Entry # | Time | Turn | Player | Card Number | Ops | Type | Entry |
601 | 2/6/2025 10:39:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Carthage | 30 | 3 | Operations |
#30: 3 / Carthaginian Siege Train (Carthage) Place the Siege Train Marker with any Carthaginian General. A General with the Siege Train ignores the -1 die roll modifier applied against Carthaginian sieges. Message from Carthage: Time for a Hail Dido Carthage 7th Card: Hannibal +9[1e] leaves 2 in Tarquini ET drops 2 in Cosa ET sails +5[1e] to Hadrumetium CA |
597 | 2/6/2025 11:52:00 AM | 203-201 BC | Rome | 58 | 1 | Operations |
#58: 1 / Cato Counsels Rome (Carthage) Roman CUs are prohibited from moving to Africa until the Strategy Deck is reshuffled. This does not affect Roman CUs already there. Message from Rome: Activate Scipio Africanus 10cus + Marcellus M1 Hadrumetum, drop 1cu M2 Zama, drop 1 cu M3 Thabraca, drop 1 cu + Marcellus M4 Carthage end move with 7 Cus. make seige roll. |
596 | 2/5/2025 10:43:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Carthage | 5 | 2 | Operations |
#5: 2 / Native Guide (Both) If you use this card as an OC to move an Army, and the Army crosses a Mountain Pass, you may modify your Mountain Pass Attrition die roll by -3. Message from Carthage: Carthage 6th Card: PCs Saldae WN flip Dertosa ID |
592 | 2/5/2025 10:02:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Rome | 39 | 3 | Event |
#39: 3 / Minor Campaign (Both) MOVE ANY TWO GENERALS. Each General can move up to four spaces with 10 combat units. Message from Rome: Activate Marcellus with 4cus Move to Carthage. Roll for seige = +1 -1 |
591 | 2/5/2025 9:30:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Carthage | 25 | 2 | Operations |
#25: 2 / Capua Sides with Carthage (Carthage) If the Carthage controls 3 or more Italian provinces Capua is converted to Carthaginian control and all Roman CUs inside are eliminated. Message from Carthage: Carthage 5th Card Hasdrubal +7 drops 1 Dertosa ID thru Saguntum OR ends Laminium OR +Mago +12[1e] |
589 | 2/5/2025 9:13:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Rome | 18 Flank Left Message from Rome |
#18 Flank Left Message from Rome: R2 |
587 | 2/5/2025 8:50:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Carthage | 46 Reserve (use as any other card) Message from Carthage |
#46 Reserve (use as any other card) Message from Carthage: Match Round 1 |
586 | 2/5/2025 8:32:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Rome | 21 Flank Left Message from Rome |
#21 Flank Left Message from Rome: r1 |
581 | 2/5/2025 8:37:00 AM | 203-201 BC | Rome | 47 | 3 | Operations |
#47: 3 / Allied Auxiliaries (Lucania) (Rome) Place two Roman CUs with any General in Italy if LUCANIA is Roman controlled. Message from Rome: Activate Marcellus 6cus M1 Hippo Regius, drop 1 cu. now 5cus M2 Thabraca. Intercept? Bad Weather? |
579 | 2/4/2025 11:17:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Carthage | 26 | 3 | Event |
#26: 3 / Syracuse Allies with Carthage (Carthage) You immediately gain control of Syracuse (any Roman units inside are eliminated. Syracuse provides a -1 modifier for Sea Movement Message from Carthage: Carthage 4th Card: Event |
578 | 2/4/2025 10:03:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Rome | 15 | 1 | Event |
#15: 1 / Iberian Recruits (Both) Place two Carthaginian CU's with any General located in a friendly controlled province of Hispania. Message from Rome: place 2cus with Africanus. Now 11cu |
