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Paths of Glory

Paths of Glory box cover
Warhorse Simulations

152 Current Games

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    Name of Game Players Current Turn Last Updated  
    Loris Luchetti Moderator
    mauro faina Central Powers
    stefano Allies
    Fall 1916  7/21/2024 4:59:00 PM 
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  • 2_Italian_Championship_II_round 
    mauro faina Moderator
    Roberto Zacchero Central Powers
    Alberto Ciampichetti Allies
    Summer 1915  7/26/2024 5:54:00 AM 
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  • 3_Italian_Championship_II_round 
    mauro faina Moderator
    Ettore Cossutta Central Powers
    Giovanni Giudici Allies
    Fall 1915  7/26/2024 4:47:00 PM 
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  • 4_Italian_Championship_II_round 
    mauro faina Moderator
    Maurizio Gasbarroni Central Powers
    Antonello Allies
    September 1914  7/24/2024 8:47:00 AM 
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  • 5_Italian_Championship_II_round 
    mauro faina Moderator
    enriko Central Powers
    Federico Cartolano Allies
    Fall 1914  7/26/2024 4:07:00 PM 
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  • 6_Italian_Championship_II_round 
    mauro faina Moderator
    Riccardo Central Powers
    andrea schiappacasse Allies
    Fall 1914  7/26/2024 1:27:00 PM 
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  • 7_Italian_Championship_II_round 
    mauro faina Moderator
    Alessandro Monguzzi Central Powers
    Alberto Allies
    September 1914  6/29/2024 3:02:00 PM 
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  • 8_Italian_Championship_II_round 
    mauro faina Moderator
    Luca Saletti Central Powers
    Frank Powerful Allies
    September 1914  7/4/2024 3:48:00 PM 
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  • 9_Italian_Championship_II_round 
    mauro faina Moderator
    Luca Central Powers
    Tommaso Allies
    Fall 1915  7/26/2024 3:37:00 AM 
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  • A v. E - PoG Ladder 
    Alex Gregorio Central Powers
    ERIC Allies
    August 1914  5/26/2024 1:59:00 AM 
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  • Aaron Day vs Forrest 
    Aaron Day Central Powers
    Forrest Allies
    Winter 1917  7/24/2024 5:47:00 PM 
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  • Aaron's Game 
    Aaron Central Powers
    James Gallup Allies
    Summer 1918  7/24/2024 3:27:00 PM 
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  • Alberto's Game 
    Alberto Central Powers
    Alberto Allies
    August 1914  5/31/2024 11:29:00 AM 
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  • Andy vs. Brian, HONOR 2 
    Andy Friedmann Central Powers
    Brian Reynolds Allies
    Winter 1918  7/13/2024 6:13:00 PM 
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  • Antonello's Game 
    Antonello Central Powers
    Antonello Allies
    August 1914  5/31/2024 2:18:00 AM 
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  • AvJ I  
    Joshua Lowe Central Powers
    Alex Gregorio Allies
    Summer 1917  6/6/2024 1:16:00 PM 
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  • Bindusri vs Daniel Game 23 
    Bindusri Central Powers
    Daniel Squindo Allies
    Fall 1916  5/20/2024 6:43:00 PM 
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  • Bindusri vs MHB Game 8 
    Bindusri Central Powers
    M.HB Allies
    Fall 1916  7/25/2024 10:29:00 PM 
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  • BPA IX R6G02 Complete AP win 
    BPAPogAdmin Moderator
    Simon Hepple Central Powers
    Thomas Bostrup Allies
    Fall 1918  4/27/2024 7:56:00 PM 
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  • BPA IX R6G10 Complete CP win 
    BPAPogAdmin Moderator
    Nick Benedict Central Powers
    BPAPogAdmin Allies
    Winter 1919  4/29/2024 8:14:00 AM 
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  • BPA IX R6G11 Complete CP win 
    BPAPogAdmin Moderator
    Carl Degaardt Central Powers
    BPAPogAdmin Allies
    Winter 1918  4/24/2024 10:48:00 AM 
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  • BPA IX R7G1 
    Tom Gregorio Moderator
    Thomas Bostrup Central Powers
    BPAPogAdmin Allies
    Summer 1916  7/10/2024 4:17:00 PM 
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  • BPA IX R7G2 
    Tom Gregorio Moderator
