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Barbarossa to Berlin: World in Flames Card Play Report

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Entry # Time Turn Player Card Number Ops Type Entry
643 7/16/2024 3:09:00 PM Spring 1944 Axis 27 3 Operations #27: 3 / Fall Zitadelle
Axis places 2 combat markers in any Axis occupied spaces. Su gets +2 DRM for def fire. Add 1VP if Ge PzA adv to capture any space in Su occupied by 2 or more LCU this round. Subtract 1VP if no such adv is made. PREREQ: Play after Hitler Takes Command.

Message from Axis:
AX#4 ops:
M Genua: IT C nach Lyon
M Prag: Pz4 nach Troyes
C Troyes: Angriff auf Paris
641 5/26/2024 5:10:00 PM Spring 1944 Allied 10 2 Operations #10: 2 / NKVD Boosts Morale
"+1 DRM" for defending Soviet Units.

Message from Allied:

M Rennes: US 1 nach Le Mans via Cherbourg und Caen, BR 2 nach Bordeaux über Nantes und dann zurück nach Rennes
639 4/9/2024 2:53:00 PM Spring 1944 Axis 38 3 Operations #38: 3 / Atlantic Wall
Place a lvl-1 Atlantic Wall trench in any 2 spaces connected to Beaches A-I.

Message from Axis:
AX#3 ops:
M Caen: GE7 nach Troyes via Le Mans + Orleans
M Ruhr: PZ(5) nach Reims
M Warschau: Pz4 nach Prag
635 3/24/2024 10:01:00 AM Spring 1944 Allied 41 3 Event #41: 3 / US Reinforcements
Place US 9A. Place 1x US Corps==>RB

Message from Allied:
AL#2 Reinforcements
US 9A nach Overlord Beachhead in H, dort wird ein Move Marker platziert, 1 US C nach RB (4;0)
M Beachhead H: US 9A nach Paris über Rennes, Le Mans, Orleans
634 2/25/2024 1:42:00 PM Spring 1944 Axis 21 5 Replacement Points #21: 5 / Herkules
Place an Axis control marker on Malta. May trace full supply by sea to Tripoli/Tunis. PREREQ: May not be played if Allied units are in Benghazi or Algiers.

Replacement points: GE: 4, AX: 2

Message from Axis:
633 2/25/2024 1:41:00 PM Spring 1944 Axis 8 2 o hand #8: 2 / Hitler Declares War

Message from Axis:
631 1/6/2024 1:48:00 PM Spring 1944 Axis 8 2 Operations #8: 2 / Hitler Declares War
Add 1 VP. US Enters the war. Allow play of Allied US Build-Up card. PREREQ: May play after Summer 41.

Message from Axis:
AX#2 ops
M Ruhr: Pz(5) nach Paris
M Calais: GE1 nach Paris
629 12/11/2023 3:58:00 PM Spring 1944 Allied 33 5 Event #33: 5 / Overlord
Beach Heads: BR & US, or 1 Allied Beaches: A-I. Br2A, US1A, place 1xBr Corps, 2xUS Corps==>RB PREREQ: Play after US Build-Up. May not play before turn 13 or after Round-Up.

Message from Allied:
AL#1 Event
Allied BH nach H, BR2 und US1 nach H und Angriff auf Rennes, beide rücken nach, 1 BR c und 2 US c in die RB
625 11/27/2023 2:30:00 PM Spring 1944 Axis 35 5 Event #35: 5 / German Reinforcements
Place [5th PzA]. Place 1x Pz corps ==> RB. PREREQ: Play after Speer

Message from Axis:
AX#1 Event
Pz(5) nach Ruhr, PzC nach RB <2>
615 9/27/2023 1:07:00 PM Winter 1944 Allied 3 2 Operations #3: 2 / Stavka
Cancels any Soviet Orders for this turn

Message from Allied:

M Leningrad: Graben
M Yaroslavl: SU C nach Tikhvin Volkhov über Rybinsk und Zabore
614 9/13/2023 10:51:00 AM Winter 1944 Axis 20 2 Operations #20: 2 / Kammhuber Line
Cancels effect of Bomber Command played this turn. PREREQ: May not be played after Turn 14

Message from Axis:
AX#6 ops:
M Valdai: GE9 nach Luga
M Dvinsk: GE c nach Valdai
609 4/5/2023 2:34:00 PM Winter 1944 Axis 55 3 Replacement Points #55: 3 / National Redoubt
Place the National Redoubt supply marker in Munich. It now counts as a normal Axis Supply Center for ALL purposes. PREREQ: May not be played after the Bunker

Replacement points: GE: 2, AX: 1

Message from Axis:
608 2/28/2023 12:09:00 PM Winter 1944 Allied 22 5 Replacement Points #22: 5 / Operation Uranus
"+1DRM" for all Su attack this round. PREREQ: May NOT play during Spring Thaw

Replacement points: BR: 2, US: 3, SU: 5

Message from Allied:
AL#4 Replacements
607 1/25/2023 3:16:00 PM Winter 1944 Axis 30 2 Operations #30: 2 / Kesselring
"+1 DRM" for def fire for Ge units in Italy/Scily.

