 Event #128: 3 / Union Naval Supply Shortage
The Union blockade level is decreased by one. Remove from deck if event is played.

Message from Confederate:
87 12/16/2024 12:40:00 PM Summer 1862 Union 70 2 Event #70: 2 / Gustavus Fox, Ironclad Building Program
The Union Amphibious Assault modifier is increased by two.

Message from Union:
US Navy grows.
86 12/16/2024 11:28:00 AM Summer 1862 Confederate 46 1 Operations #46: 1 / Pro Union Secessionist in Tennessee
Union receives two PC markers in any Pro-Union space in Tennessee free of Confederate SPs and forts.

Message from Confederate:
85 12/16/2024 10:09:00 AM Summer 1862 Union 42 2 Operations #42: 2 / Kentucky Anarchy
Remove up to three enemy PC markers in Kentucky. You must also remove one of your own PC markers from the state if you have any there. Removal of a PC marker makes a space neutral. Remove from deck if event is played.

Message from Union:
Burnside is given command of new army.
84 12/16/2024 9:14:00 AM Summer 1862 Confederate 39 2 Event #39: 2 / Draft Riots in New York
The Union must remove three SPs (Union chooses). If possible the SPs must come from Pennsylvania, Maryland, New Jersey, or Washington DC.

Message from Confederate:
83 12/16/2024 9:02:00 AM Summer 1862 Union 112 2 Operations #112: 2 / Severe Storms at Sea
Interrupt card, cancel a Naval movement initiated by a 3OC. This card cannot cancel a Naval movement initiated by an Event card (including a naval movement initiated by a campaign card event). Remove from deck if event is played.

Message from Union:
Pope retreats with his tail between his legs.
75 12/15/2024 8:07:00 AM Spring 1862 Confederate 90 3 Operations #90: 3 / Habeas Corpus
Reduce Union SW by 2. Remove from deck if event is played.

Message from Confederate:
74 12/15/2024 2:58:00 AM Spring 1862 Union 20 3 Operations #20: 3 / Union Arms Production Delayed
Confederate removes two Union SPs (Confederate chooses). No more than one SP can be removed from a space and the SP cannot be the last SP in the space.

Message from Union:
Buell takes the bait.
72 12/14/2024 10:21:00 PM Spring 1862 Confederate 114 3 Operations #114: 3 / Frederick Douglas
Union immediately receives five SPs for raising freemen Negro troops. The SPs can be placed in any single Union controlled space with a LOC in NJ, DE, PA or the space that contains the Union capital that does not contain Confederate SPs or forts. Remove from deck if event is played.

Message from Confederate:
69 12/14/2024 11:16:00 AM Spring 1862 Union 85 3 Event #85: 3 / Minor Campaign
Conduct up to two moves or conduct one special army-size naval move. No SP, general, or army marker may be moved twice with the same campaign card. You must move a different force each move.

Message from Union:
Operations on the Mississipi.
68 12/14/2024 11:12:00 AM Spring 1862 Confederate 40 3 Operations #40: 3 / Emergency Call for Volunteers
Union receives five SPs, no more than two SPs in any space. Placement spaces must be friendly controlled, have a LOC and be free of Confederate SPs or forts.

Message from Confederate:
67 12/14/2024 10:12:00 AM Spring 1862 Union 120 1 Operations #120: 1 / Horace Greeley Editorial
If played by the Union increase Union SW by 1. If played by the Confederate decrease Union SW by 1.

Message from Union:
Fort in Frederick.
66 12/14/2024 7:51:00 AM Spring 1862 Confederate 130 3 Operations #130: 3 / Union Siege Guns
Union plays card at beginning of a battle (or Amphibious Assault) that has a Confederate fort present and cancels Confederate fort die roll modifier in the battle. Remove from deck if event is played. Draw a strategy card.

Message from Confederate:
65 12/14/2024 1:10:00 AM Spring 1862 Union 65 1 Operations #65: 1 / Union 90-Day Enlistments Expire
Union player removes three SPs (Union player’s choice).

Message from Union:
Fort in Memphis.
64 12/13/2024 9:13:00 PM Spring 1862 Confederate 123 1 Operations #123: 1 / Quantrill’s Raiders
If played by the Confederate player place or flip 2 PC makers in a Missouri space (except St. Louis), which does not contain Union SPs or forts. If played by the Union player increase Union SW by 1 for increased resolve due to atrocities. Remove from deck if event is played.

Message from Confederate:
63 12/13/2024 5:36:00 PM Spring 1862 Union 48 3 Operations #48: 3 / Brazil Recognizes the Confederacy
Confederate gains +3 SW. Remove from deck if event is played.

Message from Union:
Pope rallies his army to take Nashville.
62 12/13/2024 4:33:00 PM Spring 1862 Confederate 63 2 Operations #63: 2 / Beaufort/Port Royal Captured
The Union Blockade Level is increased by one.

Message from Confederate:
60 12/13/2024 12:45:00 PM Spring 1862 Union 106 3 Operations #106: 3 / British Clydeside Shipyards
Confederate immediately receives three SPs in any open Blockade Runner Port, no more than one SP per port, but more than one SP per Blockade zone is permitted. If insufficient ports are available, the excess SPs are lost.