    Johannes Nordstrom Central Powers
    David Lopez Allies
    Winter 1915  6/29/2024 4:07:00 AM 
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  • BPA IX R7G3 
    Tom Gregorio Moderator
    Tom Drueding Central Powers
    Jonas Strandberg Allies
    Summer 1917  7/26/2024 8:58:00 AM 
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  • BPA IX R7G4 
    Tom Gregorio Moderator
    Bill Pettus Central Powers
    Nick Benedict Allies
    Winter 1916  7/15/2024 5:43:00 PM 
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  • BPA IX R7G5 
    Tom Gregorio Moderator
    Michael Dauer Central Powers
    Fall 1916  7/25/2024 3:42:00 AM 
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  • BPA IX R7G6 
    Tom Gregorio Moderator
    Richard Beyma Central Powers
    Carl Degaardt Allies
    September 1914  7/15/2024 2:07:00 PM 
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  • BPA IX R7G7 
    Tom Gregorio Moderator
    Simon Hepple Central Powers
    Daniel Squindo Allies
    Winter 1919  6/26/2024 11:48:00 PM 
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  • Brad Rob rematch 
    Brad Central Powers
    Rob Anderson Allies
    Summer 1917  7/26/2024 3:15:00 PM 
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  • Brad Stirrat's Game 
    Fraser Hill Central Powers
    Brad Stirrat Allies
    August 1914  7/14/2024 7:51:00 AM 
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  • Brad Stirrat's Game 
    Fraser Hill Central Powers
    Brad Stirrat Allies
    Fall 1914  7/19/2024 4:06:00 PM 
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  • Brian vs. Bindusri, Game 12 
    Brian Reynolds Central Powers
    Bindusri Allies
    Winter 1919  7/18/2024 6:10:00 PM 
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  • Bruno's Game 
    Bruno Central Powers
    Robert Frome Allies
    Summer 1915  6/8/2024 1:30:00 AM 
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  • Complete - BPA IX R5G01 CP win 
    Michael Dauer Moderator
    ' Central Powers
    Tom Gregorio Allies
    Fall 1918  5/11/2024 11:04:00 PM 
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  • Complete - BPA IX R6G01 
    Tom Gregorio Moderator
    Michael Dauer Central Powers
    BPAPogAdmin Allies
    Fall 1917  6/3/2024 8:53:00 AM 
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  • Complete - BPA IX R6G03 AP win 
    Michael Dauer Moderator
    Richard Beyma Central Powers
    BPAPogAdmin Allies
    Fall 1914  4/30/2024 11:10:00 AM 
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  • Complete - BPA IX R6G04 
    Tom Gregorio Moderator
    Bill Pettus Central Powers
    BPAPogAdmin Allies
    Summer 1916  5/11/2024 8:10:00 AM 
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  • Complete - BPA IX R6G05 
    Tom Gregorio Moderator
    Johannes Nordstrom Central Powers
    Jarmo Larsson Lager Allies
    Spring 1916  5/11/2024 8:14:00 AM 
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  • Complete - BPA IX R6G06 
    Tom Gregorio Moderator
    Frederick Finkenbinder Central Powers
    David Lopez Allies
    Fall 1917  5/11/2024 8:10:00 AM 
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  • Complete - BPA IX R6G08 AP win 
    Michael Dauer Moderator
    Nick Anner Central Powers
    Spring 1918  5/25/2024 3:45:00 PM 
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  • Complete - BPA IX R6G09 CP win 
    Michael Dauer Moderator
    Jonas Strandberg Central Powers
    Maurizio Gasbarroni Allies
    Spring 1918  5/30/2024 10:43:00 PM 
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  • COMPLETE PoG - Rd 11: Alex/Enrico 
    Jeff Lange Moderator
    Jeff Lange Central Powers
    enriko Allies
    Summer 1916  5/4/2024 8:21:00 AM 
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  • Curtis V Tuomas POG Rd 11 
    Tuomas Myllylä Central Powers
    Curtis McPeek Allies
    August 1914  5/16/2024 7:57:00 AM 
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  • Eetu and Greg 
    Eetu Central Powers
    Greg Egusa-Wardle Allies
    Winter 1917  7/26/2024 11:56:00 PM 
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  • Eetu VS Jukka 
    Eetu Central Powers
    Eetu Allies
    Summer 1916  4/24/2024 12:59:00 PM 
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  • Eric G's vs Eetu Game 
    Eetu Central Powers
    Eric G Allies
    Winter 1919  5/7/2024 8:07:00 PM 
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  • Extra game round 11 ladder 