Message from Axis:
AX#4 ops:
M Smolensk: Pz1 via Konotop, Poltava nach Kremenchug, GE18 nach Vyazma
M Brasov: GE PzC nach Kremenchug
606 11/27/2022 8:22:00 AM Winter 1944 Allied 8 2 Strategic Redeployment #8: 2 / Fortified Boxes
"+1 DRM" for Allied Units defending a desert space.

Message from Allied:

Tebessa: 1 US C nach RB
1 Shock von RB nach Kursk
604 11/5/2022 3:42:00 AM Winter 1944 Allied 32 5 Replacement Points #32: 5 / IX Tac-Air
"+1DRM" for all BR/US attacks this round. PREREQ: Play Spring/Summer only, after P-51 Mustang

Replacement points: BR: 2, US: 3, SU: 5

Message from Allied:
AL#2 Replacements
603 10/31/2022 8:14:00 AM Winter 1944 Axis 39 5 Replacement Points #39: 5 / East Wall
Place 3x lvl-1 trenches in any spaces in Su containing a Ge Army in Full Supply.

Replacement points: GE: 4, AX: 2

Message from Axis:
597 8/23/2022 12:46:00 PM Winter 1944 Allied 15 3 Ops/Event #15: 3 / Casablanca
Treat all Neutral spaces as Allied for VP purposes. PREREQ: May play if Allies control Oran & Algiers, or Syracusa, & there are no Axis controlled spaces in Libya or Egypt. (Subtract 1 VP for each currently neutral VP space.)

Message from Allied:
AL#1 OPS/Event

C Yaroslavl: SU C vs PZ (C) in Vologda
M Tula: 1 Bel Mech nach Yaroslavl, SU Central gräbt
M Kharkov: SU West gräbt
589 7/4/2022 1:32:00 PM Winter 1944 Axis 25 4 Operations #25: 4 / Stuka
All Ge attack vs. Su get +1 DRM this round. PREREQ: Maybe played in Summer/Fall 1941-43 only.

Message from Axis:
588 7/4/2022 1:32:00 PM Winter 1944 Axis 25 4 o hand #25: 4 / Stuka

Message from Axis:
583 5/17/2022 4:31:00 PM Winter 1944 Axis 25 4 Ops/Event #25: 4 / Stuka
All Ge attack vs. Su get +1 DRM this round. PREREQ: Maybe played in Summer/Fall 1941-43 only.

Message from Axis:
Nein Halt, anders:
AX #1 ops/Event:
C Roslavl Yelna: Angriff auf Bryansk
C Nikopol + Dnepropetrovsk: Angriff auf Melitopol
574 5/8/2022 10:25:00 AM Fall 1943 Allied 53 4 Operations #53: 4 / P-51 Mustang
Cancels future play of FW-190. Allow play of Operation Strangle & IX Tac-Air

Message from Allied:

M Vladimir: SU C nach Vyatka
M Elets: SU (Volkhov) nach Bryansk über Konotop
M Voroshilovgrad: SU (West) und Shock C nach Kharkov (Mech (C) bleibt da)
M Voronezh: SU (Don) nach Kharkov
568 4/6/2022 2:00:00 PM Fall 1943 Axis 31 4 Operations #31: 4 / Achse
German LCU may now operate in Italy/Sicily south of Bologna/La Spaza. Allows Skorzeny. PREREQ: Play after Allies controls Messina or invade at beaches M, O, R, T.

Message from Axis:
AX#6 ops:
C Nikopol + Dnepropetrovsk: Angriff auf Melitopol
M Smolensk: Pz(c) nach Vologda
567 3/15/2022 1:48:00 PM Fall 1943 Allied 12 3 Event #12: 3 / Bomber Command
Axis hand cap reduce by 2 for the next draw phase. PREREQ: Prior to Fall 44 maybe played as an event in Allied action rounds 1-5 only.

Message from Allied:
AL#5 Event
563 2/16/2022 3:31:00 PM Fall 1943 Axis 13 3 Operations #13: 3 / Krim
Cancels Su fort combat effects for 1 attack vs. Sevastopol.

Message from Axis:
AX#5 ops:
M Konotop: HU(2) nach Chernigov, 1x Pz(c) via Kiev-Cherkassi nach Dnepropetrovsk, 1x Pz(c) nach Smolensk
C Dnepropetrovsk: Angriff auf Kharkov
562 2/1/2022 5:00:00 PM Fall 1943 Allied 26 5 Replacement Points #26: 5 / British Reinforcements
Place 1st Canadian Army. Place 1 CW corps ==> RB.

