Entry # | Time | Turn | Player | Card Number | Ops | Type | Entry |
169 | 1/19/2025 5:56:00 AM | Spring 1862 | Confederate | 85 | 3 | Event |
#85: 3 / Minor Campaign Conduct up to two moves or conduct one special army-size naval move. No SP, general, or army marker may be moved twice with the same campaign card. You must move a different force each move. Message from Confederate: 1st activation AoNV 10sp 1 Strasburg Reaction (interception/Avoid battle) ? |
142 | 1/18/2025 9:00:00 AM | Fall 1861 | Confederate | 14 | 3 | Operations |
#14: 3 / Red River Campaign May not be discarded by the Union. Union must use this card as an OC. If at the conclusion of movement, a Union SP is not on or adjacent to Grand Ecore, LA, then the Union loses 5 SW points. If a Union SP is in one of the objective spaces then a Union PC marker can immediately be placed to convert the space or spaces. Remove from deck if Union plays card. Message from Confederate: AoNV with 4sp 1 Manassas U +3 vs C +4 (unless interception) you can resolve |
140 | 1/18/2025 8:53:00 AM | Fall 1861 | Union | 82 | 3 | Operations |
#82: 3 / Foreign Intervention - Reshuffle/Remove Either player can play this card as an EC when Confederate SW is 110+. If this is the last card in a players hand or the second to last and the player holds the Emancipation Proclamation, if the condition is met, it must be played as an EC, if not it can be played as an OC. EFFECTS: 1. Union Blockade reduced by one (cannot become greater than 4 for the remainder of the game). 2. Union -2 SP Reinforcements for the remainder of the game (Union choice). 3. Union SW reduced by 10. Remove from deck if event is played. If card is played as an OC or discarded re-shuffle deck at end of the Strategy Phase. Message from Union: Halleck leaves 1 SP at Fort Sumter and moves with 1 SP into Charleston. Cards need to be reshuffled at end of turn. |
139 | 1/18/2025 8:43:00 AM | Fall 1861 | Confederate | 90 | 3 | Event |
#90: 3 / Habeas Corpus Reduce Union SW by 2. Remove from deck if event is played. Message from Confederate: correct. SW event Union 84- -2 82- Csa 97+ |
130 | 1/18/2025 7:21:00 AM | Fall 1861 | Union | 57 | 2 | Event |
#57: 2 / Admiral Foote Union may make a naval move with up to three SPs plus one general. If an amphibious assault occurs, you receive an additional +2 DRM. Add +2DRM to any Running the Guns die roll. Message from Union: Halleck with SP uses Foote Event to do Amphibious Assault on ungarrisoned Fort Sumter with +7 DRM (McDowell stays in DC with 1 SP). As a guaranteed victory, does SW change now or later? |
129 | 1/18/2025 7:08:00 AM | Fall 1861 | Confederate | 77 | 2 | Event |
#77: 2 / Stop the War Union SW reduced by five points. Remove from deck if event is played. Message from Confederate: SW event Union 92+ -5 -3 84 Csa 97+ |
128 | 1/17/2025 2:16:00 PM | Fall 1861 | Union | 3 | 1 | Operations |
#3: 1 / Forward to Richmond Union may activate any Union army within 4 spaces of Richmond, VA. The army must enter Richmond or move as close to Richmond as possible, but may convert spaces to maintain an LOC. All SPs associated with the army must be moved (no dropping off SPs), except 1 SP may be left if the Army began its movement from a fort (if last SP, move completed). If played by the Confederate, he draws a card from the Union hand which is discarded, and the Union player follows the instructions of this card as his next card play. Message from Union: Create fort at Manassas. |
117 | 1/17/2025 1:18:00 PM | Fall 1861 | Confederate | 130 | 3 | Operations |
#130: 3 / Union Siege Guns Union plays card at beginning of a battle (or Amphibious Assault) that has a Confederate fort present and cancels Confederate fort die roll modifier in the battle. Remove from deck if event is played. Draw a strategy card. Message from Confederate: AoNV with 5sp (2sp with Price are into the fort) 1-2 Widerness 3 Manassas you can resolve csa drm is +4 |
