Entry # | Time | Turn | Player | Card Number | Ops | Type | Entry |
176 | 1/22/2025 7:54:00 AM | Fall 1861 | Union | 9 | 3 | Event |
#9: 3 / Clara Barton Union immediately adds three SPs due to improved sanitary conditions. Place in any space (friendly controlled or not) that already contains a Union SP and has a LOC, no more than one per space. Message from Union: This seems somewhat appropriate... SPs in Hanover [AoP (2)], Fredericksburg (1), and Manassas (1) |
175 | 1/22/2025 12:21:00 AM | Fall 1861 | Confederate | 5 | 1 | Event |
#5: 1 / Dysentery The person playing the card may remove one enemy SP from any space that contains more than one SP. Message from Confederate: -1 AoP= 1 remain |
171 | 1/21/2025 10:08:00 PM | Fall 1861 | Union | 53 | 1 | Operations |
#53: 1 / CSS Arkansas Confederate may place one Ironclad in a controlled port or coastal fort space. Message from Union: Fort in Manassas |
168 | 1/21/2025 9:41:00 PM | Fall 1861 | Confederate | 81 | 3 | Event |
#81: 3 / Emancipation Proclamation - Reshuffle/Remove Either player must play this card as an EC on the Strategy Round immediately following a Union large or medium battle victory. Confederate loses 10 SW and 3 SPs (his choice). Union loses 5 SW. Flip GT marker to its Emancipation Proclamation side. Card must be the last one played by a player at which time it can be played as an OC card. If the play of this card as an OC results in a battle victory, there is no Emancipation Proclamation Remove from deck if event is played. If this card is played as an OC or discarded re-shuffle deck at the end of the Strategy Phase. Message from Confederate: Have to play EP USA -5 Csa -10 3sp remove 1 each Sabine(1), FtP-PJ, Ft-Sumter |
152 | 1/21/2025 12:58:00 AM | Fall 1861 | Confederate | 8 | 1 | Event |
#8: 1 / 3 Cigars Play this card to make an automatic one or two space interception. Intervening space must be friendly controlled and free of enemy SPs. The intervening space may be the one just exited by the moving enemy force. No Generals or SPs may be picked up or dropped off during intercept. Message from Confederate: Pemb +1 auto intercept 2sp + Bragg, Beau,VD remain Richmond |
151 | 1/21/2025 12:21:00 AM | Fall 1861 | Union | 78 | 3 | Operations |
#78: 3 / Personal Advisor Either player may remove or demote from army command one general for no SW penalty. Penalties for promoting a general with a lower political value still apply. OR remove ANY non-commanding general (even second in commands) from the game. Message from Union: All good! Activate AoP (5) Fredericksburg 1. Drop off 1SP n4; move to Manassas pu1 n5 2 Move to Fredericksburg pu1 n6 3 Move to Hanover Medium battle USA 6 +5DRM CSA 2 +2DRM Over to you for rolls. |
146 | 1/20/2025 11:55:00 PM | Fall 1861 | Confederate | 33 | 1 | Event |
#33: 1 / Orphan Brigade Confederate immediately receives one SP in any friendly or neutral space (no LOC is required) in Kentucky that is free of Union SPs. Message from Confederate: 1sp to Columbus-KY(2) |
141 | 1/20/2025 9:53:00 PM | Fall 1861 | Union | 128 | 3 | Operations |
#128: 3 / Union Naval Supply Shortage The Union blockade level is decreased by one. Remove from deck if event is played. Message from Union: Activate AoP (8) Fredericksburg 1 Move to Hanover Medium battle USA 8 DRM +7 CSA 1 DRM +1 Over to you for rolls: N.B. If intercepting please clearly indicate how many SPs and which Generals are making it, taking into account the restrictions and provisions in 5.81. |
127 | 1/19/2025 9:11:00 AM | Summer 1861 | Union | 121 | 3 | m discard pile back to deck |
#121: 3 / Minor Campaign Message from Union: (Erroneous card play from other game played by accident) Return to Deck |
124 | 1/19/2025 8:47:00 AM | Summer 1861 | Union | 121 | 3 | Event |
#121: 3 / Minor Campaign Conduct up to two moves or conduct one special army-size naval move. No SP, general, or army marker may be moved twice with the same campaign card. You must move a different force each move. Message from Union: 1st campaign activation: Activate Price + 1SP from Fayetteville 1-2. Move to Little Rock pu1 n2 3-6.Columbus dp1 (2 total) 7.Paducah dp1 8.Price alone end Dover (1) |