Replacement points: BR: 2, US: 3, SU: 5

Message from Allied:
AL#4 Replacements
561 1/21/2022 11:36:00 AM Fall 1943 Axis 34 5 Replacement Points #34: 5 / German Reinforcements
Place 8thA. Place 1x corps ==> RB.

Replacement points: GE: 4, AX: 2

Message from Axis:
558 1/11/2022 1:42:00 PM Fall 1943 Allied 23 4 Operations #23: 4 / Clearing the Scheldt
Allows Allied use of Antwerp supply PREREQ: May play if the Allies control Antwerp.

Message from Allied:

M Elets: 2 Bel Mech nach Kursk über Orel, SU (Volkhov) bleibt und gräbt
M Tula: SU Voronezh nach Kursk, Rest gräbt
M Ivanovo: SU Central nach Tula
M Penza: SU C nach Yaroslavl
557 12/29/2021 6:35:00 AM Fall 1943 Axis 28 2 Operations #28: 2 / Skorzeny
Add 1 VP. PREREQ: Play after Asche or Allies control Rome.

Message from Axis:
AX#3 ops
M Orel: PZ(2), SSPzC, Pz(c) nach Cherkassi via Kiev (Poltava SU kontrolliert)
M Minsk: GE6+17 nach Roslavl, GE C nach Velikiye Luki
554 11/8/2021 4:27:00 PM Fall 1943 Allied 47 2 Strategic Redeployment #47: 2 / The Big Three
Subtract 1 VP. PREREQ: Play after Casablanca if there are no Axis controlled spaces in Africa, Syria, Persia, or Iraq.

Message from Allied:

1 Shock von RB nach Tula
1 Shock von RB nach Kharkov
549 9/27/2021 1:04:00 PM Fall 1943 Axis 48 2 Combat #48: 2 / Heinrici
"+1 DRM" Def fire any Ge unit vs. Su attackers.

Message from Axis:
Für Orel
548 8/24/2021 1:19:00 PM Fall 1943 Allied 38 3 Operations #38: 3 / US Reinforcements
Place US 15A. Place 1x US Corps==>RB

Message from Allied:

C Tula: Bel Mech 1 + SU Voronesh vs. Orel
C Elets: SU Volkhov vs. Orel
M Ryazan: Bel Mech 2 nach Elets
544 6/15/2021 1:16:00 PM Fall 1943 Axis 49 2 Combat #49: 2 / Weichs
"+1 DRM" Off fire any Ge unit vs. Su units.

Message from Axis:
Für Kursk...
539 6/2/2021 1:57:00 PM Fall 1943 Axis 5 4 Ops/Event #5: 4 / Panzergruppe Guderian
2nd PzA may make a 2nd attack this round after all combat have been completed. It may advance only 1 space after this 2nd combat. PREREQ: May not be played after Hitler takes command. May not be played during Spring Thaw.

Message from Axis:
AX#1 Ops/Event
C Konotop + Orel: Angriff auf Kursk
M Rzhev: Pz2 nach Orel, GE18 nach Smolensk
529 5/18/2021 1:05:00 PM Summer 1943 Allied 54 2 Replacement Points #54: 2 / Finland Withdraws
Subtract 1 VP. PREREQ: If Su control Leningrad, Tallinn, & Riga in Full Supply.

Replacement points: BR: 1, US: 1, SU: 2

Message from Allied:
AL#6 Replacements
518 1/26/2021 2:02:00 PM Summer 1943 Axis 45 4 Operations #45: 4 / Vergeltungs-Waffe
Add 1 VP.

Message from Axis:
AX#6 ops
M Bryansk: 2x PzC nach Konotop
C Orel: Angriff auf Kursk
C Konotop: Angriff auf Kursk
M Rybinsk: PzC nach Roslavl, GE(18)+ Pz(2) nach Rzhev
508 12/2/2020 5:48:00 PM Summer 1943 Allied 35 5 Ops/Event #35: 5 / Bagration
"+1DRM" for all Su attacks & cancels all Axis No retreat options this round against Soviet attacks. PREREQ: May not play during Spring Thaw.

Message from Allied:
AL#5 OPS/Event

C Moskau: alle vs. Tula
C Ryazan: SU Bel 1 Mech vs. Tula
M Voroshilovgrad: SU Mech C + SU West nach Kharkov über Poltava
M Voronezh: SU Don + SU Mech C nach Kursk
M Gorki: SU Volkhov nach Elets
504 10/28/2020 2:38:00 PM Summer 1943 Axis 51 2 Operations #51: 2 / Anti-Partisan Sweep
Remove 2x partisan markers

Message from Axis:
AX#5 ops
M Kaluga: Pz(1) nach Orel, Pz(2) nach Rybinsk
C Rybinsk: Angriff auf Yaroslavl
503 10/26/2020 10:12:00 AM Summer 1943 Allied 55 5 Replacement Points #55: 5 / Patton
US3A may make a 2nd attack after completing a 1st attack. May advance a max of 2 spaces after 2nd combat.