574 | 2/4/2025 8:39:00 AM | 203-201 BC | Carthage | 39 Double Envelopment (modify retreat by +2, lose initiative) Message from Carthage |
#39 Double Envelopment (modify retreat by +2, lose initiative) Message from Carthage: Round 6 Attack |
572 | 2/4/2025 8:39:00 AM | 203-201 BC | Carthage | 33 Probe (modify retreat by -2) Message from Carthage |
#33 Probe (modify retreat by -2) Message from Carthage: Match Round 5 |
571 | 2/4/2025 8:38:00 AM | 203-201 BC | Rome | 37 Probe (modify retreat by -2) Message from Rome |
#37 Probe (modify retreat by -2) Message from Rome: r5 |
570 | 2/4/2025 8:37:00 AM | 203-201 BC | Rome | 44 Double Envelopment (modify retreat by +2, lose initiative) Message from Rome |
#44 Double Envelopment (modify retreat by +2, lose initiative) Message from Rome: r4 match |
569 | 2/4/2025 8:20:00 AM | 203-201 BC | Carthage | 42 Double Envelopment (modify retreat by +2, lose initiative) Message from Carthage |
#42 Double Envelopment (modify retreat by +2, lose initiative) Message from Carthage: Round 4 Attack |
567 | 2/4/2025 8:12:00 AM | 203-201 BC | Rome | 47 Reserve (use as any other card) Message from Rome |
#47 Reserve (use as any other card) Message from Rome: R3 match |
566 | 2/4/2025 1:53:00 AM | 203-201 BC | Carthage | 1 Frontal Assault Message from Carthage |
#1 Frontal Assault Message from Carthage: Round 3 Attack |
563 | 2/4/2025 1:47:00 AM | 203-201 BC | Rome | 4 Frontal Assault Message from Rome |
#4 Frontal Assault Message from Rome: R2 match |
562 | 2/4/2025 1:30:00 AM | 203-201 BC | Carthage | 10 Frontal Assault Message from Carthage |
#10 Frontal Assault Message from Carthage: Round 2 Attack |
560 | 2/4/2025 1:22:00 AM | 203-201 BC | Rome | 3 Frontal Assault Message from Rome |
#3 Frontal Assault Message from Rome: R1 match |
559 | 2/4/2025 12:26:00 AM | 203-201 BC | Carthage | 5 Frontal Assault Message from Carthage |
#5 Frontal Assault Message from Carthage: Round 1 Attack |
553 | 2/3/2025 12:47:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Carthage | 28 | 2 | Event |
#28: 2 / Hannibal Charms Italy (Carthage) If you play this as an OC to move Hannibal, you may remove each Roman non-walled PC in each space in Italy that Hannibal enters which does not contain any Roman CUs. Message from Carthage: Hannibal +7[1e] picks up 3 in Cosa ET +10[1e] to Tarquini ET You have Intercept Options. I believe they have to be declared before any rolls [12.6] |
552 | 2/2/2025 11:59:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Rome | 44 | 2 | Operations |
#44: 2 / Allied Auxiliaries (Apulia) (Rome) Place two Roman CUs with any General in Italy if APULIA is Roman controlled. Message from Rome: Activate Flaminius with 5 cus M1 Ariminum, pick up 2 cu (now 7cu), leaving 1 CU M2 Falerii, pickup 2 cu (now 9), leaving 5cu with P.Scipio M3 move to Rome. end move in Rome with 9cus unless there is bad weather |
551 | 2/2/2025 8:37:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Carthage | 10 | 2 | Event |
#10: 2 / Macedonian Reinforcements (Carthage) Place two Carthaginian CU's in any friendly controlled port in Africa or Italy. May only be played while Philip V of Macedonia is allied with Carthage. Message from Carthage: Carthage 2nd Card: Event +2 Cosa ET, now 3 alone |
550 | 2/2/2025 3:22:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Rome | 24 | 3 | Operations |