Message from Union:
Pope continues his march along the Cumberland.
59 12/13/2024 12:06:00 PM Spring 1862 Confederate 109 2 Event #109: 2 / Fortified Lines
The Confederate player may place up to two forts in any friendly controlled space with an LOC free of Union SPs and forts.

Message from Confederate:
56 12/13/2024 9:34:00 AM Spring 1862 Union 91 2 Operations #91: 2 / Letters of Marque
Increase Confederate SW by 1. Remove from deck if event is played.

Message from Union:
Pope on the move.
50 12/12/2024 3:56:00 PM Fall 1861 Confederate 68 2 Operations #68: 2 / Lincoln Declares Southern Blockade
The Union Blockade Level is increased by one. Remove from deck if event is played.

Message from Confederate:
49 12/12/2024 12:54:00 PM Fall 1861 Union 10 3 Operations #10: 3 / Dorothea Dix
Union immediately receives three SPs. Place in the Union Capital or in any space (friendly or not) that contains a Union army with a LOC.

Message from Union:
Rosencrans dispatched to deal with the unrest in West Virginia.
48 12/12/2024 11:52:00 AM Fall 1861 Confederate 64 1 Operations #64: 1 / USS Kearsarge sinks USS Alabama
Union SW increased by one.

Message from Confederate:
47 12/12/2024 11:13:00 AM Fall 1861 Union 22 3 Operations #22: 3 / Josiah Gorgas, Chief of Ordnance
Confederate immediately receives three SPs in any friendly controlled space with a LOC,free of Union SPs and forts. No more than one SP per Confederate controlled state. No SPs may be placed in Pro-Union spaces.

Message from Union:
PC placement in Missouri and West Virginia.
46 12/12/2024 11:09:00 AM Fall 1861 Confederate 125 1 Operations #125: 1 / Confederate Locomotive shortage
The Union player may randomly remove one strategy card from the Confederate hand, which is discarded. Remove from deck if event is played.

Message from Confederate:
45 12/12/2024 10:03:00 AM Fall 1861 Union 18 2 Operations #18: 2 / Confederate Inflation
Confederate SW reduced by two.

Message from Union:
Burnside diverted to round up confederate sympathizers in Missouri.
44 12/12/2024 9:48:00 AM Fall 1861 Confederate 98 2 Operations #98: 2 / Cape Hatteras Operations
Increase Union Blockade Level by 1

Message from Confederate:
43 12/12/2024 9:38:00 AM Fall 1861 Union 34 1 Operations #34: 1 / Elite Units
Place an Elite unit marker in any space with an Army. CSA: Stonewall Bde or Hood’s Tigers. USA: Iron Bde or Wilder’s Bde. Cannot be played if all elite unit markers are in play for that side.

Message from Union:
McClellan takes command of the Army of the Potomac.
42 12/12/2024 9:31:00 AM Fall 1861 Confederate 56 1 Event #56: 1 / CSS Hunley
Place the CSS Hunley marker in any friendly port. Provides a +1 DRM to Confederate during next amphibious assault. Remove Hunley once modifier has been used. No more than one Hunley can be in play at a given time.

Message from Confederate:
41 12/12/2024 9:11:00 AM Fall 1861 Union 43 1 Event #43: 1 / Kansas Admitted to Union
Union immediately gains one SP in any friendly or neutral space in Missouri free of Confederate SPs. Remove from deck if event is played.

Message from Union:
Troops move into Missouri.
40 12/12/2024 8:31:00 AM Fall 1861 Confederate 14 3 Operations #14: 3 / Red River Campaign
May not be discarded by the Union. Union must use this card as an OC. If at the conclusion of movement, a Union SP is not on or adjacent to Grand Ecore, LA, then the Union loses 5 SW points. If a Union SP is in one of the objective spaces then a Union PC marker can immediately be placed to convert the space or spaces. Remove from deck if Union plays card.

Message from Confederate:
39 12/11/2024 11:25:00 PM Fall 1861 Union 111 2 Operations #111: 2 / Wilson’s Raid
Union may place two Union PC markers in any spaces within four spaces (includes river connections) of a single Union cavalry brigade. The four space range CAN be traced through Northeast Alabama. These PC Markers (in contravention of rule 11.3D), CAN be placed in blockade runner ports/ and or resource spaces devoid of Confederate SPs or forts (but may contain an Ironclad or Torpedoes), resulting in their immediate destruction. Remove from deck if event is played.

Message from Union:
Pope is given command of new army.
34 12/11/2024 5:40:00 PM Summer 1861 Union 17 3 Operations #17: 3 / CSA Purchasing Agent
Confederate immediately receives three SPs in any open Blockade Runner Port, no more than one SP per port, but more than one SP per Blockade Zone is permitted. If insufficient ports are available, the excess SPs are lost.