Replacement points: BR: 2, US: 3, SU: 5

Message from Allied:
AL#4 Replacements
494 8/3/2020 1:51:00 PM Summer 1943 Axis 15 3 Operations #15: 3 / Wolfpacks
Allied hand size reduced by 2 for the next draw phase. PREREQ: May not be played after ASW Victory.

Message from Axis:
AX#4 ops
C Kaluga: Angriff auf Tula
M Bukarest: RO C nach Kirovograd
C Dnepropetrovsk: Angriff auf Melitopol
488 6/9/2020 1:25:00 PM Summer 1943 Allied 51 2 Operations #51: 2 / Yalta
Subtract 1 VP. Allow play of Thunderclap. PREREQ: Play if Allied control all VP spaces in Su & 1 or more in Greater Germany.

Message from Allied:

M El Agheila: Desert nach Tripoli via Buerat und Homs, CW c nach Tripoli via Buerat und Tarhuna

C Tula: 1. und 2. Bel Front und (Voronezh) vs. Orel
487 6/2/2020 2:47:00 PM Summer 1943 Axis 26 5 Replacement Points #26: 5 / Totaler Krieg!
If Axis VP 11+ add 20 VP. Axis may no longer win an Auto victory. Pz Rep limit increase to 3. PREREQ: Play after Hitler Takes Command.

Replacement points: GE: 4, AX: 2

Message from Axis:
486 6/2/2020 2:42:00 PM Summer 1943 Axis 15 3 o hand #15: 3 / Wolfpacks

Message from Axis:
484 5/27/2020 3:54:00 AM Summer 1943 Axis 15 3 Event #15: 3 / Wolfpacks
Allied hand size reduced by 2 for the next draw phase. PREREQ: May not be played after ASW Victory.

Message from Axis:
AX#3 Event
479 4/13/2020 5:31:00 PM Summer 1943 Allied 19 3 Operations #19: 3 / Partisans
Allow placement of Partisan markers in the Su, Greece, Albania, & Yugoslavia. May immediately play 1 Partisan marker.

Message from Allied:

C Agedabia: Desert + CW c vs. El Agheila
C Voronezh: Don + Mech c vs Kharkov
C Voroshilovgrad: West + Mech c vs Kharkov
477 3/23/2020 3:06:00 PM Summer 1943 Axis 54 2 Event #54: 2 / The Bunker
Place a lvl-1 Trench on Berlin PREREQ: May not be player after National Redoubt

Message from Axis:
AX#2 Event
473 2/24/2020 2:29:00 PM Summer 1943 Axis 42 3 Combat #42: 3 / Tiger
"+1 DRM" Def fire w Ge Pz units.

Message from Axis:
Für Orel
468 2/12/2020 4:15:00 PM Summer 1943 Allied 39 5 Ops/Event #39: 5 / Soviet Reinforcements
Replace any 3 2-step 3-3-3 Fronts in Full Supply w the 1st-3rd Belorussian Fronts. Replaced Fronts are removed from the game. OPS are expended after replacement. PREREQ: Play after Lend-Lease. May not play during Spring Thaw.

Message from Allied:
AL#1 Reinforcements
die Karte ist wohl dual-use, zuerst die neuen Einheiten:
1 BelFront ersetzt Kalinin in Tula
2 BelFront ersetzt Reserve in Tula
3 BelFront ersetzt Bryansk in Moskau

jetzt die OPS
C Tula: alles (BelFront 1+2 und Voronesh) vs Orel
M Mechili: Desert + CWc nach Agedabia
M Rostov: SU West + Mech c nach Voroshilovgrad
M Stalingrad: SU Don + Mech c nach Voronezh
M Perekop: 1 SU C nach Rostov
465 2/10/2020 2:23:00 PM Summer 1943 Axis 7 5 Replacement Points #7: 5 / Hedgehogs
Place 3x lvl1 Trench markers in Full Supply spaces w Ge Armies in Su. All GE units in Su may use no retreat option this turn.

Replacement points: GE: 4, AX: 2

Message from Axis:
Hitler und AL MO

457 2/4/2020 3:54:00 PM Spring 1943 Allied 38 3 Replacement Points #38: 3 / US Reinforcements
Place US 15A. Place 1x US Corps==>RB

Replacement points: BR: 1, US: 2, SU: 3

Message from Allied:
AL#6 Replacements
452 12/11/2019 5:08:00 AM Spring 1943 Axis 38 3 Operations #38: 3 / Atlantic Wall
Place a lvl-1 Atlantic Wall trench in any 2 spaces connected to Beaches A-I.