113 | 1/18/2025 | Summer 1861 | Confederate | 97 | 1 | Operations |
#97: 1 / Davis Tours the South Increase Confederate SW by 3. Message from Confederate: Reorg ASJ, Polk to Columbus-KY Beau to Richmond |
112 | 1/17/2025 11:57:00 PM | Summer 1861 | Union | 112 | 2 | Operations |
#112: 2 / Severe Storms at Sea Interrupt card, cancel a Naval movement initiated by a 3OC. This card cannot cancel a Naval movement initiated by an Event card (including a naval movement initiated by a campaign card event). Remove from deck if event is played. Message from Union: Activate Burnside at Bloomington, pick up 5SPs and Buell. 1 Louisville drop off Buell 2 Frankfort d1 n4 3 Lexington d1 n3 4 Falmouth d1 n2 5 Lexington 6 Somerset d1 n1 7 Lexington d1 n0 8 Burnside alone move to Louisville. |
111 | 1/17/2025 9:21:00 PM | Summer 1861 | Confederate | 40 | 3 | Operations |
#40: 3 / Emergency Call for Volunteers Union receives five SPs, no more than two SPs in any space. Placement spaces must be friendly controlled, have a LOC and be free of Confederate SPs or forts. Message from Confederate: PC Bowling Green, Frankfort, Somerset |
108 | 1/17/2025 2:21:00 AM | Summer 1861 | Union | 41 | 2 | Operations |
#41: 2 / Gov. Isham Harris, Tennessee Confederate Confederate immediately places two SPs in any friendly controlled space in Tennessee with a LOC (both SPs are placed in the same space). SPs may not be placed in Pro-Union spaces or one occupied by Union SPs or a fort. Message from Union: Division move Harper's Ferry (2) moves to Frederick. |
106 | 1/17/2025 2:06:00 AM | Summer 1861 | Confederate | 39 | 2 | Event |
#39: 2 / Draft Riots in New York The Union must remove three SPs (Union chooses). If possible the SPs must come from Pennsylvania, Maryland, New Jersey, or Washington DC. Message from Confederate: |
102 | 1/17/2025 2:00:00 AM | Summer 1861 | Union | 91 | 2 | Operations |
#91: 2 / Letters of Marque Increase Confederate SW by 1. Remove from deck if event is played. Message from Union: Activate Pope in Fredericksburg 1-2 pu 1; AoP (6); Move to Washington DC pu 1 n2; Washington DC (2) 3 Manassas d1 n1 4 Fredericksburg pu1 n 2; AoP (5) 5 Hanover (medium battle) USA 2 DRM +1 CSA 4 DRM +1 Over to you for rolls. |
99 | 1/16/2025 1:55:00 AM | Summer 1861 | Confederate | 54 | 1 | Operations |
#54: 1 / CSS Virginia Confederate may place one Ironclad in a controlled port or coastal fort space. Message from Confederate: Weldon 1sp to Hanover(4) |
95 | 1/16/2025 1:48:00 AM | Summer 1861 | Union | 100 | 3 | Operations |
#100: 3 / Shiloh Confederate Player may move 5 SPs using Strategic Movement (rail connections only) to the same space with a Confederate General who is then activated and must attempt to enter a space with at least one or more Union SPs or fort. If a general casualty occurs in a battle caused by this card, the Commanding General is eligible, this is an exception to the rules. See 4.5. Message from Union: 1.Activate AoP (7), drop off 1 n6 convert PC marker space (Fredericksburg) 2 Move to Manassas & pick up 1 n7 3 Return to Fredericksburg pick up 1 n8 4 Move to Hanover (medium battle) USA 8 DRM +3 CSA 4 DRM +1 Over to you for rolls |
86 | 1/16/2025 12:44:00 AM | Summer 1861 | Confederate | 124 | 2 | Operations |
#124: 2 / Confederate Desertion During a Union player’s turn cause a Confederate force to immediately execute an attrition procedure plus conduct Forage if force has no LOC. Remove from deck if event is played. Message from Confederate: Bragg(1) + Beau from Hanover(2 + Smith + Stuart cav stay=3sp total) 1.Richmond dp Beau, pu 1 (Richmond 1sp + Beau) 2.Hanover dp 1 (4sp total) 3.Bragg alone to Gordon 4-5.Strasbourg pu1 6-7.Culpepper,Wilderness 8.Bragg(1) attack Fredericksburg AoP(8) medium battle Csa +1 USA +7 |
85 | 1/16/2025 12:35:00 AM | Summer 1861 | Confederate | 54 | 1 | o hand |
