Entry # | Time | Turn | Player | Card Number | Ops | Type | Entry |
117 | 2/16/2025 9:32:00 PM | 216 BC | Rome | 63 | 3 | Event |
#63: 3 / Force March (any general) (Both) Move any General up to six spaces. Message from Rome: Longus +2 to Taurini and drop 1CU, back to Boii and will cross over the pass to try and battle the loose CU in Pisae, before any reactions from you. Longus and 1CU over the non-alps pass will suffer no attrition. |
115 | 2/13/2025 6:36:00 AM | 216 BC | Carthage | 39 | 3 | Operations |
#39: 3 / Minor Campaign (Both) MOVE ANY TWO GENERALS. Each General can move up to four spaces with 10 combat units. Message from Carthage: convert Cosa and Pisa |
112 | 2/12/2025 11:26:00 PM | 216 BC | Rome | 21 | 2 | Event |
#21: 2 / Mercenaries Desert (Rome) The Carthaginian player must use the Attrition Table for all his forces on the map not in friendly walled city spaces. Units with Generals are exempt if a separate die roll <= the General's Battle Rating. Message from Rome: |
109 | 2/11/2025 8:49:00 AM | 216 BC | Carthage | 58 | 1 | Operations |
#58: 1 / Cato Counsels Rome (Carthage) Roman CUs are prohibited from moving to Africa until the Strategy Deck is reshuffled. This does not affect Roman CUs already there. Message from Carthage: Hannibal Moves to Pisa with all army. roll for attrition |
107 | 2/9/2025 8:28:00 PM | 216 BC | Rome | 54 | 2 | Operations |
#54: 2 / Treachery Within City (Both) If you use this card as an OC to conduct a siege, you may roll twice on the Siege Table and use both results. Message from Rome: subjugate Bruttium |
104 | 2/9/2025 4:01:00 PM | 216 BC | Carthage | 27 | 2 | Event |
#27: 2 / I have come into Italy ... (Carthage) Play if Hannibal is in Italy. Convert two Roman non-walled PCs into Carthaginian PCs in any space in Italy which does not contain Roman CUs. Message from Carthage: Flip Croton and Heraclea |
100 | 2/7/2025 8:56:00 PM | 216 BC | Rome | 61 | 1 | Event |
#61: 1 / Force March (1 rating) (Both) Move a General whose Strategy Rating is 1 up to six spaces. Message from Rome: Varro and all to Bruttium to subjugate |
99 | 2/7/2025 11:45:00 AM | 216 BC | Carthage | 50 | 3 | Operations |
#50: 3 / Adriatic Pirates (Carthage) If you use this card as an OC for Sea Movement and carry no more than 3 CUs plus a General, you do not have to roll on the Naval Combat Table if you embark or debark at either Brundisium, Croton or Tarentum Message from Carthage: Hannibal +1 (now 8+2) |
98 | 2/7/2025 2:48:00 AM | 216 BC | Rome | 28 | 2 | Operations |
#28: 2 / Hannibal Charms Italy (Carthage) If you play this as an OC to move Hannibal, you may remove each Roman non-walled PC in each space in Italy that Hannibal enters which does not contain any Roman CUs. Message from Rome: Flip Agrigentum and PC Isere |
97 | 2/6/2025 1:15:00 PM | 216 BC | Carthage | 47 | 3 | Operations |
#47: 3 / Allied Auxiliaries (Lucania) (Rome) Place two Roman CUs with any General in Italy if LUCANIA is Roman controlled. Message from Carthage: +1 Hannibal (now 7+2) |
91 | 2/3/2025 9:55:00 PM | 216 BC | Rome | 33 | 3 | Event |
#33: 3 / Major Campaign (Both) MOVE ANY THREE GENERALS. Each General can move up to four spaces with 10 combat units. Message from Rome: First Move: Varro and all to Rome and sail to Agrigentum. Overrun the CU there. Second: Flaminius and 10CU to Boii, any reaction? |
64 | 1/31/2025 1:14:00 PM | 217 BC | Carthage | 22 | 1 | Event |
#22: 1 / Mutin's Numidians (Carthage) Place one Carthaginian CU and a PC in any non-walled city space in Sicilia that contains no Roman CUs. If the space contains a Roman PC the PC is simply flipped. Message from Carthage: Agrigentum also my hand was nothing special… but Hannibal suffered various illnessess 😀 |
62 | 1/30/2025 2:39:00 PM | 217 BC | Rome | 35 | 2 | Event |
#35: 2 / Diplomacy (Both) Convert any one non-walled, non-tribal enemy PC Marker in a space without an enemy CU into a friendly PC Marker. Message from Rome: Flip Malaca in Baetica, Spain |