Message from Axis:
AX#6 ops
M Agedabia: GE C nach El Agheila
M Vyazma: 6 PzSS nach Kaluga, GE18 und PzC nach Rybinsk
C Kaluga: Angriff auf Tula
449 12/5/2019 1:01:00 PM Spring 1943 Allied 50 4 Operations #50: 4 / Round-up
Beachheads: BR/US A-B, D-E. [BR2A], [US1A], 1xBr Corps & 2xUS Corps ==>RB PREREQ: US Build-Up. May not play after Overlord.

Message from Allied:
M Bir Hacheim: BR C nach Benghazi
M Gazala: Desert nach Mechili
C Sousse: BR 1 und US C vs Mareth
443 10/8/2019 2:31:00 PM Spring 1943 Axis 53 4 Operations #53: 4 / Wacht am Rhein
Axis places 4 Combat markers in any axis ocupied spaces (include. Multi-nationality spaces). Any attacks by 5th PzA & 6th SS PzA get +2 DRM vs. Non Su units. PREREQ: Play in Fall/Winter turn after Hitler Takes Command.

Message from Axis:
AX#5 ops:
M Breslau: 6PzSS + PzC nach Dvinsk
C Dnepropetovsk + Kirovograd: Angriff auf Nikopol
439 8/5/2019 4:40:00 PM Spring 1943 Allied 45 4 Operations #45: 4 / Avalanche
Beachheads: Allied N-S, U. [US5A], 1xBr Corps==>RB PREREQ: US Build-Up. May not play if US7A is on the map.

Message from Allied:

M Tula: SU (Volkhov) nach Gorki, SU (Voronezh) gräbt
M Gorki: SU Reserve nach Tula
C Gazala: BR Desert vs Derna
M Buq Buq: CW Corps nach Mechili
435 6/11/2019 2:17:00 PM Spring 1943 Axis 42 3 Combat #42: 3 / Tiger
"+1 DRM" Def fire w Ge Pz units.

Message from Axis:
Für Tula
434 6/11/2019 2:17:00 PM Spring 1943 Axis 46 3 Ops/Event #46: 3 / Manstein
Cancels any Axis orders this turn.

Message from Axis:

M Mechili: Pz(c) nach Agedabia
C Kaluga + Orel: Angriff auf Tula
428 5/15/2019 4:17:00 PM Spring 1943 Allied 55 5 Operations #55: 5 / Patton
US3A may make a 2nd attack after completing a 1st attack. May advance a max of 2 spaces after 2nd combat.

Message from Allied:

M Gafsa: US c nach Tebessa
M Tunis: BR 1 nach Sousse
M Hellfire:: BR Desert nach Gasala via Tobruk, BR c nach Bir Hacheim
C Moskau: alles vs Yaroslavl
C Ivanovo: alles vs Yaroslavl
427 4/24/2019 1:14:00 PM Spring 1943 Axis 35 5 Operations #35: 5 / German Reinforcements
Place [5th PzA]. Place 1x Pz corps ==> RB. PREREQ: Play after Speer

Message from Axis:
Jetzt aber...
AX#3 ops

M Triploli: PzAA + IT C nach Mareth
M Tobruk: GE(C) nach Derna, Pz(C) nach Mechili
M Breslau: 6thSSPz + PzC nach Minsk
426 3/27/2019 2:24:00 PM Spring 1943 Allied 33 5 Replacement Points #33: 5 / Overlord
Beach Heads: BR & US, or 1 Allied Beaches: A-I. Br2A, US1A, place 1xBr Corps, 2xUS Corps==>RB PREREQ: Play after US Build-Up. May not play before turn 13 or after Round-Up.

Replacement points: BR: 2, US: 3, SU: 5

Message from Allied:
So was mache ich auch! :-)

AL#2 Replacements
425 3/5/2019 2:33:00 PM Spring 1943 Axis 26 5 Replacement Points #26: 5 / Totaler Krieg!
If Axis VP 11+ add 20 VP. Axis may no longer win an Auto victory. Pz Rep limit increase to 3. PREREQ: Play after Hitler Takes Command.

Replacement points: GE: 4, AX: 2

Message from Axis:
Also dann so:
424 3/5/2019 2:30:00 PM Spring 1943 Axis 26 5 o hand #26: 5 / Totaler Krieg!

Message from Axis:
Ich finde es furchtbar, dass Du immer recht haben musst... :-(
422 1/21/2019 2:13:00 PM Spring 1943 Axis 26 5 Operations #26: 5 / Totaler Krieg!
If Axis VP 11+ add 20 VP. Axis may no longer win an Auto victory. Pz Rep limit increase to 3. PREREQ: Play after Hitler Takes Command.