    Maurizio Gasbarroni Central Powers
    Tomás Allies
    September 1914  7/15/2024 10:34:00 AM 
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  • Finished before the leaves fall 
    David A Central Powers
    Kaiser Allies
    Fall 1917  7/16/2024 3:30:00 PM 
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  • ForrestCP-AaronMartinAP-Game1 
    Forrest Central Powers
    Aaron Allies
    Winter 1917  7/26/2024 10:01:00 PM 
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  • Francesco vs Pavel friendly 2 
    Francesco G Central Powers
    Pavel Meshkov Allies
    Winter 1919  7/25/2024 9:47:00 AM 
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  • Frank Powerful's Game 
    Frank Powerful Central Powers
    Loris Pagnotta Allies
    Winter 1916  6/20/2024 9:52:00 AM 
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  • Friendly Kris - Nick G2 
    Kris Wei Central Powers
    Nick Benedict Allies
    Summer 1916  7/6/2024 7:40:00 PM 
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  • Hentzu/Brian 2 
    Eetu Central Powers
    Brian Reynolds Allies
    Spring 1915  7/26/2024 9:01:00 PM 
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  • Honor 3 
    Andy Friedmann Central Powers
    Brian Reynolds Allies
    Spring 1915  7/26/2024 10:09:00 PM 
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  • Italia versus Aotearoa 
    Daniel Squindo Central Powers
    Simon Hepple Allies
    Spring 1916  7/13/2024 8:13:00 PM 
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  • IV PoG Alan VS Larry  
    lawrence hollern Central Powers
    Alan Heath Allies
    Winter 1919  7/6/2024 10:50:00 PM 
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  • Jeff vs Jim 27 
    Jeffrey Lewis Central Powers
    Jim Falling Allies
    Winter 1915  7/18/2024 11:47:00 PM 
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  • Jim Rob the rematch  
    Jim Falling Central Powers
    Rob Anderson Allies
    Winter 1919  7/23/2024 7:28:00 AM 
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  • John and Bindu Game 
    John Clocherty Central Powers
    Bindusri Allies
    Spring 1917  7/26/2024 11:53:00 AM 
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  • JohnnyAlexTheGreat 
    Alex Gregorio Central Powers
    Johnny Hasay Allies
    Spring 1916  7/22/2024 2:08:00 PM 
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  • Joker's Wild 
    Paul Hubbard Central Powers
    Dominic Smyth Allies
    Winter 1919  7/11/2024 4:34:00 AM 
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  • Jukka vs Geoffrey 
    Geoffrey Smith Central Powers
    Jukka H Allies
    Winter 1916  7/5/2024 4:48:00 PM 
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  • Jukka vs Jim I 
    Jukka H Central Powers
    Jim Falling Allies
    Summer 1915  7/16/2024 11:39:00 PM 
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  • Jung Hyun/George Ladder 
    JungHyun LEE Central Powers
    george b Allies
    Winter 1919  5/31/2024 8:18:00 AM 
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  • Kris & Erin, Ladder 11, Game 1 
    Erin Weir Central Powers
    Kris Wei Allies
    Summer 1917  4/17/2024 5:28:00 PM 
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  • Kris-Nick G3 
    Nick Benedict Central Powers
    Kris Wei Allies
    Winter 1915  7/18/2024 8:18:00 PM 
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  • L11-Andrew-Mark 
    Andrew Central Powers
    Mark Greenman Allies
    Fall 1916  7/17/2024 9:58:00 PM 
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  • Ladder #16 
    Ettore Cossutta Central Powers
    Ettore Cossutta Allies
    Summer 1918  7/9/2024 12:51:00 PM 
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  • Ladder R11 G8 
    Roger Hart Central Powers
    Niels M. Soendergaard Allies
    Winter 1918  5/15/2024 5:19:00 PM 
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  • Ladder Round 11 Greg vs Ron 
    Jeff Lange Moderator
    Ron Stockfleth Central Powers
    Greg Ludewig Allies
    Spring 1917  7/18/2024 12:54:00 PM 
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  • Ladder TSOUFIS vs MESHKOV 
    TASOS TSOUFIS Central Powers
    Pavel Meshkov Allies
    Winter 1919  6/16/2024 11:12:00 AM 
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  • Larry vs Jack 4 
    Jack Jung Central Powers
    Larry De Jong Allies
    Spring 1916  7/26/2024 5:06:00 PM 