#24: 3 / Sophonsiba Seduces a Numidian Kin (Carthage) Pick either Western or Eastern Numidia and place up to three Carthaginian PCs in that province in spaces which do not contain enemy CUs. If the space contains a Roman PC, the PC is simply flipped. Message from Rome: * Nathan (Rome): Placed Roman PC in Orospeda - Salaria * * Nathan (Rome): Placed Roman PC in Celtiberia - Toletum * * Nathan (Rome): Placed Roman PC in Baetica - Hispalis * |
547 | 2/2/2025 2:04:00 PM | 203-201 BC | Carthage | 4 | 3 | Operations |
#4: 3 / Celtiberia Revolts (Both) If your opponent controls Celtiberia, remove all his PCs in that province which are not stacked with his CU's. Message from Carthage: Carthage will go 1st Card: Mago +6[1e] sail to New Carthage (Auto -5) with 3 MP Weather has returned to the Deck and may happen |
535 | 2/1/2025 9:16:00 AM | 206-204 BC | Rome | 36 | 2 | Event |
#36: 2 / Diplomacy (Both) Convert any one non-walled, non-tribal enemy PC Marker in a space without an enemy CU into a friendly PC Marker. Message from Rome: PC in Idubeda - Dertosa * Yeah. the battle between Mago and Marcellus was pivotal. With succssful play of Mah. Cav. during the battle would have been the end of Marcellus. |
534 | 2/1/2025 8:02:00 AM | 206-204 BC | Carthage | 6 | 1 | Operations |
#6: 1 / Marharbal's Cavalry (Carthage) Play during any battle. You may use this card as a Double Envelopment BC which (if matched) does not automatically give the defender the initiative. Message from Carthage: Carthage 8th Card: PC Zama CA Looks Dire but I want to see the last Hand. Magoo failed me, first in the Battle and then the desperate Intercept, costing the chance to hold both Numidias. |
533 | 2/1/2025 12:16:00 AM | 206-204 BC | Rome | 3 | 3 | Operations |
#3: 3 / Numidia Revolts (Both) Pick either Western or Eastern Numidia and remove all your opponent's PCs in that province which are not stacked with his CU's. Message from Rome: Flip PC in Eastern Numidia - Cirta * * Nathan (Rome): Placed Roman PC in Corsica Sardinia - Aleria * * Nathan (Rome): Placed Roman PC in Massilia - Nemausus * |
532 | 1/31/2025 9:54:00 PM | 206-204 BC | Carthage | 64 | 2 | Operations |
#64: 2 / Truce (Both) Neither player may enter a space containing an enemy CU or PC while the Truce lasts. The Truce ends when either player uses a Strategy Card as an event. Message from Carthage: Carthage 7th Card: PCs Faesulae and Cosa ET I had forgotten (again) that the deck will run out and automatically Reshuffle so the Cards I will need are in play. |
531 | 1/31/2025 11:25:00 AM | 206-204 BC | Rome | 47 | 3 | Event |
#47: 3 / Allied Auxiliaries (Lucania) (Rome) Place two Roman CUs with any General in Italy if LUCANIA is Roman controlled. Message from Rome: add 2Cus to Flaminius. now 7 Cus. |
530 | 1/30/2025 11:43:00 PM | 206-204 BC | Carthage | 58 | 1 | Operations |
#58: 1 / Cato Counsels Rome (Carthage) Roman CUs are prohibited from moving to Africa until the Strategy Deck is reshuffled. This does not affect Roman CUs already there. Message from Carthage: Cartahge 6th Card: PC Pisae ET |
527 | 1/30/2025 11:18:00 PM | 206-204 BC | Carthage | 20 Flank Left Message from Carthage |
#20 Flank Left Message from Carthage: Round 5 Attack |
525 | 1/30/2025 11:10:00 PM | 206-204 BC | Rome | 19 Flank Left Message from Rome |
#19 Flank Left Message from Rome: R4 match |
524 | 1/30/2025 11:08:00 PM | 206-204 BC | Carthage | 14 Flank Left Message from Carthage |