Message from Axis:
AX#2 Ops

M Triploli: PzAA + IT C nach Mareth
M Tobruk: GE(C) nach Derna, Pz(C) nach Mechili
M Breslau: 6thSSPz + PzC nach Minsk
421 1/21/2019 2:11:00 PM Spring 1943 Axis 46 3 o hand #46: 3 / Manstein

Message from Axis:
Ups, Du hast natürlich recht...
418 12/11/2018 1:36:00 PM Spring 1943 Axis 46 3 Ops/Event #46: 3 / Manstein
Cancels any Axis orders this turn.

Message from Axis:
AX#2 Ops/Event
Meine MO ist Geschichte

M Triploli: PzAA + IT C nach Mareth
M Tobruk: GE(C) nach Derna, Pz(C) nach Mechili
416 11/23/2018 1:21:00 PM Spring 1943 Allied 36 3 Event #36: 3 / ASW Victory
Cancels future play of Wolfpacks. Subtract 1 VP.

Message from Allied:
AL#1 Event
Schluss mit den U-Booten! :-)
415 11/20/2018 2:11:00 PM Spring 1943 Axis 36 5 Event #36: 5 / German Reinforcements
Place 6th SS PzA. Place 1x SS Pz corps ==> RB. PREREQ: Play after Speer

Message from Axis:
AX#1 Event
6th SS PzA nach Breslau, SSPzC RB
398 10/20/2018 6:56:00 AM Winter 1943 Allied 10 2 Operations #10: 2 / NKVD Boosts Morale
"+1 DRM" for defending Soviet Units.

Message from Allied:

M Gorki: Central und Tank a nach Ivanovo
C Buq Buq: alles vs Hellfire
392 9/30/2018 6:51:00 AM Winter 1943 Axis 7 5 Operations #7: 5 / Hedgehogs
Place 3x lvl1 Trench markers in Full Supply spaces w Ge Armies in Su. All GE units in Su may use no retreat option this turn.

Message from Axis:
AX#6 ops:
C Rybinsk: Angriff auf Yaroslavl, Autokill SU a, GE8 rückt nach Yaroslavl nach
C Kremenchug + Kharkov: Angriff auf Dnepropetrovsk
M Masurian Lakes: GE C nach Dvinsk
391 9/23/2018 4:20:00 PM Winter 1943 Allied 22 5 Replacement Points #22: 5 / Operation Uranus
"+1DRM" for all Su attack this round. PREREQ: May NOT play during Spring Thaw

Replacement points: BR: 2, US: 3, SU: 5

Message from Allied:
AL#5 RP's
390 9/12/2018 2:35:00 PM Winter 1943 Axis 14 5 Replacement Points #14: 5 / Fall Blau
Axis places 5 Combat markers in any axis ocupied spaces (include. Multi-nationality spaces). +1DRM for all attack vs. Su this round. Allows Axis attack Stalingrad, Maikop, Armavir. PREREQ: May play after Hitler Takes Command.

Replacement points: GE: 4, AX: 2

Message from Axis:
386 6/29/2018 6:03:00 PM Winter 1943 Allied 18 2 Combat #18: 2 / T-34
"+1DRM" for Su Offensive or Def fire w Mech unit.

Message from Allied:
Für Melitopol
385 6/29/2018 6:02:00 PM Winter 1943 Allied 8 2 Operations #8: 2 / Fortified Boxes
"+1 DRM" for Allied Units defending a desert space.

Message from Allied:

C Nikopol: Kalinin + SW gegen Melitopol
C Rostov: West + Tank a gegen Melitopol
384 5/27/2018 6:12:00 AM Winter 1943 Axis 8 2 Operations #8: 2 / Hitler Declares War
Add 1 VP. US Enters the war. Allow play of Allied US Build-Up card. PREREQ: May play after Summer 41.

Message from Axis:
AX#4 ops:
M Voroshilovgrad: GE(6) nach Melitopol
M Rzhev: GE9 nach Rybinsk
383 5/6/2018 4:07:00 PM Winter 1943 Allied 19 3 Operations #19: 3 / Partisans
Allow placement of Partisan markers in the Su, Greece, Albania, & Yugoslavia. May immediately play 1 Partisan marker.

Message from Allied:

M Algiers: BR(1) nach Tunis
M Oran: 1 US C nach Sousse, 1 US C nach Galsa
M Mersa Matruh: BR Des, CW C, BR C nach Buq Buq
382 4/23/2018 12:56:00 PM Winter 1943 Axis 21 5 Replacement Points #21: 5 / Herkules
Place an Axis control marker on Malta. May trace full supply by sea to Tripoli/Tunis. PREREQ: May not be played if Allied units are in Benghazi or Algiers.