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  • Loris Pagnotta's Game 
    Loris Pagnotta Central Powers
    Horst Allies
    August 1914  7/14/2024 2:48:00 PM 
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  • Max vs. Jason 
    Max DuBoff Central Powers
    jason4747 Allies
    August 1914  7/1/2024 5:44:00 PM 
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  • Neno Sone 
    Nevenko Lazovic Central Powers
    Nenad Allies
    Spring 1916  6/30/2024 12:24:00 PM 
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  • Nick Benedict's Game 
    Nick Benedict Central Powers
    Tomás Allies
    Spring 1916  5/18/2024 6:22:00 PM 
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  • Nick Ronny friendly 
    Nick Benedict Central Powers
    Ronny Allies
    Winter 1917  7/16/2024 3:24:00 AM 
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  • Nick vs Krzystof 
    Nick Frydas Central Powers
    Krzysztof Allies
    Winter 1919  6/18/2024 5:29:00 PM 
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  • Oh! What a lovely war 
    Edgar Chen Central Powers
    Edgar Chen Allies
    Spring 1917  5/16/2024 1:28:00 PM 
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  • Over There 
    Jacob Central Powers
    Bob Moriarty Allies
    Winter 1919  7/26/2024 9:03:00 PM 
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  • Overclocked Fronts 
    Ronny Central Powers
    Dane Leach Allies
    Spring 1918  6/21/2024 9:50:00 AM 
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  • Pavel Francesco friendly 
    Pavel Meshkov Central Powers
    Francesco G Allies
    Summer 1918  6/21/2024 3:12:00 PM 
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  • Permanently elim (AB1)?!? 
    Dane Leach Central Powers
    Alex Bozer Allies
    Winter 1919  7/17/2024 7:49:00 AM 
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  • PoG  
    Peter Tierney Central Powers
    John Riston Allies
    August 1914  4/17/2024 4:37:00 PM 
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  • PoG #2 
    Chun Yik Lim Central Powers
    Peter Tierney Allies
    Fall 1918  7/24/2024 10:19:00 PM 
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  • POG BPA 2022 Admin  
    Tom Gregorio Moderator
    Paul Hubbard Central Powers
    Michael Dauer Allies
    August 1914  6/2/2024 3:28:00 PM 
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  • POG Ladder 11 game 43 
    Jeff Lange Moderator
    Maurizio Catacchini Central Powers
    Tuomas Myllylä Allies
    September 1914  6/8/2024 5:03:00 AM 
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  • PoG Ladder 11, Game 3 
    Ted Torgerson Central Powers
    Roman Kulashenkov Allies
    Summer 1918  7/26/2024 2:38:00 PM 
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  • PoG ladder 11: Josh vs Phillip 
    Joshua Lowe Central Powers
    Philip Watkins Allies
    Summer 1918  7/26/2024 8:31:00 PM 
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  • POG Ladder R11 
    BPAPogAdmin Central Powers
    Paul Seage Allies
    Spring 1918  5/17/2024 7:53:00 PM 
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  • PoG learning 
    Chun Yik Lim Central Powers
    Daniel Squindo Allies
    Fall 1915  7/9/2024 7:51:00 PM 
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  • PoG learning 2 
    Chun Yik Lim Central Powers
    Daniel Squindo Allies
    Fall 1917  7/26/2024 7:12:00 PM 
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  • PoG-CA 
    matt Central Powers
    vslice Allies
    August 1914  4/23/2024 1:16:00 AM 
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  • PoG_Test_20 
    mauro faina Central Powers
    Stefano Fatighenti Allies
    September 1914  5/11/2024 1:33:00 PM 
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  • RD 11 Ladder Randall & Pat 
    Randall Novak Central Powers
    Pat Horne Allies
    Spring 1917  6/29/2024 9:50:00 AM 
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  • RD11 Alan AP vs Jeff CP 
    Jeff Lange Central Powers
    Alan Schmuck Allies
    Summer 1916  7/22/2024 9:52:00 PM 
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  • RF vs RN 
    Randall Novak Central Powers
    Robert Ford Allies
    Summer 1918  7/26/2024 9:13:00 AM 
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  • Robert Ford's Game 
    Robert Ford Central Powers
    Thomas Avila Allies
    Fall 1915  7/26/2024 1:56:00 PM 
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  • Robert vs Jeff 11 
