Entry # | Time | Turn | Player | Card Number | Ops | Type | Entry |
111 | 1/21/2025 6:27:00 PM | Spring 1862 | Union | 60 | 2 | Operations |
#60: 2 / USS Monitor The Union player may remove one Confederate ironclad from the mapboard. Message from Union: Eliminate 3 from AoP, n9 Activate Pope with 2SP 1 Sheverport, pick 2, n4 2 Monroe, leave 1, n3 3 Grand Ecore, leave 1, n2 4-7 Clarksville, leave 1, n1 7-8 Fayetville |
110 | 1/21/2025 12:33:00 PM | Spring 1862 | Confederate | 65 | 1 | Event |
#65: 1 / Union 90-Day Enlistments Expire Union player removes three SPs (Union player’s choice). Message from Confederate: |
107 | 1/20/2025 5:30:00 PM | Spring 1862 | Union | 53 | 1 | Operations |
#53: 1 / CSS Arkansas Confederate may place one Ironclad in a controlled port or coastal fort space. Message from Union: Burn Nashville SW USA +5=118+ CSA -5=36- |
106 | 1/20/2025 1:36:00 PM | Spring 1862 | Confederate | 76 | 2 | Operations |
#76: 2 / Great Sioux Uprising Remove one Union commanding general at no SW penalty. Penalties for promoting a general with a lower political value still apply. OR remove ANY Union non-commanding general (even second in commands) from the game. Remove from deck if event is played. Message from Confederate: 2 SP from New Orleans (0) to Jackson (5) |
105 | 1/20/2025 1:07:00 PM | Spring 1862 | Union | 73 | 1 | Operations |
#73: 1 / Ball's Bluff The Union removes one SP (Confederate chooses) within two spaces (including a river connection) of a Confederate SP due to poor leadership. A Union SP can be removed from a Coastal fort. Message from Union: Fort in Bloomington |
104 | 1/20/2025 1:06:00 PM | Spring 1862 | Confederate | 130 | 3 | Operations |
#130: 3 / Union Siege Guns Union plays card at beginning of a battle (or Amphibious Assault) that has a Confederate fort present and cancels Confederate fort die roll modifier in the battle. Remove from deck if event is played. Draw a strategy card. Message from Confederate: Fort in Louisville |
97 | 1/19/2025 2:00:00 PM | Spring 1862 | Union | 84 | 3 | Event |
#84: 3 / Major Campaign Conduct up to three moves or conduct one special army-size naval move. No SP, general, or army marker may be moved twice with the same campaign card. You must move a different force each move. Message from Union: 1 st Activate Rosencrans 1 St Louis, pick 1, n4 4-5 Columbus, via Paducah Small Battle USA +4 CSA +4 Do you confirm me Dover it's empty and has only Pemberton? |
79 | 1/18/2025 5:47:00 AM | Fall 1861 | Confederate | 86 | 3 | Event |
#86: 3 / Minor Campaign Conduct up to two moves or conduct one special army-size naval move. No SP, general, or army marker may be moved twice with the same campaign card. You must move a different force each move. Message from Confederate: First move Activate A Johnston with Price and 5 SP 1 Bowling Green you may react else battle at Bowling Green US +5 CS +1 |
76 | 1/17/2025 5:45:00 PM | Fall 1861 | Union | 118 | 3 | Operations |
#118: 3 / Mexican Supply Line Confederate player receives 2 SP in any friendly controlled Texas space (both SPs placed in the same space). The space does not need a LOC. The space may not contain Union SPs or forts. If no eligible space exists the SPs are lost. Message from Union: Yes, really unlucky game, nothing to say Activate Pope 1-4 Little Rock |
70 | 1/16/2025 3:43:00 PM | Fall 1861 | Confederate | 50 | 1 | Operations |
#50: 1 / CSS Sumter, Commerce Raider Union SW reduced by one. Message from Confederate: Activate Van Dorn and 2SP leave Pemberton in Dover 1 Paducah take all SP + Price (4) 2-3 Clarksville you can react here if you want |
69 | 1/16/2025 2:11:00 PM | Fall 1861 | Union | 13 | 2 | Operations |