116 | 1/16/2025 3:51:00 PM | Fall 1861 | Union | 15 | 1 | Operations |
#15: 1 / Mosby's Raiders Confederate can remove two Union PC Markers in Virginia within 2 spaces of Winchester, VA. The spaces may contain Union generals, SPs or forts. Message from Union: Cincinatti SP makes a division move along friendly railroad to Cairo (using 1 RR bonus). |
115 | 1/16/2025 3:46:00 PM | Fall 1861 | Confederate | 5 | 1 | Operations |
#5: 1 / Dysentery The person playing the card may remove one enemy SP from any space that contains more than one SP. Message from Confederate: 1sp move from Nashville (1) to Columbus via Franklin, Dover |
112 | 1/16/2025 2:59:00 PM | Fall 1861 | Confederate | 5 | 1 | o hand |
#5: 1 / Dysentery Message from Confederate: Oups sorry |
110 | 1/16/2025 2:54:00 PM | Fall 1861 | Confederate | 5 | 1 | Operations |
#5: 1 / Dysentery The person playing the card may remove one enemy SP from any space that contains more than one SP. Message from Confederate: 1sp move from Nashville (1) to Columbus via Franklin, Dover |
107 | 1/16/2025 8:39:00 AM | Fall 1861 | Union | 99 | 3 | Event |
#99: 3 / Minor Campaign Conduct up to two moves or conduct one special army-size naval move. No SP, general, or army marker may be moved twice with the same campaign card. You must move a different force each move. Message from Union: First move: Fremont moves with 1 SP to Cairo, picks up 1 SP there, then to Paducah and picks up 4 SP with Pope, then attacks Columbus at 3:1 odds. Both sides have +2 DRM. |
106 | 1/16/2025 8:24:00 AM | Fall 1861 | Confederate | 41 | 2 | Event |
#41: 2 / Gov. Isham Harris, Tennessee Confederate Confederate immediately places two SPs in any friendly controlled space in Tennessee with a LOC (both SPs are placed in the same space). SPs may not be placed in Pro-Union spaces or one occupied by Union SPs or a fort. Message from Confederate: as event |
105 | 1/16/2025 8:24:00 AM | Fall 1861 | Confederate | 41 | 2 | o hand |
#41: 2 / Gov. Isham Harris, Tennessee Confederate Message from Confederate: |
104 | 1/16/2025 8:24:00 AM | Fall 1861 | Confederate | 41 | 2 | Operations |
#41: 2 / Gov. Isham Harris, Tennessee Confederate Confederate immediately places two SPs in any friendly controlled space in Tennessee with a LOC (both SPs are placed in the same space). SPs may not be placed in Pro-Union spaces or one occupied by Union SPs or a fort. Message from Confederate: As reinforcement 2SP in Nashville TN |
94 | 1/14/2025 9:04:00 AM | Fall 1861 | Union | 49 | 3 | Operations |
#49: 3 / CSS Alabama, Commerce Raider Union SW reduced by two. Message from Union: McClellan activated to attack Louisville at 5:1 odds (+4) |
79 | 1/12/2025 3:47:00 AM | Summer 1861 | Confederate | 103 | 3 | Operations |
#103: 3 / Seven Days/Chattanooga Either player may move 2 SPs using Strategic Movement from the same space using rail connections only (10 space maximum) to the same space with a General who is then activated and must attempt to enter a space with at least one or more enemy SPs or fort. OR play this card as an automatic 2 space interception. Intervening space must be friendly controlled and free of enemy SPs. The intervening space may be the one just exited by the moving enemy force. No Generals or SPs may be picked up or dropped off during the intercept. Message from Confederate: AJ with 1sp 1-2 Dover +2 3 (0) 3-4 BG -1 2 5 Lebanon -1 1 6 Louisville (1) |
73 | 1/11/2025 5:39:00 AM | Summer 1861 | Union | 8 | 1 | Operations |