    Robert Ford Central Powers
    Jeffrey Lewis Allies
    September 1914  7/18/2024 11:18:00 PM 
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  • Roby vs Larry 
    kev Central Powers
    Roby Yu Allies
    August 1914  4/29/2024 3:53:00 AM 
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  • Roby vs Thomas 
    Thomas Avila Central Powers
    Roby Yu Allies
    Spring 1915  7/20/2024 12:38:00 AM 
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  • Round 11 Game 31 
    Trevor Sturmy Central Powers
    Larry De Jong Allies
    Winter 1919  6/30/2024 11:24:00 PM 
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  • Rui vs Santi 
    Rui Moderator
    Rui Central Powers
    Santiago Allies
    August 1914  6/26/2024 12:43:00 PM 
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  • Serg vs Serg 
    Serg Central Powers
    Serg Allies
    August 1914  7/12/2024 4:38:00 AM 
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  • ShaneAndAlexSummer2024 
    A Blanks Central Powers
    Shane D Allies
    September 1914  7/22/2024 9:45:00 AM 
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  • sjrnf1357's Game 
    sjrnf1357 Central Powers
    sjrnf1357 Allies
    September 1914  4/30/2024 6:04:00 AM 
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  • Sone Neno 
    Nenad Central Powers
    Nevenko Lazovic Allies
    August 1914  7/21/2024 10:04:00 AM 
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  • Sorteggi II fase Campionato Italiano 
    mauro faina Moderator
    mauro faina Central Powers
    mauro faina Allies
    August 1914  6/3/2024 11:44:00 AM 
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  • Steve Koleszar's Game 
    Rob Hassard Central Powers
    Steve Koleszar Allies
    Fall 1918  7/24/2024 5:12:00 PM 
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  • Template Game 101862 
    Randall Novak Central Powers Allies
    Winter 1919  6/17/2024 11:58:00 PM 
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  • Template Game 102027 Central Powers
    AdamD Allies
    August 1914  6/29/2023 12:28:00 PM 
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  • Template Game 102176 Central Powers
    Geoffrey Smith Allies
    August 1914  7/29/2023 5:12:00 PM 
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  • Template Game 102568 Central Powers Allies
    August 1914  9/24/2023 6:27:00 PM 
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  • Template Game 102647 Central Powers Allies
    August 1914  10/6/2023 10:03:00 AM 
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  • Template Game 102813 Central Powers Allies
    August 1914  11/5/2023 5:58:00 PM 
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  • Template Game 103207 Central Powers Allies
    August 1914  12/25/2023 1:35:00 PM 
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  • Template Game 87800 Central Powers Allies
    August 1914  1/9/2022 6:32:00 PM 
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  • Template Game 88032 Central Powers Allies
    August 1914  1/30/2022 4:43:00 AM 
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  • Template Game 92008 Central Powers Allies
    August 1914  5/17/2022 5:34:00 AM 
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  • Template Game 94316 Central Powers Allies
    August 1914  7/6/2022 12:59:00 PM 
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  • Template Game 94497 Central Powers Allies
    August 1914  7/22/2022 10:59:00 AM 
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  • Template Game 96993 Central Powers Allies
    August 1914  10/1/2022 8:01:00 PM 
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  • Template Game 97004 Central Powers Allies
    August 1914  10/2/2022 7:04:00 PM 
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  • Template Game 97074 Central Powers Allies
    August 1914  10/13/2022 10:08:00 PM 
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  • Template Game 98522 Central Powers Allies
    August 1914  12/18/2022 5:41:00 AM 
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  • Template Game 98727 Central Powers Allies
    August 1914  1/8/2023 8:52:00 AM 
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  • Template Game 98946 Central Powers Allies
    August 1914  1/27/2023 7:11:00 PM 
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  • Template Game 99075 Central Powers Allies