#13: 2 / Missouri Guerrilla Raids Confederate removes two Union PC markers from any two Missouri spaces that do not contain a Union SP or fort. Message from Union: Activate Pope with 1SP 1-2 Lebanon, pick 5 and Halleck, n6 3 Bowling Green, leave 2 and Halleck, n4 4-5 Louisville, pick 1, n5 6 Bloomington, pick 1, n6 7-10 Ironton |
68 | 1/16/2025 3:22:00 AM | Fall 1861 | Confederate | 5 | 1 | Event |
#5: 1 / Dysentery The person playing the card may remove one enemy SP from any space that contains more than one SP. Message from Confederate: Sabine City -1 |
65 | 1/15/2025 7:06:00 PM | Fall 1861 | Union | 26 | 3 | Operations |
#26: 3 / Cotton is King If played by Union, reduce Confederate SW by 2; if played by Confederate, Confederate immediately receives two SPs in any Blockade Runner port, no more than one SP per port, but more than 1SP per Blockade zone is permitted. If insufficient ports are available, the excess SPs are lost. Remove from deck if event is played. Message from Union: Buell and 3SP sail from DC to AA Sabine City USA +3 CSA +0 |
64 | 1/15/2025 2:27:00 AM | Fall 1861 | Confederate | 36 | 1 | Event |
#36: 1 / Elite Units Place an Elite unit marker in any space with an Army. CSA: Stonewall Bde or Hood’s Tigers. USA: Iron Bde or Wilder’s Bde. Cannot be played if all elite unit markers are in play for that side. Message from Confederate: Hood's Texan with AoNV |
63 | 1/14/2025 5:30:00 PM | Fall 1861 | Union | 104 | 1 | Operations |
#104: 1 / Big Bethel Either player may move up to two infantry SPs from the same space as if they were led by a General. This move is a Corps move and may enter enemy controlled spaces because the SPs are moving as if they are led by a general. Message from Union: 2 SP from AoP(6) to DC, n4 |
62 | 1/14/2025 11:01:00 AM | Fall 1861 | Confederate | 55 | 1 | Event |
#55: 1 / CSS Tennessee Confederate may place one Ironclad in a controlled port or coastal fort space. Message from Confederate: Ironclad Tennessee in Pensacola |
61 | 1/13/2025 6:14:00 PM | Fall 1861 | Union | 126 | 1 | Operations |
#126: 1 / Valley Devastation If Union infantry SPs occupy all three Shenandoah Valley spaces the Union player places a destroyed Resource marker in all Shenandoah Valley spaces. These destroyed Resource markers cannot be removed and prevent the Confederate player from using the Shenandoah valley as a supply source for the remainder of the game. Remove from deck if event is played. Message from Union: PC Bowling Green |
60 | 1/13/2025 5:03:00 PM | Fall 1861 | Confederate | 24 | 3 | Event |
#24: 3 / Pre-War Treachery Confederate may place up to two forts in any friendly controlled spaces with a LOC free of Union SPs and forts. Remove from deck if event is played. Message from Confederate: fort Nashville and Selma |
59 | 1/13/2025 3:00:00 PM | Fall 1861 | Union | 6 | 1 | Operations |
#6: 1 / Ambush Target any enemy cavalry general not located with an army and make a casualty die roll. On a die roll of 1-3 the cavalry general is killed, on a die roll of 4-6 there is no effect. Message from Union: General Reorg Banks to AoP Freemont to AoP Pope to Bloomington Buell to DC Mc to Frederick Rosencrans to Salem |
49 | 1/12/2025 4:36:00 PM | Summer 1861 | Confederate | 107 | 1 | Event |
#107: 1 / Guerilla Raids Delay Supply Play as interrupt to cancel the activation of any Union general with a strategy rating of 2 or 3. Message from Confederate: Cancel last general activation |
48 | 1/12/2025 4:28:00 PM | Summer 1861 | Union | 82 | 3 | Operations |