#14 Flank Left Message from Carthage: Round 4 Attack |
522 | 1/30/2025 11:07:00 PM | 206-204 BC | Carthage | 32 Probe (modify retreat by -2) Message from Carthage |
#32 Probe (modify retreat by -2) Message from Carthage: Match Round 3 |
521 | 1/30/2025 11:03:00 PM | 206-204 BC | Rome | 33 Probe (modify retreat by -2) Message from Rome |
#33 Probe (modify retreat by -2) Message from Rome: R3 |
519 | 1/30/2025 11:02:00 PM | 206-204 BC | Rome | 17 Flank Left Message from Rome |
#17 Flank Left Message from Rome: R2match |
518 | 1/30/2025 10:51:00 PM | 206-204 BC | Carthage | 13 Flank Left Message from Carthage |
#13 Flank Left Message from Carthage: Round 2 Attack |
516 | 1/30/2025 10:48:00 PM | 206-204 BC | Carthage | 31 Probe (modify retreat by -2) Message from Carthage |
#31 Probe (modify retreat by -2) Message from Carthage: Match Round 1 |
515 | 1/30/2025 10:40:00 PM | 206-204 BC | Rome | 35 Probe (modify retreat by -2) Message from Rome |
#35 Probe (modify retreat by -2) Message from Rome: R1 |
507 | 1/30/2025 10:58:00 AM | 206-204 BC | Rome | 43 | 3 | Operations |
#43: 3 / Two Legions of Slaves Raised (Rome) The Roman Player receives four CUs in Latium if it contains no Carthaginian CUs. May only be played if Carthage currently controls three or more provinces in Italy. Message from Rome: Activate Flaminius (accompanied by Paulus) 10CUs M1 Falerii M2 Faesulae. Intercept? |
504 | 1/30/2025 9:12:00 AM | 206-204 BC | Carthage | 28 | 2 | Event |
#28: 2 / Hannibal Charms Italy (Carthage) If you play this as an OC to move Hannibal, you may remove each Roman non-walled PC in each space in Italy that Hannibal enters which does not contain any Roman CUs. Message from Carthage: Carthage 5th Card: Event Hannibal +10[1e] crosses to Faesulae ET leaving Gisgo +2 behind I will roll for the non-Alps crossing -2 |
502 | 1/30/2025 12:08:00 AM | 206-204 BC | Rome | 28 Flank Right Message from Rome |
#28 Flank Right Message from Rome: R2 |
500 | 1/29/2025 11:58:00 PM | 206-204 BC | Carthage | 22 Flank Right Message from Carthage |
#22 Flank Right Message from Carthage: Match round 1 |
499 | 1/29/2025 11:50:00 PM | 206-204 BC | Rome | 25 Flank Right Message from Rome |
#25 Flank Right Message from Rome: R1 |
498 | 1/29/2025 11:49:00 PM | 206-204 BC | Rome | 25 Flank Right Message from Rome |
#25 Flank Right Message from Rome: R1 |
492 | 1/29/2025 11:24:00 AM | 206-204 BC | Rome | 50 | 3 | Operations |
#50: 3 / Adriatic Pirates (Carthage) If you use this card as an OC for Sea Movement and carry no more than 3 CUs plus a General, you do not have to roll on the Naval Combat Table if you embark or debark at either Brundisium, Croton or Tarentum Message from Rome: Activate Marcellus, leaving 5cus M1 Icosium, pickup 1CU M2 Tupusuctu, pickup 5 CUs now 6cu M3 Sitilis. Intercept? |
486 | 1/29/2025 9:29:00 AM | 206-204 BC | Rome | 33 Probe (modify retreat by -2) Message from Rome |
#33 Probe (modify retreat by -2) Message from Rome: R4 |
484 | 1/29/2025 9:27:00 AM | 206-204 BC | Carthage | 48 Reserve (use as any other card) Message from Carthage |
#48 Reserve (use as any other card) Message from Carthage: Match Round 3 |
483 | 1/29/2025 9:25:00 AM | 206-204 BC | Rome | 32 Probe (modify retreat by -2) Message from Rome |
#32 Probe (modify retreat by -2) Message from Rome: R3 |
482 | 1/29/2025 9:22:00 AM | 206-204 BC | Rome | 17 | F | d to Carthage |