#54: 1 / CSS Virginia Message from Confederate: |
83 | 1/15/2025 8:33:00 PM | Summer 1861 | Confederate | 54 | 1 | Operations |
#54: 1 / CSS Virginia Confederate may place one Ironclad in a controlled port or coastal fort space. Message from Confederate: Reorg Bragg, Polk to Weldon AS Johnston to Columbus-KY Beau to Richmond Smith,Stuart stay Hanover |
64 | 1/14/2025 9:17:00 PM | Summer 1861 | Union | 85 | 3 | Event |
#85: 3 / Minor Campaign Conduct up to two moves or conduct one special army-size naval move. No SP, general, or army marker may be moved twice with the same campaign card. You must move a different force each move. Message from Union: 1st move: activate AoP Frederick (14) 1 Drop off 1SP (in Frederick) n13, then move to Manassas (large battle) w/13. |
30 | 1/13/2025 1:17:00 PM | Spring 1861 | Confederate | 7 | 1 | Operations |
#7: 1 / Mud March Interrupt enemy force currently moving to no more than one space of movement. (Converting a space counts as movement.) Applies to only one move during a Major or Minor campaign card, but not a special army-naval move. Message from Confederate: PC Lebanon-KY |
27 | 1/13/2025 7:38:00 AM | Spring 1861 | Union | 23 | 2 | Operations |
#23: 2 / Bermuda Blockade Surge Confederate immediately receives two SPs in any open Blockade Runner Port, no more than one SP per port, but more than 1SP per Blockade zone is permitted. If insufficient ports are available, the excess SPs are lost. Message from Union: 1SP Cairo -> Paducah (small battle). Over to you for rolls. N.B. Division can move into Paducah as though there's an enemy force present there's no PC marker (C.f. Political Control p4.) |
26 | 1/13/2025 1:42:00 AM | Spring 1861 | Confederate | 42 | 2 | Operations |
#42: 2 / Kentucky Anarchy Remove up to three enemy PC markers in Kentucky. You must also remove one of your own PC markers from the state if you have any there. Removal of a PC marker makes a space neutral. Remove from deck if event is played. Message from Confederate: Price +1 from Fayetteville 1-2.LR pu1 3-6.Columbus dp1 (2 total) 7.Paducah dp1 8.Price alone end Dover(1) |
25 | 1/13/2025 12:58:00 AM | Spring 1861 | Union | 98 | 2 | Event |
#98: 2 / Cape Hatteras Operations Increase Union Blockade Level by 1 Message from Union: Blockade level = 1 |
24 | 1/12/2025 12:57:00 PM | Spring 1861 | Confederate | 51 | 1 | Event |
#51: 1 / Confederate Torpedoes Confederate receives three torpedo counters. Must be placed in a friendly controlled port, and no more than one per space. Torpedoes provide a -1 DRM against Running the Guns and a +1 DRM against amphibious assaults. Message from Confederate: 1 each to Gulf defenses: Sabine, Ft PJ, Ft Gadsden |
23 | 1/11/2025 4:46:00 AM | Spring 1861 | Union | 72 | 2 | Event |
#72: 2 / John Ericsson's Monitor Fleet The Union Amphibious Assault modifier is increased by two. Message from Union: Union AA level = 2 |
22 | 1/11/2025 3:36:00 AM | Spring 1861 | Confederate | 58 | 2 | Operations |
#58: 2 / Admiral Porter Union may make a naval move with up to three SPs plus one general. If an amphibious assault occurs, you receive an additional +2 DRM. Add +2DRM to any Running the Guns die roll. Message from Confederate: PC Fallmouth, Louisville |
9 | 1/7/2025 10:04:00 PM | Spring 1861 | Union | 101 | 3 | Operations |
#101: 3 / Chickamauga Confederate Player may move 5 SPs using Strategic Movement (rail connections only) to the same space with a Confederate General who is then activated and must attempt to enter a space with at least one or more Union SPs or fort. If a general casualty occurs in a battle caused by this card, the Commanding General is eligible, this is an exception to the rules. See 4.5. Message from Union: Activate AOP (5) 1 -> Frederick (drop off 1SP) 2 -> Harper's Ferry (pick up 1SP) 3 -> Winchester (attack JJ in medium battle) Over to you to roll for retreat or fight medium battle. |
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