#82: 3 / Foreign Intervention - Reshuffle/Remove Either player can play this card as an EC when Confederate SW is 110+. If this is the last card in a players hand or the second to last and the player holds the Emancipation Proclamation, if the condition is met, it must be played as an EC, if not it can be played as an OC. EFFECTS: 1. Union Blockade reduced by one (cannot become greater than 4 for the remainder of the game). 2. Union -2 SP Reinforcements for the remainder of the game (Union choice). 3. Union SW reduced by 10. Remove from deck if event is played. If card is played as an OC or discarded re-shuffle deck at end of the Strategy Phase. Message from Union: Activate Mc with 3SP 1 Frederick, pick 1, n4 2 Manassas, pick 1(5), n5 3-4 Gordonsville, leave 1, n4 5 Charlottesville, leave 1, n3 6-7 Wytheville, leave 1, n2 8 Lynchburg |
47 | 1/12/2025 3:49:00 PM | Summer 1861 | Confederate | 110 | 3 | Operations |
#110: 3 / The Gettysburg Address Union player gains 3 SW. Remove from deck if event is played. Message from Confederate: Activation AoNV (5) 1-2 Richmond leave 1 (4) 3 Williamsburg leave 1 (3) 4-5 Petersburg leave 1 (2) 6 Hickford Jct (2) |
44 | 1/11/2025 1:25:00 PM | Summer 1861 | Union | 88 | 3 | Event |
#88: 3 / Minor Campaign Conduct up to two moves or conduct one special army-size naval move. No SP, general, or army marker may be moved twice with the same campaign card. You must move a different force each move. Message from Union: Sorry for the delay Activate Halleck alone 1 Cochocton, pick 2, n2 2 Columbus, pick 2, n4 3 Cincinnati, pick 2, n6 4 Flamouth, leave 1, n5 5 Lexington, leave 1, n4 6 Frankfort, leave 1, n3 7 Louisville, leave 1, n2 8 Lebanon 2 Activate Pope with 5 1 Wildnerness, leave 1, n4 2 Culpepper, leave 1, n3 3 Strasburg, leave 1, n2 4-5 Winchester, leave 1, n1 6-7 Staunton |
43 | 1/10/2025 2:07:00 PM | Summer 1861 | Confederate | 120 | 1 | Operations |
#120: 1 / Horace Greeley Editorial If played by the Union increase Union SW by 1. If played by the Confederate decrease Union SW by 1. Message from Confederate: 1 SP Savannah to Fort Pulaski |
42 | 1/10/2025 2:52:00 AM | Summer 1861 | Union | 8 | 1 | Operations |
#8: 1 / 3 Cigars Play this card to make an automatic one or two space interception. Intervening space must be friendly controlled and free of enemy SPs. The intervening space may be the one just exited by the moving enemy force. No Generals or SPs may be picked up or dropped off during intercept. Message from Union: Fort in Manassas |
41 | 1/10/2025 2:49:00 AM | Summer 1861 | Confederate | 106 | 3 | Event |
#106: 3 / British Clydeside Shipyards Confederate immediately receives three SPs in any open Blockade Runner Port, no more than one SP per port, but more than one SP per Blockade zone is permitted. If insufficient ports are available, the excess SPs are lost. Message from Confederate: Morehead City, Wilmington, Savannah |
40 | 1/9/2025 6:22:00 PM | Summer 1861 | Union | 21 | 3 | Operations |
#21: 3 / Confederate Overseas Agent Confederate immediately receives three SPs in any open Blockade Runner Port, no more than one SP per port, but more than one SP per Blockade Zone is permitted. If insufficient ports are available, the excess SPs are lost. Message from Union: Activate AoP 1 Richmond, pick 1 and Butler, n12 2-3 Hannover and PC 4 Fredericksburg, leave 1, n11 5 Aquia Creek, leave 1, n10 6 Manassas |
39 | 1/9/2025 3:37:00 AM | Summer 1861 | Confederate | 11 | 2 | Operations |
#11: 2 / Nathaniel Lyon Union places or flips three PC markers in Missouri. The spaces may not contain Confederate SPs or forts. Message from Confederate: Creation of AoNV at Hickford Jct J.Johnston Commander CS SW -2 = 66- |
38 | 1/9/2025 3:12:00 AM | Summer 1861 | Union | 124 | 2 | Event |
