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Entry # Time Turn Player Title Entry
283 9/6/2024 4:29:00 PM Summer 1863 Confederate Message all officers report back to duty

AoT (11) drops 1 in BG and continues movment
5 drop 2 in Nashville (AoT now 8)
6 end in Clarksville (8)
282 9/6/2024 4:25:00 PM Summer 1863 Confederate Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 2


Message from Confederate:
CSA 1-3
281 9/6/2024 4:24:00 PM Summer 1863 Confederate Message CSA DRM +6, USA DRM +0

=> 10*/2 in medium battle
=> 3*:1 losses

Pope loses 3 and retreats to Lebanon (3)
AoT -1 (11)
280 9/6/2024 3:39:00 PM Summer 1863 Union Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 2


Message from Union:
not in front of my map. I let you implement the result.

279 9/6/2024 1:46:00 AM Summer 1863 Confederate Play Strategy card as Operations #126: 1 / Valley Devastation
If Union infantry SPs occupy all three Shenandoah Valley spaces the Union player places a destroyed Resource marker in all Shenandoah Valley spaces. These destroyed Resource markers cannot be removed and prevent the Confederate player from using the Shenandoah valley as a supply source for the remainder of the game. Remove from deck if event is played.

Message from Confederate:
Activate Jackson and the AoT (9)
1 pick up 1 in Dover (AoT 10)
2-3 pick up 2 in Nashville (12)
4 attack BG for a 12:6 medium battle
AoT uses max DRM and will continue if victorious
please react/resolve
278 9/5/2024 4:55:00 PM Summer 1863 Union Play Strategy card as Operations #55: 1 / CSS Tennessee
Confederate may place one Ironclad in a controlled port or coastal fort space.

Message from Union:
Build a fort in Pittsburg
277 9/5/2024 4:46:00 PM Summer 1863 Union Message >> Somerset and BG to AoT 15
So Pope and 5 left in BG, right?
--> Sorry it was Somerset and Lebanon
BG 6sp
276 9/5/2024 11:41:00 AM Summer 1863 Confederate Message you may start
275 9/5/2024 11:41:00 AM Summer 1863 Confederate Draw Strategy cards 7 cards drawn.

274 9/5/2024 11:41:00 AM Summer 1863 Confederate Message A.P. Hill to AoW
Ewell to Marion
273 9/5/2024 11:40:00 AM Summer 1863 Confederate Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 1


Message from Confederate:
eben: A.P. Hill to Marion, Ewell to AoW
odd: reverse
272 9/5/2024 11:39:00 AM Summer 1863 Confederate Message Columbus GA, Charleston, Madison, NO, Dalton, Atlanta and Ft. Monroe to AoW 12
271 9/5/2024 11:34:00 AM Summer 1863 Confederate Message all good!
Wilmington 2
Columbus GA
270 9/5/2024 11:32:00 AM Summer 1863 Confederate Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from Confederate:
BR north to west
269 9/5/2024 11:32:00 AM Summer 1863 Confederate Message CSA reinforcements
Manassas (AoNV 6)
Weldon 2
Marion 2
Nashville 2
Corinth 2
Tusc 2
268 9/5/2024 11:27:00 AM Summer 1863 Confederate Message >> Somerset and BG to AoT 15
So Pope and 5 left in BG, right?
267 9/4/2024 4:47:00 PM Summer 1863 Union Draw Strategy cards 7 cards drawn.

266 9/4/2024 4:46:00 PM Summer 1863 Union Message 461 Fremont AoC
236 Hancock AoT
565 Meade AoP
52 reynolds Cairo

265 9/4/2024 4:45:00 PM Summer 1863 Union Die roll request Request: 999-sided die x 4


Message from Union:
4 generals by alpha order, lowest to highest to : Cairo, AoT, AoC, AoP
264 9/4/2024 4:43:00 PM Summer 1863 Union Message Union reinforcements
DC 8 9
Bloo 6
Cairo 4

Greenville to AoT 13
4 from Bloo 2 to BG 6
Parkersburg to AoC 4
6 from DC 3 to AoC 10
Somerset and BG to AoT 15
263 9/4/2024 4:36:00 PM Spring 1863 Union End Turn Deck was reshuffled.