#17: Flank Left Message from Rome: Let’s see how act reveals this |
481 | 1/29/2025 9:11:00 AM | 206-204 BC | Carthage | 59 | 1 | Event |
#59: 1 / Ally Deserts (Both) Draw one BC from your opponent's hand and add it to your own. Message from Carthage: I'm going to play this now |
479 | 1/29/2025 9:11:00 AM | 206-204 BC | Carthage | 45 Reserve (use as any other card) Message from Carthage |
#45 Reserve (use as any other card) Message from Carthage: Match Round 2 |
478 | 1/29/2025 9:04:00 AM | 206-204 BC | Rome | 38 Probe (modify retreat by -2) Message from Rome |
#38 Probe (modify retreat by -2) Message from Rome: R2 |
476 | 1/29/2025 12:13:00 AM | 206-204 BC | Rome | 10 Frontal Assault Message from Rome |
#10 Frontal Assault Message from Rome: R1 match |
475 | 1/29/2025 12:06:00 AM | 206-204 BC | Carthage | 2 Frontal Assault Message from Carthage |
#2 Frontal Assault Message from Carthage: Round 1 Attack |
470 | 1/28/2025 11:10:00 PM | 206-204 BC | Carthage | 39 | 3 | Event |
#39: 3 / Minor Campaign (Both) MOVE ANY TWO GENERALS. Each General can move up to four spaces with 10 combat units. Message from Carthage: Yes some strange key took me out |
465 | 1/28/2025 7:47:00 PM | 206-204 BC | Rome | 15 Flank Left Message from Rome |
#15 Flank Left Message from Rome: R4 |
463 | 1/28/2025 7:31:00 PM | 206-204 BC | Carthage | 48 Reserve (use as any other card) Message from Carthage |
#48 Reserve (use as any other card) Message from Carthage: Match Round 3 |
462 | 1/28/2025 7:28:00 PM | 206-204 BC | Rome | 14 Flank Left Message from Rome |
#14 Flank Left Message from Rome: R3 |
460 | 1/28/2025 7:04:00 PM | 206-204 BC | Carthage | 20 Flank Left Message from Carthage |
#20 Flank Left Message from Carthage: Match Round 2 |
459 | 1/28/2025 7:03:00 PM | 206-204 BC | Rome | 16 Flank Left Message from Rome |
#16 Flank Left Message from Rome: R2 |
456 | 1/28/2025 7:00:00 PM | 206-204 BC | Carthage | 21 Flank Left Message from Carthage |
#21 Flank Left Message from Carthage: Yes Match Round 1 revealed |
455 | 1/28/2025 6:56:00 PM | 206-204 BC | Rome | 19 Flank Left Message from Rome |
#19 Flank Left Message from Rome: r1 |
452 | 1/28/2025 6:51:00 PM | 206-204 BC | Carthage | 48 | R | ) to Rome |
#48: Reserve (use as any other card) #21: Flank Left #5: Frontal Assault #2: Frontal Assault #35: Probe (modify retreat by -2) #11: Frontal Assault #9: Frontal Assault Message from Carthage: I wonder if I will see them also |
451 | 1/28/2025 6:46:00 PM | 206-204 BC | Rome | 20 | 1 | Event |
#20: 1 / Spy in Enemy Camp (Both) Play at the start of any combat. You may examine up to half of your opponent's Battle Cards. Cards must be drawn randomly. Message from Rome: Please let me see 7 of your cards. |
447 | 1/28/2025 9:02:00 AM | 206-204 BC | Rome | 61 | 1 | Event |
#61: 1 / Force March (1 rating) (Both) Move a General whose Strategy Rating is 1 up to six spaces. Message from Rome: Activate Africanus with 10 CUs M1 Salmantica M2 Arsa. Intercept? |
446 | 1/28/2025 8:20:00 AM | 206-204 BC | Carthage | 21 | 2 | Operations |
#21: 2 / Mercenaries Desert (Rome) The Carthaginian player must use the Attrition Table for all his forces on the map not in friendly walled city spaces. Units with Generals are exempt if a separate die roll <= the General's Battle Rating. Message from Carthage: Carthage 3rd card: Hasdrubal +10 to Corduba BA |
445 | 1/27/2025 9:28:00 PM | 206-204 BC | Rome | 22 | 1 | Operations |
