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Entry # Time Turn Player Title Entry
316 9/7/2024 4:38:00 PM Summer 1863 Union Play Strategy card as Operations #45: 3 / Food Shortage
Confederate loses SW equal to current Union blockade value.

Message from Union:
Activate AoC

1-2 Pittsburgh, pick Curtis, leave 4(6) with Meade, n6
3-6 Gettysburg
315 9/7/2024 3:18:00 PM Summer 1863 Confederate Play Strategy card as Operations #130: 3 / Union Siege Guns
Union plays card at beginning of a battle (or Amphibious Assault) that has a Confederate fort present and cancels Confederate fort die roll modifier in the battle. Remove from deck if event is played. Draw a strategy card.

Message from Confederate:
1. Lewisburg, drop Jackson with Wheeler and 1 INF SP,
2. AoT(8) to Franklin and end there

314 9/6/2024 10:23:00 PM Summer 1863 Union Play Strategy card as Operations #47: 3 / CSA Recognizes KY, MO, MD and DE
Confederate places a total of two SPs in any single space in KY, MO, MD or DE that contains a general or army in these states. The space can be controlled by either side or neutral and does not require a LOC. Remove from deck if event is played.

Message from Union:
Activate AoC with 10

1-6 Grafton
313 9/6/2024 4:28:00 AM Summer 1863 Confederate Play Strategy card as Operations #105: 1 / Detached Cavalry
Played prior to a battle against an army possessing one or more cavalry brigades. The ONLY effects are the Army’s Commanding General’s battle rating (offense or defense) is immediately reduced by 2 and no Cavalry general’s battle ratings may be used in the battle. The effects end at the conclusion of the battle. Cavalry generals are not available for casualty determination. OR: Place one PC marker in any space within four spaces (includes river connections) of a single cavalry brigade. The four space range many not be traced through Northeast Alabama. The space may not contain an enemy SP or fort, but may contain an Ironclad or Torpedoes.

Message from Confederate:
AoT (10)
1-6. to Wytheville VA
312 9/4/2024 5:06:00 PM Summer 1863 Union Play Strategy card as Operations #41: 2 / Gov. Isham Harris, Tennessee Confederate
Confederate immediately places two SPs in any friendly controlled space in Tennessee with a LOC (both SPs are placed in the same space). SPs may not be placed in Pro-Union spaces or one occupied by Union SPs or a fort.

Message from Union:
Activate AoC with 2

leave 1 in Louisville

1 Frankort, pick 3, n6
2 Lexington, pick 2 and Meade, n8
3-5 Louisville and PC, pick 1, n9
6 Bloomington, pick 1, n10
311 9/4/2024 4:20:00 PM Summer 1863 Confederate Play Strategy card as Event #73: 1 / Ball's Bluff
The Union removes one SP (Confederate chooses) within two spaces (including a river connection) of a Confederate SP due to poor leadership. A Union SP can be removed from a Coastal fort.

Message from Confederate:
remove SP in Gettysburg. Reynolds to track
310 9/3/2024 6:19:00 PM Summer 1863 Union Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 2


Message from Union:

USA +6
CSA GC 1 in case
309 9/3/2024 6:18:00 PM Summer 1863 Union Play Strategy card as Operations #116: 2 / Confederate River Flotilla
Roll the die, if the result is greater than the Union Amphibious Assault modifier, reduce the Union Amphibious Assault modifier by one, other wise no effect. Remove from deck if event is played.

Message from Union:
Activate Reynold alone

1-2 Wilmington, pick Burnisde and 4SP
3-4 Gettysburg
5 York, leave 1, n2

auto small battle 1*/1, Smith to TT

6 Philpadelphia, leave 1 and Burniside, n1
7-8 Gettysburg
308 9/3/2024 4:10:00 PM Summer 1863 Confederate Play Strategy card as Operations #98: 2 / Cape Hatteras Operations
Increase Union Blockade Level by 1

Message from Confederate:
Hill with 1, by train,
1-3. Maron, pick 1
4. Wilmington, pick 1
5-7. Weldon, pick 1
8-10. Richmond (5)
307 9/3/2024 4:07:00 PM Summer 1863 Confederate Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 2