262 9/4/2024 4:35:00 PM Spring 1863 Union Message SW KY MO
USA 93+ +20 113+
CSA 88- -20 68-
261 9/4/2024 4:33:00 PM Spring 1863 Union Message End turn

Political phase
Union Somerset, BG, Jefferson City, Greenville
Csa Paducah

KY and MO switch to Union

Fredrick -2 8
AoNV -1 5
AoP -2 7
AoW -1 5
Lynchburg -1 5
AoTu -2 12
AoC -1 3
AoTc -2 9
260 9/4/2024 4:28:00 PM Spring 1863 Union Play Strategy card as Event #86: 3 / Minor Campaign
Conduct up to two moves or conduct one special army-size naval move. No SP, general, or army marker may be moved twice with the same campaign card. You must move a different force each move.

Message from Union:
1st activation
Buell and 2sp
1-3 Saint Louis +1 3 +Halleck
4 Jeff. City -1 2 -Halleck
5 Rolla +1 3
6 Ironton +1 4
7 Greenville autowin I lose 1 to 3, drop off 1
8 Ironton with 2

2nd activation
Pope and 5sp (AoC 4)
1-6 Somerset -1 4
7 Lebanon autowin , I lose 1 to 3, drop off 1 here
8 BG (2)
259 9/3/2024 1:29:00 AM Spring 1863 Confederate Set Deck Reshuffle Deck will be reshuffled before next deal
258 9/3/2024 1:29:00 AM Spring 1863 Confederate Play Strategy card as Operations #82: 3 / Foreign Intervention - Reshuffle/Remove
Either player can play this card as an EC when Confederate SW is 110+. If this is the last card in a players hand or the second to last and the player holds the Emancipation Proclamation, if the condition is met, it must be played as an EC, if not it can be played as an OC. EFFECTS: 1. Union Blockade reduced by one (cannot become greater than 4 for the remainder of the game). 2. Union -2 SP Reinforcements for the remainder of the game (Union choice). 3. Union SW reduced by 10. Remove from deck if event is played. If card is played as an OC or discarded re-shuffle deck at end of the Strategy Phase.

Message from Confederate:
Beau and 6 to Lynchburg (AoW 6)
257 9/2/2024 3:17:00 AM Spring 1863 Union Message 6 PC to Grafton
256 9/2/2024 1:59:00 AM Spring 1863 Confederate Message Successs!
AoW in Franklin picks up Old Pete and his 6 SP (AoW now 12)

you have 1 mp left
255 9/2/2024 1:57:00 AM Spring 1863 Confederate Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 1


Message from Confederate:

Lee tries to fall back to Longstreet's position
254 9/2/2024 1:56:00 AM Spring 1863 Confederate Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 1


Message from Confederate:
Lee calls for Longstreet's support
253 9/1/2024 5:08:00 AM Spring 1863 Union Play Strategy card as Operations #118: 3 / Mexican Supply Line
Confederate player receives 2 SP in any friendly controlled Texas space (both SPs placed in the same space). The space does not need a LOC. The space may not contain Union SPs or forts. If no eligible space exists the SPs are lost.

Message from Union:
AoTu leave 1sp here to 13
1-2 Weston +1 14
2-3 Parkersburg
5 Grafton
you can resolve
252 8/30/2024 4:18:00 PM Spring 1863 Confederate Play Strategy card as Operations #42: 2 / Kentucky Anarchy
Remove up to three enemy PC markers in Kentucky. You must also remove one of your own PC markers from the state if you have any there. Removal of a PC marker makes a space neutral. Remove from deck if event is played.

Message from Confederate:
AoT drops 1 in Nashville and moves with 10
1-3 overrun Paducah
4 pick up Morgan in Columbus
5-6 return to Paducah and convert (11)
251 8/30/2024 4:03:00 PM Spring 1863 Union Play Strategy card as Event #69: 3 / Gideon Welles, The Naval Program
The Union player may either increase the Blockade Level by one or increase the Amphibious Assault modifier by two.

Message from Union:
UBL +1 to 2
250 8/30/2024 1:27:00 AM Spring 1863 Confederate Play Strategy card as Operations #14: 3 / Red River Campaign
May not be discarded by the Union. Union must use this card as an OC. If at the conclusion of movement, a Union SP is not on or adjacent to Grand Ecore, LA, then the Union loses 5 SW points. If a Union SP is in one of the objective spaces then a Union PC marker can immediately be placed to convert the space or spaces. Remove from deck if Union plays card.