Replacement points: GE: 4, AX: 2

Message from Axis:
376 2/24/2018 4:35:00 AM Winter 1943 Allied 1 4 Event #1: 4 / Torch
Beachheads: Allied/US K-L,S. [BR1A], 2xUS Corps. PREREQ: US Build-Up. May not play after Sledgehammer

Message from Allied:
AL#2 Event

Beach Head nach Algiers, (BR1A) rückt nach Constantine vor, 2xUS Corps bleiben in Algiers
369 1/7/2018 6:50:00 AM Winter 1943 Axis 19 3 Operations #19: 3 / Luftwaffe Supply
Place Luftwaffe supply marker on any OOS axis units in 1 space. Units in that space are in limited supply this turn for defensive & attrition only.

Message from Axis:
AX#2 ops:
M Elets: Pz2 nach Vyazhma via Roslavl, Pz4 nach Orel
C vyazhma: Angriff auf Mozhaisk
M Cherkassi: GE C nach Kharkov, GE2 nach Kremenchug
366 12/15/2017 3:10:00 PM Winter 1943 Allied 25 5 Strategic Redeployment #25: 5 / Enigma
The Axis player must show the Allied player his hand. PREREQ: May not be played if Allies control any space in Greater Germany. May not play during Spring Thaw.

Message from Allied:

SUa Ryazan nach Vladimir
SU(a) Tambov nach Penza
SU Mecha RB nach Gorki
SU Mecha RB nach Rostov
SU Mecha RB nach Stalingrad
357 11/15/2017 2:04:00 PM Winter 1943 Axis 5 4 Ops/Event #5: 4 / Panzergruppe Guderian
2nd PzA may make a 2nd attack this round after all combat have been completed. It may advance only 1 space after this 2nd combat. PREREQ: May not be played after Hitler takes command. May not be played during Spring Thaw.

Message from Axis:
AX#1 Ops/Event
M Novgorod: Pz1 via Tikhvin nach Vyazhma, Pz2 nach Bryansk
C Vyazhma: Angriff auf Mozhaisk
C Bryansk: Angriff auf Orel
M Tarnopol: GE2 + C nach Tcherkassi
344 11/5/2017 4:12:00 PM Fall 1942 Allied 14 5 Event #14: 5 / Lend-Lease
Allow play of Su Mech Fronts (31,37,39) on any later turn.

Message from Allied:
AL#6 Event
337 9/4/2017 2:18:00 PM Fall 1942 Axis 20 2 Operations #20: 2 / Kammhuber Line
Cancels effect of Bomber Command played this turn. PREREQ: May not be played after Turn 14

Message from Axis:
AX#6 ops:
C Luga + Novgorod: Angriff auf Leningrad
336 8/2/2017 3:14:00 PM Fall 1942 Allied 22 5 Replacement Points #22: 5 / Operation Uranus
"+1DRM" for all Su attack this round. PREREQ: May NOT play during Spring Thaw

Replacement points: BR: 2, US: 3, SU: 5

Message from Allied:
AL#5 RP's
329 7/12/2017 1:21:00 PM Fall 1942 Axis 24 3 Operations #24: 3 / German Reinforcements
Place 1 PzC & 1 SS PzC ==> RB

Message from Axis:
AX#5 ops:
M Kharkov: Pz3+4 nach Bryansk via Voronezh, Elets, Kursk
M Konotop: HU2 nach Kharkov
C Bryansk: Angriff auf Orel
328 7/5/2017 4:28:00 PM Fall 1942 Allied 4 4 Event #4: 4 / Soviet Reinforcements
Place 1st-6th Tank Armies ==> RB. PREREQ: Play 4 or more turns after Industrial Evacuation

Message from Allied:
AL#4 Reinforcements
327 6/24/2017 5:52:00 AM Fall 1942 Axis 2 4 Replacement Points #2: 4 / Von Paulus Pause
Axis places 4 Combat markers in any axis ocupied spaces (include. Multi-nationality spaces). Cancels Su Trench No Retreat option this round. Axis must take 2x 1 OPS rounds on Turn 2. Cancels Winter 42 effects. PREREQ: Play on Turn 1 only. May not play if Barbarossa has been played.

Replacement points: GE: 3, AX: 1

Message from Axis:
326 6/20/2017 1:33:00 PM Fall 1942 Allied 9 4 Event #9: 4 / US Build-up
Allows play of Allied Invasions, US 8th Air Force, US Reinf, BR8A(21) on any following turns. PREREQ: May play any turn after the turn of US Entry.

Message from Allied:
Auf diese Karte habe ich ewig gewartet!
AL#3 Event
313 3/27/2017 2:14:00 PM Fall 1942 Axis 25 4 Ops/Event #25: 4 / Stuka
All Ge attack vs. Su get +1 DRM this round. PREREQ: Maybe played in Summer/Fall 1941-43 only.

Message from Axis:
AX#3 ops/Event
M BuqBuq: (PzAA + C) nach Hellfire
C Novgorod + Luga: Angriff auf Leningrad
C Bryansk: Angriff auf Orel
Jeweils mit +1
309 3/27/2017 1:48:00 PM Fall 1942 Axis 18 2 Combat #18: 2 / Devil's Gardens
Treat desert space as a mountain space for 1 defensive combat.