#22: 1 / Mutin's Numidians (Carthage) Place one Carthaginian CU and a PC in any non-walled city space in Sicilia that contains no Roman CUs. If the space contains a Roman PC the PC is simply flipped. Message from Rome: Activate Africanus, 10 CUs, leaving 1 behind M1 Bilbilis M2 Iberus, drop 1 CU, now 9 m3 Bibilis M4 Segovia, end move with 10 cus. |
444 | 1/27/2025 8:44:00 PM | 206-204 BC | Carthage | 12 | 2 | Event |
#12: 2 / African Reinforcements (Carthage) Place one Elephant unit (at strength level 2) in Carthage. If an Elephant unit is not available, place two regular CUs in Carthage Message from Carthage: Carthage 2nd Card:Event +2e Carthage, now Mago +8[2e] |
443 | 1/27/2025 8:07:00 PM | 206-204 BC | Rome | 25 | 2 | Operations |
#25: 2 / Capua Sides with Carthage (Carthage) If the Carthage controls 3 or more Italian provinces Capua is converted to Carthaginian control and all Roman CUs inside are eliminated. Message from Rome: Flip PC in Idubeda - Bilbilis * PC in Western Numidia - Icosium * |
442 | 1/27/2025 4:46:00 PM | 206-204 BC | Carthage | 48 | 1 | Operations |
#48: 1 / Allied Auxiliaries (Campania) (Rome) Place two Roman CUs with any General in Italy if CAMPANIA is Roman controlled. Message from Carthage: Carthage will go 1st Card: PC Vescara WN |
429 | 1/26/2025 10:00:00 PM | 209-207 BC | Rome | 34 | 3 | Event |
#34: 3 / Major Campaign (Both) MOVE ANY THREE GENERALS. Each General can move up to four spaces with 10 combat units. Message from Rome: Activate Marcellus 5 CUs Sail to Icosium (3MP), drop 1 CU M4 Tupusuctu - end move with 4 CUs. Africanus 7 CUs M1 Arsa M2 Salmantica M3 Segovia- end move. 7 Cus - CUs still have 1MP remaining. Also present Varro with 5CUs Activation 3 Activate Varro 5cus + 1Cu from AFricanus M1 Bilbilis -drop CU from Africanus - unable to move more. M2 Segovia end move. 11Cus, Varro, and AFricanus. |
428 | 1/26/2025 9:48:00 PM | 209-207 BC | Rome | 16 | 2 | Operations |
#16: 2 / Gallic Recruits (Carthage) Place two Carthaginian CU's with any General located in Gallia Transalpinia or Cisalpinia Message from Rome: Flip PC in Celtiberia - Segovia * PC in Baetica - Cordusa * |
427 | 1/26/2025 9:47:00 PM | 209-207 BC | Rome | 33 | 3 | Event |
#33: 3 / Major Campaign (Both) MOVE ANY THREE GENERALS. Each General can move up to four spaces with 10 combat units. Message from Rome: would have been REALLY nice to grab that campaign card from your hand with Messenger. Activate Varo with 5 CUs M1 Bilbilis overrun 1 Carth CU M2 Segovia end move with 5cus Activation 2 - Scipio Africanus with 7 CUs Sails to Malaca 3MP M4 Cordusa. end move with 7 CUs Activation 3 - Fabius with 10 CU M1 Rome, drop Marcellus 2CU to Rome (5CU now in Rome) M2 Faleri with 8CUs M3 Ariminum, pick up 2 CUs. end move with 10 CUs |
426 | 1/26/2025 11:48:00 AM | 209-207 BC | Carthage | 32 | 1 | Operations |
#32: 1 / Numidian Allies Desert (Both) Play at the start of any Combat in Africa. Your opponent does not receive any BC bonuses for control of either Western or Eastern Numidia. Message from Carthage: Carthage 8th Card: PC Cirte EN |
425 | 1/26/2025 8:30:00 AM | 209-207 BC | Rome | 60 | 1 | Operations |
#60: 1 / Storms At Sea (Both) Play after your opponent moves an Army or CUs using Sea Movement. The force suffers Attrition and the die roll must be modified by +2. Message from Rome: Ok. I'll alter my original move a bit. Activate Varro, 5 cus M1 Narbo M2 Emporiae M3 ilerda M4 Iberus |