Message from Confederate:
Pemb and 2 starts in Petersburg
1-2 pick up 1 in Hanover
3-5 pick up 3 and Longstreet in Strasburg
6 drop Longstreet and 6 in Franklin
7 Pemb alone returns to Strasburg (1)
249 8/29/2024 4:20:00 PM Spring 1863 Union Play Strategy card as Operations #5: 1 / Dysentery
The person playing the card may remove one enemy SP from any space that contains more than one SP.

Message from Union:
AoT 14sp
1-6 Parkersburg WV (via Bloo)
You can react and resolve
248 8/29/2024 1:21:00 AM Spring 1863 Confederate Play Strategy card as Operations #129: 2 / USS Cairo Hits Mine and Sinks
Reduce Union Amphibious Assault modifier by 1. Remove from deck if event is played.

Message from Confederate:
1 pick up Price and 1 in Clinton (AoT 10)
2-6 pick up 1 in Nashville (11)
247 8/29/2024 1:18:00 AM Spring 1863 Confederate Play Strategy card as Event #7: 1 / Mud March
Interrupt enemy force currently moving to no more than one space of movement. (Converting a space counts as movement.) Applies to only one move during a Major or Minor campaign card, but not a special army-naval move.

Message from Confederate:
AotT stops after converting Louisville
246 8/28/2024 4:47:00 PM Spring 1863 Union Message AoT with 14sp
1 PC
2-4 BG +PC overrun
5 Clarksville
6 Dover
you can resolve
245 8/28/2024 4:46:00 PM Spring 1863 Union Play Strategy card as Operations #43: 1 / Kansas Admitted to Union
Union immediately gains one SP in any friendly or neutral space in Missouri free of Confederate SPs. Remove from deck if event is played.

Message from Union:
AoT with 14sp
1 PC
2-4 BG overrun
5 Clarksville
6 Dover
you can resolve
244 8/28/2024 4:18:00 PM Spring 1863 Confederate Play Strategy card as Operations #59: 2 / Farragut
Union may make a naval more with up to three SPs plus one general. Move may pass one ungarrisoned fort without “running the guns” to conduct an amphibious assault (may not pass an ironclad). Ignore first torpedo encountered during naval move. If the port space is captured it immediately receives a Union PC marker. Add +2 to Running the Guns die roll.

Message from Confederate:
create AoT in Knoxville, General Jackson commanding

CSA SW -2 = 88-
243 8/28/2024 4:17:00 PM Spring 1863 Confederate Message he bites the dust
242 8/28/2024 4:17:00 PM Spring 1863 Confederate Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 1


Message from Confederate:
casualty roll for Polk
241 8/28/2024 4:16:00 PM Spring 1863 Confederate Message CSA force eliminated
AoT -1 in Louisville (14)

USA SW +1+2 = 93+
CSA SW -1 = 90-
240 8/28/2024 4:15:00 PM Spring 1863 Confederate Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 1


Message from Confederate:
USA auto-10*
CSA +2
239 8/28/2024 9:48:00 AM Spring 1863 Union Play Strategy card as Operations #56: 1 / CSS Hunley
Place the CSS Hunley marker in any friendly port. Provides a +1 DRM to Confederate during next amphibious assault. Remove Hunley once modifier has been used. No more than one Hunley can be in play at a given time.

Message from Union:
AoT with 15sp
1-2 Falmouth +PC
3-4 Lexington +PC
5-6 Louisville
you can react and resolve, max drm for me, and you are OOS.
238 8/28/2024 1:22:00 AM Spring 1863 Confederate Play Strategy card as Operations #97: 1 / Davis Tours the South
Increase Confederate SW by 3.

Message from Confederate:
Jackson with Forrest and 3 (AoW 6)
1-6 drop all in Knoxville
7 Jackson alone to Clinton, pick up 5 (Prie and 1 remain)
8 end in Clinton (9 incl. Forrest)
237 8/27/2024 6:55:00 AM Spring 1863 Union Message AoT 15sp
236 8/27/2024 6:55:00 AM Spring 1863 Union Play Strategy card as Operations #106: 3 / British Clydeside Shipyards
Confederate immediately receives three SPs in any open Blockade Runner Port, no more than one SP per port, but more than one SP per Blockade zone is permitted. If insufficient ports are available, the excess SPs are lost.