Message from Union:
Pope secures Kentucky for the Union.
31 12/11/2024 4:44:00 PM Summer 1861 Confederate 121 3 Event #121: 3 / Minor Campaign
Conduct up to two moves or conduct one special army-size naval move. No SP, general, or army marker may be moved twice with the same campaign card. You must move a different force each move.

Message from Confederate:
30 12/11/2024 4:11:00 PM Summer 1861 Union 15 1 Operations #15: 1 / Mosby's Raiders
Confederate can remove two Union PC Markers in Virginia within 2 spaces of Winchester, VA. The spaces may contain Union generals, SPs or forts.

Message from Union:
Battle for the hearts and minds in West Virginia.
29 12/11/2024 3:25:00 PM Summer 1861 Confederate 36 1 Event #36: 1 / Elite Units
Place an Elite unit marker in any space with an Army. CSA: Stonewall Bde or Hood’s Tigers. USA: Iron Bde or Wilder’s Bde. Cannot be played if all elite unit markers are in play for that side.

Message from Confederate:
28 12/11/2024 2:43:00 PM Summer 1861 Union 127 2 Event #127: 2 / Brooklyn Navy Yard Conversions
The Union blockade level is increased by one. Remove from deck if event is played.

Message from Union:
Navy increases tempo of operations.
27 12/11/2024 2:29:00 PM Summer 1861 Confederate 116 2 Operations #116: 2 / Confederate River Flotilla
Roll the die, if the result is greater than the Union Amphibious Assault modifier, reduce the Union Amphibious Assault modifier by one, other wise no effect. Remove from deck if event is played.

Message from Confederate:
26 12/11/2024 2:04:00 PM Summer 1861 Union 33 1 Operations #33: 1 / Orphan Brigade
Confederate immediately receives one SP in any friendly or neutral space (no LOC is required) in Kentucky that is free of Union SPs.

Message from Union:
Reassign generals.
25 12/11/2024 1:52:00 PM Summer 1861 Confederate 44 2 Operations #44: 2 / Western Virginia
Place three Union PC markers in any West Virginia space free of Confederate SPs. If the space contains a Confederate PC marker, it is flipped. Remove from deck if event is played.

Message from Confederate:
22 12/11/2024 1:08:00 PM Summer 1861 Union 25 1 Event #25: 1 / Confederate Railroad Degradation
The Union player may randomly remove one strategy card from the Confederate hand, which is discarded.

Message from Union:
Will start with something simple.
15 12/9/2024 1:54:00 PM Spring 1861 Confederate 13 2 Operations #13: 2 / Missouri Guerrilla Raids
Confederate removes two Union PC markers from any two Missouri spaces that do not contain a Union SP or fort.

Message from Confederate:
12 12/9/2024 12:50:00 PM Spring 1861 Union 86 3 Event #86: 3 / Minor Campaign
Conduct up to two moves or conduct one special army-size naval move. No SP, general, or army marker may be moved twice with the same campaign card. You must move a different force each move.

Message from Union:
Forgot to play my card in ACTS.
10 12/9/2024 12:19:00 AM Spring 1861 Confederate 69 3 Operations #69: 3 / Gideon Welles, The Naval Program
The Union player may either increase the Blockade Level by one or increase the Amphibious Assault modifier by two.

Message from Confederate:
9 12/8/2024 11:53:00 PM Spring 1861 Union 30 3 Event #30: 3 / Glory Hallelujah
Union immediately receives three SPs for raising Negro troops. The SPs can be placed in any Union controlled space (even one without a LOC) that doesn’t contain a Confederate SP or fort.

Message from Union:
Fresh troops in St Louis.
8 12/8/2024 10:37:00 PM Spring 1861 Confederate 47 3 Operations #47: 3 / CSA Recognizes KY, MO, MD and DE
Confederate places a total of two SPs in any single space in KY, MO, MD or DE that contains a general or army in these states. The space can be controlled by either side or neutral and does not require a LOC. Remove from deck if event is played.

Message from Confederate:
7 12/8/2024 10:00:00 PM Spring 1861 Union 4 1 Operations #4: 1 / Costly Mistake
Pick an enemy army with two or more subordinate generals (includes Cavalry Generals) and randomly determine a target general. On a die roll of 1-3 the chosen general is killed and removed from play. On a die roll of 4-6 the general is wounded and removed from play, but re-enters during the reinforcement phase of the next game turn.

Message from Union:
Fort in Harper's Ferry.
6 12/8/2024 9:27:00 PM Spring 1861 Confederate 126 1 Operations #126: 1 / Valley Devastation
If Union infantry SPs occupy all three Shenandoah Valley spaces the Union player places a destroyed Resource marker in all Shenandoah Valley spaces. These destroyed Resource markers cannot be removed and prevent the Confederate player from using the Shenandoah valley as a supply source for the remainder of the game. Remove from deck if event is played.

Message from Confederate:
5 12/8/2024 6:38:00 PM Spring 1861 Union 71 3 Event #71: 3 / General Scott, The Anaconda Plan
The Union player may either increase the Blockade Level by one or increase the Amphibious Assault modifier by two.

Message from Union:
This game is already starting differently.

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