421 | 1/25/2025 11:21:00 PM | 209-207 BC | Carthage | 37 | 3 | Operations |
#37: 3 / Minor Campaign (Both) MOVE ANY TWO GENERALS. Each General can move up to four spaces with 10 combat units. Message from Carthage: I'll make the Move I had Planned. 1st General: Hanno +1 thru Thubursicu EN to end Cirta EN and Remove PC 2nd General: Hasdrubal +9 thru Saguntum OR to end New Carthage OR You may return Storms to your hand and make a different move or let the play stand as your 7th Card play and I will resume |
420 | 1/25/2025 11:19:00 PM | 209-207 BC | Rome | 60 | 1 | o hand |
#60: 1 / Storms At Sea Message from Rome: Played out of order. Carthage card play after messenger intercepted |
417 | 1/25/2025 3:40:00 PM | 209-207 BC | Rome | 60 | 1 | Operations |
#60: 1 / Storms At Sea (Both) Play after your opponent moves an Army or CUs using Sea Movement. The force suffers Attrition and the die roll must be modified by +2. Message from Rome: Activate Varro 5Cu M1 Narbo M2 Tolosa M3 Aquitani M4 Araceli end move. |
415 | 1/25/2025 9:17:00 AM | 209-207 BC | Rome | 55 | 3 | Event |
#55: 3 / Messenger Intercepted (Both) Draw one Strategy Card from your opponent's hand and add it to your own. Message from Rome: |
414 | 1/25/2025 1:37:00 AM | 209-207 BC | Carthage | 31 | 1 | Operations |
#31: 1 / Spanish Allies Desert (Both) Your opponent does not receive any Battle Card bonuses for Spanish Allies for that Combat. Message from Carthage: Carthage 6th Card: PC Thubursicu EN |
413 | 1/24/2025 11:16:00 PM | 209-207 BC | Rome | 23 | 3 | Event |
#23: 3 / Numidian Ally (Rome) Place up to three Roman PCs in Eastern Numidia in spaces which do not contain enemy CUs. If the space contains a Carthaginian PC, the PC is simply flipped. Message from Rome: Flip PC in Eastern Numidia - Cirta * Flip PC in Eastern Numidia - Sitilis * * Nathan (Rome): Placed Roman PC in Eastern Numidia - Thamugadi * |
412 | 1/24/2025 9:21:00 AM | 209-207 BC | Carthage | 2 | 3 | Operations |
#2: 3 / Sicilia Revolts (Both) If your opponent has control of Sicily, remove all his non-walled PCs in that province which are not stacked with his CUs. Message from Carthage: Carthage 5th Card: PCs flip Bilbilis and Ilerda ID place Sassari CS |
409 | 1/24/2025 8:47:00 AM | 209-207 BC | Rome | 5 | 2 | Operations |
#5: 2 / Native Guide (Both) If you use this card as an OC to move an Army, and the Army crosses a Mountain Pass, you may modify your Mountain Pass Attrition die roll by -3. Message from Rome: activate S. Aficanus with 6 cus M1 Emporiae. Intercept? |
405 | 1/23/2025 6:11:00 PM | 209-207 BC | Carthage | 18 | 2 | Operations |
#18: 2 / Traitor in Tarentum (Both) If you use this card as an OC to siege Tarentum, it comes under your control without a Siege die roll. Enemy CUs inside are eliminated. Message from Carthage: Carthage 4th Card: Hasdrubal +9 drops 1 in Bililis ID continues +8 thru Azaila ID to Overrun the 1 CU in Ilerda ID You have an Intercept Option |
404 | 1/23/2025 11:13:00 AM | 209-207 BC | Rome | 52 | 2 | Operations |
#52: 2 / Pestilence (Both) One opposing Army currently besieging a city must roll on the Attrition Table with a +1 die roll modifier. Message from Rome: * Nathan (Rome): Placed Roman PC in Western Numidia - Zuccabar * * Nathan (Rome): Placed Roman PC in Western Numidia - Tupusuctu * |
403 | 1/23/2025 12:19:00 AM | 209-207 BC | Carthage | 57 | 1 | Operations |