Message from Confederate:
AoT retreats to Lebanon (10)
AoC (3) enters Louisville, fort destroyed
USW 59- +1+2 = 62+
CSW 85+ -1 -3 = 81-

USA 1-3
CSA 1-3
306 9/3/2024 4:03:00 PM Summer 1863 Confederate Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 2


Message from Confederate:
medium battle
USA dr, +5drm
CSA dr, +7drm
305 9/2/2024 7:10:00 PM Summer 1863 Union Play Strategy card as Operations #104: 1 / Big Bethel
Either player may move up to two infantry SPs from the same space as if they were led by a General. This move is a Corps move and may enter enemy controlled spaces because the SPs are moving as if they are led by a general.

Message from Union:
Activate AoP, with n6

1 PC Frankfort
2 Louisville

Medium Battle

USA +5
CSA auto 10*
304 9/2/2024 5:06:00 PM Summer 1863 Confederate Play Strategy card as Operations #8: 1 / 3 Cigars
Play this card to make an automatic one or two space interception. Intervening space must be friendly controlled and free of enemy SPs. The intervening space may be the one just exited by the moving enemy force. No Generals or SPs may be picked up or dropped off during intercept.

Message from Confederate:
Jackson with 1 & Wheeler SP (AoT 3), by train,
1. Lebanon, drop Wheeler,
2-3. Nashville, pick 2,
4-5. Lebanon, drop 3,
6. Bowling Green, pick 6 and Longstreet,
7-8. Louisville, drop 4 and Longstreet,
9. Lebanon.
Now: Jackson, Wheeler and 5 inf SPs in Lebanon, AoT (7) in Louisville
303 9/2/2024 4:44:00 PM Summer 1863 Confederate Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 2


Message from Confederate:
AoT(5) stays in Louisville
AoC back to Frankfort (10)

USA (1)
CSA (1-3)
302 9/2/2024 4:42:00 PM Summer 1863 Confederate Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 2


Message from Confederate:
medium battle
USA dr, +5 drm
CSA dr, +8 drm
301 9/2/2024 4:42:00 PM Summer 1863 Confederate Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 1


Message from Confederate:
AoT attempts interception
300 9/1/2024 7:16:00 PM Summer 1863 Union Message Sorry for late. We have been doing relocation for all the weekend, so a bit exaushted now

3 PC Somerset
4 Lexington, leave Meade and 2SP
5 Frankfort, leave 1, n12
6 Louisville

AoT can intercept
299 8/31/2024 6:19:00 AM Summer 1863 Confederate Message no, you may continue
298 8/30/2024 5:17:00 PM Summer 1863 Union Play Strategy card as Operations #19: 1 / Belmont
Either player may move up to two infantry SPs from the same space as if led by a General. This move is a Corps move and may enter enemy controlled spaces because the SPs are moving as if they are led by a general.

Message from Union:
Activate AoC with 15 SP

1-2 Somerset

Do you intercept?
297 8/30/2024 3:04:00 PM Summer 1863 Confederate Play Strategy card as Operations #67: 2 / J.B. Eads, Riverine Ironclads
The Union Amphibious Assault modifier is increased by two.

Message from Confederate:
Longstreet with 2 (Dover 2)
by train,
1-4 Corinth, pick 2,
5. Tuscumbia, pick 2,
6-10. Bowling Green (6)
296 8/28/2024 7:16:00 PM Summer 1863 Union Play Strategy card as Operations #4: 1 / Costly Mistake
Pick an enemy army with two or more subordinate generals (includes Cavalry Generals) and randomly determine a target general. On a die roll of 1-3 the chosen general is killed and removed from play. On a die roll of 4-6 the general is wounded and removed from play, but re-enters during the reinforcement phase of the next game turn.

Message from Union:
Activate AoC with 15

1-5 Lexington, KY and PC
6 Falmouth
295 8/27/2024 4:47:00 PM Summer 1863 Confederate Message You may go first
294 8/27/2024 4:44:00 PM Summer 1863 Confederate Draw Strategy cards 7 cards drawn.