Message from Union:
Form AoT in Cinci
Grant takes commands
235 8/27/2024 1:46:00 AM Spring 1863 Confederate Message no campaign
234 8/27/2024 1:45:00 AM Spring 1863 Confederate Draw Strategy cards 7 cards drawn.

233 8/27/2024 1:44:00 AM Spring 1863 Confederate Message Plea to Cinny
Stone to AoP
232 8/27/2024 1:44:00 AM Spring 1863 Confederate Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 1


Message from Confederate:
even: Plea to Cinny, Stone to AoP
odd: reverse
231 8/27/2024 1:17:00 AM Spring 1863 Confederate Message SM
Lexington KY to AoW (10)
2 NO to Clinton (3)
Springfield to Clinton (4)
Columbus GA to Clinton (5)
Morehead City to Clinton (6)

Price to Clinton
230 8/27/2024 1:14:00 AM Spring 1863 Confederate Message modification: 1 reinforcement to Clinton TN instead of Madison AR
229 8/27/2024 1:09:00 AM Spring 1863 Confederate Message Wilmington
NO (2)

CSA SW -2-3 = 91-
228 8/27/2024 1:08:00 AM Spring 1863 Confederate Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 4


Message from Confederate:
BR north to west
227 8/27/2024 1:07:00 AM Spring 1863 Confederate Message reinforcements
Manassas (AoNV 6)
New Madrid
Bowling Green
Springfield LA
Madison AR
226 8/26/2024 6:33:00 AM Spring 1863 Union Draw Strategy cards 7 cards drawn.

225 8/26/2024 6:33:00 AM Spring 1863 Union Message Grant and Rosecrans to Cinci
1 cav to Cinci, 1 to AoP
224 8/26/2024 6:31:00 AM Spring 1863 Union Message All Cav. bde are destroyed during attrition.

Union Reinforcements
DC 8 10
Cinci 6
Cairo 4

Strategic movements
1 from Baltimore 1 to Frederick 6
4 from Cairo to Cinci 10
1 from Harrisburg 1 to Pittsburg 9
5 from DC 5 to Cinci 15
4 from DC 1 to Frederick 10
223 8/26/2024 1:24:00 AM Fall 1862 Confederate End Turn
222 8/26/2024 1:24:00 AM Fall 1862 Confederate Message US war guilt
USA SW -5 = 90-
221 8/26/2024 1:23:00 AM Fall 1862 Confederate Message PC
USA flags to St. Louis, Rolla, Ironton, Weston
CSA flags to Grafton, Ft. Monroe

AoW -2 n9
Strasburg -1 n4
AoNV -1 n5
AotC -2 n8
AotP -2 n9
Frederick -1 n5
DC -1 n2
Bloom -1 n2
220 8/26/2024 1:19:00 AM Fall 1862 Confederate Message 1:1 losses
USA force eliminated
CSA -1 n2
drop 1 in Greenville
7-8 end in Humboldt (1)
219 8/26/2024 1:16:00 AM Fall 1862 Confederate Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 1


Message from Confederate:
USA roll for small battle
218 8/26/2024 1:16:00 AM Fall 1862 Confederate Play Strategy card as Operations #130: 3 / Union Siege Guns
Union plays card at beginning of a battle (or Amphibious Assault) that has a Confederate fort present and cancels Confederate fort die roll modifier in the battle. Remove from deck if event is played. Draw a strategy card.

Message from Confederate:
Smith and 1 leaving 1 in Dover
1 pick up 2 in Clarksville
2-5 New Madrid
6 attack Greenville
I will roll only for USA
217 8/26/2024 1:11:00 AM Fall 1862 Confederate Message CSA SW +3+2 = 96+
USA SW -5 = 95-
216 8/25/2024 12:50:00 PM Fall 1862 Union Message I use 1 more mp to put an union flag to Uniontown
215 8/25/2024 12:08:00 PM Fall 1862 Union Play Strategy card as Operations #103: 3 / Seven Days/Chattanooga
Either player may move 2 SPs using Strategic Movement from the same space using rail connections only (10 space maximum) to the same space with a General who is then activated and must attempt to enter a space with at least one or more enemy SPs or fort. OR play this card as an automatic 2 space interception. Intervening space must be friendly controlled and free of enemy SPs. The intervening space may be the one just exited by the moving enemy force. No Generals or SPs may be picked up or dropped off during the intercept.