#57: 1 / Hanno Counsels Carthage (Rome) Carthaginian CUs are prohibited from leaving Africa until the Strategy Deck is reshuffled. Message from Carthage: Carthage 3rd Card: PC Aleria CS |
402 | 1/22/2025 10:49:00 PM | 209-207 BC | Rome | 29 | 2 | Operations |
#29: 2 / Carthaginian Naval Victory (Carthage) For the rest of the year a -1 die roll modifier for naval movement applies, and Roman Naval Movement is limited to Minor or Major Campaign Strategy Cards. Message from Rome: don't like to see those reinforcements. Flop Pcs in Idubeda - ilerda and in Idubeda - Tarraco |
401 | 1/22/2025 9:01:00 AM | 209-207 BC | Carthage | 15 | 1 | Event |
#15: 1 / Iberian Recruits (Both) Place two Carthaginian CU's with any General located in a friendly controlled province of Hispania. Message from Carthage: Carthage 2nd Card: Event +2 Segovia CE, now Hannibal +9 3rd wave of enthusiastic Iberians. |
400 | 1/22/2025 8:43:00 AM | 209-207 BC | Rome | 49 | 1 | Operations |
#49: 1 / Opposing Fleet Breaks Siege (Both) Remove all accrued siege points at any one port Message from Rome: Activate africanus with 7cus M1 Iberus M2 ilerda, drop 1 CU m3 Tarraco, end move with 6CUs. |
394 | 1/21/2025 7:10:00 PM | 209-207 BC | Carthage | 62 | 2 | Operations |
#62: 2 / Force March (1 or 2 rating) (Both) Move a General whose Strategy Rating is 1 or 2 up to six spaces. Message from Carthage: Carthage will go 1st Card: Hasdrubal +7 marches thru Corduba BA, Saleria OR to Toletum CE to attack Africanus +5 in Segovia CE. Africanus has Options |
380 | 1/20/2025 4:31:00 PM | 211-210 BC | Carthage | 10 | 2 | Operations |
#10: 2 / Macedonian Reinforcements (Carthage) Place two Carthaginian CU's in any friendly controlled port in Africa or Italy. May only be played while Philip V of Macedonia is allied with Carthage. Message from Carthage: Carthage 8th Card: PCs Oristano and Carales CS I'll proceed to the End Phases |
379 | 1/20/2025 4:31:00 PM | 211-210 BC | Carthage | 1 | 3 | Event |
#1: 3 / Corsica and Sardinia Revolt (Both) If your opponent has control of Corsica/Sardinia, remove all his PCs in that province which are not stacked with his CUs. Message from Carthage: Carthage 7th Card: Event Remove Aleria, Sassari, Oristano and Carales CS |
376 | 1/20/2025 12:44:00 PM | 211-210 BC | Rome | 56 | 2 | Operations |
#56: 2 / Grain Shortage (Carthage) Remove any three Roman non-walled PCs. You may only play this card if you control Sicilia. Message from Rome: Africanus moves to Numantia. pick up 1CU, now 6cu |
375 | 1/20/2025 10:13:00 AM | 211-210 BC | Carthage | 14 | 2 | Operations |
#14: 2 / Ligurian Recruits (Carthage) Place two Carthaginian CU's with any General located in Liguria, Cisalpinia or Etruria. Message from Carthage: Carthgae 6th Card: PCs Flip Hispalia BA Zama CA |
374 | 1/20/2025 12:33:00 AM | 211-210 BC | Rome | 13 | 2 | Operations |
#13: 2 / Bruttium Recruits (Carthage) Place two Carthaginian CU's with any General located in Lucania Message from Rome: FLIP PC in Baetica - Malaca * Placed Roman PC in Massilia - Nice * |
370 | 1/19/2025 10:29:00 PM | 211-210 BC | Carthage | 63 | 3 | Operations |
#63: 3 / Force March (any general) (Both) Move any General up to six spaces. Message from Carthage: Carthage 5th Card: Mago sails alone (Auto -6) to Carthage picks up 5 (leaving Hanno alone) sails back to Malacca BA (Auto -5) You may still have Storms. Africanus has an Interception option. |
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