#8: 1 / 3 Cigars Play this card to make an automatic one or two space interception. Intervening space must be friendly controlled and free of enemy SPs. The intervening space may be the one just exited by the moving enemy force. No Generals or SPs may be picked up or dropped off during intercept. Message from Union: 1 SP at Columbus, OH makes division move by rail to Parkersburg then marches into Charleston, WV. Vassal log file attached. |
72 | 1/11/2025 3:25:00 AM | Summer 1861 | Confederate | 9 | 3 | Operations |
#9: 3 / Clara Barton Union immediately adds three SPs due to improved sanitary conditions. Place in any space (friendly controlled or not) that already contains a Union SP and has a LOC, no more than one per space. Message from Confederate: PC to Falmouth, Lexington and Somerset |
63 | 1/9/2025 10:20:00 AM | Summer 1861 | Union | 61 | 3 | Operations |
#61: 3 / Ship Island/Key West Union Blockade Level is increased by one. In addition, if Fort Philip/Jackson does not contain a CSA SP place a friendly PC marker in that space. Message from Union: 1 Burnside with 1 SP to Frederick +3 2 Manassas drop off 1 3 Strasburg pick up 2 4 Staunton drop off 2 5-6 Winchester drop off 1 7-8 back to Manassas ending with 2 |
58 | 1/9/2025 8:39:00 AM | Summer 1861 | Confederate | 45 | 3 | Operations |
#45: 3 / Food Shortage Confederate loses SW equal to current Union blockade value. Message from Confederate: AoNV with 6sp 1 Fredericksburg 2-3 Williamsburg 4 Fort Monroe you can resolve CSA +4 (I'm not using Elite bde) |
55 | 1/8/2025 5:26:00 PM | Summer 1861 | Union | 81 | 3 | Event |
#81: 3 / Emancipation Proclamation - Reshuffle/Remove Either player must play this card as an EC on the Strategy Round immediately following a Union large or medium battle victory. Confederate loses 10 SW and 3 SPs (his choice). Union loses 5 SW. Flip GT marker to its Emancipation Proclamation side. Card must be the last one played by a player at which time it can be played as an OC card. If the play of this card as an OC results in a battle victory, there is no Emancipation Proclamation Remove from deck if event is played. If this card is played as an OC or discarded re-shuffle deck at the end of the Strategy Phase. Message from Union: My understanding is that I have no option but must play this card now since it is in my hand and I won the medium battle on my last strategy round. Let me know which 3 SPs you choose to lose. Union loses 5 SW & Confederates lose 10 SW, taking both down to |
54 | 1/8/2025 4:26:00 PM | Summer 1861 | Confederate | 36 | 1 | Event |
#36: 1 / Elite Units Place an Elite unit marker in any space with an Army. CSA: Stonewall Bde or Hood’s Tigers. USA: Iron Bde or Wilder’s Bde. Cannot be played if all elite unit markers are in play for that side. Message from Confederate: Stonewall Bde into AoNV |
48 | 1/8/2025 8:21:00 AM | Summer 1861 | Union | 113 | 2 | Operations |
#113: 2 / Washington Defenses The Union player may place 3 forts in friendly controlled spaces, unoccupied by Confederate SPs, on or within two spaces of the Union Capital (any location) OR 2 forts in any friendly controlled spaces unoccupied by Confederate SPs. Remove from deck if event is played. Message from Union: Pope moves with 1 SP to St Louis, picks up 1 SP there, moves back to Cairo, consolidates to 6 SP and attacks 2 SP at Paducah with Price at 3:1 odds. I believe Union gets +3 DRM and Confederates have +1 DRM. |
47 | 1/8/2025 8:00:00 AM | Summer 1861 | Confederate | 127 | 2 | Operations |
#127: 2 / Brooklyn Navy Yard Conversions The Union blockade level is increased by one. Remove from deck if event is played. Message from Confederate: Price with 1sp 1-5 Memphis +1 2 +Polk 6-7 Columbus -Polk 8 Paducah with 2 |
44 | 1/8/2025 6:26:00 AM | Summer 1861 | Union | 22 | 3 | Operations |