293 8/27/2024 4:43:00 PM Summer 1863 Confederate Message so AoP now at 13
292 8/27/2024 4:40:00 PM Summer 1863 Union Draw Strategy cards 7 cards drawn.

291 8/27/2024 4:39:00 PM Summer 1863 Confederate Message Reynolds AoP
Hancock - AoC
Meade - AoC
Curtis - Pittsburgh
Halleck - AoC
Burnside - Willmington
Rosecrans - AoP

290 8/27/2024 4:37:00 PM Summer 1863 Confederate Die roll request Request: 999-sided die x 7


Message from Confederate:
Ewell to Richmond, Hill to Charleston


from high to low
2 to AoP
1 Pittsburg
1 Wilmington
3 AoC
289 8/27/2024 4:36:00 PM Summer 1863 Union Message Can you roll for my generals too and say if you start with CC or not?
288 8/27/2024 4:34:00 PM Summer 1863 Confederate Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 1


Message from Confederate:
to Richmond
1-3 Hill
4-6 Ewell
287 8/27/2024 4:33:00 PM Summer 1863 Confederate Message all pass

State Reinforcement
Richmond VA
Weldon NC
Marion SC
Savannah GA
Nashville TN (2)
Vicksburg MS
Tuscumbia AL (2)
Elizabeth AR

Stat moves
4 from Philadelphia, Gettysburg, Savannah, Frederick MD to AoNV (6)
2 from New Orleans to AoT(5)
1 from Columbus GA to Louisville KY (2)

Charleston SC and Richmond VA
286 8/27/2024 4:29:00 PM Summer 1863 Union Message One less in Salem and then in AoP because I railed all them here
285 8/27/2024 4:16:00 PM Summer 1863 Confederate Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from Confederate:
BR rolls
Columbus GA
New Orleans LA
284 8/27/2024 4:15:00 PM Summer 1863 Confederate Message You must remove 1 reinforcement SP for Philadelphia
283 8/26/2024 6:07:00 PM Summer 1863 Union Message Reinf

+1 MC in AoP, n4
4 in Wilmington, DE
3 Bloomington, n15
3 Cincinnati
4 Salem


4 Salem to AoP, n8
2 Cincinnati to AoP, n10
2 Urbana to AoP, n12
1 Greencastle to Bloomington, n16
1 Indianapolis to AoP, n13
1 Harpers Ferry to AoP, n14


Pleasonton to AoP

2 to AoP
1 Pittsburg
1 Wilmington
3 AoC
282 8/26/2024 3:02:00 PM Summer 1863 Confederate Message on to your reinforcement

note: only 4 in the East and -1 for Philadelphia
281 8/26/2024 3:01:00 PM Spring 1863 Confederate End Turn
280 8/26/2024 3:00:00 PM Spring 1863 Confederate Message PC phase
USA PCs in Greencastle IN, Nacogdoches TX, Marshall TX
Marshall burns
USW 64- +1 +2 = 67+
CSW 86- -1 = 85-

CSA PCs in Frederick MD, Gettysburg, York, Philadelphia.

Texas goes Union, raid in PA

USW 67+ -5 -3 = 59-
CSW 85- -7 +5 +2 = 85+

AoP 4-1 = 3
Pittsburgh 3-1 = 2
AoC 14-2 = 12
AoT 4-1 = 3
Dover TN 5-1 = 4
279 8/26/2024 2:47:00 PM Spring 1863 Confederate Play Strategy card as Operations #62: 2 / Financial Crisis
Union SW is reduced by two.