Message from Union:
AoC with 7sp
1-2 Uniontown +1 8
3 Pittsburg 10sp
end of move
214 8/25/2024 12:07:00 PM Fall 1862 Union Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 2


Message from Union:
AoC with 7sp retreats to Wheeling
AoW with 11sp in Grafton

C 1-3
U 1
213 8/25/2024 12:05:00 PM Fall 1862 Union Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 2


Message from Union:
Large battle of Grafton
U +2
C +9
212 8/25/2024 12:04:00 PM Fall 1862 Union Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 1


Message from Union:
interception to Franklin with 1-3
211 8/25/2024 9:48:00 AM Fall 1862 Confederate Play Strategy card as Event #100: 3 / Shiloh
Confederate Player may move 5 SPs using Strategic Movement (rail connections only) to the same space with a Confederate General who is then activated and must attempt to enter a space with at least one or more Union SPs or fort. If a general casualty occurs in a battle caused by this card, the Commanding General is eligible, this is an exception to the rules. See 4.5.

Message from Confederate:
rail to AoW:
1 Norfolk
2 Weldon
1 Tusc
1 Corinth
AoW now 15 +1 SP
drop 4 (AoW 11, Strasburg 5)
now moving
1-2 pick up Wheeler in Wilderness
3 pick up Longstreet and 3 in Culpeper (AoW now 15)
4 drop Longstreet in Strasburg
5 Franklin
6 attack Graton
please react/resolve
210 8/25/2024 9:33:00 AM Fall 1862 Confederate Message too much PC-flipping this turn ...
209 8/25/2024 8:58:00 AM Fall 1862 Union Play Strategy card as Event #11: 2 / Nathaniel Lyon
Union places or flips three PC markers in Missouri. The spaces may not contain Confederate SPs or forts.

Message from Union:
Union PC to Saint Joseph, KC and Lexington MO
208 8/25/2024 8:50:00 AM Fall 1862 Confederate Play Strategy card as Operations #9: 3 / Clara Barton
Union immediately adds three SPs due to improved sanitary conditions. Place in any space (friendly controlled or not) that already contains a Union SP and has a LOC, no more than one per space.

Message from Confederate:
Fort to Manassas
207 8/25/2024 8:43:00 AM Fall 1862 Union Play Strategy card as Event #29: 2 / Crittenden Compromise
Union places (or flips in border states) two PC markers in any spaces free of Confederate SPs or forts which are not Resource spaces, Blockade Runner Ports, or Coastal forts. Void after Emancipation Proclamation. Remove from deck if event is played.

Message from Union:
PC to Lebanon and Frankfort KY
206 8/25/2024 6:38:00 AM Fall 1862 Confederate Message 2 vD drops 1 in Williamsburg and attacks Fr. Monroe with 4
auto-result 1:1 and Rosey to track
vD can continue
3 drop 1 in Ft. Monroe and pick up 1 in Williamsburg (vD now with 3 and Old Pete)
4-5 pick up 1 in Wilderness (Wheeler stays, vD now 4)
6 drop Longstreet and 3 in Culpeper (vD now 1)
7 join AoNV in Manassas (AoNV now 6)

205 8/25/2024 6:08:00 AM Fall 1862 Union Message no
204 8/25/2024 2:01:00 AM Fall 1862 Confederate Play Strategy card as Operations #107: 1 / Guerilla Raids Delay Supply
Play as interrupt to cancel the activation of any Union general with a strategy rating of 2 or 3.

Message from Confederate:
vD takes Longstreet and 5 from Richmond (Pemb and 1 remain)
1 Williamsburg
wanna intercept with Rosey?
203 8/24/2024 4:01:00 AM Fall 1862 Union Message no effect
202 8/24/2024 4:00:00 AM Fall 1862 Union Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 1


Message from Union:
On a die roll of 1-3 the cavalry general is killed, on a die roll of 4-6 there is no effect
201 8/24/2024 4:00:00 AM Fall 1862 Union Play Strategy card as Event #6: 1 / Ambush
Target any enemy cavalry general not located with an army and make a casualty die roll. On a die roll of 1-3 the cavalry general is killed, on a die roll of 4-6 there is no effect.