#22: 3 / Josiah Gorgas, Chief of Ordnance Confederate immediately receives three SPs in any friendly controlled space with a LOC,free of Union SPs and forts. No more than one SP per Confederate controlled state. No SPs may be placed in Pro-Union spaces. Message from Union: Rosecrans moves with 3 SP to Cincinnati, picks up 1 SP, back to Jackson, moves to Parkersburg (dropping off 1 SP), then Grafton (dropping off another SP), then Franklin (dropping off another SP), & ends move at Strasburg with 2 SP. |
15 | 1/6/2025 10:02:00 AM | Spring 1861 | Confederate | 47 | 3 | Operations |
#47: 3 / CSA Recognizes KY, MO, MD and DE Confederate places a total of two SPs in any single space in KY, MO, MD or DE that contains a general or army in these states. The space can be controlled by either side or neutral and does not require a LOC. Remove from deck if event is played. Message from Confederate: AoNV with 5sp (Richmond is empty) 1-2 Wilderness 3 Manassas You can intercept and / or resolve the medium battle |
14 | 1/6/2025 7:59:00 AM | Spring 1861 | Union | 1 | 1 | Event |
#1: 1 / Empty Haversacks Can be played as an Interrupt card to cancel the activation of any Confederate force, OR during a Union player's turn to cause a Confederate force to immediately execute an attrition procedure. In addition, conduct Forage if force has no LOC. Message from Union: Cancel last action's move with Price. I presume that you have another 3 OP card to do it again as your 4th action since you played a 3-OP card to create AoNV. Just let me know if that's what you want to do for your 4th action this turn. Then I believe it's the end of the turn. |
13 | 1/6/2025 7:34:00 AM | Spring 1861 | Confederate | 12 | 3 | Operations |
#12: 3 / Cabinet Intrigue Union SW reduced by three. Message from Confederate: Price and 1sp 1-2 LR +1 2 3-5 Memphis +1 3 +Polk 6-7 Columbus -Polk -1 2 (2 in Columbus) 8 Paducah (2) |
9 | 1/5/2025 5:58:00 PM | Spring 1861 | Union | 24 | 3 | Operations |
#24: 3 / Pre-War Treachery Confederate may place up to two forts in any friendly controlled spaces with a LOC free of Union SPs and forts. Remove from deck if event is played. Message from Union: AotP moves to Manassas & drops off 1 SP, then to Strasburg & drops off 1 SP, then to Culpepper & drops off 2 SP, then McDowell moves with last SP back to Manassas & picks up 1 SP there to finish with 2 SP in AotP at Manassas. I believe when you formed AoNV on your turn with JJ in command Confederate SP went down 2 with extra 3 SP penalty since A. Johnston was on board with higher political rating, correct? |
8 | 1/5/2025 4:55:00 PM | Spring 1861 | Confederate | 122 | 3 | Operations |
#122: 3 / Crisis in the West If two or more Confederate armies are in Virginia, the Confederate player places (Confederate choice) one army (placed, not moved) in a Confederate controlled Resource space (destroyed or not), Riverine port, or Blockade Runner port (open or closed) in Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, or Texas. Remove from deck if event is played. Message from Confederate: Form AoNV in Richmond (5) JJ takes commands |
6 | 1/5/2025 1:49:00 PM | Spring 1861 | Union | 68 | 2 | Event |
#68: 2 / Lincoln Declares Southern Blockade The Union Blockade Level is increased by one. Remove from deck if event is played. Message from Union: |
5 | 1/5/2025 12:10:00 PM | Spring 1861 | Confederate | 96 | 2 | Operations |
#96: 2 / Strategy Board Union player may make a naval move with up to three SPs plus one general. Message from Confederate: JJ with 1sp 1-2 Manassas +Beauregard +3 3-5 Richmond (5) |
4 | 1/5/2025 10:07:00 AM | Spring 1861 | Union | 89 | 1 | Operations |
#89: 1 / Quaker Guns Play as an interrupt to cancel the activation of any Union general with a strategy rating of 2 or 3. Message from Union: 1 SP moved from Philadelphia to Frederick. |
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