Message from Confederate:
Smith with 2
1-3. Manassas, pick 2 and Pemberton (4; AoNV 2)
4-5. Gettysburg, drop 1
6. York
7. attack Philadelphia
auto 1/1
drop 1 in Philadelphia
8. York (1)
278 8/26/2024 2:36:00 PM Spring 1863 Confederate Message 1/3
Rosecrans to track, AoNV now 4
277 8/26/2024 2:35:00 PM Spring 1863 Confederate Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 2


Message from Confederate:
AoP has now 4, not 5

USA dr, +1drm
USA LLC dr, on a 1
276 8/25/2024 6:24:00 PM Spring 1863 Union Message Leave Hooker in DC who was brought together with Rosy
275 8/25/2024 6:23:00 PM Spring 1863 Union Play Strategy card as Operations #122: 3 / Crisis in the West
If two or more Confederate armies are in Virginia, the Confederate player places (Confederate choice) one army (placed, not moved) in a Confederate controlled Resource space (destroyed or not), Riverine port, or Blockade Runner port (open or closed) in Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, or Texas. Remove from deck if event is played.

Message from Union:
AoP now n3 in DC

Activate Rosencrans with 6

1-3 Harrisburg, leave 1(2),n5
4 Philadelphia, leave 1,n4
5-6 Baltimore, leave 2,n2
7 DC, leave 1(5)
8 Manassas

Medium Battle

USA +1
CSA auto 10*
274 8/25/2024 10:04:00 AM Spring 1863 Confederate Message AoNV drops 1 SP in Frederick,
6. AoNV (5) to Manassas
273 8/25/2024 9:44:00 AM Spring 1863 Union Message CSA wins 2/1

AoNV, n6
AoP, n2 retreats in DC
272 8/25/2024 9:42:00 AM Spring 1863 Union Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 2


Message from Union:
Manassas is auto 3/1


CSA +5
271 8/25/2024 9:41:00 AM Spring 1863 Union Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 1


Message from Union:
Mc intercepts in Manassas at 2-
270 8/25/2024 9:35:00 AM Spring 1863 Confederate Play Strategy card as Operations #57: 2 / Admiral Foote
Union may make a naval move with up to three SPs plus one general. If an amphibious assault occurs, you receive an additional +2 DRM. Add +2DRM to any Running the Guns die roll.

Message from Confederate:
Holidays are always good! In Crete especially so!

AoNV with 8 (Smith and 2 SPs stay in Richmond)
1-2. Wilderness
3. attack Manassas
if able,
4. place PC
5. attack Frederick
max drms for me
269 8/25/2024 4:01:00 AM Spring 1863 Union Play Strategy card as Operations #46: 1 / Pro Union Secessionist in Tennessee
Union receives two PC markers in any Pro-Union space in Tennessee free of Confederate SPs and forts.

Message from Union:
Hope you enjoyed holidays. Today is my last day unfortunately

Activate AoC

1-2 Vincennes and PC
3 Salem, pick 2, n15
4-5 Greencastle, leave 1, n14
6 Bloomington
268 8/23/2024 7:08:00 AM Spring 1863 Confederate Play Strategy card as Operations #44: 2 / Western Virginia
Place three Union PC markers in any West Virginia space free of Confederate SPs. If the space contains a Confederate PC marker, it is flipped. Remove from deck if event is played.

Message from Confederate:
I'm back

Smith with 1 by rail
1. Wilmington, pick 2
2-4. Weldon, pick 1
5-6. Norfolk, pick 1
7-9. Richmond (10)
267 8/10/2024 5:49:00 PM Spring 1863 Union Message Right right

Activate AoC

1-5 Vernon, pick 1, n13
6 Bloomington and PC

Enjoy the holiday!
266 8/10/2024 4:15:00 PM Spring 1863 Confederate Message I will leave now for vacations, no PC, for about 14 days
265 8/10/2024 4:14:00 PM Spring 1863 Confederate Message AoC was in Parkersburg so you cannot do that
264 8/9/2024 6:22:00 PM Spring 1863 Union Play Strategy card as Operations #79: 1 / Indian Allies
Confederate immediately receives one SP in any friendly space in Arkansas (no LOC required) that is free of Union SPs.

Message from Union:
Activate AoC with 11, leave 1

1 Uniontown, leave 1, n10
2 Pittsburgh, pick 4(5), n14
3-6 Vernon, n15
263 8/9/2024 4:24:00 PM Spring 1863 Confederate Play Strategy card as Event #21: 3 / Confederate Overseas Agent
Confederate immediately receives three SPs in any open Blockade Runner Port, no more than one SP per port, but more than one SP per Blockade Zone is permitted. If insufficient ports are available, the excess SPs are lost.

