Entry # | Time | Turn | Player | Card Number | Ops | Type | Entry |
10 | 2/23/2025 8:32:00 AM | Spring 1861 | Confederate | 48 | 3 | Operations |
#48: 3 / Brazil Recognizes the Confederacy Confederate gains +3 SW. Remove from deck if event is played. Message from Confederate: PC in Somerset, Louisville and Paduach |
9 | 2/23/2025 5:26:00 AM | Spring 1861 | Union | 41 | 2 | Operations |
#41: 2 / Gov. Isham Harris, Tennessee Confederate Confederate immediately places two SPs in any friendly controlled space in Tennessee with a LOC (both SPs are placed in the same space). SPs may not be placed in Pro-Union spaces or one occupied by Union SPs or a fort. Message from Union: Fort Frederick |
8 | 2/23/2025 4:21:00 AM | Spring 1861 | Confederate | 68 | 2 | Operations |
#68: 2 / Lincoln Declares Southern Blockade The Union Blockade Level is increased by one. Remove from deck if event is played. Message from Confederate: Create AoNV under JJ -2-3 |
7 | 2/23/2025 12:48:00 AM | Spring 1861 | Union | 61 | 3 | Event |
#61: 3 / Ship Island/Key West Union Blockade Level is increased by one. In addition, if Fort Philip/Jackson does not contain a CSA SP place a friendly PC marker in that space. Message from Union: SP in fort Philips/Jackson right in time :) |
6 | 2/22/2025 7:35:00 PM | Spring 1861 | Confederate | 87 | 3 | Event |
#87: 3 / Minor Campaign Conduct up to two moves or conduct one special army-size naval move. No SP, general, or army marker may be moved twice with the same campaign card. You must move a different force each move. Message from Confederate: 1st Activate JJ 1-2 Manassas, pick 3 and Bereguard,B4 3-5 Richmond, M5 2nd 1SP via river from Little Rock to Fort St Philips |
5 | 2/22/2025 5:12:00 PM | Spring 1861 | Union | 9 | 3 | Event |
#9: 3 / Clara Barton Union immediately adds three SPs due to improved sanitary conditions. Place in any space (friendly controlled or not) that already contains a Union SP and has a LOC, no more than one per space. Message from Union: WDC, Frederick, Harpers Ferry |
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