Message from Axis:
Eine dicke Düne ist im Weg...
307 3/14/2017 1:56:00 PM Fall 1942 Axis 13 3 Operations #13: 3 / Krim
Cancels Su fort combat effects for 1 attack vs. Sevastopol.

Message from Axis:
AX#2 ops
M Agedabia: Itmech nach BuqBuq
M Tobruk: GE C nach BuqBuq
M Odessa: IT8 nach Kirovograd
304 3/12/2017 3:55:00 PM Fall 1942 Allied 18 2 Operations #18: 2 / T-34
"+1DRM" for Su Offensive or Def fire w Mech unit.

Message from Allied:

M Rostov: SU Kalinin nach Nikopol, SU West gräbt
M Alexandria: BR Desert nach Mersa Matruh
297 2/4/2017 6:23:00 AM Fall 1942 Axis 11 3 Operations #11: 3 / Italian Naval Sortee
Axis unit may trace full supply across SR lines to Tripoli/Tunis this turn. May place 1 combat or Move marker.

Message from Axis:
AX#1 ops:
M Tripoli: ITmech nach Agedabia, IT C bleibt
C Hellfire: Angriff auf BuqBuq (MO)
C Kirovograd: Angriff auf Nikopol
286 1/15/2017 2:30:00 AM Summer 1942 Allied 8 2 Operations #8: 2 / Fortified Boxes
"+1 DRM" for Allied Units defending a desert space.

Message from Allied:

M Alexandria: CW C nach Buq Buq
M Orel: SU (a) nach Tambov, Rest gräbt
285 12/24/2016 7:20:00 AM Summer 1942 Axis 9 4 Strategic Redeployment #9: 4 / Hitler Takes Command
Allow play of Totaler Krieg, Fall Blau, Zitadelle, Wacht am Rhein events. Prevents play of PzG Guderian. +2DRM to the Axis Order rolls.

Message from Axis:
AX#6 SR:
ITmech Neapel nach Tripoli
GE C Kreta nach Tobruk
IT C Albanien nach Kreta
GE PzC RB nach Breslau
284 12/18/2016 7:07:00 PM Summer 1942 Allied 3 2 Strategic Redeployment #3: 2 / Stavka
Cancels any Soviet Orders for this turn

Message from Allied:

CW a von RB [1 CW a, 1 BR a] nach Alexandria
SU a von RB [3 Su a] nach Stalingrad
278 11/2/2016 3:47:00 PM Summer 1942 Axis 8 2 Operations #8: 2 / Hitler Declares War
Add 1 VP. US Enters the war. Allow play of Allied US Build-Up card. PREREQ: May play after Summer 41.

Message from Axis:
AX#5 ops
C Gazala + Bir Hacheim: Angriff auf Hellfire
268 9/22/2016 1:44:00 PM Summer 1942 Allied 15 3 Operations #15: 3 / Casablanca
Treat all Neutral spaces as Allied for VP purposes. PREREQ: May play if Allies control Oran & Algiers, or Syracusa, & there are no Axis controlled spaces in Libya or Egypt. (Subtract 1 VP for each currently neutral VP space.)

Message from Allied:

C Buq Buq: BR Desert + CW a gegen Hellfire
C Mozhaisk: SU Reserve gegen Vyazma (MO)
C Orel: SU South gegen Bryansk
267 9/10/2016 6:56:00 AM Summer 1942 Axis 15 3 Event #15: 3 / Wolfpacks
Allied hand size reduced by 2 for the next draw phase. PREREQ: May not be played after ASW Victory.

Message from Axis:
AX#4 Event
266 9/8/2016 3:53:00 PM Summer 1942 Allied 25 5 Replacement Points #25: 5 / Enigma
The Axis player must show the Allied player his hand. PREREQ: May not be played if Allies control any space in Greater Germany. May not play during Spring Thaw.

Replacement points: BR: 2, US: 3, SU: 5

Message from Allied:
AL#3 RP's
265 8/16/2016 2:22:00 PM Summer 1942 Axis 16 5 Event #16: 5 / Speer
Allow play of 5th Pz & 6th SS Pz A & Final Production Surge event. PREREQ: May not play after Totaler Krieg.

Message from Axis:
AX#3 Event
261 7/30/2016 5:21:00 AM Summer 1942 Allied 1 4 Strategic Redeployment #1: 4 / Torch
Beachheads: Allied/US K-L,S. [BR1A], 2xUS Corps. PREREQ: US Build-Up. May not play after Sledgehammer

Message from Allied:

2 x Shock von RB nach Leningrad
SU a Stalino nach Perekop
CW a RB nach Buq Buq

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