Message from Confederate:
SPs in Wilmington NC (2), Norfolk VA, New Orleans LA
262 8/8/2024 6:41:00 PM Spring 1863 Union Play Strategy card as Event #114: 3 / Frederick Douglas
Union immediately receives five SPs for raising freemen Negro troops. The SPs can be placed in any single Union controlled space with a LOC in NJ, DE, PA or the space that contains the Union capital that does not contain Confederate SPs or forts. Remove from deck if event is played.

Message from Union:
5SP in Pittsburgh
261 8/8/2024 6:40:00 PM Spring 1863 Union Message CSA wins 3/2

AoM destroyed

USA SW -10=64-
260 8/8/2024 6:38:00 PM Spring 1863 Union Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 2


Message from Union:

CSA auto 10*
USA 3+
USA GC at 1-
259 8/8/2024 4:59:00 AM Spring 1863 Confederate Message 3. PC in Bowling Green
4. attack Clarksville, again +9 drm

5-6. AoT to Lebanon

you may resolve
258 8/7/2024 4:46:00 PM Spring 1863 Union Message McDowell dies, you can go on
257 8/7/2024 4:45:00 PM Spring 1863 Union Die roll request Request: 3-sided die x 1


Message from Union:
CSA wins 3/2

AoM retreats in Clarksville losing one more, now, n2

GC, alpha order
256 8/7/2024 4:35:00 PM Spring 1863 Union Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 2


Message from Union:
USA +3
GC for USA at 1
255 8/7/2024 4:27:00 PM Spring 1863 Union Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 1


Message from Union:
Curtis intercept at 1-
254 8/7/2024 4:13:00 PM Spring 1863 Confederate Play Strategy card as Operations #53: 1 / CSS Arkansas
Confederate may place one Ironclad in a controlled port or coastal fort space.

Message from Confederate:
1. place PC in Lebanon
2. attack Bowling Green
medium battle, +9 drm for me
253 8/6/2024 6:53:00 PM Spring 1863 Union Play Strategy card as Operations #48: 3 / Brazil Recognizes the Confederacy
Confederate gains +3 SW. Remove from deck if event is played.

Message from Union:
Activate Pope

1 Camden, pick 1, n2
2 Little Rock, pick 1, n3
3 Clarksville, pick 1, n4
4-6 Shreveport, leave n3
4-7 Marshall

autosmall 1/1, but USA can advance since there is no generals

leave 1, n1
8 Nacodoches
252 8/6/2024 10:17:00 AM Spring 1863 Confederate Play Strategy card as Operations #113: 2 / Washington Defenses
The Union player may place 3 forts in friendly controlled spaces, unoccupied by Confederate SPs, on or within two spaces of the Union Capital (any location) OR 2 forts in any friendly controlled spaces unoccupied by Confederate SPs. Remove from deck if event is played.

Message from Confederate:
AoVN (2)
1-2. Strasbourg, pick 1
3-6. Richmond (5)
251 8/6/2024 10:13:00 AM Spring 1863 Confederate Message so Forrest dies...

The 2 Forrest SPs where the 2 army losses.

250 8/6/2024 10:10:00 AM Spring 1863 Confederate Die roll request Request: 5-sided die x 1


Message from Confederate:
1 Forrest
2 Stuart
3 Bragg
4 Van Dorn
5 the general under Van Dorn (can't see his name)
249 8/6/2024 10:08:00 AM Spring 1863 Confederate Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 2


Message from Confederate:
AoC(12) stays in Parkersburg
AoNV(2) in Grafton. 1 of the losses is 1 Forrest SP.

USA (1)
CSA (1-3)
248 8/6/2024 10:03:00 AM Spring 1863 Confederate Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 2


Message from Confederate:
medium battle in Grafton
USA dr, +7drm
CSA dr, +7 drm
247 8/6/2024 10:01:00 AM Spring 1863 Confederate Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 1


Message from Confederate:
now, AoNV attempts interception (1-4)
246 8/6/2024 10:00:00 AM Spring 1863 Confederate Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 1


Message from Confederate:
first a LLC for AoM (on a 1)
245 8/5/2024 5:39:00 PM Spring 1863 Union Play Strategy card as Operations #54: 1 / CSS Virginia
Confederate may place one Ironclad in a controlled port or coastal fort space.