#124: 2 / Confederate Desertion During a Union player’s turn cause a Confederate force to immediately execute an attrition procedure plus conduct Forage if force has no LOC. Remove from deck if event is played. Message from Union: Actually let's do this attrition -2SP in Hickford, n5 |
37 | 1/9/2025 3:10:00 AM | Summer 1861 | Union | 8 | 1 | o hand |
#8: 1 / 3 Cigars Message from Union: |
36 | 1/9/2025 3:10:00 AM | Summer 1861 | Union | 8 | 1 | Operations |
#8: 1 / 3 Cigars Play this card to make an automatic one or two space interception. Intervening space must be friendly controlled and free of enemy SPs. The intervening space may be the one just exited by the moving enemy force. No Generals or SPs may be picked up or dropped off during intercept. Message from Union: Fort in Frederick No file |
24 | 1/8/2025 11:37:00 AM | Spring 1861 | Confederate | 101 | 3 | Operations |
#101: 3 / Chickamauga Confederate Player may move 5 SPs using Strategic Movement (rail connections only) to the same space with a Confederate General who is then activated and must attempt to enter a space with at least one or more Union SPs or fort. If a general casualty occurs in a battle caused by this card, the Commanding General is eligible, this is an exception to the rules. See 4.5. Message from Confederate: PC Falmouth, Lexington, Somerset |
23 | 1/8/2025 3:00:00 AM | Spring 1861 | Union | 28 | 1 | Operations |
#28: 1 / Franz Sigel Union immediately receives one SP in St. Louis, MO space if no Confederate SPs or fort are present, whether it is controlled by either side or neutral; OR Confederate plays card at the beginning of a battle and receives a +2 DRM in the battle. Message from Union: Fort in Cairo |
22 | 1/8/2025 2:08:00 AM | Spring 1861 | Confederate | 74 | 2 | Operations |
#74: 2 / Political Crisis The Union player may remove or demote one Union general for no SW cost. The cost for promoting a general with a lower political value still applies. OR remove ANY Union non-commanding general (even second in commands) from the game. Message from Confederate: Price with one from Fayetteville AR 1-4 Madison pick 1 (2) 5-8 Paducah |
15 | 1/7/2025 3:07:00 PM | Spring 1861 | Union | 86 | 3 | Event |
#86: 3 / Minor Campaign Conduct up to two moves or conduct one special army-size naval move. No SP, general, or army marker may be moved twice with the same campaign card. You must move a different force each move. Message from Union: Did you receive my Dropbox invitation? First move activate AoP in Manassas 1 Manassas, PC 2 Fredericksburg |
14 | 1/7/2025 1:58:00 AM | Spring 1861 | Confederate | 79 | 1 | Event |
#79: 1 / Indian Allies Confederate immediately receives one SP in any friendly space in Arkansas (no LOC required) that is free of Union SPs. Message from Confederate: 1SP Madison |
9 | 1/6/2025 6:15:00 PM | Spring 1861 | Union | 24 | 3 | Operations |
#24: 3 / Pre-War Treachery Confederate may place up to two forts in any friendly controlled spaces with a LOC free of Union SPs and forts. Remove from deck if event is played. Message from Union: Activate AoP with 6, DC(1) 1 Frederick, pick 2(1), n8 2 Harpers Ferry, pick 2, n10 3 Winchester JJ can avoid |
8 | 1/6/2025 2:47:00 AM | Spring 1861 | Confederate | 49 | 3 | Operations |
#49: 3 / CSS Alabama, Commerce Raider Union SW reduced by two. Message from Confederate: I build a fort in Manassas |
6 | 1/5/2025 6:12:00 PM | Spring 1861 | Union | 40 | 3 | Event |
#40: 3 / Emergency Call for Volunteers Union receives five SPs, no more than two SPs in any space. Placement spaces must be friendly controlled, have a LOC and be free of Confederate SPs or forts. Message from Union: 2 to AoP, n7 2 Frederick, n3 1 Baltimore |
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