Message from Union:
to Morgan
200 8/22/2024 12:46:00 AM Fall 1862 Confederate Play Strategy card as Operations #16: 2 / Grierson's Raid
Union may place two Union PC markers in any spaces within four spaces (includes river connections) of a single Union cavalry brigade. The four space range cannot be traced through Northeast Alabama and may not contain a Confederate SP or Fort, but may contain an Ironclad or Torpedoes.

Message from Confederate:
vD and 2 starts in Charleston
1-3 pick up 2 in Marion
4 pick up 2 in Wilmington (vD now 6)
5-8 HIckfort Jct
rail bonus
9 drop 2 in Petersburg
10 end with 4 in Richmond (6)
199 8/21/2024 4:47:00 PM Fall 1862 Union Message Drop off 1sp here
3 Greenville with 4sp autowin, I lose 1 to 3
drop off 1 here
4-5 Rolla -1
6 StLouis (1)
end of move
198 8/21/2024 4:41:00 PM Fall 1862 Confederate Message 6/2 = 2:1 losses
CSA force eliminated
Price to TT
Halleck with 5 in Ironton may continue
197 8/21/2024 4:39:00 PM Fall 1862 Confederate Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 2


Message from Confederate:
medium battle of Ironton
USA +3 (ratio, Halleck)
CSA +1
196 8/21/2024 4:38:00 PM Fall 1862 Confederate Die roll request Request: 6-sided die x 1


Message from Confederate:
Price tries to retreat before battle
195 8/21/2024 4:37:00 PM Fall 1862 Confederate Message >> Norfolk is blocked by Fort Monroe. please change.

I take Morehead City instead
194 8/21/2024 2:46:00 AM Fall 1862 Union Play Strategy card as Operations #48: 3 / Brazil Recognizes the Confederacy
Confederate gains +3 SW. Remove from deck if event is played.

Message from Union:
Halleck and 2sp (1)
1 Cairo +4 6
2 Ironton
you can react and resolve.
193 8/21/2024 2:44:00 AM Fall 1862 Union Message Norfolk is blocked by Fort Monroe. please change.
192 8/20/2024 12:40:00 AM Fall 1862 Confederate Play Strategy card as Event #26: 3 / Cotton is King
If played by Union, reduce Confederate SW by 2; if played by Confederate, Confederate immediately receives two SPs in any Blockade Runner port, no more than one SP per port, but more than 1SP per Blockade zone is permitted. If insufficient ports are available, the excess SPs are lost. Remove from deck if event is played.

Message from Confederate:
SP to Norfolk (2) and Charleston (2)
191 8/19/2024 8:41:00 AM Fall 1862 Union Play Strategy card as Operations #67: 2 / J.B. Eads, Riverine Ironclads
The Union Amphibious Assault modifier is increased by two.

Message from Union:
AoC with 9sp
1 Pittsburg +5 14 (2) +Banks
2 Uniontown -1 13
3-4 Grafton +PC
5 Weston -1 12
6 Grafton (12)
190 8/19/2024 1:11:00 AM Fall 1862 Confederate Play Strategy card as Operations #125: 1 / Confederate Locomotive shortage
The Union player may randomly remove one strategy card from the Confederate hand, which is discarded. Remove from deck if event is played.

Message from Confederate:
AoW picks up 1 in Graton and moves to Strasburg (11)
189 8/18/2024 8:55:00 AM Fall 1862 Union Play Strategy card as Operations #92: 2 / Baltimore Revolts
Confederate may place a friendly PC marker in Baltimore, MD, if the space is vacant.

Message from Union:
Form AoC in Coshocton with 9sp
Hooker takes commands

Some guys are not happy.

USA 105+ -2 -3 100-
CSA 91-
188 8/18/2024 2:24:00 AM Fall 1862 Confederate Message you may start
187 8/18/2024 2:23:00 AM Fall 1862 Confederate Draw Strategy cards 7 cards drawn.

186 8/18/2024 2:23:00 AM Fall 1862 Confederate Message Jackson back to AoW
185 8/18/2024 2:22:00 AM Fall 1862 Confederate Message 2 Lantin to AoW 5
1 Springfield to AoW 6
1 Rolla to AoW 7
1 Columbus GA to AoW 8
1 Dalton to AoW 9
1 Norfolk (n1) to AoW 10
184 8/18/2024 2:18:00 AM Fall 1862 Confederate Message CSA SW -4-3 = 91-

Columbus GA

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