Message from Union:
Activate AoC

1-4 Grafton

Forrest can autoevade or AoNV can intercept at 1-4
244 8/5/2024 5:36:00 PM Spring 1863 Union Message CSA wins 3/1

AoM,n4 retreats to Bowling Green
243 8/5/2024 5:33:00 PM Spring 1863 Union Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 1


Message from Union:
CSA auto 10*
USA +5
242 8/5/2024 5:29:00 PM Spring 1863 Union Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 1


Message from Union:
AoM intercept in Lebanon at 3-
241 8/5/2024 2:05:00 PM Spring 1863 Confederate Play Strategy card as Operations #43: 1 / Kansas Admitted to Union
Union immediately gains one SP in any friendly or neutral space in Missouri free of Confederate SPs. Remove from deck if event is played.

Message from Confederate:
1. Lexington, pick Price and 1
2. Frankfort, pick Jackson and Wheeler SP (10)
3. Louisville, drop 1 and Beauregard
4-5. Lebanon, place PC (AoT 9)
6. attack Bowling Green

max +9 drm for me
240 8/5/2024 5:53:00 AM Spring 1863 Union Play Strategy card as Operations #16: 2 / Grierson's Raid
Union may place two Union PC markers in any spaces within four spaces (includes river connections) of a single Union cavalry brigade. The four space range cannot be traced through Northeast Alabama and may not contain a Confederate SP or Fort, but may contain an Ironclad or Torpedoes.

Message from Union:
Create AoC, n15 under Grant
239 8/5/2024 5:52:00 AM Spring 1863 Confederate Message no, you may go first
238 8/5/2024 5:51:00 AM Spring 1863 Union Message Map, all good. Do you CC?
237 8/4/2024 5:11:00 PM Spring 1863 Union Message Yes please, better check
236 8/4/2024 5:10:00 PM Spring 1863 Union Draw Strategy cards 7 cards drawn.

235 8/4/2024 2:12:00 PM Spring 1863 Confederate Draw Strategy cards 7 cards drawn.

234 8/4/2024 2:11:00 PM Spring 1863 Confederate Message just to be sure: AoP has no Cav, Stoneman is in Cincinnati, Pleasanton in AoM


Do you want me to send you a file?
233 8/4/2024 2:08:00 PM Spring 1863 Confederate Message Strat moves

7 SPs to AoT (8) from:
Baldwin, Columbus, New Orleans, Springfield, Madison AR, Charleston, Tuscumbia (now 1)

Smith to Marion
Armstrong to AoT
232 8/4/2024 1:57:00 PM Spring 1863 Confederate Message all pass

State Reinf

Strasburg VA
Weldon NC
Marion SC
Nashville TN
Baldwin FL
Corinth MS(2)
Tuscumbia Al (2)
Madison AR
Springfield LA
231 8/4/2024 1:55:00 PM Spring 1863 Confederate Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from Confederate:
New Orleans
230 8/4/2024 1:36:00 PM Spring 1863 Union Message Stoneman as casualty in previous attirtion

+1 AoP, n4
8 DC
6 Cincinnati, n7
2 Cairo
2 Salem


2 DC to Pittsburgh, n4
1 Indianapolis to Cincinnati
1 Vernon to Cincinnati
6 DC to Cincinnati, n15

Grant, Buell and Stoneman in Cincinnati
229 8/4/2024 11:00:00 AM Fall 1862 Confederate End Turn
228 8/4/2024 10:59:00 AM Fall 1862 Confederate Message EoT
USA PCs in Rolla MO, Fayetteville AR, Clarksville AR, Little Rock AR, Camden AR. Little Rock burns.

CSA PCs in Somerset & Lexington KY. Frankfort KY PC is removed.