61 | 1/29/2025 12:51:00 PM | 217 BC | Carthage | 56 | 2 | Operations |
#56: 2 / Grain Shortage (Carthage) Remove any three Roman non-walled PCs. You may only play this card if you control Sicilia. Message from Carthage: covert Taurini and Dertosa |
58 | 1/28/2025 9:52:00 AM | 217 BC | Rome | 51 | 2 | Event |
#51: 2 / Epidemic (Both) One opposing Army must roll on the Attrition Table. Message from Rome: Against Hannibal |
57 | 1/28/2025 7:28:00 AM | 217 BC | Carthage | 13 | 2 | Operations |
#13: 2 / Bruttium Recruits (Carthage) Place two Carthaginian CU's with any General located in Lucania Message from Carthage: Hannibal +all army moves to Taurini |
56 | 1/27/2025 4:00:00 PM | 217 BC | Rome | 36 | 2 | Event |
#36: 2 / Diplomacy (Both) Convert any one non-walled, non-tribal enemy PC Marker in a space without an enemy CU into a friendly PC Marker. Message from Rome: Flip Taurini. |
55 | 1/27/2025 3:11:00 PM | 217 BC | Carthage | 11 | 1 | Event |
#11: 1 / Balearic Slingers (Both) If you control the Balearic Islands, place one CU in any Port containing a friendly PC and no enemy CUs. Message from Carthage: +1 CU with Mago in Carthage (now6) |
54 | 1/26/2025 1:56:00 PM | 217 BC | Rome | 45 | 2 | Event |
#45: 2 / Allied Auxiliaries (Etruria) (Rome) Place two Roman CUs with any General in Italy if ETRURIA is Roman controlled. Message from Rome: 2CU to Mutina now 15 |
53 | 1/26/2025 11:17:00 AM | 217 BC | Carthage | 23 | 3 | Operations |
#23: 3 / Numidian Ally (Rome) Place up to three Roman PCs in Eastern Numidia in spaces which do not contain enemy CUs. If the space contains a Carthaginian PC, the PC is simply flipped. Message from Carthage: +1 CU with Hannibal (now 7+2e) |
52 | 1/25/2025 11:33:00 AM | 217 BC | Rome | 25 | 2 | Operations |
#25: 2 / Capua Sides with Carthage (Carthage) If the Carthage controls 3 or more Italian provinces Capua is converted to Carthaginian control and all Roman CUs inside are eliminated. Message from Rome: Hannibal brushed off the tribes. PC in Verona and flip Mutina |
48 | 1/24/2025 10:09:00 AM | 217 BC | Rome | 7 | 1 | Event |
#7: 1 / Hostile Tribes (Both) Play whenever an opposing army occupies (or enters) space in Gallia Transalpinia or Liguria. The Army immediately undergoes Attrition on the 5-6 column. Message from Rome: I play hostile tribes as you move into Druentia to cross the alps. |
45 | 1/24/2025 4:35:00 AM | 217 BC | Carthage | 38 | 3 | Event |
#38: 3 / Minor Campaign (Both) MOVE ANY TWO GENERALS. Each General can move up to four spaces with 10 combat units. Message from Carthage: Hasdrubal + 2cu mives to Dertosa Hannibal cross Alps to Taurini and roll (depending from the result is advance till Boii) |
44 | 1/23/2025 8:40:00 PM | 217 BC | Rome | 20 | 1 | Operations |
#20: 1 / Spy in Enemy Camp (Both) Play at the start of any combat. You may examine up to half of your opponent's Battle Cards. Cards must be drawn randomly. Message from Rome: Nero Fabius and 10 CU to Mutina, drop 3, go back to Ariminium to pick up 3 and end in Mutina with 13CU and both consuls. |
43 | 1/23/2025 6:07:00 AM | 217 BC | Carthage | 57 | 1 | Operations |
#57: 1 / Hanno Counsels Carthage (Rome) Carthaginian CUs are prohibited from leaving Africa until the Strategy Deck is reshuffled. Message from Carthage: Hannibal and full army move to Rhone |
29 | 1/22/2025 11:59:00 AM | 218 BC | Rome | 51 | 2 | Event |
#51: 2 / Epidemic (Both) One opposing Army must roll on the Attrition Table. Message from Rome: Against Hannibal’s army. After your roll you can proceed to end of turn and reinforcements. Looks like Verona will be isolated, the lone CU on Dertosa has to roll for attrition and province count is 9-9. |
28 | 1/21/2025 11:40:00 AM | 218 BC | Carthage | 38 | 3 | Event |
#38: 3 / Minor Campaign (Both) MOVE ANY TWO GENERALS. Each General can move up to four spaces with 10 combat units. Message from Carthage: Hannibal leave 1 CU in dertosa and moves in Tarraco with 7Cu+2e. Mago sail to Cartaghe (no dice roll need) |