    August 1914  2/7/2023 3:02:00 AM 
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  • The Guns of Near-August 
    Thomas Avila Central Powers
    zanlin Allies
    September 1914  7/26/2024 10:53:00 PM 
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  • The Tsar (and 6th and 7th) Strikes Back 
    Ronny Central Powers
    Dane Leach Allies
    Spring 1916  7/26/2024 9:01:00 AM 
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  • Thomas v Zanlin 
    zanlin Central Powers
    Thomas Avila Allies
    Summer 1916  7/19/2024 11:51:00 PM 
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  • Thomas vs Johannes 
    Thomas Bostrup Central Powers
    Johannes Nordstrom Allies
    Winter 1918  7/5/2024 7:10:00 AM 
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  • Thomas vs. Brian 
    Thomas Avila Central Powers
    Brian Reynolds Allies
    Summer 1917  7/26/2024 4:16:00 PM 
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  • Tom & Keith PoG Game 
    Tom Willcockson Central Powers
    Keith Allies
    August 1914  7/26/2024 10:50:00 PM 
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  • Tom Willcockson's Game 
    Tom Willcockson Central Powers
    Keith Allies
    August 1914  7/20/2024 10:02:00 PM 
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  • TS vs BB 16 
    Trevor Sturmy Central Powers
    Barrington Beavis Allies
    Winter 1917  7/11/2024 4:13:00 PM 
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  • Tuomas and Jim Vol5 
    Jim Falling Central Powers
    Tuomas Kauppinen Allies
    Spring 1915  6/24/2024 1:25:00 PM 
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  • Tuomas and Jim vol6 
    Tuomas Kauppinen Central Powers
    Jim Falling Allies
    August 1914  6/26/2024 9:53:00 PM 
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  • Tuomas and Jim vol7  
    Jim Falling Central Powers
    Tuomas Kauppinen Allies
    Summer 1916  7/26/2024 8:55:00 PM 
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  • Tuomas and Jukka Vol 6 
    Tuomas Kauppinen Central Powers
    Jukka H Allies
    Spring 1916  7/26/2024 11:49:00 AM 
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  • Tuomas and Larry vol 6 
    Larry De Jong Central Powers
    Tuomas Kauppinen Allies
    Winter 1919  7/18/2024 4:27:00 PM 
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  • Tuomas and Larry Vol7 
    Larry De Jong Central Powers
    Tuomas Kauppinen Allies
    Summer 1916  7/26/2024 8:23:00 PM 
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  • Tuomas vs Jukka 
    Tuomas Kauppinen Central Powers
    Jukka H Allies
    Summer 1917  7/18/2024 5:22:00 AM 
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  • TW Test Game 
    Tom Willcockson Central Powers
    Keith Allies
    August 1914  7/20/2024 9:55:00 PM 
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  • Two in a row? 
    Dominic Smyth Central Powers
    Paul Hubbard Allies
    Fall 1916  7/26/2024 10:18:00 PM 
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  • Ussery v Munoz PoG Ladder Rd 11 
    Michael_Ussery Central Powers
    Javier Muñoz Allies
    Winter 1918  7/6/2024 7:42:00 AM 
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  • V Larry vs Alan 
    Alan Heath Central Powers
    lawrence hollern Allies
    Summer 1915  7/26/2024 2:35:00 PM 
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  • Wargame_League_R11_Alan_Mauro 
    Jeff Lange Moderator
    mauro faina Central Powers
    Alan Heath Allies
    Winter 1917  7/18/2024 4:43:00 AM 
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  • WGL POG 11: David vs Tom 
    David Aud Central Powers
    Tom Gregorio Allies
    Winter 1918  5/4/2024 5:11:00 PM 
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  • WGL PoG Ladder Rd 11-9: Rentero vs. Pacheco 
    Mike Pacheco Central Powers
    Jose Ramon Rentero Allies
    Summer 1915  5/15/2024 5:58:00 PM 
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  • world war 1 again 
    Alan Heath Central Powers
    Jeffrey McKee Allies
    September 1914  7/26/2024 4:26:00 PM 
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  • WWW Zagot 
    Roberto Zacchero Central Powers
    Massimo Goteri Allies
    Summer 1917  6/27/2024 6:04:00 AM 
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  • Resources

    Please send us email if you know of other useful websites related to Paths of Glory.

    Copyright 2005 Warhorse Simulations