Raid in Indiana

USW 84- -5 raid +1 LR +2CoF = 82+
CSW 88- -1 LR +5 raid +2CoF = 94+

Fall turn so:
USW 82+ -5 -3 = 74-
CSW 94+ -5-3 = 86-

AoP 4-1 = 3
Pittsburgh 3-1 = 2
AoM 11-2-2 = 7
Dover TN 6-1 = 5
227 8/4/2024 10:40:00 AM Fall 1862 Confederate Play Strategy card as Operations #30: 3 / Glory Hallelujah
Union immediately receives three SPs for raising Negro troops. The SPs can be placed in any Union controlled space (even one without a LOC) that doesn’t contain a Confederate SP or fort.

Message from Confederate:
just that...

1. Louisville,
2. attack Frankfort
small battle, auto 1/1
3. Louisville, pick 1 SP and Jackson; AoT 4,
4. Frankfort, drop Wheeler SP and Jackson,
5. AoT (3) attacks Lexington, auto 1/1, drop 1 SP and Price in Lexington,
6. AoT (1) attacks Somerset

auto 1*/1, so AoT retains the 1 SP and enters Somerset

After this, I have: Louisville: fort, Frankfort: Wheeler and Jackson, Lexington: Price and 1 SP, Somerset: AoT(1)

226 8/4/2024 9:23:00 AM Fall 1862 Union Play Strategy card as Operations #69: 3 / Gideon Welles, The Naval Program
The Union player may either increase the Blockade Level by one or increase the Amphibious Assault modifier by two.

Message from Union:
Activate Hooker alone

1 Cincinnati, pick 1
2-3 Lexington, pick 1, n2
4 Frankfurt, pick 1, n3
5-10 Pittsburgh

Waiting for you campaing...
225 8/4/2024 9:05:00 AM Fall 1862 Union Message USA wins 2/2

AoNV, n2 in Uniontown
224 8/4/2024 9:04:00 AM Fall 1862 Union Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 2


Message from Union:
CSA +4
USA +3
223 8/4/2024 9:03:00 AM Fall 1862 Confederate Play Strategy card as Operations #63: 2 / Beaufort/Port Royal Captured
The Union Blockade Level is increased by one.

Message from Confederate:
1-2 Staunton, pick all (6)
3-4 Grafton, drop Forrest (2; AoNV 4)
5 Uniontown
6 attack Pittsburgh
medium battle, +4 drm
222 8/3/2024 5:49:00 PM Fall 1862 Union Play Strategy card as Event #14: 3 / Red River Campaign
May not be discarded by the Union. Union must use this card as an OC. If at the conclusion of movement, a Union SP is not on or adjacent to Grand Ecore, LA, then the Union loses 5 SW points. If a Union SP is in one of the objective spaces then a Union PC marker can immediately be placed to convert the space or spaces. Remove from deck if Union plays card.

Message from Union:
Activate Pope with 6 SP

1-2 Rolla, leave 1, n5
3-4 Fayetville, leave 1, n4
5 Clarksville, leave 1, n3
6 Little Rock, leave 1, n2
7 Camden, leave 1, n1
8 Sheverport, PC thanks to event
221 8/3/2024 12:36:00 PM Fall 1862 Confederate Play Strategy card as Operations #94: 2 / Strategy Board
Union player may make a naval move with up to three SPs plus one general.

Message from Confederate:
Van Dorn with 1 (Richmond Forrest 2 SPs), by train,

1-3 Weldon, pick 1
4-6 Richmond, drop 1, pick Forrest (2; Richmond 2)
7-10 Staunton (4)
220 8/3/2024 12:20:00 PM Fall 1862 Confederate Message Buell to track
219 8/3/2024 12:20:00 PM Fall 1862 Confederate Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 1


Message from Confederate:
LLCdr for Buell
AoNV (2) in Grafton
218 8/3/2024 12:19:00 PM Fall 1862 Confederate Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 1


Message from Confederate:
small battle
USA dr, +1 drm
CSA auto 10
217 8/3/2024 12:18:00 PM Fall 1862 Confederate Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 1


Message from Confederate:
AoNV attempts interception into Grafton

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