27 | 1/20/2025 6:19:00 PM | 218 BC | Rome | 37 | 3 | Event |
#37: 3 / Minor Campaign (Both) MOVE ANY TWO GENERALS. Each General can move up to four spaces with 10 combat units. Message from Rome: First move: Scipio and all to Ariminium. Second: Longus and all sail to Rome and proceed and end in Falerii |
26 | 1/20/2025 8:40:00 AM | 218 BC | Carthage | 63 | 3 | Operations |
#63: 3 / Force March (any general) (Both) Move any General up to six spaces. Message from Carthage: Pc in Bilbilis Araceli and Tolosa |
25 | 1/19/2025 3:30:00 PM | 218 BC | Rome | 12 | 2 | Operations |
#12: 2 / African Reinforcements (Carthage) Place one Elephant unit (at strength level 2) in Carthage. If an Elephant unit is not available, place two regular CUs in Carthage Message from Rome: All good. and sorry for the delay I never got an email notification of your move for some reason. PC in Rhone and Druentia |
24 | 1/19/2025 3:10:00 AM | 218 BC | Carthage | 56 | 2 | Operations |
#56: 2 / Grain Shortage (Carthage) Remove any three Roman non-walled PCs. You may only play this card if you control Sicilia. Message from Carthage: of course... sorry pc in Azalia and Narbo |
23 | 1/19/2025 3:09:00 AM | 218 BC | Carthage | 63 | 3 | o hand |
#63: 3 / Force March (any general) Message from Carthage: |
21 | 1/16/2025 7:18:00 AM | 218 BC | Carthage | 63 | 3 | Event |
#63: 3 / Force March (any general) (Both) Move any General up to six spaces. Message from Carthage: Hannibal + army moves to Druentia |
20 | 1/12/2025 3:58:00 PM | 218 BC | Rome | 11 | 1 | Operations |
#11: 1 / Balearic Slingers (Both) If you control the Balearic Islands, place one CU in any Port containing a friendly PC and no enemy CUs. Message from Rome: No problem. I’ll do a PC in Gergovia |
17 | 1/11/2025 7:13:00 PM | 218 BC | Carthage | 25 | 2 | Operations |
#25: 2 / Capua Sides with Carthage (Carthage) If the Carthage controls 3 or more Italian provinces Capua is converted to Carthaginian control and all Roman CUs inside are eliminated. Message from Carthage: Here I'am ! PC in Icosium and Derthosa |
13 | 1/3/2025 10:21:00 PM | 218 BC | Rome | 64 | 2 | Event |
#64: 2 / Truce (Both) Neither player may enter a space containing an enemy CU or PC while the Truce lasts. The Truce ends when either player uses a Strategy Card as an event. Message from Rome: As the event. Deck will be reshuffled |
10 | 1/2/2025 6:58:00 AM | 218 BC | Carthage | 33 | 3 | Event |
#33: 3 / Major Campaign (Both) MOVE ANY THREE GENERALS. Each General can move up to four spaces with 10 combat units. Message from Carthage: 1) Hanno + 1 moves to Saldae via sea (RDM -4) |
9 | 12/31/2024 12:15:00 AM | 218 BC | Rome | 6 | 1 | Operations |
#6: 1 / Marharbal's Cavalry (Carthage) Play during any battle. You may use this card as a Double Envelopment BC which (if matched) does not automatically give the defender the initiative. Message from Rome: PC Nemausus. |
8 | 12/30/2024 10:54:00 AM | 218 BC | Carthage | 3 | 3 | Operations |
#3: 3 / Numidia Revolts (Both) Pick either Western or Eastern Numidia and remove all your opponent's PCs in that province which are not stacked with his CU's. Message from Carthage: PC Taurini and Mutina and Iberus |
7 | 12/30/2024 10:22:00 AM | 218 BC | Rome | 13 | 2 | Operations |
#13: 2 / Bruttium Recruits (Carthage) Place two Carthaginian CU's with any General located in Lucania Message from Rome: No problem just wanted to make sure you saw my message on not preempting and also happy new year! PC in Nice and Verona. |
6 | 12/29/2024 5:33:00 PM | 218 BC | Carthage | 47 | 3 | Operations |
#47: 3 / Allied Auxiliaries (Lucania) (Rome) Place two Roman CUs with any General in Italy if LUCANIA is Roman controlled. Message from Carthage: Here I'm ! Merry Christmas to you and sorry for the delay PC in Ilerda - Emporiae - Tarraco |
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